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Good morning everyone!

I just wanted to drop in to give a brief update on the impending release of the 5.1 update. All the media for the update has been gathered and packaged, totally ~90 images in all. A couple last second bugs are being squashed, and we are more than ready to release this weekend! In fact, to make the release a little more manageable, I'll be releasing it a couple hours earlier than announced, at 12:00am EST 11/26, 9:00pm PST 11/25.

I know the wait's been long, so thanks again for bearing with me. Have a good Thanksgiving everyone!



Wait so tonight or this friday/saturday?


Sorry, that could have been more clear. The date hasn't changed. It'll post this coming weekend.


Damn I got super excited with how this was originally worded. Saturday come soon!


Haha, I'm sorry guys. These final few days in the oven have proven worthwhile though!


2 to 3 days hype