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Hello everybody! I hope the new year is treating everyone wonderfully so far and that you have already begun to stride closer to your dreams! Today I am posting about my new reward overhaul, and that my new Patreon integrated Discord will be going live later today. For many months now I have used the popular community app known as Discord for interacting with some of you as well as commissioners, and I've wondered about the idea of having a "Diz"cord for a while and I have decided to give it a go! 

I'd also like to make mention of my goals for 2018. The first being that I want to produce more finished pieces, and go back and finish working on many that I began, but for whatever reason stepped away from. The past year was an extremely trying and rough time for me, but it was also a year where I underwent a lot of personal and artistic growth. I'm ready to leave that baggage behind and really start creating the art I have always wanted to and it is all possible thanks to you guys! When I say "thank you" I really am expressing the deep gratitude I have that you all appreciate my work and allow me to get up everyday in my pajamas and draw!

The second goal is that I want to finally and truly dive into comic-work. I feel I am at a level now where my process has taught me how to create comic narratives with quality artwork and it is something I cannot wait to begin producing because I have so many ideas!

 I have also begun preparing my online store, aiming to officially accept orders very soon. I just need to get the body of work I would like to make available prepared for printing, including creating some SFW versions of some of my favourite pieces. Whether or not NSFW prints will be made available as well, I'm not sure yet as it depends on if I can find a reliable print service to handle those. Regardless, Patrons of a pledge $10 and higher will receive monthly promo-codes for 10% off any and all orders from my store when it goes live. 

Some of you may have noticed as well that I have a new Patron Tier; "Stream Queens". I have been approached with this idea a few times now, and I have always been on board, but timing never seemed opportune, however, beginning now anyone that pledges $100 or more will get 2 hours of stream time with me each month. Be it Multi-Streaming with me on Picarto, a private one-on-one, art assistance and tutoring or just having fun in a collaborative canvas program like "Drawpile". Whatever it is, we will figure it out! Additionally, If other Stream Queens are up for it we can even all draw together.

Discord privileges and roles have been assigned to all Patron tiers, and I have updated them all to reflect just what this means for each pledge amount. I am excited to see how this integration plays out, but it will be new for myself so bear with me as I fine-tune and adjust things. I am sure many unforeseen occurrences will happen, however we are all adults and all I ask is that we conduct ourselves in a mature and respectful manner. I understand that this extended experience may not interest everyone, and if you do not wish to participate in the Discord server that is completely fine.

Please message me or leave a comment if you have any questions or concerns! Again, you guys have my sincerest thanks!

<3 Diz

Below is a cumulative list of the rewards Patrons receive by supporting me, with higher tier rewards listed later.  The tiers have now been named as well as edited to show these additions. These names will serve as roles within the discord and each have a different colour. The tier names are; Patron ($1), $5 Footlong ($5), Dime Piece ($10), Twenny Karat ($20), DIZciple ($25) and Stream Queen ($100).

  • ($1+)Access to uncensored finished artworks, sketches and WIPs first. *Finished Images will be shared here before anywhere else! *WIPS will also be shared on Discord in the “wip-feed” channel throughout the day as I work. 
  • Access to Live-Streams: Watch as I stream my art process on Picarto.tv! (Held Thursdays at 12pm and 6pm Eastern) Access the Stream announcement and discussion channels on Discord.
  • Polls: Vote on periodic polls, made from the suggestions of fellow patrons and my own ideas to let me know what you want to see most!
  • ($5+)Higher Resolution Artwork: Access hi-res files of artworks, including line-arts of certain images. 
  • Video Recordings: Receive video recordings of all streams that I produce. *Including access to the ‘Stream Recordings Feed’ on Discord to know when a new Stream recording is available to watch on my Dropbox.
  • Suggestions: Gain access to the “Suggestions for Diz” Discord channel, and let me know what and who you would be interested in seeing from me next. I will pool ideas that interest me from your comments to create polls for Patrons of all tiers to vote on.
  • Share your own work: Access the “Art Showcase” channel on Discord and share your own creations with other patrons. *You will also gain the ability on Discord to post images and gifs.
  • ($10+)Image Variations: Access to hairy/hairless, clean/messy and other versions of works. (If available)
  • Print Shop Diz’count: You will be granted a 10% off discount on all prints you may purchase from me in the future on my Store Envy page.
  • ($20+)Access to Private streams: A smaller more intimate setting to watch me draw! *Access to the $20+ Stream announcement and discussion channels on Discord.  (Held Mondays at 12pm and 6pm Eastern) 
  • ($25+) Diz'z Drawing Help: Receive private help from me in regards to your work, such as constructive critique, anatomy help and draw-overs. You will receive a special email address to forward your art to. *You will also be given access to a Discord channel to share your work with other “DIZciples” looking for a more open critique.
  • ($100+) Private Art Streams! As a proper Stream Queen you will be given access to a 2-hour monthly one-on-one stream with me, where we can decide to do whatever, be it aimless doodles, art tutoring or drawing together on the same canvas in a program known as "Drawpile", we will hangout and have fun! *Gain access to every channel in my Discord, including the “Stream-Queens” channel used for organizing stream dates and times, and interacting with others that may be interested in having group sessions aside from regularly scheduled one-on-ones.




Great stuff! How will we be ab;e to access your discord?


I just made a post with a link to instruction on Patreon, you just need to link your discord to your Patreon account.


This looks like something fun and like a big movement! I love the goals you’ve set to aim for and how accomplished you’re feeling and what you want to achieve. It’s inspiring and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s to come :D


Thank you Blacklyn! I am really excited and I can't wait to run full speed!

Kupo Klein

I wish you the best of lucks with these changes, Diz!