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Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I just wanted to say thank you for another month of your support and love on Patreon!

I also want to say I'm trying my best to get out of this slump I'm in. I know I haven't been delivering on what people want to see from me and I understand frustrations, I'm just finding inspiration very difficult and I become very critical of myself and my work during these times as I spiral towards perpetual discontent. 

If you're reading this, know that I'm trying my hardest to get things going, and that I truly cherish all that you guys do for me. <3

Much love,




That's normal to have ups and downs as an artist. I believe in you


You take care of you! That's most important. We'll be here 💖

Joan Carrión

Don't worry!! First is you 😙 Just take care and cheer up!! Thanks for your art! ❤


Diz! We love you! You take care of you first! The rest will follow. &lt;3


I wish you the best Chris. You're a great artist with phenomenal skills. Don't let doubt stop you. Relax, it's just erotic art.:-) Nothing more. Take a little break, have fun with friends and family. Take care of yourself, go to a spa, go to the gym. Read, have a walk in the forest, in the woods, at the beach. You'll come back full of ideas and positivity. :-) Have trust in your talent. You really have a lot. :-) Alex

Deece Nouts

I believe in you diz and we will support you no matter what!!!!


Have you talked to other artists or read up on how others have dealt with periods or phases like this? There isn't a one size fits all solution, but seeing how others have dealt with difficult periods with their talent may give you some tools and exercises to try. If you like reading nonfiction, I would suggest reading "Mindset" by Carol Dweck she writes about the growth and fixed mindsets when it comes to people and is a useful lens for me to use.


Creativity and inspiration are like the tide. It happens with the high and low it is a part of life. The best that I could say is to take a step back and just have fun with it. Easier said then done, I know, but it could help to just go into something where that personal bar isn't a factor. Like dancing when no one else is watching and just do it for the giggles. *Important medical note: results may vary and seek medical help if side effects occur*

Jeah (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 14:56:17 &lt;3
2017-07-03 12:46:20 <3



Inspiration it's a b*tch to find sometimes, don't sweat it ;)