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Hello I hope everyone is well! I want to apologize for the lack of posts this month, I have been working on things but this month has been kinda crazy with some personal things I needed to attend to. We are at the end of this month ALREADY and frankly I have not started on the monthly artwork yet. The winner was Sisu btw! 

And with all the stress going on from the last 3 weeks, last night Mac (Sandy Orange) started throwing up and he is not feeling good at all. So off to the vet on Friday. I hope it was just something he ate but admittedly I am worried and this is the first time either of them have been sick since we first got them. 

Still working on art! Just wanted to keep ya'll in the loop. Just very busy with other things atm but I wont be changing anything that is to come, just posting may be slow! That said, Im doing a mini spam so you can see what I've been up to! 

Enjoy and thanks for understanding! 
