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So.  Almost a year ago, I realized I was reaching the point of burning out.  The things I posted up until October were almost all ones that I had written in a sudden outburst of ... uhh... writing.

I took the November and December break, hoping that would fix it and restarting in January would get me back into things but, well, it seems like that's not the case.

I've been working on the Patreon for over 5 years now.  That seems impossible to me.  5 years with not very many breaks and 3-ish stories a month.  Oof.

I'll spare the whining and just ask for help.

I have the backlog of stories, including the prompt from this month and I plan to write them because y'all paid for them.  

My question is - what's the best way to make this work?  I think I can write a story this month and then one every month or every other month.  I'd like to just work on my backlog and then take a break from Patreon until I feel like I'm in a good smutty writing place again.

I need a solution that doesn't immediately make all my Patreon posts public and, ideally, something that doesn't charge for the backlog stories I need to write.  I want y'all to get what you paid for  and not have to pay extra, you know?  Until I finish the backlog.

Taking advice and thoughts.  I'd really like this to be a long break and not retirement from the scene.

Thank you and, sorry.  I really thought two months would be enough.



Take the time you need to find out what's important to you now. No one can tell you that you have to produce more when you aren't feeling it. Maybe switching up formats will help, even write some stuff that's just for you and no one else, a screenplay? You got stuff going on outside of writing right now, maybe it's fine focusing on that and turning this into a bit of a blog space to help you process what's going on? whereever you land I hope you know we only want what's best for you and while we enjoy your work, we want you to be happy more,


As a content creator myself, I understand burnout. There's no time limit to it that you can set willingly. Sure, you can force yourself to return to it and keep at the grind when you're not really ready, but only you know how much time you'll need. It can take months, even a year or more, and by then, your passions may change. Do what you enjoy and share what you like with the rest of the world. I agree this could make a good blogspot for dumping thoughts, but don't feel pressured to create on others' behalf.

Tag Zedawg

I've never paid much attention to how much or how often you write. I'm here because I love your work and it's given me a lot of, er...pleasure, and I wanted to show my support. I also want you to be writing because you enjoy it, not because you feel obligated. To me, recharging or having periods of time where you're not writing is still part of the process. I'm happy to continue my subscription for as long as it takes, unless at some point you say, Ok I'm done with writing and have no interest in a return.