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Hey everyone!

I'm posting to ask for writing prompts from everyone.  I need to change it up a little bit so here's your chance to throw out ideas.

I would hope that y'all roughly know the kind of stories I write and the fetishes I allow.  If not, ask.  

The main requirement is that the story idea has to be compact.  I do not want some long drawn out scenarios and your idea will be discarded if it feels too long.

Anyway, reply here or in the Feral Enclosure or Skinwalker Den channels on Discord.  Write a complete description of what you'd like to see - include as much detail as you'd like while knowing that if it's chosen, any details you leave out, I'll have to fill in.  But, also, I may have to change some things to make it work for me.

Have fun!



Ive been saving this one up until the next poll 😁 Fisherwoman stays out at sea during a long storm and has a close encounter with a very large sea dragon. Think ominous eldritch being but nice enough to not kill her. Once home, she starts seeing changes in her skin and instinctual pulls to return to the ocean. More changes happen, she spends more and more time out on her boat or swimming at the docks. Eventually she ventures further out than she ever has before and never turns back. She completes her tf into a sea dragon and she gets to "meet" her underwater progenitor 😏.


Maybe some Angel (TV Show)+ Nina (The Werewolf) Transformation action..


Hm. We already did a werebat. An idea by me. Let's say we do a bit of a twist on horror movie rules; group of archetypal late high schooler girls (nerd, cheerleader, prep, you know the tropes) go out camping, unknowingly in werewolf territory. One gets bit, starts turning and getting hornier as a lonely male wolf waits for her to come to him - but the others get genre savvy and promptly lock themselves in the cabin. However, what they don't know is that biting=werewolf isn't the rule here, it's a cursed statuette in said cabin the turning girl had handled and accidentally activated with blood from her bite. It starts working on them next - hijinks ensue.


A pair of hippie roommates host a new booth at a farmers market they've never been to without realizing most stalls are run by shifters that all want to add them to their ranks. Someone gifts them a jar of honey first though which, when eaten at home, changes them both into bears, sexy hijinks ensue?


I love the style of writing you use for library wolf, where there are werewolves conspiring to infect as many people as possible while watching and getting off to it. Instead of just redoing the story again, what if it was two gay werewolves and one of them distracts a sample vendor with a bunch of questions while the other whips his cock out and forces himself to cum into the bottle of lotion or plate of food being sampled and he shakes it up before returning it so the vendor has no idea and they both retreat to a less populated aisle to make love while watching everything start to go down at the sample stand. I’m a big fan of the part of library wolf where the man forces himself onto the librarian and his growing tongue shoots into her throat while he starts humping her with his still transforming cock and would love to see that kind of interaction fleshed out a bit more, possibly to the point where the person being made out with manages to break free from the wolf only to have their own transformation begin and force them to find someone to make out with and infect for themselves. I’m also a huge fan of your graphic paw transformation descriptions and would love to see some of that. Sorry if this is too long, I’m just a really big fan lol

Bee Ridge

A return to Reflections, the club from your Stage Fright story (I'm biased, I know). This time, a pair of drunk women doing a pub crawl notice the club, but it's closed off for a private event. Undeterred, the pair sneak in through a back door and find themselves in the dressing room. They mischievously rummage around, maybe trying on some clothes in the wardrobe, drinking from the bottles of alcohol they find, or otherwise causing a ruckus. They don't realize that they're slowly transforming into donkeys as they stumble around. Eventually they make their way to the stage, where an eager audience is waiting to see a show. The pair are in the full swing of things and begin to drunkenly dance for the crowd, but as they change further they begin to realize just how fucked up everything is. The crowd cheers as the women transform into braying feral donkeys before their very eyes. This scenario could also work with a single woman instead of a pair, but I think you'd have more fun writing them as a naughty duo.

Alec Whitacre

(werewolf/canine tf) A bank employee (female) going through the motions of work, spontaneously starts becoming warm but waves it off, begins noticing pain in her feet, looks down and sees her heels appear to be smaller, the door bell goes off she looks up, starts to take the customers transaction and changes begin to take off under the desk, employee tries to hide the changes to complete the transaction. The prompt should be less sexy/adult, and more transformation and thriller.

Shadow Wolf80

Randi Wallace from She-Wolf of London. Her transformation


A husband comes home from work to find his wife turning into a werebear.