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Greetings every, I have something a little different today!

I'm knee deep into writing the randomized NPC dialogue system that I've been describing over the last few weeks, and in the interest of actually finishing the system before Summer starts, I've decided to reach out for assistance.

What I'm looking for, specifically, is someone to work in parallel with me to help write the hundreds of different comment variations that the NPCs might give the player based on memories and comparisons. To give an example, the outfits comment database alone worked out to 460 line items, and we have more than a few categories left to get through!

I'm not going to lie, it's monotonous, tedious, un-sexy work, which is why I'm not expecting it to be done for free. Please read below for the general outline of the work:

Contract Content Writer for The Company


  • Scope of Work - Until the commentary database is complete. Likely a few weeks
  • Rate of Pay - $0.35 per line item USD to start, to be evaluated for increase on initial review
  • Bonuses - 20% exit bonus upon successful completion of project
  • All transactions will be handled via PayPal


  • Internet connection
  • Access to Google Sheets preferable, other spreadsheet editors acceptable as long as they can import and export CSV files
  • Ability to interpret and modify spreadsheets and datasets
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must be able to receive payments via PayPal


  • You will be tasked with writing several single-line pieces of dialogue in different inflections, tenses, and contexts, as well as assigning them relevant data markers. Training will be provided if needed in terms of how the data is written and utilized
  • You will have creative freedom in terms of actual writing, so long as it fits within the confines and tones established by The Company. All submissions are subject to final review by me
  • English language fluency, at least written
  • Ability to communicate clearly over email or text in a timely fashion
  • Ability to define and meet reasonable deadlines
  • Ability to follow basic directions
  • Ability to handle writing about all or most of the content within The Company


  • If not already, you may have your name will be added to the game's credits
  • You will have priority consideration for any future writing contracts for seeing this project through

For those interested in the position, please use the link below to submit a brief application. I'll be going through applications next week. Please leave any questions or comments down below. Thank you all!


Please Note: I will not be responding to any applications until around the back half of next week, so don't get nervous if you don't get a reply right away. Once an offer has been accepted, all applicants will be notified.



As we discussed I'm already working on something similar. This sounds like a perfect opportunity. Trying to do more freelance work and quit my day job. Will apply in a moment n_n


Wonderful! Very good to get some extra help, I would volunteer as the writing experience would be much appreciated, however, both my free time and current level of skill would rule me out :( Best of luck finding the best writer for the job at hand!


Ever thought of translating the game? ;)


I have! Often resulting in me sitting up in my bed in a cold sweat in the middle of the night...


I would, but I'm just a horny teenager trying to successfully beat my meat at night. Because, lets face it, an "18 years or older" sign isn't going to stop a 12 year old, so why should it stop a 17 year old.