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The 1st of 3 from a previous winning poll.

Jasmine stared at Zoë Kravitz on her tablet.  The device rested on her desk at an angle to her with a video paused on screen - the recent Batman movie.  She'd spent five minutes trying to find a clear shot of the other woman where the scene wasn't shrouded in darkness.

While she didn't like the movie itself, she'd been enamored by Zoë's look.  Jasmine reached out with her fingers hovering over the screen, just above the other woman's hair.  Her own hair reached down past her shoulders in the same style she'd had since she was a child.

She absolutely loved the way the short hairstyle looked on the other woman, but she just wasn't quite brave enough to try it for herself.  Not only that, as she sighed and traced a nail over the other woman's face, she told herself it wouldn't fit her personality.

Her phone buzzed on the desk next to her tablet.  Jasmine blinked and her eyebrow dipped.  After unlocking the screen with her finger, she turned to look at the wall she shared with her roommate's bedroom.

Come shopping with me, Mari's text said.

"Aren't you-" Jasmine started to say with a normal voice while staring at the wall before typing out a reply.

Aren't you home right now? Jasmine messaged back.

Yeah but do you really want me in there bothering you right now? Mari asked.  Dots appeared, showing she was still typing before the next message popped up.  It's Saturday.  The consignment stores always put out the best stuff Saturday morning.  I wanna find something for the party on Tuesday.

Jasmine wavered.  She had no plans other than relaxing, playing a game on her Switch and maybe watching a movie or two with a quick trip to the grocery store at some point in the day if she could convince herself to go out.

As if sensing her thoughts, animated dots appeared in the app once again.

I'll buy whatever you want for lunch.

Jasmine picked at the edge of her finger, scraping the skin with her thumb until she realized what she was doing.  An old habit betraying her anxiety.


The last message pinged and Jasmine sighed.  Mari could be a force of nature when she wanted to, which was often, but her polite begging was Jasmine's weakness.  She'd only known the other girl for ten months since answering an advertisement for a roommate.  Despite living together for almost that entire time, Jasmine kept mostly to herself until Mari dragged her out of her room.

Okay.  When? Jasmine texted.

She heard the notification sound from Mari's phone a second before the girl knocked on her door. Mari opened it without waiting for permission.

"You're already dressed, right?" Mari asked.  She glanced at the window above Jasmine's bed.  Snow was piled on the ledge with more swirling beyond.  "I'll drive. I know you hate dealing with the snow."

"But, I mean, now?" Jasmine nearly whined and her thumb flicked against the edge of her finger once more.  "Why can't they have their dumb party next weekend?  Who has a party on a Tuesday?"

"Yes, now!" Mari said as she rocked from her heel to the tips of her toes.  "It's lunch, I'm starving, you haven't eaten and I know if I wait too long, you'll change your mind.  And the answer is 'cool people', Jaz.  Cool people have parties in the middle of the week.  Young cool people, which we both still are. Well.  I am, at least.  I'm desperately clinging onto the thought that I'm still one of the cool people and not an old lady already, Jasmine."

"Augh," Jasmine groaned.

"Now," Mari slipped to her left before sitting on the edge of her roommate's bed.  "I'll just wait right here until you're ready."

"I just- I have to get ready," Jasmine told her.

"I know, Jaz.  I can wait a few minutes," Mari smiled.  There was no malice from her but the meaning was clear - hurry up and don't take too long, I know your tactics.

Jasmine shook her head.  She slid from her chair with one hand on the back of it and the other against her desk to push herself up.

Her roommate was a mystery.  Jasmine had met the girl's parents a few times and both were polite but even more reserved than she was.  They'd immigrated from Osaka years before Mari was born and, despite being nearly a carbon copy of her gorgeous young mother, they couldn't be any more different.  Both spoiled Mari relentlessly, however, and Jasmine had even seen flashes of pure love and rare smiles from them when their daughter wasn't looking at them.  Mari had neither her father's stoicism nor her mother's aloofness.

She sighed as she moved slowly around her room.  It wasn't that she needed to dress - she already was dressed and showered.  She just needed time to mentally prepare herself for the trip and for spending time with her outgoing roommate.  As well as mentally adjusting herself for the interruption to her routine.  Worse, Mari sat perfectly quiet on the bed, waiting-

"I like your outfit today," Mari said, breaking her short silence.  "Looks good on you."

Jasmine frowned, closed one eye and glanced at her roommate to see if she was making fun of her.  She wore her usual clothes - black jeans and a simple white blouse with a green, long sleeved cardigan to help ward off the faint chill seeping through the walls.  Mari looked back at her with an innocent, open expression.

"I- I guess I'm ready to go," Jasmine admitted.  "I'll just grab some socks and meet you at the door."

Mari bounced from the bed while Jasmine picked through her perfectly arranged sock drawer.  She slipped into them before digging through her closet to grab her sneakers.  By the time she made it to their living room, Mari already wore her jacket with her purse over her shoulder and keys in hand.

"Perfect," Mari announced.  She opened the door and shivered as a gust of wind swirled past her.  "After you, ma'am."

"Thank you," Jasmine said while grabbing her own jacket from the hook by the front door.  With her cardigan back in her room, goosebumps rose on her bare arms.

Mammoth gray clouds filled the sky.  Jasmine glanced at them before hugging her arms around her body.  Mari rushed past her after locking their door.  Her car beeped twice and she nearly dived into the driver's seat.  Jasmine picked her way carefully through the snow piled on the path to the sidewalk before slipping into the passenger side.

Mari's hair hung around her shoulders with a faint curl inches from the tips.  She glanced over her shoulder and then put her car in reverse.  As soon as she turned onto the street, she began to chatter about the latest drama from her work.  Although she never looked for it, others came to her to share everything and she secretly, gleefully absorbed all of it while offering what little advice she could.

Jasmine listened and occasionally commented but otherwise felt second-hand embarrassment for most of them.  It was all relationship issues or interpersonal problems between coworkers.  She toyed with her hair briefly before placing her hands in her lap to pick at her fingers.  Once again, as she had many times before, she found herself grateful that the library she worked at was so quiet and uncomplicated.  She liked Mari a lot, but she also dreamed of paying off her student loans so she could afford her own apartment one day.

A quiet, subdued voice at the back of her head told her she would miss Mari terribly if she did that.  Jasmine ignored it while casting a side glance at her roommate.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?" Mari asked as she turned into the huge parking lot where the consignment store was located.

"Not sure yet," Jasmine told her.  "I'll think about it."

Unshoveled snow created impenetrable barriers, forcing her to weave carefully around cars until she parked in what she hoped was a proper parking spot.

"Ahhh, I'm freezing my ass oooooooff," Mari gasped when they stepped out of the car.  She shuffled her feet with her arms tucked into her armpits while waiting for Jasmine to join her.

They both plodded through the snow until they reached the store.  In the small salted area in front of the door, they stomped until they mostly cleared the snow from their shoes.

I should've worn my boots, Jasmine thought, chastising herself for not realizing how much snow had fallen since she'd hidden herself in her bedroom after coming home from work the day before.

Heat surrounded them once they stepped into the store and Mari sighed happily with a bright smile that deepened with greedy glee when she saw how empty the store was.  A middle aged woman greeted both of them from behind the counter.

Although Jasmine had visited the store before, by herself, she followed behind Mari when the girl picked an aisle to browse.

"We had a bunch of new stuff come in last night," the employee said.  "From an estate sale.  Lots of old clothing and all very high quality."

"Awesome," Mari said.  "Not too old, though, right?"

"I'm sure you'll find something," the woman told her.  "And, you know what they always say.  Old is new again.  It all comes back around."

"I don't think anyone says that," Mari whispered to Jasmine while safely behind a tall rack of clothes.  "Do you think the clothes are all from an old dead woman?"

"I don't know," Jasmine said from where she stood off to Mari's side.  She watched while her roommate pulled clothes along the rack.  "Isn't that what estate sales are usually about?  Someone dying?"

"I think so," Mari said.  She went to her tiptoes to look over the racks at the cashier in order to ask her a question.  "Are the new ones separate or mixed in?"

"Mixed in, dear," the woman told her.  "By outfit type and size."

"Sorry, I'll have to look through everything now," Mari said with a grin while her eyes focused on the clothes in front of her.  "Did you decide on something to eat?"

"There's a teriyaki place a few stores down," Jasmine answered.  "We could just walk there."

"That sounds gr- oooooh, this is pretty," Mari cooed.  She pulled a shimmering dress from the rack before holding it against her body.  The girl nodded and folded it over her arm.

Jasmine's mind wandered, as it usually did when she was bored.  Mari continued to talk, this time over her latest obsession - rock climbing.  She had yet to start but was currently researching gyms as well as consuming videos of people bouldering and climbing.  Although, she admitted, the thought of mountain climbing or free climbing made her sick to her stomach.  Jasmine made appropriate noises while thinking about what she needed to do on her farm in the current video game she was playing.

Almost an hour later, with her back straining due to the amount of clothes she held in her arms, Mari waddled over to the changing room with a sheepish glance towards the 5 Items Only sign hanging on the wall.

Jasmine sat on the uncomfortably hard chair outside of the changing room until her butt and back grew sore. She stood and stretched and walked to get the blood flowing through her aching body.  The young woman moved through the store with her fingers sliding against the hanging clothes, but her eyes stared ahead, far into the distance.  As before, her thoughts returned to what was waiting for her back in her room - her games and the movies she'd watch.  Although, she wondered if perhaps she should work through the stack of books - electronic and paper - waiting for her to read.

The girl froze and gasped when her fingers brushed against something incredibly soft.  She blinked several times and turned to see a small rack of long coats.  Her fingers touched a fur coat covered with a dense mixture of white, gray, and black hairs.  Six other coats hung on the same rack but only one other was the same style - a pure white coat even softer than the one she'd touched first.

She caressed the coat with her lips slightly parted.  Goosebumps rose over her back, up to her neck and then down her arms.  Now curious, she opened the coat to look for a tag, sliding her fingers along the lining and up to the neck.  It was hooded and ringed with a thick ruff of fur around the shoulders.

There was no manufacturer's mark and no tag showing where it was made.  Only a simple white tag was carefully looped around a golden button.  'L23' was written on the tag in blue ink.

"Whoa, is this real?" Jasmine asked quietly.

"Is what real, Jaz?" Mari asked behind her.

Jasmine nearly screamed.  Her eyes bulged and she stumbled backwards while pressing her hand against her mouth.

"Christ, Mari, you scared the hell out of me!" Jasmine whispered fiercely.

"Is that real fur?" Mari asked while ignoring her friend.  She reached out to touch the pure white coat with a gentle touch.  "I think it is. Wow.  It looks super old.  This has to be from the estate sale.  I can't even imagine how-"

Mari peeked around the corner.  Only now did Jasmine notice that, out of the huge amount of clothes she'd picked to try on, she only held the dress she found shortly after entering the store.

"Excuse me!" she said loudly.  "How much is this coat?  This white one here.  The tag says 'L22'!"

The cashier lifted her glasses from her chest, where they dangled on cord around her neck.  She took a small notebook with her as she made her way to the two women.

"Oh, yes, these two," the woman said.  Her voice changed, lowering while she stared wistfully at them with something like regret in her eyes.  "Honestly, I almost bought one for myself.  Except... except it just didn't feel right.  I don't think either really fit me."

"They're both beautiful, but this one is especially pretty," Mari said while petting the second coat.

"Yes, well, they're only asking one hundred for each," the cashier said.

"Oh, so they aren't real," Jasmine said with a hint of disappointment.

"No, no, they are," the older woman told her.  Both girls turned to her with wide eyes.  "I was just as shocked as you are.  I even asked, assuming I'd heard the wrong price.  However, the woman who passed priced every item ahead of time and was very clear that nothing should be changed."

"I'll take it," Mari said quickly - nearly cutting the woman off in her rush to buy it.  "Jasmine.  Buy the other one.  If this is real, there's no way you'll ever get a price like this again.  Ever.  If you don't buy it, I'll buy it for you and then you'll owe me.  I'm serious."

"Oh my," the cashier said with a gentle, friendly smile.  "You two are such a lovely pair.  If you bring your purchases to the front, I can take your payment."

"Seriously, Jaz," Mari said while the older woman walked away.  "I think these things can go for thousands of dollars."

"But, isn't it cruel to the animal?" Jasmine asked with a frown.

"They're super old," Mari told her.  "Hell.  They could've been handed down over generations.  For all we know, some trapper caught them and made them or they were old animals or- listen, it doesn't matter.  They're in fantastic shape and she only wants one hundred dollars for them!"

Mari's voice dropped into a near hiss at the end of the last sentence.  She clutched the second coat against her body while hunched over and casting glances towards the cashier, as if the woman would suddenly change her mind.

"I- I guess," Jasmine said.  Her face relaxed as she turned back to the coat and her finger brushed a few of the black hairs - nearly an exact match for her own hair color.  The contrast between the lighter fur and her dark skin was sharp.  Her voice was hushed, almost reverential.  "It is a beautiful coat.  I can't imagine I'd wear it often at all. But, even just owning it - owning a piece of history.  Maybe."

"Can you afford it?" Mari asked.

"My student loans aren't going anywhere anytime soon," Jasmine sighed.  She took the coat down from the rack.  It felt even softer against her body and she sighed while biting her lip. It was strangely sensual the way it brushed against her bare skin in the gaps of her clothes.

They both made their way to the register to check out, with Mari carefully laying out the fur coat before setting the smaller dress on top. After Jasmine bought her coat, they stood by the entrance while the woman busied herself with hanging the clothes Mari didn't purchase.

Mari shrugged out of her jacket.  She handed it wordlessly to Jasmine who accepted it automatically.

"Wait, you're going to wear it?  Now?"  Jasmine asked.

"Uh, yeah," Mari told her. She stuck her tongue out while swiping her arm against the lining until her hand slipped into the sleeve.  Her other arm followed.  "Oh. Oh, man.  It feels nice.  Like soft and warm and heavy.  Makes me think of those blankets - the, uh, heavy ones for anxious people."

"Weighted blankets?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, yeah.  Jaz, you gotta try this," Mari said while raising her arms to see how the coat draped on her body.  "Come on.  Let's be fancy while we eat teriyaki."

Jasmine hesitated.  She knew Mari would gently harass her until she gave in and, honestly, she wanted to wear it.  To feel it against her body after the small taste she'd had earlier.

"Well, okay.  But, just because you're asking," Jasmine lied while handing Mari's jacket back to her.

After carefully laying her jacket down on a nearby counter, Jasmine hefted her new coat.  Her pupils dilated slightly as she stared at it and her lips parted at the center into a relaxed 'o' while fine hairs lifted on the back of her neck.

The lining was cool to the touch against her hands and bare forearms and it glided smoothly over her back, one arm and then the other.

It held her.  Cradled her.  Pressing against her body as if it were made exactly for her.  Matching the curves of her hips, the swells of her breasts and the faint arch in her back.

Her fur-

Jasmine blinked and frowned.

The silky fur nearly glowed now that she wore it.  She reached her hand out to stroke the sleeve while pressing down against her arm.  Her chest rose and fell more quickly.  A strange itch formed - two of them - within her nipples.  They tightened beneath the coat, twisting as they became erect.

"-food because I'm starving," Mari said.

Jasmine blinked again, twice as she looked up at her roommate.

"Ready?" Mari asked.

"Y- yeah," Jasmine said.  She grabbed her jacket and followed, stepping into the swirling snow storm.

After lunch, back in the car, Jasmine sat back with her arms crossed over her lap.  Mari had taken her coat off in the restaurant and left it off, switching to her jacket instead.  Jasmine kept hers on and, even now, her hands slowly caressed the fur as if it were her own.

The drive back took over twice as long as Mari carefully navigated the roads while cursing at the fools who sped by, one of which ended up stuck in the ditch.  They drove in silence, with Mari focusing on the road and Jasmine focusing on nothing at all.  Her mind was blank.  Calmed by the feel of her fingers and palm sliding through her fur.

"Thanks for coming out with me," Mari said, breaking the silence as they neared their shared home.  "I'm excited for the party and that dress is amazing.  And I can't believe we found real fur coats for such a crazy price!"

"I know," Jasmine agreed.  Snow crunched beneath the car's tires as Mari turned and pulled into their driveway.  "I love it.  M- more than I thought I would."

"They're nice, r-"  Mari said until Jasmine interrupted her.

"You should wear yours more, too," Jasmine said quickly.  When she realized what she'd done, she felt heat in her cheeks.  She twisted her fingers together and looked away.  "Sorry."

"I plan to," Mari told her.  "Probably not every time but for special occasions."

Jasmine nodded and exited the car.  She followed Mari into the house, stepped out of her shoes and carried them to her bedroom while Mari went to her own room to drop off her purchases.

"Ugh, dummy," Jasmine whispered when she closed her door.

She stood in the semi-darkness while listening to the faint howl of the wind.  Her jacket, folded over forearm, fell to the floor when she lowered her arms to her sides.  She licked her lips and looked away from her window to stare at the wall she shared with her roommate.  With her heart beating in her cheeks, her ears, and between her thighs, she slowly made her way towards her closet.

Her stomach twisted into knots and her thumbnail flicked against the side of her index finger.

There was dampness between her legs and she shivered when the coat moved against her body.  Against her oddly sensitive skin.  She ached to touch herself and sweat beaded on her forehead as she began to pant lightly.  It seemed impossible to focus on anything - whenever she tried, her thoughts slipped away and she whimpered while rubbing her thighs together.

Jasmine groaned. She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down.  Her panties - sticky and warm - were next, rubbing against her legs and leaving streaks on her skin until they were on the ground on top of her jeans.

"God!" she whispered fiercely as the long coat swayed, brushing against her thighs.  Her legs trembled in response and her knees almost buckled until she bent forward to brace herself with her hand against the foot of her bed.

The coat moved, sliding over her ass cheeks as if a lover trailed a finger over the smooth skin and she shuddered.  And bent further, raising a knee.  Licking her lip.  Crawling onto the bed.  Crawling on all fours before rolling to her back with the coat beneath her.  Spreading her legs.  Her left hand down against her thigh to scratch lightly with her nails while her right moved towards her mound.

She felt feverish.  Disjointed.  Disconnected from reality.  Her exhaled breath was ragged and rough and nearly a growl.

A slight touch against her engorged clit made her gasp and twist.  The coat moved with her, reminding her of its presence.  Jasmine grabbed the edges of it, digging her fingers into the fur as she wrapped herself in it until it covered her body completely.  It moved over her hand when she found her clit once more.  She dipped her finger in the stickiness coating her pussy before rubbing the little nub in slow, gentle circles.  Her left hand stroked her dark pussy lips, spreading them to show glistening pink as she thrust a finger inside.

Jasmine growled quietly while the fur rippled against her body.  Her hairs stood on end of and her skin itched as if pricked by a billion claws kneading her flesh.  She gasped and, despite knowing her roommate was nearby, moaned loudly while lifting her hips against her hands.

Her first orgasm left her gasping with sightless eyes staring at the ceiling.  Her lips quivered.  She cried out wordlessly and then gnashed her teeth with a quiet growl.  The coat opened slightly to show cum covering her legs while she pressed her hand against her spasming pussy.

It was wild - unlike anything she'd felt before and it lasted far longer than she'd expected.  The woman collapsed when it ended and she swallowed past a dry, clicking throat.

She knew she should get up.  Knew she should change her clothes and tackle the rest of her afternoon.  Instead, she pulled the coat around her once more while her eyelids drooped.

Soft gray hairs pierced the skin over her pronounced mound.  Her curly black pubic hair shifted as the new hairs slid past them.  She shaved, occasionally, trimming herself to keep a small patch but the new hairs lengthened and spread, curving down her mound toward her thighs and hips before faltering and becoming more scattered.  Black and white hairs mixed in with them as they leisurely emerged along the middle of her stomach, stopping just short of her belly button.

Jasmine's ears twitched as she moaned in her sleep.  Fine black fur scratched the backs of her ears when they appeared.  They grew up to the rolled tops of her ears before lengthening to wispy tufts.


Hours later, Jasmine woke up with a start.  She stared at the darkness outside her window as her sluggish brain clawed its way back to alertness.

With a slow, luxurious moan, she turned to push herself up on her hands and knees before sliding her feet along her bed to raise herself up on all fours in a trembling stretch with the coat dangling around her.

When she slid out of bed to stand beside it, she realized she wasn't wearing any pants and the evening rushed back to her.

Oh no, she thought as she slipped out of the coat.

She reached into the closet to grab a padded hanger, slipping it into the arms of the coat before setting it on a hook on the outside of the closet itself.  The girl knelt and touched the lining halfway down, expecting to find that she'd marked it in her excitement.  Instead, she found nothing.  Her own dried juices cracked and flaked away on her thighs as she leaned in to sniff the material.

And huff.  Inhaling with a low, quiet growl.  The smell of sex was unmistakable and it stirred her arousal.  However, it wasn't heavy with it and she'd somehow avoided soaking the coat with her cum.

Jasmine sat back on her heels briefly before standing.  A sudden sliver of silver moonlight shined through her mind to reflect off of the backs of her eyes.  Color softened in her dark brown irises, fading slowly to an ancient amber tint while her pupils narrowed to vertical slits before dilating to allow the faint light to amplify and highlight her room.  Her hand absentmindedly stroked the fur coat while she looked around, distracted by the faint sounds outside of her apartment and the soft sounds of her roommate breathing steadily in the next room.

Hunger gnawed at her stomach.  She turned to press her face into the coat, nuzzling against the fur before turning to walk through her room and out into the hallway.  Her nails scratched at her bare thighs as she raised her chin to sniff, scenting the remains of her roommate's dinner.  She paused by Mari's door to lay her hand against it with her eyes closed.  Listening to the sounds of her roommate within - her faint, soft snoring and the rustling of her blankets when she moved.

Smelling her.

The unseen whorls of Mari's scent defined the girl's path throughout the apartment before condensing within her own room.

Cells divided in Jasmine's laryngeal muscles.  Changing them.  The muscles vibrated slightly before calming and she rubbed her suddenly rough throat in response.  The very tips of her ears flexed and the tufts swayed before settling back in place.

Shock filled her as she realized that she desired her roommate.  She'd always admired the girl's enthusiasm and extroverted personality, sometimes enviously. And it was easy to admit that Mari was incredibly attractive with a brilliant smile that lit up the room.  She was caring and kind and sweet and thoughtful and-

Mari was-  She-  She-

Jasmine clawed the doorframe.  She snarled as the desire anchored itself deep inside of her with deep roots until she was overwhelmed by the sensation.  Her mind shuffled images of Mari relentlessly through her brain - Mari in different poses and stages of undress, focusing on her face and ass and tits and her beautiful smile and clever eyes.

For the first time in her life, her heart ached for someone else and she couldn't stop dwelling on it as the minutes passed.

Finally, after an eternity, she shook herself and moved to the kitchen.  Her first sandwich did little to fill her so a second followed with more turkey stacked between the bread.  After finishing it, she simply took the plastic packaging and pulled the sliced meat one at a time to eat them before licking her fingers clean with long, slow strokes of her tongue that were accompanied by low growls.

A thin trail of soft fur, black mixed with white and gray, escaped the back of her shirt.  They curved over a slight bump above her ass cheeks before faltering and slowing.  She scratched at her bare ass to ease the itchiness caused by the stubble slowly appearing on the smooth, taut skin.

Dentin flowed over her canines, pulling the dull points to longer, sharper tips that screeched silently when she closed her mouth.

The digital clock on their microwave told her it was just past midnight.  She expected to feel tired but, instead, found herself pacing around the living room.  Prowling around, driven by a restless energy that brought her to Mari's door once more.  Her hand reached for the doorknob.  She stared at it with her brow furrowed, suddenly unsure of what she was doing.

Instead she went to her room.  When she flicked on the light, she recoiled from the sudden brightness and her lips pulled back to show her fangs.  She covered her eyes while hissing with a sharp, violent snap of her exhaled breath.  Her pupils narrowed into vertical slits.

The rest of the night, Jasmine cycled through various activities but found herself growing distracted every time.  Video games, books, endlessly scrolling online - nothing could hold her attention.  She alternated between pacing the apartment and trying various activities until, finally, close to 5 a.m., she felt herself grow tired.


Jasmine snorted.  Her eyes cracked open and she stared across the room at her door.  She could see shadowy feet beneath her door and that pinged a quiet alarm in her brain.

Drool covered her cheek.  She groaned and pushed herself up and realized she'd slept on the floor.

Naked.  Her shirt and bra were gone and her panties were crumbled on top of her jeans where she'd taken them off the night before.

Mari knocked once more.

"Hey, Jaz, you okay?" the girl asked softly.  "Just making sure since you've been in there all day."

Jasmine blinked and looked toward the old analog wall clock on the wall above her desk.  A slow mental calculation made her eyes widen when she realized it was past 2 p.m.

"Y-" Jasmine coughed and growled and massaged her throat.  "Yeah.  I'm fine.  I'm just-  Don't come in!"

The doorknob wobbled.  Jasmine leapt for her bed.  Loose fur swirled on the floor behind her as she covered herself with her blanket.  The tips of her hairless ears twitched furiously before settling.

"I'm - I'm changing!" Jasmine yelled, louder than necessary.

"Sorry!" Mari yelled back.  "I'll, uh, leave you to it!"

Jasmine grinded her sore teeth before sighing.  She glanced down at her floor with a slight frown pulling at the corners of her lips.  The girl slipped from the bed to stand naked in her room.  Previously she would've rushed to dress herself, but now she stood without caring as she reached for the fur coat.

I knew it was too good to be true, she thought to herself as she checked for bald spots on the coat.  The fur's probably glued on or something.  Probably not even real fur.

She turned the sleeves but found nothing.  The front was thick with fur that resisted her tugging against it. She leaned in with short, powerful huffs to check for the scent of glue.  All she could smell was the faint smell of her own sex.  With a quiet growl, she stepped back and turned it on the hook.

"Nothing," she said out loud with her burnished amber eyes checking every inch of the coat.  There were no gaps in the fur - no missing hairs.  It was as pristine as when she'd purchased it.

Jasmine stepped up to it, pressing her naked body into the fur covering the back of the coat.  Muscles vibrated deep in her throat and she purred as she nuzzled into it while raising her arms to hug it tightly against her body.

When her stomach gurgled, her purring stopped and she stepped back.  She turned, stepped to the door and nearly opened it to go into the hallway until she remembered she was naked.  Her ears twisted and she hissed in alarm while showing her blunt, short canines.

"The hell," Jasmine said while her heart skipped a beat.

She dug through her closet to grab pajamas and a fresh towel before sneaking into the bathroom.  As soon as she closed the door, she stripped, eager to be naked once more.  She stared at herself in the mirror above the sink.  Her eyes dipped and she stepped back while reaching a hand down to touch the single white hair growing amidst her black pubic hairs.  It was almost hidden by the tangle surrounding them - the bush that spread outward to her hips and down between her legs.

"I know I-" her voice trailed off as she tried to remember the last time she'd trimmed.

Her thoughts grew fuzzy as she tried to focus on the specific detail.  Worse, she couldn't ever think of a time when the hairs had been so wild or thick, especially around her pussy.  She spread her legs to stare at the dark lips hidden by her bush.

"Huh," she said simply while her eyes glazed over.

Jasmine's mind continued to glibly slip past her attempts to realize something was wrong.  Her fingers glided through the silky hairs and down between her thighs, causing her to lean forward and arch her back while shoving her ass out with a low, rumbling purr.  Back and forth, up through the curly tangle above and down over her swollen lips.  Her nipples twisted and tightened as her breasts quivered beneath her.

Mari's sudden, loud laughter snapped her back to reality and she moaned while lowering herself to her knees. Licking her lips, she sat back.  The loose white hair from the coat was longer than the others, making it easy to find.  She pinched it with her fingers and pulled to flick it away only to learn, painfully, that it was attached to her and not loose after all.  Her skin bulged around the root of it.

"I'm too young for this," she whispered while scowling at the hair.

After retrieving her tweezers from the vanity in front of her, she carefully gripped the hair and yanked it free.  She let it flutter away as she returned the tweezers, but when she gave her the bushy hairs a satisfied pat, she realized she'd somehow missed two other white hairs.

"Forget it," Jasmine sighed.  "It's not like anyone's going to see them anytime soon.  Or maybe ever.  Ugh."

She took her time showering, especially bending over with her hands against the wall to let the water spray against her back.  It felt sore, especially lower at the very tip of her tailbone and she moaned from the drilling sensation massaging her.

Unseen to her, water droplets collected on the tips of the short fur covering her spine.

Blood flowed throughout her body.  Pulsing in time to her quickening heartbeat until it began to focus low on her belly.  She moaned and lowered her chest as a warmth opened between her legs.  It grew rapidly until it burned her, scorching her womb to leave a great emptiness.  She snarled and hissed and spat as she lowered herself to her knees while shoving her hand frantically against her pussy, lost to reason with the need to simply orgasm in an attempt to ease her sharp heat.

It was a primal thing that she'd never experienced.  Before yesterday, the few times she masturbated were always gentle things that left her relaxed and happy.  She knew her libido was lower than most others, but it never bothered her; there were plenty of other things to enjoy in life.

Now...  Now her brain burned and her pussy convulsed while excessive lubrication ran in rivulets over pussy lips.  Her hand slapped against her crotch, flinging the liquid back against the wall behind her while the nails on her free hand clawed at the tub.

Gray hairs spiraled through the black ones around her engorged labia.  Skin stretched low on her back as a hardened bump raised, pushed by the tip of her lengthening tail.

One finger slipped inside.  A second.  She clenched, crushing her fingers with her convulsing pussy as she came.  Again.  Again.  Nothing seemed to ease the pain.  Eventually, the water ran cold and she collapsed in the tub, exhausted by her efforts.  Growling with every exhaled breath.  Scattered, velvety black vellus hairs pierced the backs of her ears while they flicked drops of water away.

Jasmine shivered.  She turned to shut the water off before pushing herself up on shaking legs.  It was still there - the ache.  The urge.  Lesser now.  Unsatisfied with her own touch and lurking just beneath the surface.

What's wrong with me? she asked herself as she toweled off.  Even her nipples ached and she flinched and hissed when the towel touched them. She finished drying herself as carefully as possible.  A blend of different colored hairs littered the towel when she hung it on her designated hook.



This one may be my new favorite.


Any particular reason why? Regardless, I hope the next two chapters live up to your expectations!


Jasmine is written really empathetically, I'm always fond of characters that show their fears and anxieties. The whirlwind extrovert roomate Mari is a good foil. Maybe seeing things from her perspective would be nice, and could highlight the wierdness of Jasmine's behavior that Jasmine as the perspective character will gloss over.


My fiancé is named Mari, she is Japanese, she loves Rabbits, I am loving this so far