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The 2nd (and last) part of the gift story.  Apologies for the light month this month.  The illustration for this month should follow in a few days.

Raven sat at the edge of a great lake, shading his eyes from the sun as it danced over the gentle waves lapping at his toes.

Three days had passed in uncomfortable, awkward silence and he still wasn't strong enough to stand on his legs for more than a few minutes without pain shooting through them.   And this much was thanks to the herbs he'd found while being carried by Saf.

The beast lay beyond the treeline, facing away at Raven's insistence and a few test glances ensured the creature kept his word.  He was as noble as his appearance and Raven's lips compressed at the thought and the flutter it caused within.

"I also need to bathe," Saf said plaintively.  It was his third reminder since Raven had separated from him to wobble towards the lake.  "This is, in fact, the lake where I also bathe.  From time to time."

"You clean yourself well without the lake," Raven called out.  "I've seen you do it, Saf!"

The last time, Saf had licked himself with his tongue while grumbling and stretching out his wings.  He'd sat back to clean his stomach before realizing that Raven watched.  And then he'd padded off to finish behind a young sapling.

"But also sometimes the lake!" Saf called out.

A tree exploded and Raven jumped with a startled curse before turning to see Saf's tail whipping about, a blur as it thrashed and crashed.

"There's no use pouting about it!" Raven yelled.

"I don't even know how to pout," Saf growled before purposefully turning further away from the lake.

With a shake of his head and a slight smile tugging on his lips, Raven slid from the bank into the water.  He hissed and shivered before dunking himself completely and exhaling.  Bubbles fluttered away from him as he sank several feet to touch the bottom of the lake.  A few adventurous fish nibbled him before zipping away.  Devoid of breath, he spun simply to feel the painless movement and the caress of water against his naked body.  He reached up to scratch his scalp and hair before running his hands over his body.  His toes tapped the silt beneath him as he bobbed.

"-a-ven-" a voice called out.

Raven opened his eyes to look up through the murky water.  A shadow fell over him and more fish swarmed to investigate the darkness.

"-ven!" the voice yelled with panicked tones.

Gritting his teeth, Raven sank down and pushed while pulling with his arms, shooting through the water until he could reach the nearby bank.  His face and shoulders emerged from the depths.

"You promised," Raven hissed.

"I thought you'd drowned!" Saf protested with half-dilated, oblong pupils.

"It was only two minutes!" Raven yelled back.

"You shouldn't be under water for that long!" Saf insisted as he lowered himself and began to slink backwards with his ears down.  "Nobody should be underwater that long!"

He pulled himself up from the water on lithe, muscular arms while bending (and hissing through the remnants of pain) his legs to cushion him on the mud and grass beside the water.

Saf lay on his belly with his head down.  White showed at the bottom of his brilliant green eyes as he looked up at Raven.

Raven, in turn, grit his teeth as he stood with his legs slightly apart.  His own eyes were challenging as his fists trembled by the curves of his hips.  His little cock was nearly hidden by the soft spray of hair covering his mound and his slit was hidden between his outer labia.  It was the first time he'd truly shown his entire body to the manticore.

He waited for the inevitable and then frowned when it didn't come.

"Will you forgive me?" Saf asked.  "I truly thought you drowned."

"Look at me," Raven demanded.

"May I?" Saf asked.  He recognized the stormy look in Raven's eyes as angry confirmation.  He'd begun to learn the elf's expressions and what they meant and he was proud to recognize this one.  His tail slammed into the ground, cracking a nearby rock in half as he sat up and focused on the elf.  "Thank you."

"No, that's not what-"  Raven fumed and his fists trembled.

After a few deep breaths - and with his cheeks beginning to grow warm as he realized he truly stood naked in front of the manticore - naked and demanding to be studied - Raven tried again.

"You're a male, correct?" Raven asked.

"Yes," Saf answered quickly, eager to ease the elf's mood.

"And your species has females?" Raven prompted.

"Of course!" Saf laughed, as if the question were foolish.  Which, Raven knew, it was.  On the surface.  "Although, as an outsider, once I'd found the new pride, I was kept away from them until I left.  I know they had females because I'd seen hints of them and they have different scents."

"Gods temper my patience," Raven groaned while rubbing at his eyes with the palm of his hands.  The faint smell of Saf's musk swirled through the air, carried on the capricious wind.

He was burning with embarrassment now.  But, soon, something else began to rise within him - a different kind of heat that flowed through him, causing him to gasp and cover his mouth.  Muscles clenched between his legs.  And again until he realized what he was doing - his eyes weren't on Saf's face but lower, where his sheath would be.

The two of them faced each other with the sun drying his skin as he stood there with nothing hiding the wetness gathering between his thighs from the slow build of his arousal.  He shifted uneasily from one bare foot to the other.

Saf inhaled and unfolded with a low growl, rising to all fours with his tail curling behind him, chitin crackling faintly.

"Raven, your scent," Saf growled while taking a step forward.  His pupils were vertical slits in the center of the cream-colored fur covering his face.  Lips pulled back to expose his fangs with his tongue up and his mouth open to allow the scent to swirl through his throat.  The growl deepened.

Raven moaned as he saw it - the bulbous flesh pulling back, sliding to expose the manticore's studded, pointed red cock.  It throbbed beneath him and Raven gasped.  And crumbled, his weakened, aching legs finally giving out, forcing him down to his slender ass.  Warm, clear liquid slid down between his thighs.

Saf approached while Raven leaned back on his hands with his knees up and legs spread.

Don't, he tried to say, but his chest was heaving and his eyes half-lidded with his ears trembling.  He stared down the belly of the beast to the manticore's enormous cock.  A string of clear liquid swung from the tip of it before collapsing to the dirt.

With a powerful growl that seemed to reverberate through the earth itself, Saf forced himself to stop at Raven's feet.  His enormous claws unsheathed and he pawed, rending the dirt.

"May I approach?" Saf asked.  The melodious mixture of masculine and feminine pitches warred with each other before being destroyed by a harsh growl.

"D-  D-" Raven stuttered but the words wouldn't come.  Refused to express themselves.

Quivering in place where he sat in the dirt, he slid his heels further apart while turning to look aside.  The tip of his narrow chin dropped and his eyes swept back to stare at the short spines surrounding the shaft of Saf's cock once more.  He moaned and leaned back further onto his forearms.

The wind grew quiet.  Reverent.

Huffs of warm breath puffed over his bare legs and drying skin, causing him to gasp and shiver.

"May I?" Saf asked again and his voice was deeper.  Harsher.  Hungry.

"Yes," Raven gasped.

He felt as if he were on fire and an aching emptiness opened within, followed by a craving.  A need.  His chest was heaving, rising and falling as his exhaled breath came out in a higher pitched mewling sound when Saf's lowered head touched his leg.  First the beast's whiskers, scratching against him, causing him to bite his lip and raise his hand to muffle the moan that wanted to escape.

"The scent," Saf moaned, having never smelled anything as intoxicating in his entire life.  All he knew was that he must taste it.  A rumbling growl faintly vibrated against Raven’s soft skin.  “Maleness…”

Saf blew air from his nostrils, sending an electric rush through Raven, as the vellus hairs on his thighs attuned themselves to the foreign heat.  The manticore licked his lips with a broad tongue.

“But… different.  New…”  Droplets of drool dripped from Saf’s mouth as he held it open.

Fur followed whiskers as he moved forward once more.  Saf's puffing, hot breath swirled over Raven's sex and the surrounding hairs swayed.  His own tiny cock throbbed where it stood free of its hood.

"Oh, but gentle," Raven begged when he spied Saf's mouth opening.

Green eyes flicked up to his eyes.  Locked onto him.  Watching his flushed, blushing cheeks and heaving, bare chest.  The manticore's breath caressed his entire body, pouring over his skin, up to his chest and his large nipples as they tightened to grow erect.  The nipples bounced ever so slightly over the hint of soft skin beneath them.

Raven's right hand shot out when the beast's tongue touched him and he screamed, unable to hold back.

"Gentle!  Curse me!  Gentle!" he cried out while his fingers tightened in Saf's mane.

The immense pressure lessened to a light touch and the beast let out a hungry, growling moan as his tongue moved.  Raven fell to his back when the curved, rough surface touched his little cock, overwhelming him.  His knees pressed against Saf's cheeks, locking him in place while lightning shot up his core, arching out to his nipples and up to the roof of his mouth.  He bucked, lifting his hips and then screamed when the tip of the tongue slipped inside of him.

"Oh!  Oh!  Saf!" he felt muscles clench and knew he was doing it instinctively, desperately trying to grip the intruding tongue. To pull it deep inside.  To fill himself with his lover’s cock, to mold himself to the shape and size of it.

The tongue retreated and Raven moaned and reached out as Saf pulled back to lick his lips.  Clear liquid glistened on his cheeks and mouth.  And then the beast leaned forward once more, sliding over Raven's body until he could nuzzle into the elf's cheek.

"Your taste is as exquisite as you are, Raven," the manticore snarled.  His tongue lashed against the elf's cheek and ear and hair.  Once.  Twice.  A third time while growling. "My heart isn't the only thing that aches for you now."

Raven found himself panting and writhing.  His own body wouldn't listen to him.  He wanted to roll in the beast's fur - to bathe in the creature's musk and scent.  Every inch of his skin screamed to be touched and caressed and clawed and licked.  Suddenly, he realized he was babbling and hadn't even noticed.

"-inside of me again, licking me, gods!  Your tongue against me, lips kissing my little cock, Saf, I need it, I need it again, I'm so close, I- I can feel it inside of me growing and growing and growing and Saf, gods, please, again, I need it, I need you, I need the release, I've never, I've never, Saf, I've never, you're my first, please Saf, please-"

The words were tumbling forth and Saf snarled while kissing Raven's neck.  Down to the elf's chest.  Briefly against his nipples to suckle and Saf's claws kneaded the ground.  Raven screamed and lifted his chest against the manticore's mouth while gripping Saf's ears to rub and tug at them.  When the beast pulled away, the nipple glistened, harder than before.  Down, black lips kissing with his hot breath puffing.


"I will drink from you again," the creature said and, once more, his claws tore into the earth.

"YES!  YES, PLEASE, GODS!" Raven screamed, the words ripped from his chest without his volition.

Raven rocked his hips, mewling as he pressed against the questing tongue, grunting as he adjusted himself to find the perfect position, lifting with his heels to encourage the tip of the tongue to enter him once more.

The elf howled and clawed at Saf's mane.  He held on, using the fur for purchase while rocking into the tongue, gritting his teeth as he forced it deeper and deeper, grunting as he crushed it.  Pain tore through his belly but he couldn't stop.  The pressure was building to a critical point and he stoked the fire within until it consumed the slicing agony to leave pleasure behind.

"Gggrrk-!" Raven tried to say as his orgasm exploded within.  His ears swept down and his eyes widened while his mouth worked soundlessly.  He released Saf's mane to claw at the dirt while his muscles spasmed.

Finally, Raven collapsed.  Every muscle ached when they released and he lay there, twitching as Saf sat back to clean himself once more.

When he was finished, Saf kneaded the ground while quietly growling and grinding his teeth.  Raven turned to look at him.  Down to the bare cock.  Pre cum dribbled from the tip.

"Have you," Raven groaned and shuddered before catching his breath to continue.  "Relieved yourself?"

"No," the beast snarled.  "It- passes.  Eventually.  I could, with my mouth or my paws, but it seemed wrong.  Something a mindless beast would do."

Raven laughed and then gasped while bowing his back.  The aftershocks were finally lessening but still there.

"I've used my own hands, from time to time. N- not inside," Raven admitted.  "Just the - stroking myself.  Trust me.  If I could use my own mouth, I might."

"Hrrrrm," Saf said before coughing with a strange growling sound.

"Come here," Raven crooned as he forced himself up to his elbows.

"Raven..." Saf growled but the elf reached out to brush his fingers against Saf's fur.

"Come to me.  I'll be your mindless beast today," the elf whispered.

The words struck Saf like a hammer and he snarled while lashing his tail to the ground.  With feral eyes, moved, standing over the elf until the head of his cock was over Raven's mouth.  Enormous, furred testicles nearly brushed the elf's chest as they dangled from Saf's belly.

A clear string of pre cum detached to dangle briefly before touching Raven's chin.  In a bold move, he reached up and collected it, sniffing it and moaning as the scent of Saf's musk filled his mind.  His small tongue slipped out to lick his fingers and the warm, heady taste filled him, radiating down to his core.

Spirits danced mindlessly around them, blessing their union as they sang, stirring the air in a soft whirlwind before separating.  Ethereal blue light glimmered beyond the pair's vision. Motes of the light fell around them, soaking into their bodies.

With his heart beating rapidly beneath his chest, Raven licked the cum from his lips and reached a shaking hand up to the offered cock.  The tips of the elf's fingers trailed over the strange spines and Saf snarled and shook above him, causing Raven to smile at the power he held over the creature.  The cock was warm to the touch, radiating heat and, as he gently surrounded it with his hand, unable to touch his fingers together due to its girth, a quick squeeze showed a sponginess over an iron-hard core.

He'd imagined cocks to be harder, almost like bone and the revelation was interesting - and pleasing.  In the same way, he'd somehow expected the spines to be sharp, but they bent and flexed and Saf snapped at the air as if they were more sensitive than the rest. His paws thumped against the dirt.  The mixed texture of the manticore's cock made him moan and, when he spied more of the delicious clear liquid welling from the tip, he couldn't stop himself from pulling it down towards his mouth.

The liquid touched his lips and he licked it and moaned louder as it coursed through him.  More of the strange, invisible shimmering blue lights fell into him.

A mate, the wind sighed but the voices were lost to the buzzing in his head as his lips parted over the tip of Saf's cock.  A mate for the cubs a mate!

"Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmm," Saf growled and his entire body shook.  "Rrrrrraven, your mouth.  Your hand.  You- you shouldn't-  I-  I'm just-"

The salty taste of the cum was followed by the texture and warmth of Saf's cock.  It rubbed against the roof of Raven's mouth before touching the back of his throat, making him gag. Saf tried to pull completely out in alarm, but Raven moaned and clenched his hand over the base of it, holding him in place.  When he moved again, he began to stroke the shaft, sliding his palm over the spines.  His free hand reached for his own little cock to pinch and pull before holding it between his thumb and index finger to rub himself.

Raven's eyelids fluttered.  More of the pre cum leaked and he swallowed it greedily.

A quiet little growl sounded in the back of the elf's throat.

Soon, Raven found that his tongue could touch the spines when he took the cock as deep as he could without choking on it. He licked them and then pulled back, coated the head and shaft with his drool.

It was crude and he was certain his brethren would be disgusted by his behaviors.  They filtered through his thoughts until he growled again and pushed them away.  His nostrils flexed and he sped up while his hand jerked against his-

"Mmmmph!" Raven gasped while his hips rattled from his orgasm.  He gripped himself harder and growled louder, stroking the slick pink cock harder. More fiercely.  Losing himself to the animal beginning to grow within.

"R- R- Rrrrrrraven, you must stop.  I-  I-  N- No, Raven!  Raven, I can't!  N- Not inside of you!  I can't defile-  nnnnngh!"

Cum flooded Raven's mouth.  His cheeks puffed out but he swallowed while gripping the cock in place. He could feel the pulse of it.  It swelled in his hand and he could feel the thick, goopy liquid passing through the shaft before filling his mouth once again.  Creamy white cum spurted from his lips, but Raven continued swallowing.

Saf roared above him with his segmented tail slamming hard enough into the ground to temporarily lift Raven nearly an inch into the air.

Eventually, the beast calmed and Raven released his hand to let Saf stumble away.  The creature fell beside him and turned, panting as he trembled from the effects of his own orgasm.

A fierce, feral light touched Raven's eyes and his pupils trembled before squeezing into faintly vertical slits.  He growled and wiped the cum from his cheeks and lips and the growl continued as he brought his hands down to his chest, rubbing the warm, creamy liquid over his nipples and further to his belly.

Further to the slit between his thighs, caught in a rising animalistic need to breed as he shoved it inside of himself and snarled.  And squirmed, rubbing and stroking, his free hand coming back to his nipples to pinch and pull as he imagined sharp little teeth drinking from-

"GODS!  GOOOOOOODS!" Raven howled as another powerful orgasm filled him, faster than any before.  His muscles clenched around his fingers as if drinking the cum from them.

As he slowly came down from the twitching, spasming orgasm, exhaustion took him.

Naked, beneath the sun with Saf by his side, Raven slept, covered in his mate's seed.


"You're avoiding me," Raven said when he finally tracked the manticore down.  It'd been two days since they'd explored each other's bodies.  His legs ached with occasionaly pains, but he was able to walk now - at least for several hours before needing to rest.

"I- Raven, I-  I'm ashamed of myself," Saf admitted. He was behind a tree with his forehead pressed into the trunk, hiding his face.

Raven grinded his teeth together while scratching his arms.  His nails were sharper and he groaned at the pleasurable feeling of the rough touch while his tongue swept around his throbbing gums and teeth.

He stalked forward while shrugging his shoulders.  The hand sewn clothes he'd worn for years hung oddly on his body, tighter than they should be in some places, with the subtle bump of his spine pushing into the fabric.  And all of it felt harsh against his skin.

"Why?" Raven asked.

The memory of the manticore's taste filled him suddenly, out of nowhere, and Raven growled softly while reaching out to the nearest tree for support.  He clawed at the trunk as a heat formed between his thighs.  Fine black hairs emerged over his otherwise smooth body, scattered over his back, arms, and legs.  They stirred and he gasped and shivered and tore chunks of bark free with his sharp nails.

Keratin grew over the base of the nail beds on his fingers into a low, bulging mound - the start of the sheaths he would need for his eventual claws.

Just the memory of it was enough to make him go to his knees and lean against the tree.  Drool filled his mouth and he swallowed while rubbing his gums with his tongue.  The skin parted over its surface, lifting into tiny spines that scratched against his sore teeth.

"What I did to you- What I made you do-  It was-"  Saf started to say.

Raven laughed and knelt back on his heels while turning.  Threads tore on the seams of his trousers to show well defined muscles on his thighs.

Rough bark scratched against the elf's back.  He groaned as he grinded back into the tree while flexing his muscles.  With a growl, he pulled away and tore at the vest he wore over his tunic.  He flung it aside into a nearby bush and the relief it granted was immediately, a release of pressure and less clothing to restrict his aching body.

Two long, inflamed bumps rose on his back, between his shoulder blades.  The reddened flesh swelled and he grinded his teeth while pressing harder back into the tree to scratch himself once more.

At the top of the bumps, the skin solidified and darkened, fading to black before growing out to tiny little claws.

Pleasure coursed through his body as he gave into these animalistic urges.

"I liked it," Raven whispered while raising his fingers to his lips, touching himself where the manticore's cock had touched him.  Sliding his fingers into his mouth with a growl when his rough tongue lapped against them as if he were sucking Saf's cock once more.

His arousal had been constant since then, as if something woke within.  He could distract himself for a while but the memories returned, always returned, and with Saf's absence, he'd been forced to stroke his own cock until he was snarling from his orgasms.  It wasn't enough.  It wasn't nearly enough.

He hadn't bathed since and the musk of Saf's cum clung to him still, despite the heat causing him to sweat.  His sense of smell was heightened, allowing him to find the passage of animals before the wind informed him.  Allowing him to smell the remnants of Saf on his body.

"I wanted it, Saf," Raven said as he dug his nails into the tree to pull himself up.  They were lengthening with more layers flowing down from the short sheathes at the tips of his fingers.  Cramps seized his hands and he hissed.  His oblong pupils trembled and compressed into thin strips.  Muscles formed within his hands and when they attached in place, his dense, clear claws slid back into their partially grown sheaths.

He growled.

"I still want it," Raven continued with a moan.  He ached for it and the emptiness was vast.

"It's- it's not right, Raven," Saf instead.  He shifted where he stood, still with his head down.  "The wizard raised me, but I am still a beast.  And you- you're a- you-  You're a dream made flesh.  I've never seen a more handsome creature.  The lines of your face - your cheeks and brow - all of it comes together into perfection."

Raven was closer now and he scratched at his stomach.  There was a peculiar itch there - a maddening, unscratchable itch just beneath the surface of the skin that occasionally radiated into a slicing cramp.

"Handsome," Raven sighed.  He reached Saf and knelt to press his body against the side of the beast.  And then, with a quiet growl, he turned to nuzzle into Saf's side before opening his mouth to quickly lick the creature's fur - all while his brain buzzed from the constant need flowing through him.  The heat was becoming maddening.  Deafening.  "You know nothing about any of this, do you?  It's not something an ancient wizard would've taught."

The elf stood back from Saf's side to talk to his bowed head.  His delicate fingers touched the halo of fur surrounding Saf's face to lift him.

"Ohhhhh," Raven moaned with lust-filled, parted lips.

The majesty he had noted on their first meeting was different now.  He'd missed subtle cues, somehow - hints of bestial allure that were now plain to him and they clawed their way into his body.

With a moan, and a growl, Raven leaned forward while tilting his head and his tongue slipped past Saf's surprised lips.  The beast jerked back by reflex but Raven's arms shot out and his hands cradled the mane surrounding Saf's head.

It was awkward and inexpert, their spine-covered tongue slipping past each other until Saf leaned into it with a rumbling growl, pushing Raven back.  Fingers clenched at fur, gripping painfully hard.  Raven felt wetness trailing down his leg as the heat intensified and he moaned louder.  With a twitch of his hand, his claws emerged from their lengthening sheaths to scratch Saf's head.

Drool connected them briefly when they stepped apart and they panted as they stared at each other.

"I can't," Saf said finally.  His voice was pained and now Raven could see the agony of the creature's self-hatred.  "Raven, I can't."

Raven raised his hand to lick the back of it briefly and his tongue brushed against short hairs spreading over the skin.  He wiped his hand over Saf's drool where it touched his mouth and chin and then, deliberately while maintaining eye contact, he slowly licked the drool away with long strokes of his tongue.

"Please," Saf groaned and his claws tore at the dirt.

"I can smell yourrrrr musk," Raven growled while leaning in to rub his face against Saf's cheek.  "I know how much you want me."

"Yes," Saf gasped.

Cramps seized the arches of Raven's feet.  He hissed and stepped back before stumbling and falling to his ass.

A single shard of bone formed at the base of his spine.  As an elf, and without the existence of a tailbone, his body worked slowly to create the foundation it needed to give him a tail befitting the form he would take to match his mate.  The skin above his ass cheeks split to reveal a thin segment of chitin with a delicate curve sweeping out to an almost invisible stinger.  Glands developed beneath his skin, sacs to hold the poison that dribbled from that tip to soak into his trousers.

"Raven?  What's wrong?  Your- your smell, it's-  It's-"  Saf huffed.  And growled.  The plaintive look on his face slowly faded as feral touches appeared, drawn out by Raven's shifting scent.

Flesh bulged lightly on Raven's palm as he tore at the laces on his boots.  His claws ripped through the thin leather as if they weren't even there and he kicked his feet until realizing that the swollen forefeet within were trapping them in place.  Instead, he pulled, hooking his claws into the sides for extra purchase.

He stared dumbly at the bulbous toes on the tips of his widened feet.  An alarm pinged within his mind, but it was overwhelmed by the roaring in his ears and the inhuman estrus flooding his body, melting his brain and driving him down to all fours, rolling forward to his hands and knees with his ass shaking at the end of his curved back.

Raven panted while pressing his cheek into the dirt.  He stared back at Saf, watching the flicker of emotions on the manticore's face.  Concern was plain in the beast's features but his black lips did little to hide his naked desire and his tail circled in a blurring figure-eight behind him.

The elf's eyes dipped low, to Saf's full, heavy testicles and the swollen, spine-covered cock that lightly tapped against the creature's belly in time with his heartbeat, smearing pre cum into the fur with every motion.

It was too much for him.  Raven clawed at the dirt, digging furrows as his ass shuddered.  The muscles within were pulsing, clenching rhythmically as he desperately tried to catch Saf's interest.

The voice whispered within of its need - to grow the pack.  To mate until his belly was full with cubs.  It was an imperative, an overwhelming urge that only grew stronger with every passing second until Raven threw his head back in a yowling roar.

His tunic pulled tight to show thick, erect nipples on his chest and the tips of the claws growing from his back.  They tore through the cotton fabric with ease and the skin between his shoulder blades opened, ripping from the top where his claws where and down until slick, leathery flaps emerged from the already healing wound.  The tunic slipped from his breeches.  New muscles connected to nerves and the developing wings moved, shredding his shirt until the pressure from the growth of his wings combined with the claws to rip the shirt away from his body.

Sweat dripped from the tips of his nipples where they hung on the faint mounds on his chest.  He rocked back as his spine rippled, pressing against his skin.  Bones grated as a crackling sound filled the clearing.  The sliver of chitin at the base of his spine pushed back, forced outward by new growths.  Further until the first segment of his tail appeared.  The weak appendage swayed behind him.

"No," Saf whispered as he watched what was happening.  And yet, his wide, furred nostrils widened and he snarled with whiskers trembling.  The scent of the elf, already intoxicating, was overpowering his thoughts.  Primal images filled his mind - rutting beasts and nothing more.  "I'm- I'm not-  Not like-"

Ebony hairs dotted Raven's upper back.  More appeared as they began to slowly spread down, around his wings as the drying, leathery flesh snapped in the warm air.

"GODS!"  Raven roared, once more arching his quivering body.  He growled and reached beneath to claw at his soaked crotch in order to reveal the swollen, engorged lips, already covered in thick black fur.  "SAF PLEASE!   I NEED YOU!"

"Nooooooo," Saf growled, bowing and shaking his head.  His lips fluttered.  His broad tongue lashed at his nose.  He panted, staring at the ground with wide, vacant eyes.  The images wouldn't stop.  They tortured him, pulling him under until he began to regress.

When he looked up, the beast was in control.

Saf moved with a sensuous, sinuous grace as he huffed and scented his mate.  Raven's obsidian, crackling, chitinous tail curled against the manticore when his breath puffed against Raven's crotch.  He continued forward and Raven moaned while raising his body up, pressing into his mate's stomach.  Words were lost to the elf, driven out by the beast's proximity - by the knowledge that he would be mounted soon.  Nothing else mattered.

Raven lowered himself while raising his ass and his sopping wet slit marked Saf's fur.  The elf's ears quivered as the flesh expanded, widening them until the sun showed the veins within the skin.  Silky black fur emerged, cascading over his delicate ears as they grew to thick, tufted, rounded points that flexed and twisted against the side of his face.  The fur continued down until it touched his cheeks.  Here, it faltered.  Hesitated.  And then moved once more, rippling over his face as a split appeared in his top lip.  Bones shifted in his jaw and Raven snarled while raising one hand to wipe at his face.  The bulbous padding lining the bottom of his fingers rubbed the bridge of his expanding nose.

When the tip of Saf's cock smeared pre cum against the fur emerging around the base of Raven's tail, the elf froze, dropping his hand back to the earth.

"Yes," Raven gasped.  His slit eyes widened and his rough tongue slipped out to lick the fur spreading above his top lip.  Holes opened in the skin beneath the fur to emit the glistening tips of glossy black whiskers.  "Yes.  Yes yes yes yes yes GODS YES!"

The head of Saf's cock pressed into his body before sliding down, leaving a trail of his cum until it bulged against the elf's asshole.  And further, between his puffy outer lips.

With a growl, Raven shoved back and then raised his head to roar when the head of the cock split him apart.

It was such a foreign sensation.  Saf's tongue had been thick and rough and flexible but his cock was harder.  Wider.  It didn't stop at his entrance - it pushed forward, tearing through his guts.  The pain was immense but necessary and Raven growled, gritting his aching teeth as the blunt tips began to flow outward, curving into fangs.

He had to have him inside.  He would destroy himself to feel his mate's hot cum filling his belly.  His civility - millenia of elven heritage - was devoured by the base, animalistic urge to mate and bear offspring.

Creamy white liquid welled from around the girthy cock slowly pressing into him.  It mixed with clear liquid to dribble beneath him with strings of the viscous liquid waving from his trembling body.

Raven found his muscles clenching and he panted.  He focused through the inferno burning through his brain in an attempt to allow himself to relax but they only tightened further around the intruding cock.

The elf mewled piteously when the spines flicked against him and then sputtered, mouth soundlessly opening and closing when those same spines entered him, dragging against his opening.

And Saf still pushed.

"Has to… Has… Has to fit," Raven muttered, eyes wide and staring blankly.  Drool dribbled from his lips and his whiskers vibrated.  Despite his words, he pushed back into it.  His back twitched and his nostrils flexed.  Fur shifted, lifting over the mounds of new muscles that connected to the base of his wings.  They unfurled, pressing up into Saf's belly before twisting to enfold him with the claws digging into Saf's hide.  Holding him in place.

Further.  Further.  Raven swallowed, suddenly certain he could feel Saf's cock in his throat.  And then he screamed when the head touched his cervix.

When Saf pulled back, Raven scrambled at the dirt from the sensation of the spines clawing his insides. He roared and spat until Saf leaned forward to bite the ruff of black fur on the back of his neck.  The elf felt Saf's tongue licking fur and skin while his fangs pressed into his skin.  He calmed and shuddered and hung his head.

Raven's mind went blank as the cock pulled out.  A high pitched ringing sound formed in his ear, drowning everything else out.  He shuddered.  Cords stood out on his neck as dark fur crept over them and down towards his chest.

The orgasm was impossibly huge.  It crackled through his body like a lightning storm and his nerve endings screamed from it.  When Saf pushed forward, Raven's pulsing muscles allowed him to move more easily.  His testicles swung forward to smack against the soaked fur covering Raven's crotch and the touch of it only served to drive Raven wild when it struck and rubbed against his little cock.  Back with the spines clawing his inside and then forward with a sharp thrust and the heavy sack slapped him once more, coating the fur in Raven's creamy cum.

"Won't.  Last," Saf snarled when he pulled his mouth away from Raven's neck.  The slightly more rational part of his mind knew he would cum soon and it felt a pang of embarrassment from how quickly it would happen.  The rest of his mind - the feral, primal part - knew it would be one of many times.  That the heat overriding them would be near endless and he would mount his mate even when his belly was round and squirming with their offspring.

Saf roared as he came.  He shoved as deep as he could and, sensing what was happening, Raven pushed back and then growled when the head touched his cervix once more.

As he had before, the elf felt the cum moving through Saf's cock, this time by way of his muscles crushing the spasming shaft.  For a moment, the abyss within his stomach vanished as gouts of thick cum sprayed against his womb. Again and again and again until the bulge of his stomach around Saf's shaft swelled further to contain all of his sperm.

Yes yes yes yes yes in me in me yes yes in me all of it I'll take all of it yes in me gods yes please, yes, br- Raven gibbered in his mind until his most powerful orgasm yet rippled through his body.  He lost control of his body as every single muscle came to attention, arching his back and forcing his body forward.  His wings fluttered against Saf's body while his smooth, segmented tail unfurled, sliding against Saf's belly before curling against his side with the stinger pulled back.

"BREED ME!  BR-" his words failed him as the aftershocks powered through his body - each as strong as the orgasms he'd given himself in the past.  More of Saf's cum was forced out as the muscles milked the thick cock shoved deep inside.  His eyes rolled back and he slumped to the dirt, pulling Saf down with him when the spines held tight.  Drool dribbled over the sable fur covering Raven's chin to mix into the dirt beneath.

Above him, Saf panted and twitched.  Slowly, his mind began to come into focus as he stared down at Raven's prone, changed body.  The elf was still there, lithe and small but wrapped in a manticore's cloak, bipedal with wings as dark as the night sky and a pitch black tail to mirror his fur.  Saf's own red tail swayed as he considered what he'd done.  And where they would go from here.

"Mmmnnh," Raven groaned, pushing himself up.  He froze halfway and his ears twisted as he turned to look back at Saf.  His cheeks burned beneath his fur.  "I-  I-  Nngh- I-"

Raven's ass moved, pulling forward.  Saf groaned and began to pull back, assuming Raven had finally come to his senses.  He readied himself for the onslaught of curses.

"Don't.  Move," Raven growled.  His eyes were thin slits and his black lips pulled back to show his fangs as he moaned and licked his nose and pushed back while lifting his ass.  "More.  Need.  More."

"Rrrraven," Saf groaned.  "You-"

But the elf was gone.  His wings were splayed to his side, wafting slowly to stir the air and force the scent of his estrus to swirl around them.  Saf's pupils dilated and he snarled and shoved, meeting Raven's backward thrust.

The wind howled its approval around them as the newly mated pair lost themselves to their bestial urges.


Raven sat back against a smooth boulder that radiated the warmth it had absorbed.  It had taken nearly a week for him to gain proper control of his wings.  Now they lay folded against the dense fur on his back with the claws touching. The wind ruffled the mound of black fur, speckled with white sand, standing out on his neck.

He would need to mate again, soon, and his eyes flicked over to Saf where he lay nearby, resting on his side in the sand.

The elf stared at his hand, at the swollen black flesh covering the bottom of his fingers and the top of his palm.  The thin callus-like layer of skin created a soft padding that made delicate work difficult but not impossible.  He tensed new muscles and his claws slid free of their sheaths until he relaxed to let them hide once more.

Behind him, his tail dug in the dirt and he turned to growl at it.  The tail was impossible to control, he'd found.  It inconvenienced him at every turn, failing to listen or obey him.  He was shocked that he hadn't stung himself yet.  Or Saf.  Although he'd been assured that they were immune to the poison.  Or, at least, Saf prayed that Raven was also immune now.

Raven's tongue pressed against the back of his top fangs.  He growled and his back arched.  Once more, his eyes swiveled over to Saf.  To his cock hidden within the bulbous sheath and his heavy testicles where they dangled against his belly.  He moaned and licked his dark lips while his long, rounded ears twitched.

The movement drew his fingers.  He reached up to feel the smooth edges.  Many traits combined to mark an elf but all were often subtle with the exception of their ears.  Now- now that particular feature was gone, as if sanded away.  Despite all of his dramatic changes, this was the one that felt the most freeing, as if the chain binding him to his race was finally broken.

Saf had begged for a thirty minute nap, pleading for respite from their mating.  He offered anything and everything in return and Raven had finally agreed, demanding the touch of his tongue the evening and for the next week.  But only as an appetizer for what came next.

His hand swept over his belly, digging through the fur while the other raised to a hidden nipple high on his chest.  There was a tenderness there, over the skin on his belly.  The taut skin moved slightly at his touch, as if loose and, when he pressed hard enough, he could feel little bumps beneath his fingers.  Four specific spots were more sensitive than the rest of his stomach and he sighed, with pleasure, as he found them and swirled the padding on his index finger around the tight little areas. The slight bulge of his belly left him wondering if he was eating too much rich meat lately.

Raven growled as he pinched his nipple - black now, rather than the gentle pink from before - and then stared in shock as a fine white spray of milk squirted out over his fur and the sand before him.  His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed to slits as he stared at it soaking into the sand.  As he inhaled the scent.  His tail cracked against the stone behind him, battering it until he stood on two legs to stalk over to his mate.

The elf lowered himself, mouth open to lick Saf's face.

"Wha- Raven?  Already?" he asked.  His brow creased and he lifted his chin, huffing as he inhaled.  "What is that- hrrrrrrm."

"Your back.  Roll onto your back," Raven told him while pushing slender arms against his belly.  Despite their thinness, he'd found that they were shockingly strong.  A lesson learned during one rough mating session when he almost tore Saf's ear while being licked.

Saf complied, folding his wings beneath him as he rolled.  Already his sheath was pulling back as Raven climbed on top of him to straddle Saf, marking the manticore's fur with wetness as he slid down.  Once there, he raised his hips while gripping the spine-covered cock to press it against his throbbing opening.

With one hand clenched in Saf's fur, he used the other to pull and stroke his own little cock while easing himself down with a long, low, continuous growl.  He watched Saf's face as emotions roiled with him.

"I love you," Raven said suddenly before wincing when he bottomed out.  He leaned forward and snarled as he swirled his fingers against his slick lips.  Covered in his creamy cum - and Saf's from barely thirty minutes ago - he brought them back up to his swollen little cock to stroke himself harder while slowly riding Saf.

The words felt as if they were ripped from his chest but he knew them to be true.  Since tracking him down in the forest and changing, they'd been constant, passionate companions who spent their time laughing and hunting and sharing stories in between mating sessions.  A quiet logical part of his mind told him that it was more likely due to his change and the urges. He acknowledged the thought (and then gasped as a small orgasm exploded within his belly, followed by a second that caused his hips to falter) and then stored it away as he stared at Saf's face.  At his beautiful, elegant mane and the adoration in the beast's eyes.

I suppose-  "Mmmmnnngh!" his thought was interrupted by a loud moan as a third, stronger orgasm caused him to clench against the spines covering Saf's shaft.  I suppose he's no longer the only beast.

Raven could feel his tail curling and uncurling behind him while bouncing against his back from the motions of his hips.  His thoughts were already becoming rougher.  More bestial.  The complexities fading away as his estrus consumed him.  The gentle rhythm of his hips became faster and his claws slipped out.  He growled and snatched his hand away from his own cock to grip both hands into Saf's fur while pounding his ass down.  He could take more of Saf now, and deeper and he wanted even more.  All the way to his womb.

Milk began to drip from his nipples, flinging into Saf's fur from the wild impact of Raven's pounding.  He roared from continuous, firecracker-like orgasms while his wings unfurled and beat the air, helping him stay atop his mate.

"One," Raven snarled when he felt Saf's release inside of him. The manticore groaned and thrashed as his cock pulsed, drilling into Raven's cervix with an impossible amount of cum.  And still, the elf never broke his rhythm.  He would let him rest after nine more.  Or ten.

Or eleven.


Raven moaned loudly while rocking slowly back and forth against Saf's side.  His nipples jutted past the sable fur covering his chest.  The breasts he paid to shrink down had grown back over the past few months, stretching out past their original size until they weighed against him and he swore they sloshed with milk.

He’d left his village to escape his fate as a broodmare.  They gave their women no choice and didn’t care when he’d stood in defiance.  It was inevitable and so he’d fled.

Only to find himself far from any civilization with a belly stretched by his unborn children.  He’d had plenty of time to question himself when he felt the hints of what was coming.  Time and again, in the quiet of his own mind, he checked for the disgust he’d felt back in his village.  And each time he only felt joy.  What previously, in his mind, threatened to rob him of his masculinity was now a testament to his survival and the love he had for his mate.

A thick tongue dragged against Raven's dense ruff - his small mane.  He closed his eyes and leaned in to his mate's gentle touch while rubbing the bulge of his enormous belly.

Their cubs filled him and his four teats dribbled continuously, soaking his fur until the excess dripped from the tips of the black hairs.  It would be weeks before they were needed but they leaked just the same and he snarled at the memory of Saf licking them.  While eagerly looking forward to it again.

"OooooOOOOooOOOOO!" Raven groaned before gritting his fangs.

His legs were spread far apart with his knees bent.  The elf reached down to touch between his thighs as he hyperventilated.  His soft padded fingers brushed against the egg crowning from his straining lower lips.

"Phhhh... phhhhh... phhhhhhhhh... It hurts," he snarled after forcing his breath from his lips and his left hand clawed at Saf's belly.

"I know, love," Saf growled.  He gently pressed his forehead against Raven's cheek.  "I wish I could do more."

"Just- OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH GODS!" the lower lips stretched as his muscles clenched with a slicing pain.  Contractions seized him and he turned to lick Saf's face.  "I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T OH GODS I CAN'T!"

Once more Saf's tongue continued its work, cleaning Raven's fur in an attempt to calm him.

"OH!  OH!  IT'S- IT'S COMING!  IT'S-!"  he reached down once more and the egg slid against his fingers.  Blood filled his mouth when his fangs bit through his lip but, suddenly, the egg slipped out.  "I- I- I DID IT!  SAF, I- OUR CHILD, I- OOHHHHHHH GOOOOOODS AGAIN!"

He touched himself again, slipping fingers just inside to feel the hardness of a second egg tearing him apart from within.

A lone black egg lay on the warm sand before the elf, shaded by Saf's enormous wings where the manticore raised them above Raven.

An hour later, Raven lay pressed against Saf's belly with his three eggs nestled against his own stomach.

Saf stared at them with a complicated mixture of emotions - pride, love, fear, shame, others - all swirling within.  He hated the negative thoughts, but they refused to leave and so he ignored them while feeding the love he felt for his mate and the pride he had for him.  And for his children.  Their children.

Speaking of food, Saf thought, knowing he would need to hunt soon to feed Raven.  The elf would be ravenous afterwards and would need the extra feed to keep his strength up.  And his milk.

But, for now he lay there and he knew - he truly knew that he loved his small mate.  He offered a prayer to the wizard who raised him, in whatever afterlife he enjoyed and he hoped the man knew he was a grandfather.  Saf thanked him, in his prayer, for the lessons he learned while apologizing, as he had many times before, for not realizing and expressing his love before the wizard had passed.

"It will be different," Saf said quietly and his eyes blazed while his ears listened for the smallest hint of danger.  "It will be different for Raven.  It is different."

The manticore tipped its head to press his face into his mate's thick ruff.

"I love you.  Now.  And always."

"My handsome mate."



Lovely ending!!!


What a great little pairing. I love how you handled the mental transition in this one, and how you did this very unique change!


Thank you so much! I had a blast with the dialogue between the two and their interactions :)