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And that's the last page of CMT. Here are my thoughts:

Not my favorite story I've written, but having some duds is bound to happen when you're making comic pages so quickly.

A couple of lessons I learned from finishing this one: Less colors and patterns for the characters lol. The second lesson is that I could probably push the length of these short comics. KAE & CMT were both inspired by little challenges I wanted to give myself to create comics that were 10 pages or less. I think 15 might be a more satisfactory sweet spot. For the next short comic I'd like to extend the number of pages of this squirrel & cardinal comic: https://www.patreon.com/posts/thumbnails-for-66662613?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link For now the plans to start on the KAE sequel will continue.

This week I don't have another page to work on. I'd like to work on some character art for the KAE sequel, and get the cover done as well if there is time. I'm in an interesting position where I won't be employed once this week is over. I'd really like to get art, back covers, character sheets, and get the Discord up & running before finding a new day job.

Let me know your thoughts if you have anything to share!




Nice ending! I'd like to see longer works; this one seemed a little rushed, as did KAE. Maybe try not setting a page limit; just lay the story out as you see it and let it fill as much space as it needs.


I agree. I’d still like to write more shorter tales, and also wanted practice churning and fishing stories that don’t end due to the dreaded hiatus.


Well i really enjoyed it. I thought it was a pretty cute story.