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Weekend is going to be pretty busy because I have to go to a funeral tomorrow, and have dinner with relatives on Sunday. But here are some sketches of the main character for the KAE sequel as an adult. I went with the name Kenda because I noticed that it might be helpful to have names not commonly used in E621, though I'm still on the fence about it. For the sketches I mainly studied feet & claws since I feel that's a weaker area I have.

Other news: I actually have thumbnails for the chapter 1 of a different story just completed! I've noticed that with KAE & CMT that the sex scenes felt a little short, so this chapter is 19 pages long, and 12 of those pages have fun sexy times if nothing changes from now. ;)

Now I just have to get the thumbnails for the KAE sequel started. If I had to guess, I'd say it'd be around 40-50 pages long? I hope to have longer sex scenes in that as well for everyone to enjoy, so it might be longer than my estimate.



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