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Happy Halloween!  I'm freaking exhausted.  This is probably terrible.  Here you go!

The winning prompt was:  A werewolf has his first transformation in a werewolf themed scare zone at a theme park’s Halloween event and he’s able to spread it pretty far before anyone notices what’s happening due to everyone thinking it’s just a really good practical effect. It’d be cool if the first thing that makes people realize that it isn’t fake is his rapidly changing cock bursting from his pants and shooting a bit of precum onto someone who goes on to transform themselves. I’d also love it if some of the people who are watching the transformation are too intoxicated by his musk to flee once others start panicking

Air whistled through John's clogged nose.  He scratched at his sore throat with one hand while lightly shaking the near empty bottle of allergy medicine he'd just taken.

It never worked.  As if surviving a bear attack wasn't bad enough, he'd been clogged up for almost an entire month. His hand slid from his throat down to his left side.  The scars were warm to the touch and sensitive, causing him to shiver in the chill evening air.

It had been an entire month since Luminiţa had found him at the edge of the forest beyond the fairgrounds, screaming as the beast had closed in to finish him off.  He'd lost consciousness when the old woman had pulled something from her coat, only to wake in her rustic wooden trailer the next morning.  She dozed next to him where she'd kept watch all night.

He barely knew the woman.  She was ancient and tiny but fiery.  He'd laid there, swathed in bandages while soaking in the heavy scents that permeated the small space.  He could remember closing his eyes to drag in the scents.  For that brief, wondrous moment, he had experienced an entirely new world.  Incense, spices, mothballs, food, and even the smells from beyond the little cabin - all of them filled his head.

It had been short lived.  Luminiţa woke and insisted on brewing him a bitter, foul smell tea that made him growl when he sipped it out of respect for the woman who had saved his life.  She'd sworn it was vital for his recovery and begged him to learn how to make it himself - to drink it every night to ward off the infection from the attack.

He'd spent the next hour, after leaving her trailer, letting his nose lead him around the fairgrounds until it had become clogged and his throat had partially seized up, leaving him in a tasteless, scentless world of constant congestion.  Luminiţa had appeared that evening in his van with a thermos full of tea and her tarot deck, ready to tell his future.

Change.  His future always ended with "change."  She made a habit of visiting every following evening after they closed down the rides.  And every time, she brought her cards.  Despite angrily shuffling the deck before dealing the cards, it was always change.  A skeleton in plate armor riding a pale horse while holding a black flag as people knelt around him - some dead, some dying, others praying.

At least, he reminded himself, he wasn't able to taste the tea after that very first cup.  He'd grown to enjoy their time together. She avoided telling him what happened the night she found him and, instead, asked about his life.  He'd laughed her off at first, waving her away, but she'd worn him down and listened sympathetically as he described running away from home and then fucking up every decision afterwards until he ended up as a handyman at a roving amusement park.

The old woman had never judged him or tried to give unwanted advice.  She seemed to simply enjoy his company even if the cards she'd laid out for him soured her mood.

He checked the cracked display on his old analog watch - the only thing he'd taken when he'd run away decades ago.  Luminiţa was running late.  She'd stopped by earlier in the day to tell him that she would visit before they switched to their late night Halloween event and she was always punctual.

Footsteps made him turn.  Billy, one of their newer employees and often a gopher, was walking towards him with dread evident on his face.  John found himself inhaling and leaning forward, as if he could smell the boy through his stopped up nose, as if taking in his scent would give him a hint of why he was there.  It was an instinctive move he'd developed since the attack without realizing what he was doing.  It made the others uncomfortable, as did the slightly feral look he'd seemed to gain over the past few weeks.

"John, uh, hey," Billy said.  He pulled at the sides of his pants and looked away.  "Dave wants to talk to you."

"Did he break something?" John nearly snarled in frustration.  The Halloween event was about to start and he'd spent the entire day fixing last minute issues.  Dave was the owner of the entire fiasco and an asshole as well.

"H- He just said to come get you," Billy told him.

"Alright kid, don't piss yourself," John said.  "I'll head that way, you go on with whatever else you need to do."

"Yessir," Billy gasped before running off.

A jolt pulsed through John.  The urge to chase the sudden movement echoed throughout this body.

Prey, a voice whispered without words.  Small and slow.

John shook his head before rubbing his eyes.  When they opened, he glanced at the moon with golden cracks fracturing his blue irises.  And, just for a moment, he swore he could smell death on the wind.


"Gonna need you to help in the haunted house tonight," Dave said as soon as John stepped into his harshly lit trailer.  The plain white walls were stained yellow and brown from years of cigarette smoke.  A few holes lined the walls, likely where the man had punched the plaster, and no surface looked clean.

Christ.  What a time for my allergies to start clearing up, he thought as the harsh chemical smells nearly made him stagger backwards.  Bile touched the back of his throat, causing him to rumble his throat to try to clear the foul scent.

"I don't know shit about the haunted house," John said.  He grunted and waved his hand around his ear to swipe at the mosquito buzzing around his head.  Dave watched him with a look that almost, but not quite, approached concern.

The buzzing grew louder before warbling and suddenly shrieking.  John growled, low and primal before slapping his ear.  Miraculously, the buzzing stopped and he shook his head slowly.  He rubbed one ear and then both as sounds suddenly intensified around him - the shrieking resolved into the sound of hundreds of small children yelling and screaming along with the metallic groaning of machinery.

Golden cracks widened in his eyes and new little hairs infiltrated his short beard, dark black fur beginning to creep over his cheeks.

"The fuck're you doing?"  Dave asked.

John recoiled with a grunt.  The other man's voice was too loud.  Worse, his breath streamed outward, foul and thick enough to bring the bile back.

"Was a mosquito," John mumbled.  He felt drugged.  Disoriented.  As if his mind was floating on the sensations flooding his body.  Goosebumps rose as the air shifted and he tilted his chin to inhale as slits formed at his nostrils.  Dave's stench made him wrinkle his nose once again.  "There- it- Look, I don't know shit about the haunted house."

"You helped set it up," Dave reminded him.

"Weeks ago," John growled.  His fingers opened at his sides, curved as if he would lunge at the man to tear him apart.  He closed his hands into fists before opening them again.  And then he closed them again.

His fingernails thickened, pushing against their nail beds and the surrounding skin as they attached to the bone within, locking them in place while the ragged edges slipped past the tips of his fingers, slowly forming sharpened points that grew more deadly as the minutes passed.

"Well, Digger broke his arm, so now you're it," Dave said.

He could hear it.  The subtle notes in Dave's voice despite his flat expression.  I'm done with this conversation, they said.

John's growl deepened in response.  The other man smelled of lingering death - rotting skin barely kept alive by a body on the edge of failing.  Every exhaled breath was tinged with the rancid scent of cancer and a faint, rasping, wet wheeze from Dave's lungs made John's ears twitch as they unfolded.  Vellus hairs multiplied around the edges until they were too dense to be simple hairs - the black fur spread over the elongating tops of his ears.

"Go... fucking stand there and scare some people or shit," Dave said dismissively.  "Give a kid some nightmares.  Make the parents happy.  Just go do your fucking job."

Another growl.  Harsher.  A single step forward.  The sounds of the people surrounding him made his hackles rise and spread, sharp little fur piercing the back of his neck before standing tall.  His clothes were tight against his body, straining as he moved.  Muscles tightened, tearing and reforming at an alarming rate until his biceps swelled, threatening to rip his sleeves.  His untucked, loose shirt raised, pulled by his widening frame until the buttons were taut.

John turned away before he lunged at the man.  The urge was slightly terrifying but also right.  At least it felt that way in the moment.  His tongue curved upward, rubbing against his lip before touching his nose.

"Oh.  Yeah.  That Lumin woman's dead," Dave said nonchalantly.

Sounds dropped away in John's ears until they were muffled noise.  He froze with his hand on the doorknob of the trailer's cheap plastic door.  It crumpled in his grip until his claws scraped against the thin callus forming on his palm.

"What?" John heard himself say.  Plastic and particle boards cracked beneath the doorknob's rosette.  The entire chassis came free.  He dropped the mechanism to the floor as he turned.  The sparse fur scattered over his neck spread down his back with a few hairs touching his shoulders.  "What did you say?"

"The- the old woman," Dave stuttered. His pupils dilated and sweat formed on his oily, liver-spotted skin.  There was a kind of madness in John's eyes - a ferocity he'd never seen in another human in the sixty-three years he'd been alive.  He struggled to breathe as John appeared to loom over him, as if the man's presence filled the entire trailer.  "Sh- sh- she d- died.  Two- two hours ago.  Heart.  Bad heart.  Ambulance."

Dave gasped through his short speech while gripping the edge of the desk.  His own sludge-like blood oozed through his veins.

"You're dying, you piece of shit," John snarled.  He took two steps to lean over the edge of the desk.  Pure, golden irises swelled as his pupils narrowed and the black limbal ring consumed the surrounding sclera.  John inhaled with powerful huffs that caused his black, pebbled nostrils to flex and wrinkles to appear on the lightly furred bridge of his nose.  "I can smell it on you.  And I hope she's there to spit on you when you show up.  A day.  A week.  No more than a month."

"You- you- you- youuuuu..." Dave gasped before bowing his head in an effort from the stress of maintaining eye contact with the other man.

"She deserved better than this shithole," John finished.  Eight holes dotted the edge of the desk where his claws had pierced the surface.  He snarled as he walked towards the swinging, broken door.  "And you couldn't even remember her goddamned name."


The moon balanced on the tips of the trees surrounding the clearing.  John's eyelids fluttered.  He drew in a slow, powerful breath as if he could inhale the moon itself - or devour it.  The small hairs covering his body raised.  He felt electrified as a strange energy began to circulate through him.

Heat followed and his cock stirred in his uncomfortably tight jeans.  Young women - out with their girlfriends or wives or boyfriends or husbands streamed past him with alluring scents.  He eyed a few, staring at their asses and then the gaps between their thighs.

The imagery came unbidden to his mind.  Mounting them.  Forcing them to the ground to thrust his cock deep inside while they howled with pleasure.  He stumbled, muttered his apology to a passing man, and walked away.

Fucking creep, he told himself.  The head of his cock lay bare past the waistband of his jeans. A faint redness touched the skin and the tip glistened in the moonlight, smeared with the pre-cum his lust brought forth. Fucking- fucking minding their own business.  They don't need you fantasizing about them, you fucking pervert.

His hand reached down to rub and push at his dick and he panted from the need for release.  Seams tore along his pant legs and two buttons popped on his shirt, pinging off into the crowd to show a chest lined with more than just simple hair.

John wiped the head of his cock with the rough black padding covering his palm.  The slits flexed at the corners of his nose when he brought his hand up to sniff at the clear liquid.  He growled and then cleaned himself with long strokes of his wide tongue.

The strain of his cock and thickening muscles forced his jeans to come undone.  The zipper was forced down halfway but his pants still clung to his powerful body as if sealed to him.  More seams tore to reveal skin dotted by black fur.

Screams made him look up to see the haunted house before him.  The faint echoes of Dave's words rebounded through his skull, urging him onward.  The claws tipping his toes tore through his shoes as he walked towards the attraction.  His long, pointed ears twisted to catch the conversations around him while drool slid down through the fur covering his chin.  A dull ache throbbed low on his back when the swollen bump of skin hiding his tail rubbed against the denim covering it.

"Look at his costume, holy crap!" a young voice whispered.  More of the same followed him.  He ignored all of them while focusing on his single goal - the haunted house.  It had become a command, nearly, as his humanity dwindled.

Children whined when they were turned away from the haunted house and some parents argued against the "18 And Over'' requirement before marching their kids off to the other side of the fairgrounds for the simpler attractions.

He slowed as he approached the employee entrance to the large building.  Bones creaked in his jaw, hinting at the formation of his muzzle.  He turned to the forest beyond the fairgrounds and, for a moment, he almost fled.  The urge to run from the noise and smells surrounding him was painfully intense but fate tipped its hand and he kicked the remains of his shoes away from his broad feet before slipping into the building.

Golden eyes shined in the near darkness, highlighting the area.  What bits he couldn't see were enhanced by his sense of smell - a river of data flowing into him to provide an enormous amount of information that supplemented his sight.

Physical smells - sweat and other body odor - barely masked the trace of chemicals that identified emotions.  Fear and excitement and lust and so much more swirling around him.  His own unique scent began to permeate the air surrounding him.

His tail, barely three inches long, curled against the back of his jeans until it suddenly pulled free.  A dark stripe showed on the surface of the tail as ducts opened and attached to glands forming beneath the skin.  Chemicals wafted on the air as the new appendage curled and moved.

A single scent, female and unmarked by a male, loitered in a side room as guests raced through the haunted house.  He growled and clawed at his face, scratching the fur creeping over his cheeks and down to his jaw.  Bare skin showed in fits and starts as his muzzle took shape with microscopic cracks forming in his jaw bone - only for new tissue to fill the gaps and new bones solidified.

The woman leaned back against the wall, dressed in black with eyeliner and hair color to match.  Her lips were stained a deep red that vanished in the darkness.  She pushed herself forward before letting herself fall back to the wall and her hair, long tresses held up in messy knots like a crow's nest, shook lightly.

He stroked himself from where he hid, watching his prey.  After almost a minute, he tore at his jeans to free the rest of his erection.  The motion of his tail, half a foot long and covered by thick fur, spread his pheromones in the small room, tangling around the young woman who gasped in return.  More tendrils reached out to those that bypassed the room, causing them to slow down and breathe a little more deeply.

The young woman touched herself lightly as he watched.  Tentative little fingers covered in obsidian nail polish brushed against her thigh before moving, sliding, seeking her clit.

The same hand jumped away when he stepped into view - seven feet tall with torn clothing dangling from his massive frame.  She swallowed as she stared at him, desperate to come up with some clever, dismissive insult, but the words died in her throat as his smell overwhelmed her.

"H- hey," she said and her throat moved as she swallowed.  She found herself standing in order to lean toward him.

Her heart raced at the size of him, knowing he could fully envelop her.  She couldn't help but eye the muscles bulging against his costume.  She'd had two lovers in her young life - both skinny men that circulated through the same set of friends. Until this moment, she thought she had a type but seeing John woke something within her.  She reached out and then snatched her hand back.

A fluttering sensation tickled her core gently while her body tingled and wetness soaked her crotch.  She inhaled more deeply with every breath she took.  The thought of him grabbing her and shoving her against the wall before pounding into her made her moan - an involuntary sound that escaped her notice.  Nerves woke along her spine and she gasped and stumbled into him.

His costume's fur felt real to the touch.  It smelled real - earthy and powerful, thick with musk.  She moaned again, closed her eyes and savored his scent while rubbing her face against his powerful chest.

"Oh- oh, shit, I- I didn't-  I-" the girl, Julie, stammered.  She stepped backwards until the wall touched her back.  "My- my friends left me behind, they- they- oh- oh sh-"

John stalked forward before leaning down.  His massive hands gripped her hips and side as he bent to kiss her.  She melted into it, allowing his strength to hold her in place.

Julie lost herself in him - in his pheromones and the fantasy building within her mind.  His power was evident and she was helpless before him.  Her hips moved, rocking forward until he shifted his hand down to claw at her slender ass.  He tore the seat of her pants and her panties ripped with the same motion.

Her mind was blank but her body responded.  She could feel her shirt rubbing against her bare nipples and it sent jolts down to her needy clit.  The twin nubs were hard and screaming for attention atop her small breasts.

He slammed her against the wall while breaking the kiss but his bare cock ground against her swollen pussy.  In return, she wrapped her legs around him, trapping him in place.  She gasped and shuddered and cried out, bucking from the mixture of pleasure and pain - from the first taste of rough, primal sex that would define her fetishes for the years that followed.  Blood welled from the razor sharp claw marks he left on her ass, hips and side.

"Ah!  Fuck!  Yes!" she cried out, unable to stop herself when he thrust between her thighs.  She moved counter to him as if riding his cock.  Her nails dug into his fur when she felt his knot rub against her splayed pussy lips.

Sable streaks showed in the brown of her inner labia.  They swayed against his dick and tissue built within, causing them to flex and then fold.  Skin gathered around her clit, as dark as her pussy lips were now.  The glistening, sensitive flesh bent as it was shoved outward to jut out over her changing pussy.

Her black spade was pushed and pulled as she continued to thrust against the werewolf's cock.

A few curious heads turned towards the side room.  Others slowed as they breathed in the heady scent of John's pheromones.  A giggling group of young women, walking past the room, faltered and their conversations faded to whispers.

"I need it.  I need it in me.  I need you in me right now, god, I need it," Julie whined.  She reached blindly for John's cock while staring up into his eyes.  Her brain screamed at her that this was all wrong but her body ignored it - driven to mate and be mated.

Her fingers couldn't completely encircle the werewolf's cock and she moaned.  The young woman licked her lips as she pumped him, all while rubbing the tip back and forth against her strange new pussy.

Black hairs emerged along the scars on her ass and side.

"You wanna fuck me, yeah?  Pump your dick inside me?  Goooood, cum inside of me?  Breed me like a bitch?  You- oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck - you- you wanna- you-"

Words failed her.  She whined louder and then growled as her canine teeth lengthened.  Sweat beaded on her brow.

When her first estrus ignited within her core, she orgasmed.  Her body tightened, forcing her to tighten her body around him while her eyes widened sightlessly.

She collapsed when it passed and drool leaked from her lips.

"Are they gonna do it?" one of the trio of girls asked.  Hungrily.  The blonde's fingers touched her breast to find her nipple where it was hidden beneath her bra.  It tightened lazily as she swirled her fingertip in slow circles.  Her other hand clenched against her thigh, closer and closer to her pussy.  "That's- that's gross."

Neither of her friends answered her.  The other blonde slipped her fingers beneath her sweats and hissed as she touched her clit.  Her long, pink nails scraped lightly against her thigh while she rubbed herself.  The third woman, a brunette with long, curly hair, pressed a hand to her mouth while wrapping her other arm around her body.  Her own nails scored her skin as she tried to stop from giving into temptations.  She was rooted to the spot, unable to look away as Julie dropped to the ground and then turned to her knees with her chest against the dirt floor.

The young goth girl growled as she reached beneath herself to touch her spade.  Her fingers dipped in between the rolled, swollen lips in order to spread them while staring up at the werewolf.  She would let him fuck her - this freak in a costume.  She was eager to give herself to him - to feel his fat cock tear her apart.  She was dripping wet, soaking into the black denim pants clinging to her growing thighs.

A sharp crack of pain caused her to cry out.  Her hands dropped to the floor while her back arched.  The tip of a bone pushed against the skin above, creating a mound that squirmed slightly as her new tail moved.

The brunette knelt with a moan just as John knelt before Julie.  He growled and licked the girl's bare neck before placing his hands on the ground beside her.

"Oh fuck you're so big, Christ you're huge, fuck fuck fuck," Julie gasped when the werewolf's cock tapped against her back, bouncing against the questing tip of her tail where it expanded outward to the hint of point with soft fuzz covering the mound.

Julie growled while reaching under her body.  She could hear shuffling around her - whispered words and quiet moans and the wet sounds of fingers dipping into pussies along with the ragged breathing of a few men.  Their scents only served to drive her more wild.  She turned to smile at them with glowing, golden eyes showing faint streaks of the original brown coloring.

"Ohhh no, they're- they're going to-" the brunette groaned.  Her own trembling hand brushed against her panties beneath her skirt as she leaned forward on her left hand and knees, nearly mimicking Julie's posture.  Her hips rocked back and forth with tiny motions as her finger found her engorged clit.  She so rarely touched herself that it was a shock when she felt the spark shoot through her core.  It caused her hips to jerk uncontrollably.  Her lips moved, moaning whispers of rushed air forced through them.  "What is this, Oh god, what is this what is this?"

A scattered line of black fur pierced Julie's back, centered over her spine as she pulled John's cock into her waiting pussy.  She howled, throwing her head back with her short fangs showing in the "O" of her black lips and several women shuddered from the hallway beyond the room.  Her loosely held hair fell apart to dangle around her head when it drooped.

John's growls were punctuated by Julie's whimpers and the wet slapping sound of his heavy, furred testicles slamming against her engorged spade and her fur-covered mons pubis.  The young woman clawed at the floor as layers of keratin flowed over her nails, dragging them out into shortened claws that continued to lengthen.  Her delicate, pierced ears twitched and the edges popped as they unrolled to nearly flat edges that grew to canted points beneath her wild hair.

Her breath was stolen from her when she came.  She tried to breathe but her lungs wouldn't work as her muscles contracted in a full body orgasm.  John continued to pound into her, close to release.

With her orgasm came a brief moment of lucidity.  She snarled, shocked at what she was doing - fucking in full view of a crowd on the dirty floor of a shitty little haunted house.

Showing brief but enormous restraint and willpower, the young woman dug her claws into the ground and pulled herself off of the thrusting cock.  John growled and grabbed at her but she bolted, kicking off the ground with her now powerful thigh muscles.  Her pants tore down the sides, leaving them dangling as she ran blindly through the makeshift house to find the exit.  Her increasing sense of smell helped guide her and she fell to the ground once she was outside.

John turned to the waiting crowd.  The scent of pussy nearly blinded him.  He gripped himself and pumped his cock, squeezing the red shaft with the dusky padding covering his palms and fingers.

"Yes, cum on me!" a blonde, the first one who spied the mating pair, screamed.  Her hand jerked as she slid her fingers away from her clit to plunge them into her pussy.  She rocked back to her heels with her mouth wide open.

"You- you- you can't!" her brunette friend gasped.  She pulled her cum-soaked fingers away from her crotch to grab at her friend.

John's huge, furred scrotum contracted when he came.  Gouts of creamy white cum shot out to splash against the brunette's breasts, face... and mouth.  She tasted the tangy mixture on her tongue and was shocked when she swallowed.

"No no no no no!  Gaaah no!" the brunette gagged.  She wiped at her mouth and face before flinging blobs of cum to the ground.

"Holy shit, look at him," a man whispered behind them.  "I- I don't think- I don't think that's a costume.  Holy shit! Is that-?!"

"You bitch!" the blonde said to her brunette friend.  She tried to scoop the cum from her friend's body but the brunette rocked away from her.  "Mia, you fucking- how- that was mine!"

The blonde girl staggered up and forward, wrapping herself around John while reaching down to pull her panties completely aside.  She pulled herself up against him, held herself in position and then grabbed the waiting cock to guide it into her pussy.

Mia ran from the horror show behind her.  The stench of the creature's cum followed her, despite her efforts to clean it off.

"Oh, Brad, no," she groaned while leaning against a wall.  Her boyfriend was with his friends somewhere at the fairgrounds.  She touched the promise ring she wore by reflex - a gesture that typically made her smile but now turned her stomach.  "I- I have to find him.  I have to-"

Her heart skipped a beat and she rolled her forehead against the nearby wall as if the coolness could ease the sudden heat building within her body.  A wave of cold washed over her from her neck down to her crotch but a firestorm followed and she moaned while falling to her knees.

Just like the woman had done for the beast.  Just like she had done when the fever had taken her back with the others.

Soft brown hairs lined the rounded edges of her ears.  They twitched and she closed her eyes when she heard Jennifer screaming from pleasure - a scream that turned into a soulful howl.

An itch formed in Mia's throat.  She gnashed her teeth while her lips trembled.  She clawed at her throat but the urge proved too powerful to ignore.  The young woman leaned her head back to howl, joining her voice to three others in rapid succession.

The release was a pleasure of its own - to call out and hear their call in return.  Her pointed ears flexed backwards before standing tall once more beneath her curly hair.  She groaned and pulled herself up to her feet while ignoring the wet squelch of her soaked panties rubbing against her thighs.  Her clit throbbed, aching to be touched.  To be caressed and sucked and rubbed and nibbled on.

"Have to- I have to get out of here," she gasped when her knees grew weak.  "Have to find Brad.  Safe.  I'll be safe.  Once I'm out of her.  Out of the devil's grasp."

A fourth howl - a new voice, she knew, with a distinctive tone to its call, sang out and she snarled as she fought back against adding her own voice, especially when a fifth howled in return.  A male and female.

How do I know that?  Oh, God, how do I know that?!  Lord in Heaven, please hear my call... she thought to herself.  Her hand slid against the wall when the skin swelled in a faint paw print that covered her palm.  Claw marks showed on the cheap drywall when her curved, pointed black nails scored the surface.  Just... have to make it... out of his cursed house.

Mia's head pounded.  Sounds assaulted her.  She growled and clawed at her furred, pointed ears.  The skin separated at the edges of her nostrils as the flesh fractured into a hexagon-like pattern that bubbled outward.  She licked her lips and her broad tongue nearly brushed her septum.

Well defined lines delineated the muscles in her thighs as they underwent a rapid process of tearing and rebuilding themselves.  She took a step, standing on the balls of her feet.  Her foot slipped out of her simple flats.  A second stop relieved her of her other shoe and her toes spread as they flattened in the dirt.  Her toenails were a dark contrast against her pale feet with the thick, pointed tips sinking into the ground.  Brown hairs emerged from between her toes and around the padding growing along her forefeet.

A few people ran past her, screaming, and she found herself sniffing after them.  The tip of her pert little rounded nose glistened in the dim lighting and she licked the pebbled surface once before growling.

The smell of the werewolf's cum saturated her clothing, skin and the brown hairs emerging over her body.  Its smell was overpowering, allowing only the bare hint of other smells past the intense musk.  She drew it in with quick bursts and then slowed while turning to glance back at the house behind her.

Heat coursed through her with an impossible to ignore imperative that was overriding her sensibilities.  She'd never felt anything like it in her entire life.  All of her nerves were active and all of them sent jolts through her body, stoking the fire.  An emptiness existed within her, but that was tiny compared to the voice growling in the back of her mind - a nonstop stream demanding that she get pregnant.  Drool slipped from the corners of her mouth, trailing down to her small chin.  Black streaks filled her lips with a line that traced up to her nose.

She wanted it more than anything she'd ever wanted in her entire life.  Her arm touched her belly.  Claws tore into her blouse to scratch the skin beneath.  She could almost feel them there - her babies.  Her estrus dug into her, deeper and deeper, until her knees nearly gave out once more as she pictured a full, round belly with milk-filled tits resting against the bulge.

He would still be there.  She could hear the growing snarls - the spreading orgy.  He, or another male, would be there to fill her needy, dripping pussy with their seed.  She growled and licked her nose while drool dangled from the sharp tips of fur now dotting her chin.

"Mia!" a voice yelled and her head snapped towards it.  The back of her skirt lifted and moved when her short tail wagged slightly.

Brad, she thought, with the remnants of her human mind.  She tilted her head while her slowly stretching ears twisted and rotated to find his voice.  Her skirt strained against her waist when she started off, walking barefoot through the empty grounds .  A group of men approached cautiously while others screamed behind them.

Shadows moved between the attractions.  Growling, half-human creatures that dropped to hands and feet to lope and leap and run.  She spotted one of them, a female, when the shewolf leapt for another woman, tackling her and bearing her to the ground while clawing at the victim's dress.  The new werewolf kissed the woman roughly with a short muzzle while lifting the woman's leg to grind against her crotch.  Mia moaned and touched herself until Brad called out once more.

"Mia!  You have to- Mia!  I'm coming!" Brad yelled from a few dozen feet away.  Three of his friends followed him, glancing nervously over Brad's shoulder towards the haunted house.  A few others lagged behind, men and women, working up their nerves to search for their lost loved ones.

More howls filled the air and Mia smiled widely while baring her short fangs.

"Oh, god, Mia, are you okay?  Your clothes!  Did they hur-mmmph!" Brad gasped when she grabbed him in a hug that threatened to crush his bones.

Mia's blouse tore to show her ridged spine thrust outward by the broad, bulging muscles on the sides of her back.  Brown fur waved as they emerged and spread, creeping towards her neck and shoulders.  Her tail, covered in brown and white fur, curved slightly as she clawed at Brad's back and ass.  Fur grew over her hands and the webbing between her fingers.

With a soft click, too faint for anyone to notice, her promise ring broke and tumbled to the dirt.

His friends stopped behind him and their mouths opened wide.  Mia shoved at her boyfriend's pants.  She knelt, licking at the bulge of his crotch with wide tongue slick with drool while pulling at his pants  with both hands.  They ripped in half, unable to withstand her brute strength, and his underwear dangled beneath his scrotum to show his hardened, bare cock.

"M- Mia!  What the- What are you- OHH FUCK!"  He shivered and growled and gripped her hair when she shoved his cock deep into her throat.  "God!  Oh god!  That's-"

Blood dried from the numerous cuts her claws had left over his body. She gripped the base of his cock with one hand while kneading a bare ass cheek with the other.  He thrust into her, jerking awkwardly at first but slowly gaining confidence as his own changes began, until he was throat-fucking her lengthening muzzle.

"Brad, what the hell are you doing?" Dominic, Brad's best friend, yelled.  He grabbed at Brad's shoulder but the young man struck out, shoving him away while clawing him with sharp, blood-flecked black nails.

Mia pulled away from her boyfriend.  A string of drool connected from her furred muzzle to Brad's cock.  The color of his shaft was growing darker - pale flesh shifting to red as it expanded, skin stretching while the head pulled back to a pointed tip.

"What- what did you do to me?!  Mia!  I'm- I'm burning up!  Grk- GAAAH!"

The young man roared, throwing his head back as his teeth curved into fangs and spittle flung through the air.  His head snapped down, golden eyes staring with primal fury and lust as Mia presented herself like a proper bitch.  She hung her head with her back curved and her ass up.  He bent to her immediately and his claws dug into her hips until he realized his pointless thrusting was going nowhere.  He grabbed his cock to slide against her crotch until her soaking wet pussy pulled him inside.

Dominic staggered.  A nearby middle aged woman caught him by reflex and he turned, grabbing her.  She gasped and opened her mouth to scream until his lips touched hers and his tongue filled her throat, licking and twisting and twirling while he ground against her.  His friend pulled at him while other men, lingering nearby, grabbed at him.  He fought while snarling, clawing and biting as the woman crawled away.

And she shuddered, pausing on her hands and knees with sweat sliding down her forehead to drip from the tip of her nose.  Her pupils dilated when her estrus hit.  She thrust her ass back while clawing at the dirt like an animal.

"N- Nooo," the woman moaned.  Her dreadlocks swept back and forth against her bare neck.  Black hairs emerged on her nape in a thin line that widened.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asked.

She stared up at the younger man - a freshman at the local community college.  His older sister was still missing, so he'd forced himself to follow the small crowd without knowing that she was currently eagerly riding a knotted cock in the dirt behind the haunted house.  He stared down at the terrified woman and she looked back up at him.

Jada looked into the man's eyes as she gripped his offered hand and she pulled, dragging him down to the ground.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," she panted as she scrabbled at his zipper and pants, shoving with arms bulging from corded muscles covered by scattered black hairs.  She ripped his underwear down and then tore at her panties, easily snapping the waistband before tossing them aside.  "I can't- I can't stop it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm- nnngh!"

The woman grunted as she slammed her ass down against him.  Her throbbing, exposed clit ground against the man's cock and it responded in kind, hardening almost immediately.  Her cum splattered against his stomach and crotch, as well as her own thighs.

She came within seconds.  The woman, alone for so long before finally taking a brave step outside her boundaries to visit the fair, howled with tendons bulging against her throat.  A soft line of ivory fur grew between her breasts as her trembling body released years of tension.

Other howls joined her - welcoming their new sister.

Her tongue flopped freely against her chin until she bent down to lick the young man's mouth and face.

"Sorrrrry can't- can't- sorrrrrrrrr..," she growled in between licks.  She reached beneath her, jerking as she brushed against sensitive spots on the sides of her belly.  Her ripped blouse fluttered against her expanding body as she raised her hips to impale herself against the young man's cock.

His fists beat at the ground.  He wanted to touch her.  To caress her. To rip her top off and grab her tits and suck on her fat nipples.  He growled and his ears twitched while his nails lengthened to claws.  Jada pounded down against him.  When the young man finally gave into his desires, he ripped away her clothing to let her breasts bounce freely until he gripped them to knead the soft skin.  She leaned down when he tugged, moaning as his sharp teeth latched onto her hardened, black nipple.  Her two inch long two swept against the short fur covering her ass while her pussy lips darkened and swelled around his thrusting cock.


Sarah stared at the chaos around her.  The growls and moans held her in place where she hid behind a lone trailer but the howls startled her and she nearly screamed when so many of them echoed around her.  Her heart pounded in her chest.  She told herself, not for the first time, that she should run.  And then, again, she reminded herself that her date had driven her there.

A first date, seemingly innocuous with a sweet boy who had given her flowers while blushing and asking her out.  She knew him - had seen him around the college campus and even spoke to him a few times.  This same sweet boy had abandoned her to help protect another woman.

She could still see it - the monstrous creature that had been chasing the other woman.  She expected she would see it in her nightmares if she survived the night.

I should run.  To the car.  Someone has to be out there.  Someone would give me a ride and get me away from here, she told herself again.

And still she found herself rooted to the spot.  Partly out of fear, partly because she thought Chris would return.

Shapes moved past the trailer.  She peeked from the shadows where she hid, watching them for a moment before hiding away and crouching, making herself small to protect herself.

"Sarah?" A rasping, dry voice called out softly.

"Chris!" Sarah whispered fiercely.  She stood when he approached but her heart sank when she saw him holding his shoulder.

He was just barely shorter than her and such a slight young man and he'd still risked his life to save someone else.  She wanted to ask if the woman was okay, but her throat seized, refusing to allow her to ask in case the answer wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"You're hurt," Sarah gasped.  She pulled him into the shadows with her, away from the violence in the open field beyond.

Heat poured from his body, radiating from the deep wound on his shoulder.  She groaned and touched his shoulder carefully to pull the ruined sleeve away from his muscular arm.  His breathing was ragged.  Deep.  Warm breath puffed against her ear as she tenderly brushed the thick hairs surrounding the scars covering his upper arm. Veins stood out on his bulging bicep when he moved his arm away from her and dried blood flaked away on the night air.

Sarah turned to stare at his chest.  And then up to look into his eyes.

"Um. Y-" she started to say until he leaned into her, pressing her back against the trailer.

"You smell goooood," the boy growled.  His warm cheek touched her ear and he inhaled deeply with a low moan.

"C- Chris, you're-" she stuttered before her voice failed.

His body weighed her down, as solid as a rock with his chest pressing against her breasts, flattening them when he leaned forward to trap her against the side of the trailer.  It groaned and rocked slightly when he moved.  Tears opened in his t-shirt while the seams broke along the shoulders and side.  The shirt fell away to show rippling muscles dusted with fur.

Sarah jerked when she felt Chris's tongue against her neck.  It was warm and thick with spit and he moaned as he dragged the broad, rough surface up to her jaw, over her lips and against her mouth.

His hand touched her breast and she squirmed, opening her mouth to scream until his claws dipped beneath the fabric and pulled, tearing her bra and blouse away.  Red claw marks showed on the side of her enormous breast.  Now she did scream, in pain, until his mouth clamped onto hers.

The tang of blood filled her mouth when his lengthening fangs sliced through his gums.  They cut the inside of her mouth and her tongue while she nearly gagged on his twisting tongue and the thickness of his drool.

She swallowed blood and spit.  And then she shivered when a cold finger traced over her spine.  Heat followed the chill and her nerves responded in kind while butterflies burst in her lower belly, fluttering wildly.  Her pink, smaller nipples tightened, twisting her areola around them and she moaned despite herself.  Screams and howls faded to the sound of a loud buzzing and the world wavered around her.  Her fingers raised to slide through Chris's hair and down to the ruff growing from his nape.

The chaste girl had never been drunk - never even tipsy and had certainly never taken any drugs.  Now, she swayed and moaned and floated on the pleasures rippling through her body.  Chris slid his broad hand into the back of her blue jeans and beneath her panties and she writhed when she felt the rough padding against her smooth skin.  He pulled her against his bulging crotch and she shuddered at the touch of him - where his hard cock rubbed her throbbing clit beneath her jeans.  His other hand caressed and squeezed her breast awkwardly, a virgin exploring even as the virus changed him.

When he broke the kiss, she tried to pull him back while staring at him with half-lidded eyes.  Her chest rose and fell and she couldn't stop her body from moving when he rolled her nipple between his fingers.

The boy whined and bent to lick the blood on the side of her breast.  Soft blonde hairs, dotting her pale skin, flattened, wet from his drool as he cleaned the already healed wound.  Once finished, he moved immediately to suckle from her waiting nipple.

"AHHH!" Sarah cried out.  Her nails dug into the boy's skull.  Sharp claws formed until the tips pierced his thick hide.  Pain radiated from her fingertips when her new claws anchored themselves in place.

His tongue swirled against her nipple.  It was almost overwhelming.  A pleasurable ticklish sensation that put her on edge while sending electricity down between her thighs.  She twitched and her hips rocked sideways and then forwards to press into his bulge.

"You're- you're changing, you're-" she stared down at this face - at his beautiful golden eyes and his velvet-thick triangular ears.  She could see tiny holes opening in his skin to allow dense fur to emerge, twisting as it lengthened outward.  He stared up at her - at her own blue eyes cracked with gold while sucking and licking her nipples with his hand caressing her tit and ass cheek.

Clear cum dribbled freely down her thighs, racing down her leg before catching on the blonde fur growing from her smooth skin.  Heat of a different kind pulsed through her legs as the muscles expanded.

Her orgasm was small but powerful and left her breathless with its sudden intensity.  She bucked and the trailer rocked from her impact.  Her tailbone snapped free and cramps seized her back as muscle and tissue swathed the floating bone.

Chris's face jutted into the hint of a muzzle.  He pulled back from her breast but licked her hardened nipple one last time.  Despite the razor sharp fangs lining his gums, he hadn't once nicked her.

She saw her own changes as she stared down at her bare belly.  A line of blonde fur waved back and forth in the middle of her stomach and her mound was covered in a thick tuft of fur, too dense to be pubic hair.  Chris kneeled before her while growling quietly but her eyes were locked onto the four dark spots she could see on the sides of her stomach.  The smooth skin bubbled.  She expected pain but felt only an intense, scratching pleasure that reminded her of just moments ago when Chris toyed with her nipples.

The strange patches of skin twisted separately, swirling and pushing outward.  Her eyes widened as, one at a time, teats formed on her belly.

"I'm.  I'm, too.  Changing, too," she growled. She reached down to touch herself until Chris shoved his short muzzle between her thighs to clean her dripping pussy.

Sarah howled, as the others had.  She'd been terrified of the sound before but now she screamed with joy through pursed lips.   Her slit nostrils opened as the skin fractured into a textured surface.  Her ears twitched as they grew to points and a sense of connection and happiness filled her when she heard the others return her howl.

The young woman spread her furred thighs while growling and staring down at her lover. He clawed at her legs, glancing up at her briefly before focusing on his work.  She snapped at the air and slid against the trailer while pushing her aching feet forward, giving him better access to her pussy.

Her shoes bulged, the laces straining to contain her swelling feet.  She scrunched them and her toe claws tore into the front of her shoes to give her feet room to grow.  Fur covered the newly exposed toes as they continued to separate the soles from her shoes until her broad, padded feet touched dirt.

Sarah reached behind her, lifting her huge breasts while sinking her claws into the trailer's aluminum siding.  She raised her hips and they moved as she guided Chris to the right spot.

From where she stood, and with the way he kneeled in front of her, she could see his cock bobbing and dripping pre-cum.  More importantly, she could smell him.  A bulbous knot bulged at the base and she shivered while imagining it forcing her open.

Fevered thoughts filled her mind - the urge for the young man to breed her.  She moaned and slid further, flexing powerful muscles in her core to keep herself steady even at a nearly horizontal angle.  Her claws shredded the cheap metal but none of it mattered.

The girl's breath came in sharp, ragged panting bursts.  Static filled her ears.  She suddenly recognized the signs of her orgasm but, too late.  This one dwarfed the earlier one.  Her muzzle opened wide and she stared at the full moon far overhead as every muscle clenched throughout her body.  Her hips practically vibrated uncontrollably and the trailer shuddered behind her from the strength of her trembling body.

When it passed, she lowered herself to the ground.  And turned, pressing her breasts to the dirt with her head to the side, resting on the ground.  Her plump, solid ass was raised with her proud tail high.  Inviting.  She growled, her humanity wiped away as she waited for her mate to mount her.


John snarled when he woke.  He thrashed, clawing at the ground as his fur withered at the roots and wafted away.  Bones crumbled and compacted, crunching throughout his body as he shrank in on himself.  His face returned in fits and jolts while his ears pulled back, skin melting into skin until the tips rolled and folded into rounded edges.

He spat blood when his fangs cut into his gums, enamel and dentin breaking and mixing with his drool as they settled back into his mouth as teeth once more.

The worst of it was his tail.  Connected to his spine by an array of nerves, he screamed wordlessly as the nerves died and the bones dissolved beneath slowly tightening skin.  He clawed the dirt until only his ragged fingernails remained.

When the pain subsided, he lay on the cold grass gasping for breath.  Loose fur clung to his muddy, sweat-soaked body and blood stained his cheeks and lips.

He could hear the world around him and the smells of it all threatened to overwhelm him.  There were faint groans from others, and some screams.  The smell of sex was everywhere.

And he remembered.  He remembered fucking the girl in the haunted house and then flashes of moving from partner to partner until he passed out.

"A monster," he croaked.


Luminiţa had warned him and now he realized what she'd done - what she'd tried to prevent.  He groaned as he rolled and pushed himself up.  As soon as he trusted himself to walk, he staggered to his van to dress himself as quickly as he could.

Others stirred around him, howling silently as they reverted back.

All his fault.

He leapt into the driver's seat, cursed as the engine turned over and over and then peeled out, anxious to be away from the chaos he'd created.

Barely five minutes down the road, he found her, a shambling mess of black hair in clothes too big for her, walking slowly on the side of the road.

Her. The black haired girl from the haunted house.  She stuck her thumb out when she heard his van.  He thought about driving on and leaving her to her fate but guilt consumed him.  The van's brakes squealed when he slowed and the girl turned.  He rolled down the passenger window and watched as she lifted her chin to take in his scent.

A stormcloud passed over her features and now she hesitated.  After several seconds of thought, she sighed, slumped and opened the door to climb in.

"It's you, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah," he told her.  "Sorry.  I didn't- it wasn't on purpose.  I didn't have a choice."

Her scent was thick.  It drilled into his brain and his cock responded despite himself, turning as it hardened until he pointed towards his belly button.

"These aren't my clothes," she said suddenly.  "I stole them, I guess.  My friends abandoned me.  Last night.  So I went into the haunted house.  Now I wonder if they got caught up in it, too.  Hah.  Would serve them right."

"That's kind of a shit thing to say," he told her.

Instead of answering, she slowly turned to glare at him and he wilted slightly.

They drove in silence - her without telling him where to go and him without asking.

An hour later, far off the main road on a dirt path, she was bent over the side of the passenger seat, screaming and clawing the cheap fabric while he pounded into her.

"Bite me, asshole!  Fuck!  FUCK ME HARDER!   FUCKING WRECK ME!  FUCK YES YES FUCK DON'T STOP Gk- GK- G-!"  she shuddered through her third orgasm in the span of ten minutes. His teeth bruised her shoulder while one hand squeezed her breast and the other rubbed her clit.  He snarled and she growled in return as she shoved back into him, hungry for more.

That night, they parked deep within the nearby national forest.  Their senses told them they were alone, but they still walked, hand-in-hand, deeper into the forest.

He lay against a fallen log and she curled up against his side, both naked as they watched the moon rising on the horizon.

Their passionate howls echoed through the woods soon after with distant voices calling back to them as the others changed in their homes, in the streets or in businesses, surrounded by shocked loved ones and strangers.

And the curse continued to spread.


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