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...As you all have probably noticed. There were some life things that came up the start of this month, basically 2 weeks had gone to waste and I had a whole month's work left to do! Lots of other life interruptions as well but I am working hard to get all commissions and Patreon stuff done in the next 3 days hopefully. That is a high bar but I will try!

For those of you who do not know, I will be gone for 3 weeks to a trip to Mexico to meet Miza's family and to spend the holidays over there. Around the 20th of December. Never traveled very far ever so this is exciting! I have decided NOT to pause Patreon since I do have a lot of backlog to post that may be enough to keep you guys interested over the month! However I am unsure what to do about the monthly artwork this time around. I am still working on the Zubeia x Avizandum piece and it will be done soon, though I don't think I have time to do anything super complex before my trip. Either a sketch of something or another raffle kind of thing. Let me know if you have any ideas!

More wips coming your way! Thank you everyone who has been so patient with me, it means the world in busy times <3



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