Pre-Alpha - 5.1.35 (Patreon)
2018-01-15 20:38:12
Play Online
The Company - 5.1.35
- Added a large, new random event involving mom and Dakota. Requires mom's lust to be 42+ and for you to have unlocked sex with Dakota. Extra fun party time if player is either sissy or in chastity and mom has a penis!
- This event can branch off into a scene between you and Dakota. That scene is a placeholder for what will be Dakota's interactive event
- Images should be working for all events now
- Added new gender identity for "Trans". At some point I'll work this into an option for starting the game. Gotta stay sex and gender positive in my game about mind control and rape!
- Added bathroom to home. Here you can adjust your gender identity, pronoun set and makeup. Makeup is reflected but has no effect
- Pronouns no longer adjusted dynamically based on gender identity
Now to work on Jester and William's random event submissions!