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Alright, I've really wanted to get back into doing pairings of characters instead of just one all the time! However I am still just not making enough through patreon to afford the time for full illustrations of 2 characters. 

1. So, I was wondering, what if I have options with 2 characters, however instead of doing it all in the same month, I dedicate 2 months to that drawing instead of one. I hate to have to ask this since this means there would not be a poll for one month and you guys are kinda stuck waiting, but getting wips of it of course. I never want to make you guys feel you are paying for more than you are receiving either so I get if this is not the route to go!

2. Or another option: A pairing drawing gets chosen, I sketch and perhaps line, just get done what I can on it, then have another poll the next month as usual, but put that sketch I worked on as an option. You guys can decide if you would want me to finish it, or just choose a different option for that month! 

3. Or we keep doing singles/whatever I can get done in one month!

Thank you for your feedback!


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