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Well goodness the past 10 days have been insane, so I've been so behind on work. Our hot water heater broke for 9 days straight. Had a new one put it, still didnt work. Had 3 different people look at it and when we finally got to the bottom of the issue, the same day we went to go pick up our new family members! During this time though we were scrambling to get the rest of our things ready for the cats.

Miza and I have been wanting cats ever since moving in together. We've really prepared ourselves and set up our whole apartment to make them the most comfortable during their transition. So far they are surprisingly fitting in so well! It has barely been 24 hours since they've been home and we already have all the rooms open for them to roam in. Something we would expect to do about 3 or 4 days in.

No names yet, but the light orange one is male and the grey with cream is his sister! They have added so much life to our place already <3




I use an automated feeder for my cats and it really cuts down on the maintenance for them! I highly recommend one! But if they're grazers and can manage their own weight correctly, then no need! Automated stuff is the way to go though. Will prevent those nasty pounce-attacks in the morning for food!


Oops, wait, I see an automated feeder in the background. Derp. XD


my sister and her boyfriend have 5 cats, that grey one looks just like one of them