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The 2nd of 3 chapters!

Jasmine dressed herself in her pajamas before stepping out of the bathroom.  Mari had a movie paused on the TV while speaking to her mother on the phone.  Jasmine watched her alertly.  She stared at her neck.  The curve of her shoulder and the edge of her jaw.  A low, rumbling purr echoed through the hallway and her nostrils flexed while her tongue pressed against the roof of her mouth and her top lip.

"Mom, if you keep talking about grandchildren, I'm going to hang up," Mari said.  The frustration was evident in her voice.  "You're both still young, no, no no no, don't try to guilt trip me.  I don't even like kids.  Yes.  Yes, I know that might change in the future.  I'm not even... No, there's no boyfriend.  Okay.  Okay, I'm hanging up.  No.  I'm hanging up.  I love you both!  Byeeee!"

Jasmine padded silent through the living room on the balls of her feet as Mari finished her call and reached for the remote to unpause the movie.

"Will you come with-" Jasmine said from where she crouched behind Mari.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Mari screamed.  She bolted, jumping to her feet while turning with her hand on her chest.

"Sorry," Jasmine said as she stood.

"Jesus Christ," Mari repeated, more quietly this time.

Jasmine couldn't help but see the outline of Mari's heaving breasts against her shirt, and the small tent of her braless nipples pressing into the fabric.

And the smell of her.  She exuded delicious notes of fear that made Jasmine dig her nails into the back of the couch.  An urge filled her - the urge to go to Mari, press against her, bite her and taste her and drag her nails over-

"S- sorry," Jasmine repeated while trying to clear her mind.  A single bead of clear liquid slid down her thigh.

"It's- it's okay," Mari told her.  The girl licked her top lip.  "Just startled me, you know?  I didn't hear you."

"Yeah, sorry.  Do- do you- would you walk to the store with me?" Jasmine asked

"It's snowing, Jaz," Mari said with a confused look.

"I know," she said.  Her voice seemed to grow more firm and confident the longer she spoke in front of Mari and her posture shifted slightly - more forward with her back becoming straighter.  "I just thought it would be nice to take a break and stretch our legs.  And I'd like your company.  I thought we could use it as an excuse to wear our new coats.  That we bought together."

Mari swallowed as she stared at her roommate.  There was something different about her that made her anxious.  The way she held herself.  How steady her eyes were as she stared back at Mari.  But, it was more than that.  Her body registered subtle differences in the way Jasmine projected her very presence that sent a chill down her spine and made her blood run cold.  She swallowed again.  Hard.  Cold blood that grew warm between her legs.

The presence she felt on a subconscious level was a nearly physical pressure that threatened to force her down to her knees.  Further down to her belly.  And a very, very faint part of her sparked from that hidden desire.

"Sure," she heard herself say.  "I'd like that."

Jasmine's smile was immediate and brilliant and half feral.

"Great!" Jasmine said.  "I'll change and grab my coat."

"Yeah," Mari whispered to the other girl's back.  Tensed muscles relaxed in her shoulders and she exhaled a ragged breath while partially collapsing against the wall behind her.

She realized, suddenly, that she didn't want to be in the living room without her coat when Jasmine came back.

Wouldn't she be mad that you're making her wait? Mari's brain asked her.  She shook her head.

Of course she wouldn't, she told the nagging thought.

But, you agreed to do it and you'll make her wait, the invasive thought prodded.

"I-  I-" Mari stuttered while stepping from one foot to the other.

She knew Jasmine wouldn't be bothered by it.  She knew that.  And still... It was foolish, but she moved, speed-walking towards her room with her heart racing.  She nearly squeaked as Jasmine's door opened and she jumped inside her own room to quickly grab the coat from where it hung in her closet.  Rather than waiting to do it at the front door, she rushed to slip the coat on as soon as she had it in hand.

Mari inhaled sharply with her lips parted while her pupils dilated.  Her nerves were on edge after her interaction in the living room and the coat hooked into those raw endings.  She squatted, forced down with her ass out behind her and her knees spread while her back curved.  The girl grabbed blindly for the closet door to hold herself steady.

The coat felt tighter than before.  Where the sleeves draped over her arms the first time she'd worn it, they now encircled her biceps and forearms.  Compressing against her body, the warmth was immediate.  Miniature jolts shot through her.  Burrowing into her until she moaned and strained, hands sliding down the closet door to the floor in front of her while her ass raised.

Her front teeth ached. Mari's nostrils opened and closed as she grinded her teeth while whimpering quietly.  Something popped within her hips and the shock of it collapsed her to the floor on the tips of her toes and knees with her hands flat on the ground.

With her ass out, her panties and pajamas bit into her waist.  Muscles built within and the skin stretched while padding grew around them and her ass cheeks swelled behind her.  Skin tightened on her thighs as they expanded in turn.  Her panties, wet from the excitement in the living room, were drenched now and they marked a thin line in the seat of her suddenly taut pajamas.

She- she's waiting- for me, she thought as she forced herself up.  Something was wrong with her.  Terribly wrong and she knew she should do ... something about it but the idea of Jasmine out of her sight and lurking made her anxious.  She had to go.  She-

A small orgasm rippled through Mari, forcing her back down to her hands and knees.  Her brow furrowed and she frowned as she stared at her bent, trembling fingers.  She'd never had an orgasm from anything other than her clit being stimulated.  Intercourse wouldn't even do it.  But now she'd cum from the stimulation coursing through her body and the thought of Jasmine stalking her - from the delicious fear of... of...

Mari shook her head.  Her top front tooth bit hard into her lip, longer than the surrounding teeth while her bottom front teeth lengthened to scrape up against the back of it.

Have to go, she told herself when her fears and thoughts slipped away from her.  Hidden beneath her loose black hair, the edges of her ears stretched until they were flat while the tips slid outward into a short, rounded point.

Cartilage melted in the bridge of Mari's nose.  Her nasal bone crunched as it lowered while the tip of her nose receded slightly and the edges of her nostrils shranks, leaving it streamlined, closer to her face with her nostrils hidden.  The very tip twitched back and forth when a few white, nearly transparent hairs grew over the bridge and two tiny beige hairs emerged behind her nostrils.

She raised her hands to press her index fingers into the sides of her nose to rub the itching sensation until it passed.  Finally, she pushed herself up.  Her pants strained around her legs and waist with the seams threatening to tear as she walked back into the living room.

Jasmine grinned at Mari by the front door.  Like Mari, she already wore her coat but where she stood straight with her eyes locked on Mari, Mari hunched slightly and her eyes darted around until she forced herself to look at her roommate with a shaky smile.

"You look great," Jasmine told her.  "I love my coat, but yours fits you so well."

"Th- Thanks," Mari said as her smile turned tremulous.  "You- you look good, too.  In your coat.  It's nice on you."

"You ready?" Jasmine asked while opening the door.  Snowflakes gusted inside and a small clump flowed down to the floor where it had collected against the bottom of the door.

Mari's skin prickled when she passed Jasmine, as if her roommate were electric.  She found herself holding her breath until she was outside and her fur-

She cocked her head and her nose wiggled while her ears brushed against the inside of her hair when the tips bent down slightly.

The fur lining her coat swayed around her.  Mari gasped when the freezing wind sliced against her bare cheeks until she remembered to pull her hood up.  She jumped when Jasmine stepped up beside her and placed her hand on the back of her shoulder.

"Everything okay?" Jasmine asked.

Mari nodded and set off.  She was acutely aware of Jasmine following behind her and, after missing two sudden drops hidden beneath the snow due to the distraction it caused, she forced herself to focus on the sidewalk and streets ahead of her.

A dull ache bloomed in her forefeet.  The knuckles of her toes expanded, pressing up into her boots.  The faux leather expanded around them and she grinded her teeth due to the pain.  Jasmine stopped behind her when she paused to stamp her feet.  Her forefeet widened to fill the remaining space within the boots and her toes curved slightly to accommodate their new size.

She could feel her feet beginning to sweat within the confines of her boots.  Mari knelt to loosen the laces and the relief was immediate.

Jasmine knelt beside her in the snow.  Her alert eyes scanned the surrounding area for danger while she placed her hand on the small of Mari's back.  Mari shivered in response.  The unexpected touch surprised her, pushing her slightly off balance until she caught herself with her hands in the snow in a position eerily similar to the one she'd had back in her bedroom.

When she'd orgasmed.

Beneath her coat, her skin moved, writhing from the tip of her tailbone sweeping up and down as fine white hairs grew from the skin.

"You sure you're okay?" Jasmine asked.

"Um.  Um, yeah.  My feet hurt for a second," she said.  They still hurt, but she ignored it and stood while wiping the snow from her legs.  "Come on, we're almost there."

The toe box of her boots pulled against the soles and three stitches snapped due to the strain. She couldn't wait to be home.  To slip out of her shoes, slip under her covers and slip her fingers into her slippery pussy until-

Mari shivered and gasped and swayed until Jasmine caught her.  Sharp nails bit into her arms and the girl moaned.  More delicate hairs grew over the flattened bridge of her wiggling nose with a few spreading out to her cheeks.

When was the last time I got laid? she asked herself when she felt the heat between her legs.  For one insane second, she worried that steam would waft away from her crotch, betraying her sudden, painful need.

Her ears twisted as they grew, stretching outward past her hair until they bent against the inside of her hood.  Silver hairs pierced the skin until they were scattered over the backs of her ears.

She realized, as they entered the convenience store's parking lot, that she could hear Jasmine's even breathing behind her and she shivered while closing her eyes.  There was a ragged, grumbling undertone to it.  A sawing staccato as if she were purring lightly.

The closeness of the sound made her tremble.  It was as if she could feel her warm breath against her ears.  Or neck.  Or shoulder.

A digital chime sounded when they entered. Both knocked the snow from their shoes and Mari waited for Jasmine to lead the way for whatever she wanted to buy.

"I'll get something for you, too, since I dragged you out into the snow," Jasmine said.

Christ, Mari, she thought to herself when she realized the imagery excited her.  The idea of being taken, of being pushed and held down and dragged into bed made her clench her pussy and her incredibly sensitive ears caught the faint squelch of her panties against her thighs.

The hairs lifted on the back of her neck, wispy white ones that lengthened as they began to spread over the faint bumps of her spine.

"Okay," Mari said.

She followed her roommate through the aisles as Jasmine tried to decide what she wanted.  When she stopped in front of the section containing a selection of beef jerky, Mari looked at the options, but found her stomach shriveling at the idea of any of them.

"Can I check the vegetables?  Sometimes they... have..." she asked but her voice faltered as Jasmine turned and gave her a questioning look.

"Yes?  You- you don't need my permission," Jasmine told her.

"Right," Mari said while blinking her eyes.  Her voice firmed.  "Right.  Of course."

She wandered away until she found the sandwiches and fruit trays in a lit, chilled section set against the wall.  The tip of her nose twitched as she stared at the different options.

White leaked slowly from the edges of her eyes, replaced by black until the brown rings of her irises were all the coloring left.  Mari reached out to pick a plastic pack of mixed vegetables.  With her food in hand, she raised up to her toes with her ears back and her nose anxiously wiggling while she looked for Jasmine.

When she rejoined the other woman, she followed behind her while trying to ignore the heat pulsing from her pussy.  She even caught herself eyeing the cashier appraisingly as the nearly seventy year old man wheezed from the physical effort of lifting and scanning the food they purchased.

Several seams tore on the sides of Mari's jeans when they left the store.  Her powerful thigh muscles flexed beneath the fabric with every step she took.  Despite the pain in her feet, she felt light and energetic.  Almost drunk from the strange energy swirling within as it mixed with her steadily increasing libido.

The walk back to their shared home was silent and Mari moaned when she finally pulled - for she had to genuinely yank - her boots from her feet.  The tips of her socks bulged when her toes splayed on the floor.  She bounced up, raising her heels while slapping her forefeet and toes against the floor.

Her nails bent, pinching the flesh beneath as they widened slowly and slid forward until they click-click-clicked against the floor.  Holes opened in the fabric at the tips of her socks and they widened when her claws slid through.

Jasmine vanished into her room with the bag of food she bought.  Mari lifted her delicate chin and her flat nostrils flexed as she scented after her until the furred skin on the bridge of her nose wrinkled at the smell of meat.  Her knees bent and more stitches popped on her jeans to show hardened muscles dotted by white fur.

Mari walked on the balls of her broad feet, padding through the kitchen to drop her food off before heading into her bedroom. Her ears twitched and she cocked her head as she stared at Jasmine's room. She swore she heard growls coming from the other, mixed with the muffled sound of her lips smacking together.  The sounds were almost sensual, but she couldn't tell whether that was wishful thinking from her sex-filled mind or not.

Ignoring her roommate, Mari jumped into bed to burrow under her covers.  When she unzipped her pants, she whined as the zipper caught on the thick fur creeping over her crotch.  White hairs pulled free when she shoved her clothes down and the scent of her pussy filled the enclosed space beneath her blankets.

She wasted no time in coating her fingers in the juices covering her pussy before rubbing her clit and her first small, yet satisfying orgasm made her gasp with joy.  Mari pulled her knees up while rolling to the side, trapping her hand between her thighs as he swirled her finger against the smooth, pink nub.

Her moans became louder with every successive orgasm until she bit her pillow.  Her sharp front teeth tore into it and the foam within.

A ghostly presence filled her mind.  Powerful and fierce.  Hands holding her trembling body down.  Kissing her neck.  Licking her skin.  Biting her ears and shoulder.  Bodies pressed tightly together.  Hands on her breasts and nipples.  Clawing her back.  Raising her ass.  Shoving their face into her to lick and lick and suck and-

At some point, after countless orgasms, Mari's bucking, twitching body lay still beneath her blankets with the scent of her sweat and sex surrounding her.


Sounds woke Mari from her troubled sleep. For a brief moment, the absolute darkness surrounding her scared her until she realized she was still under her blankets.  She wiggled out of them to poke her head out.  Her ears popped up once free of the blankets and her nose wiggled as she listened to Jasmine walk around their apartment.

She realized, too late, that she'd left her phone plugged in on the side table next to the couch, but due to the darkness outside her window, she assumed it was very late.

Despite this, she felt fully awake.

"Oh," she whispered as she rubbed her legs together.  She was sore but still horny and she told herself she'd allow one quick orgasm before eating dinner and going back to sleep.

Over an hour later, Mari rolled out of bed.  Jasmine was back in her room, based on the faint creaking sounds of her bed and her-

Mari frowned and stepped closer to the wall.  Jasmine moaned quietly.  The low sound trembled at the end before vibrating with that strange noise she'd made earlier.  Mari pressed her forehead into the wall while stepping out of her pants and panties with her hand already rubbing her swollen clit.

She'd never known Jasmine was so-

Animalistic, she thought to herself before her eyes rolled back from an orgasm.  She collapsed against the wall before sliding down to the floor and turning with her legs spread.  Her cum splattered outward as her hand rubbed faster and faster.

She was insatiable.  White hairs pricked the skin beneath her breasts while sweat beaded on her body.

Staring down, she pictured her roommate's tongue replacing her fingers and she couldn't stop a low whining, whimpering moan from issuing from her mouth.

Mari crawled over to her night stand to grab her dildo from the drawer.  She licked the shaft enthusiastically while rocking her hips as if already riding it.  After it was coated with her spit, she stuck it to the floor, lifted her hips and immediately thrust herself down onto it. Her cum ran down the length of it to pool on the floor as she leaned forward to ride with long, frantic strokes down to the base.  She held herself with her left hand while her right jerked and spasmed against her clit.

Her broad toes thumped lightly against the floor behind her as she brought herself to yet another orgasm.

Almost an hour later, she fell to her side and the dildo popped out of her pussy.  It flicked her cum against the wall as she convulsed and gasped for air.

At a point shortly after starting with the dildo, she realized that she'd felt somewhat sated and could've stopped.  However, it just felt too damn good and she'd continued until her muscles threatened to seize.  She'd masturbated more in a single evening than she did in a week.  Possibly even two weeks.

Her ears caught the quiet metallic compressions of Jasmine's springs and she wondered if she was reading or playing her games. She could feel the distance between them - physically short but impossibly wide and she wondered if Jasmine was lonely.  Whether she'd like some company.  Or, better yet, to cuddle up together while the snow storm raged around them.  Her thighs scissored against her fur covered, puffy red labia.

Maybe- maybe more than cuddling, she thought to herself while sliding her hand up to her chest to gently massage herself.  Her top front tooth scraped against her tongue when she licked her lips.

"No," she rasped.  Snatching her hand away, she rolled to her hands and knees and then slowly, ponderously up to her feet.

Mari crept into the kitchen to eat the vegetables Jasmine bought for her.  She filled a cup with water and licked at it before tipping the glass back to drink the entire thing at once.  The girl refilled it twice more before settling down to enjoy her food.  Her sharp, spade-like front teeth snipped through carrots and celery with ease and she soon found herself digging through the fridge for more.

Just as she pulled a package of carrots from the fridge, the hairs covering her back lifted and she froze.  Mari turned slowly to see Jasmine standing in the hallway watching her.  Standing in darkness with the wall hiding half of her body.  She squinted but the fridge light had ruined her mediocre night vision.  For a second, just before her roommate stepped back, she swore Jasmine was naked.

"H-" Mari started to say.

"You're still wearing your coat," Jasmine said.  Her voice was deeper.  Sultry and rich and slow.  Light reflected from the backs of her eyes like pale blue mirrors until she blinked, causing Mari to doubt what she'd seen.

Mari started to laugh until she looked down and realized the girl was telling the truth.  At some point during their walk, she'd forgotten about it.  She'd slept in it and even-

"It- it was cold, so..." Mari said while blushing uncomfortably.

Jasmine was gone, as silently as she'd arrived.  Mari's nose twitched.  Her long, canted ears swept up, dragging against the hood of her coat where it lay on her shoulders.  Black hairs tipped the thick ears before fading to silver that lightened to white where they grew on her cheek.  She leaned forward slightly while her fleshy short tail bounced behind her.

Against her bare, naked ass cheeks.

Mari sat on a chair facing the hallway with her coat opened around her as she nibbled on her carrots with her mind wandering. When she'd finished her carrots, she wandered back into her room.  She almost went back under her blankets while still wearing her coat but, at the last minute, she shrugged out of it and let it fall to the floor.  Her shirt followed and she squirmed when it dragged over her sensitive nipples.

As before, she covered herself in the sheet and blankets.  She could still smell herself, even when she tried breathing through her mouth and sleep was a distant thing.

With a sigh, she brought her hands down between her thighs to wile away the time until sleep overcame her.


Jasmine yawned until her jaw cracked.  It was silent in her section of the library until she sneezed.  And then sneezed again.  A third time, violently and loudly.  The girl sniffed and rubbed her nose while tears welled in her eyes.  She swore she could taste the old books surrounding her.  Her sense of smell had gone haywire and it was affecting everything else as well.

Her bare nipples pressed into her dress shirt.  In the right angle, a thin strip of gray and mocha light hairs showed in the gaps between the shirt's buttons - mixed with creamy ivory hairs that stood in stark contrast to her dark skin.  A few random spiky hairs pierced the stockings she wore with her skirt.

She hadn't been able to fall asleep until an hour before she had to wake up for work and she'd been forced to apologize to her coworkers several times for snapping at them when they were too loud or when she caught them lounging and avoiding their duties.

Her rough, dense nails clawed at the light fur on her nape, hidden behind her hair.

The image of Zoë Kravitz's Catwoman filled her mind.

"I'll do it," she growled.  "After work, I'll-"

Nearly silent moans reached her.  The long wisps covering the tips of her ears waved as they bent and turned.  Her pupils narrowed to slits and she flashed short fangs as she turned to find the source.

Of course, she thought to herself.

An older man sat at a computer.  He was in the middle of them with four computers on either side and he sat back with a smile on his face and his hands in his lap.  Her lips pulled back in disgust and her throat rumbled with a low growl.  A young woman grimaced and walked away from her own computer.

It wasn't the first time this happened.  Or the tenth.  Or fiftieth.  Normally she'd grab one of her male coworkers to deal with it but now, her hackles raised, lifting the hairs covering the back of her neck and down between her shoulder blades.  The blunt tips of her short claws scratched at the thin callus covering the top of her palms as she stalked towards the computers.

Another woman, sitting two rows away from the man, left while shaking her head.  She glanced at Jasmine and then froze with her eyes showing white.  The woman trembled in place until Jasmine passed.

"You're done," Jasmine growled.  The short claw on her index finger cracked against the computer's hard plastic case when she flicked the power button.  "Get out."

"Hey!" the man said without an ounce of shame.  "I'm a patron here.  You can't-"

Jasmine leaned in.  Her dark, full lips pulled back to bare her fangs and she snarled as she leaned in while dropping her voice.

"Get.  The fuck.  Out," she spat.

Pheromones swirled around her and her claws screeched against the top of the table.  The old man's mouth opened and closed like a dying fish while the color fled from his cheeks.  Her other hand reached out to his shoulder and he groaned when she gripped him.  She could feel his clavicle bending and grinding.  The faint smell of urine filled the air.  She leaned in, nearly brushing her cheek against his.

"I'll kill you if I see you again," her whispered, snarling voice betrayed the pleasure she would take in the action.

When she released him, he stumbled back and tipped the chair over, bouncing his head on the carpet.  The man rolled, grabbed his satchel and stumbled away while Jasmine watched.

Her eyes flicked to the chair and floor and she wondered if she could convince one of her coworkers to clean up the pee dripping onto the carpet.  The day could not end fast enough.


Mari sat on the edge of her bed with her feet on the floor.  She picked at the holes in the front of her socks before sighing and falling back into her bed.  Her hands raised up to rub the rolled edges of her ears and earlobes.  They were sore for some reason.  Just a small ache around the base and she groaned when she massaged them.

She'd forced herself to wake earlier.  Her sheets and blankets were absolutely drenched and yet that didn't stop her from thrusting fingers into her needy, tight little pussy with one hand while rubbing her clit with the other.  She'd been awake for the past forty-five minutes. Masturbating.  It had taken physical effort to stop.

Her eyelids slid slowly over her eyes while her upper body swayed.  She snored for ten seconds before snorting and jolting awake.

"Dammit," she groaned as she forced herself out of bed.

Mari yawned and stretched, raising up to her toes with her hands above her head.  Her bare breasts jiggled while her body shook.  She sighed and scratched her taut stomach before reaching around to rub the small bump low on her back.

The girl padded into the bathroom before kicking the door closed.  She reached for the sink faucet and then stared at the palm of her hand - at the loose white hairs covering the lined skin.  As she bent to wipe her hands into the small trash can beside the sink, she paused to stare at the line of thin fur along the center of her body.

Barely more than stubble, the fur dotted her sternum and down to mix in with her pubic hair. She spread her legs and cocked an eyebrow at the faint muscle definition before frowning at the curly silver hairs covering over her crotch.

The rounded tip of her nose wiggled slightly.

"Old men have white chest hairs, not me," she said out loud with her lips curled in the hint of a frown. She dug through her side of the vanity's drawer to pull out her trimmer and it buzzed when she clicked it on.

Buzzed like the little gentle vibrator she used on her clit sometimes.

Mari exhaled and then licked her lips.

Is there time to...? she wondered with the trimmer lifted away from her stomach and her head turned towards her room.

Her pussy throbbed at the idea, but she shook her head and finished shaving her stomach.  After storing the trimmer, she started the shower and sighed happily as she stood beneath the hot water.  Rivulets ran down her back, coursing over the hairs leisurely, lazily growing over her spine.  The bump above her ass cheeks writhed and she spread her legs to let the water curve down over her asshole and pussy.

Five minutes later, she sat in the tub with the detached shower head drilling water into her hooded clit.  She screamed and bucked from an orgasm and then whined as she thrust fingers into her pussy.  Her slick, pink muscles clenched against her when she pounded them inside, splashing water and her own cum over the bathtub where Jasmine had masturbated hours earlier.


"You're late," Mari's manager said as Mari struggled with her apron strings.

"I- I know!  I'm so sorry," Mari said and her nose twitched.  She rubbed at it and the cartilage crunched quietly.  Her nostrils were wider and nearly flush with the top of her nose. Beige hairs dotted the tip.  Her front teeth grinded together as she flushed with embarrassment.

"It wouldn't be a problem if you'd just called ahead," the older woman said.  "Just... do better, Mari.  You're a good kid."

Tears of hot shame welled in her eyes. She sniffed and wiped at them with her head turned away.

"Well, it happens," the woman said.  She patted Mari's shoulder and then paused before leaning in. "Um. You have a couple hairs, uh..."

Mari watched, mortified, as the woman gestured towards her own mouth.  She raised her hand to cover the bottom of her face.

"It's- they're not really noticeable unless you're up close," her manager said while wincing at her own awkwardness.  She reached up, out of an anxious habit, to polish her old nametag.  The 'n' in 'Lauren' almost looked like an 'r' after so many years or rubbing it.  "It's not... so... I'm just going to go back to work."

"Thanks," Mari squeaked behind her hand.  She waited until the woman left before turning to the small mirror set above the tiny sink in their break room and leaning in.

On either side of her mouth above her top lip, a few black hairs peeked through the skin.  They were surprisingly thick and glossy and her nose wiggled when she brushed them with her fingers.  Worse, they were almost painfully sensitive.  Even worse, she didn't have a razor and she couldn't go back home without risking her job.

"Great, thanks body, I really needed this today.  Got anything else for me?" she asked her frowning reflection.


Mari vibrated with her hands gripped into fists at her side.  Her wild eyes darted between her coworkers and the few customers sitting at tables beyond the counter where she worked.

"I gotta use the bathroom," Mari told her manager.

"Again?  That's the sixth time," Lauren said.  "And it's barely after lunch."

"Yeah," Mari told her.  She lifted up onto her forefeet, nearly hopping in place.  "Sorry.  I'll be quick.  I promise."

"Are you feeling okay?" Lauren asked her.  She looked over the younger girl with a critical eye.  "You came in late and you've just been off all day.  We can cover your shift if you need to go to the doctor."

"No no no no no, I'm fine," Mari said.  Despite her lack of sleep, she was jittery.  She reached up to rub the studs in her ear and her fingers scratched against delicate white hairs.  "I just need to go. To the bathroom.  I'll be quick."


Mari rushed past, pushing the employee bathroom door just enough to slip through the gap before shoving it closed.  The fingers on her left hand flicked the switch for the fan by muscle memory alone while her right hand squeezed the button on her jeans.  She shoved her ass out to slide her pants down before moaning and carefully working her panties over her thighs.

Their bathroom held a collection of items for them to use for free and she'd been forced to indulge in the pads, changing them every time she snuck away to the bathroom.  She peeled the current one off before tossing it into the trash can.

She leaned back against the wall with her right index finger pressing her hood roughly against her clit.  A promise was a promise and she did her best to orgasm quickly.  She lifted her apron with her right hand to shove it into her mouth to muffle her whimpers and moans.  Her thigh muscles bulged when she bent her knees to sit back against the wall.  Skin stretched over the muscles as they tightened and grew more dense.

Her pussy dripped to the floor while her flattened nostrils flexed.  Her tongue licked the apron in her mouth until her first orgasm rippled through her.  She'd found, over the last five times in the bathroom, that she needed at least six orgasms before she could concentrate again.  Luckily, she seemed to be perpetually on edge and the orgasms rattled her like firecrackers, one after the other until she tipped forward with her apron dropping from her mouth.  Down to one hand, one forearm and both feet with her ass raised.

Fantasies rotated through her mind every time.  Her favorites alternated between straddling a customer's lap to fuck him in view of everyone - switching when she'd drained them completely.  Another favorite was being bent over the counter and fucked by her coworkers. Or taking an order with someone licking and fingering her.  Or a hot little affair in their supply room.  Or...

Mari panted.  She reached out to grab paper towels before sitting back to wipe the mess she'd made.  He knees wobbled when she stood and she worked as quickly as her sore body allowed.  She stole another pad to stick to the seat of her panties and then pulled everything back up, grunting as she struggled to get her pants over her muscular thighs.  After settling everything in place, she smiled and stepped out, ready to work for another hour before taking a sixth break.

A small, almost invisible tear opened in the seat of her straining slacks.


Jasmine prowled.

The wind screamed outside of the library.  She moved silently through the aisles, restless and uncertain of what, exactly, she was doing. Her blunt, black claws scratched at fine hairs strewn over her arms.  It was 4 p.m. and they were supposed to be open for two more hours but the last patron had left over an hour ago so she'd let her coworkers leave for the day.  She knew because she had checked, sniffing and listening as she skulked through the sections.

It was calming - the silence within.  Outside the snow whirled and swirled and it filtered everything else while creating a dead zone around her.  Her ears twitched, brushing the wispy strands on the tips through her hair.

She stopped as she reached a sudden decision.  Pulling her phone from her pocket, she pulled up her map program and keyed in a search with her claws cracking against the screen.

One call after another, reaching voicemail boxes or simply hearing the phone ring until, finally, someone answered.  They spoke briefly and Jasmine hung up before striding through the library towards the exit.

Thirty minutes later, she scuffed her boots on the welcome mat just inside a hair salon.  She could feel the need to sleep dragging her down.  As the only customer, she was waved right into a waiting chair.

"What can I do for you, hun?" the owner asked while draping a smock over her chest.

"I want it short," Jasmine told her.  "Like Zoë Kravitz in The Batman. I have a picture-"

"Oh, honey, no, I know what she looked like," the old lady said.  She pulled at Jasmine's hair with a critical eye.  "That's a fine woman.  Are you sure?  You have such gorgeous hair.  It-"

She frowned as she watched the tips of Jasmine's ears move.  They bent briefly when her fingers brushed against them.  She opened her mouth to comment on the long hairs before shutting it.  In all her years cutting hair, she never saw anything like it.  The younger generation often mystified her with their apps and the funny pictures they shared and their made-up words and she knew some of them, god bless their souls, were even trying to understand who they wanted to be.  She wondered if this was related to it - some new trend she couldn't possibly fathom - and she ultimately decided to say nothing.  It wasn't her business.

"I'm sure, yes," Jasmine told her confidently.  "Just like in the movie."

The owner nodded.  She held Jasmine's hair while spritzing it with water.  Jasmine closed her eyes until she felt herself falling asleep.  She jolted awake and then hissed when scissors jabbed her neck.

"Sorry, honey," the old woman said as she adjusted her hands.

"It's my fault.  I think I fell asleep for a second."

Except, when she raised her eyes she saw most of her hair was already gone and the woman was switching to her trimmers to clean the edges.  There were small differences from what she remembered, but they were minor things and, overall, it looked almost exactly like she wanted.

Her feet throbbed beneath her straining boots.  Prickly white hairs pierced the delicate skin between her toes.  She grinded her teeth together with her jaw muscles flaring as cramps seized the arches and forefeet.  More hairs grew from the base of her toes in a lazy, slowly spreading pattern that defined the broad outline of her padding before the skin swelled to create it.  Her ragged nails sharpened as new layers swept them forward to stab into the soles of her boots.

"You were dead to the world for an hour, girl," the woman told her as she finished her work.  "Didn't mind at all if I moved your head this way or that.  Just made my work easier."

She still felt tired.  Beneath the smock, her claws scratched the fur on her arms.  Veins stood out over hardened muscle on her biceps and forearms.

"It looks great," Jasmine said before wincing.  She tried to wiggle her toes but they were crushed within her boots and slowly going numb.  "You really nailed her look."

"Well," the woman said with a smile.  "I do my best.  Sad to see all that beautiful hair go, but I have to say it fits you.  It's sharp.  Honest, sometimes I wish we had these styles back when I was a child.  Well.  Some did, I suppose, but my mother would've made me pick a stick before beating me with it if I showed up with hair this short, even after I moved out."

The owner held her trimmer near the thin ruff on Jasmine's neck.  If Jasmine was a man, she'd tidy up, shaving the fur and the hairs on the curve of her neck.

What is that hair? she wondered.  It spread out into a gentle upside-down Y past her neck as if reaching for her shoulders.

And it was such a strange mixture of colors - gray and platinum and white and black with such a silky shine that made her want to stroke it and dig her fingers into it.  She couldn't make sense of it no matter how she tried, but the last thing she would do was draw attention to whatever it was.  Some strange new fashion, she wondered, or something for the little videos kids liked to make these days.  She vaguely recalled people dressing up in animal suits but told herself that, surely, this was a different thing.

"I didn't think I could do it, either," Jasmine said.  Her eye twitched from another cramp seizing her left foot. "And then, I realized, I don't care.  I just wanted it, so I did it."

"Good for you," the woman said. She looked up and smiled at Jasmine in the mirror before fishing out a hand mirror to give her to check the details.

Jasmine rushed through the rest of the appointment, brushing the loose black hairs from the fine fur covering her arms.  She paid as quickly as she could before rushing out into the snow storm.

With a yowling, spitting hiss full of pain, Jasmine bent and placed her claw beneath the laces on her left boot.  She pulled and severed the strings higher and higher until it opened to provide relief.  The other boot followed and still it wasn't enough.  She kicked back, throwing her boots behind her to stand on the sidewalk with her bare feet.

The light fur covering her feet matched the surrounding snow.  She heard the soft crunch as she sunk down slightly.  Tissue built within her toes and forefeet, shoving against the muscles within.  Her toes expanded while her feet widened, pushing against the snow until they piled up against the side of her feet.

Her tailbone thrashed in hips as she made her way back to her car.  It tried to help keep her balance and the skin stretched around it when another vertebrae formed with muscles swaddling it while nerves linked it to her spine.

Sable fur dotted the tip of her otherwise hairless tail when it flexed, trapped beneath her skirt. The stocky appendage struggled until she bent to slide into the driver's seat.  The change in posture let it pop free and it curled against the back of her skirt just as she sat back.

She drove in silence with her slit eyes widened to take in the surrounding darkness.



Excited to see these two collide, really love your effort into the character progression and flipping of their personalities


While I love the way their instincts are kicking in, I'm kind of concerned for Mari. It looks like she might just get eaten the way things are going. Filine transformations are some of my favorites, so I'm really excited for the last chapter!


I guess we'll see! Last chapter will be up this coming Friday and I hope you enjoy it!