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Hope this post finds everyone well! Just wanted to pop in and check on everyone! I am still considered new to Patreon and with new and 'old' supporters, I would love to know how your experience is thus far! 

What do you want to see more of? Less of? How are the benefits to your respective tiers? Anything you think I should add or take off? Admittedly I feel like there is very little spicy stuff for Star tear! I don't know if I should move a benefit down from Galaxy, but that might just be me. I wan't to make these tiers worth it, especially with the $10 jump from Planet tier.

Also, suggestions for what you want to see in future polls? I wanna be transparent as possible and give you guys what you deserve! I cannot thank you enough for supporting me ^^



I'd say it's been pretty good so far! I've gotten content for the most part (Miza's visit is obviously excused!) so I'm content with my subscription and eventual upgrade once the economy allows it. Allowing suggestions for the polls could be a cool feature that I think is worth looking into. Keep up the great work as always lass!


I definitely like seeing spicy material and you supply plenty of it, so all is well for me!