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Here's the girl ~  All wrapped up pretty! Would be a shame if someone were to take them off.

First time doing lingerie~ I'm usually not a fan of ferals wearing things more human like cuz, well HOW did she get on?! Lets be real though, who cares, she's hot. xD

Super loved doing this though <3 wasn't sure what to do with the background but hey I think that's the least of our concerns!




She is looking great ! I have a question though, do you mind telling me why you have decided to draw this buldge in between legs? (I don't know the name) I know that dinos have this thing but as far as I know ,nightfury didn't have it and neither did lightfury :) Is this your design choice or is there some anatomical explanation to it? I am not a big fan of it but I am sure curious!


Of course! It’s called the pubic bone and you’re right, Dinos usually have them! It is definitely my own design choice as night furies don’t have a lot in common with Danie at all haha. Danie also has digitigrade legs, so the back legs bend much like a dog rather than a lizard like night furies. She also clearly has paw pads and toes/smaller claws whereas a night fury’s claw is basically their whole toe. All of these are not a reflection of my style, but how Danie actually looks. And not to mention her being feathered XD Danie is weird! I made the pubic bone design change a few years ago and when getting into nsfw I just kept it. It’s something I’m personally found of in Dinos so I began adding it to her. No worries though, I do have other fury ocs that do not have the pubic bone! There are times when I hate it tho lol. Makes it hard to draw her in certain positions and get it to look right! Admittedly I accidentally made it too prominent in this drawing I think so next time I’ll try to make the shading less harsh. This is a really good question I get a lot actually but I love discussing it! Thank you ❤️


Now that you say all that, I begin to see the differences indeed :) She is quite a mix allright! Maybe thats why she likes to fool around with all the dragons ;) Well the bone is not my thing, but Danie is always hot and I enjoy her adventures and any art with her ^^ Also nice job on the lingerie ,especially on legs ! Don't want to be a bore but I hope she wins next pool too! Got this idea of her taking on Nergigante ,would I have more time, I would draw it myself ^^'


Haha yeah she’s a bit wild lol. There are times when I am insecure about her design. Not just physically but ESPECIALLY color wise since she stands out so much and sort of looks like an eye sore against the classic dark grey/black colors of a night fury. I made her when I was like 14 and when a character kinda makes its mark, hard to change much about them without it feeling like a whole new oc. So she’s gonna be those colors since anything else just doesn’t look like *Danie* anymore XD So I’m super happy you like her and Totally fine if the pubic bone isn’t your thing! All our likes make us different and unique in our tastes and I like hearing what ppl think either way! Haha no worries I want Danie with so many monster hunter creatures like holy shit it’s gonna take a bit to get to them all 😂