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Helloooo! You read right, I am back! Apologies for not updating with a post during our trip, we just got so busy and writing an update felt tiring at the time. Also PostyBirb was suppose to be active and posting for you guys but my computer was off so nothing posted! :D SO SORRY about the lack of content. Even more back log sksks

We are back though! The trip couldn’t have gone smoother tbh. As far as I can tell, we didn’t lose anything, and no issues with our flight or bus trip. A few hiccups here and there but nothing that ruined our experience.

There were a TON of first times for me! I cant even list all of them. I’ve only been to the states surrounding Missouri, never took a plane anywhere or really saw much outside of my town. Flying in a plane is AWESOME. I actually kind of got emotional taking flight ahh.
I saw the ocean for the FIRST time! I know the ocean is salty, but actually tasting it for the first time was a CRAZY feeling for some reason xD. I was so shocked! I am use to fresh water and lakes only! When you look in the distance and all there is to see is ocean, even that is an incredible sight. Seeing it in person is something else.

I met some new family on Miza’s side that made me feel very welcome, despite looking like a walking highlighter. I have very long red/blonde hair with pale skin and blue eyes. So yeah, I stuck out haha. I ate all kinds of new food and SO ashamed that it is hard to get that now back in the US. Definitely added new recipes to my dinners! I learned a bit of Spanish and I was surprised that I could follow along in a conversation as well as I did! Couldn’t speak it very well but understood more than I thought. Miza of course was my translator and being without him for any second, I prayed no one would speak to me haha. I plan to be much better by next year!

We both took a ton of pictures and videos and I HOPE to actually make a small video stitching them together for you to see! That’s if I still have the motivation to do so.

We really missed our cats and turtle at home, however there definitely is an empty feeling after coming home. I have to get use to just existing as I did before leaving. This trip has taught me however, I really need to manage my time better and go out to have mini adventures around here until we go back <3 I had no idea how much I needed this break. I think it really helped both of us.

Thank you everyone who checked in, wished us well and have stuck around until we’ve gotten back <3

I’m still adjusting, but I will be ready to get back to work very soon! Id like to share my plans on that:
Since this month is already 1/3 over, I think I will be messaging people from PAST forms if they are interested in a drawing this month.

New year, new prices.
The plan is, starting February, I will have a new price sheet. I’ve kept at these rates for almost 2 years and since demand is still high (thanks to you and all your support ;v; <3) I think its time to raise them a tad to keep up.

None of this will affect patreon <3

That being said though I plan to add more commission options! Stickers have been something many of you have asked for and until I can get some of my own examples made up, ill see if I can add them as an option!

Thank you



WELCOME BACK!!!! 💜 I can’t wait to see what this year holds for you and your overall work ^^ I’m very excited for the sticker options, and the price changes are completely understandable