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Made a journal on FA but I thought I would post here too. I have been crazy busy lately in the last couple weeks with Miza. We have gone so many places like trail riding on horseback, amusement parks and the zoo! That's only a few of the many things that have been going on! Due to this, I haven't had as much time to work, so I will most likely not open comms on the first of November. I may take that month off to finish my current queue and perhaps make some adopts or my first YCH! Who knows! 

Polls and such will still be posted, just a few days later than usual. Everyone that had a sketch requests WILL get done soon and the Monthly Artwork will be posted! I have it nearly done but I want to let you guys know. You will get your moneys worth out of your tiers, just a tad late. I want to try to focus on Miza for the last few days we have left. If I end up making adopts or YCH, you guys will certainly have the first dibs!

Thanks so much for understanding. I will do my best to have everything for patreon done on time. Please let me know if you have any questions! 



No worries, and thank you for the update