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Hey everyone!

I've had to make some adjustments to my rewards for patrons of $25+ pledges, and I'm pretty excited about this addition! Starting now I'm going to offer all pledges of $25 and up the opportunity to receive tutoring help from me should you so wish!

  • Diz'z Drawing Help:Receive private help from me in regards to your work, such as constructive critique, anatomy help and draw-overs.You will receive a special email address to forward your art to, and I will reply with whatever wisdom I can offer!

Some have expressed interest in this sort of thing for sometime and I'm really looking forward to assisting however I can! Whether you need a second opinion or you aren't sure about those arm muscles, I will do my best to aid you!

I'm also prepping my first in a long time Instructional stream! I'm thinking about hosting it tomorrow or the day after so be their with pencils sharpened to learn about the magic of the male torso!

Any questions, as always feel free to message!

<3 Diz



Very nice attention, I changed my pledge Will this stream be in the downloads rewards ? I'm not sure I can follow the live...


Yep it will be available!


Hello.I have a question.Please tell me how I can get previous rewards.