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The Company - 5.2.37

  • Saves from earlier pre-alphas are not compatible with this version
  • Add Dominance adjustments and new formatting template to ALL applicable scenes
  • Penny can no longer fuck you beyond your stamina limits in her IE
  • Ava can no longer fuck you beyond your stamina limits in her IE
  • Added proper ending for fingering Ava to completion in her IE
  • Added proper endings for fingering or masturbating with Dakota in her IE
  • You can now back out of Ava and Dakota's IE's so long as their Orgasm Meter hasn't been triggered
  • Fixed pregnancy direction if fucked by Ava in her IE
  • Increased Diana's base Dominance from 70 to 76
  • All dose events now reduce target's Dominance by 3
  • Added floors and ceilings to Dominance for all characters (0 and 100)

This should be it for this update cycle! Please report any bugs or issues here. Thank you!



Every thing work much better this time. it's juste strange to have an event in dakota's room (last action of the day) and then another one in player room