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The caption for the illustration just posted!  Just in case you've missed this before, the captions are always completely new pieces of work and not copy & paste from the original story.  Two more will follow this month.

Rachel sat on the bench in a daze.  Her thoughts were distant, lagging and filtered as she stared at the woman kneeling before her.  The sounds of the fair grew muted, the individual words of people yelling became indistinct until they were a distant murmur.  Her breathing slowed on a long exhaled breath through slightly parted curved lips.

Ancient instincts, honed over thousands of generations, screamed that something was wrong.  Despite her sluggish response to what was happening, her heart shuddered, skipped a beat and sped up.  The fine hairs covering her arms lifted while more raised on her nape and she sighed again as if surrendering to what was happening.

Her pupils dilated.  Shadows formed at the corners of her eyes, multiplying until she viewed the world through a dark tunnel.  She focused on the ballet flat the woman held in her hand.  Flames flickered in the tent.  The oily texture of the shoe shifted in the light and Rachel moaned while her eyelids flickered.  Her tongue slid through her open lips before flexing at the tip.

A warm flush poured through her body as fingers removed her shoes, leaving her feet bare.

"Yesssss," Rachel groaned when the toes of her right foot touched the insole of the offered shoe.  She spread her toes wide in an attempt to increase the physical contact.  Her bottom lip pulled back to allow her to bite it gently while her delicate nostrils opened.  Her heartbeat thrummed throughout her body until she began to feel it between her thighs.  Blood redirected in a rush and her clit slipped past its hood, causing her breath to catch when it rubbed against her panties.  Her soft, pale labia darkened before growing puffy.  They swelled in response to her arousal while cum seeped from her thin lips.

The lightly padded insole glided against her toes until the other woman lifted the shoe to press it against her forefoot.  Rachel reached out a trembling hand to the vendor's shoulder while leaning close and turning her head slightly in an attempt to kiss the other woman until gentle fingertips pushed her back.  Rachel whimpered in response.  Pleasure rippled over the balls of her feet, up her arch, into her heel and higher before clawing through her pussy.  She mewled and rocked back, tilting her hips in an effort to rub her clit against the rough surface of the bench beneath her.

When the short backstay cupped her heel, Rachel gasped and arched her back while clenching the seat.

"Pleassse," Rachel begged, uncertain of what she was asking for.  Her body began moving again, ass rocking up to her hips and back in a sensuous wave that reached her chest. Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips.  "Pleasssssse."

As the second shoe was raised to her bare foot, Rachel touched her dress where it hung beneath her knees.  She gathered it in her fingers and slid it over her shins and up, pulling while bunching the fabric until she held it against her hips with one hand, exposing her dark, silky panties. They were discolored, soaked in her cum with more coating her skin where her thigh met her crotch.  Her fingernails scratched her skin as she pulled aside the seat of her panties, smearing herself in the process.

"'leasssssss.  Pleassssse," Rachel repeated, spreading her legs and sliding a finger down against her pussy and between her lips.  Her tongue slipped out, thinner than before.

A tight, faint halo outlined the vendor's body in a greenish-blue tint.  The second shoe's insole pressed into Rachel's toes and the girl moaned and tilted her head while raising her cum-soaked finger to swirl against her exposed, swollen clit.  Her palm rubbed against her well-trimmed pubic hair and they fell away at her touch with every pass until her mound was completely smooth.

Miniature cracks appeared with halting movements on the top of her right foot, fractures marking her flesh in a noticeable pattern as they spread, creating tiny shield-like blemishes.  Color drained from them as they filled out, lifting with popping motions that caused them to overlap.

Rachel moaned as the second ballet flat slid over her foot.  She slid her finger down before pushing it into her slick pussy and curling it.  Her breathing grew erratic while her forehead creased above her closed eyes.  The threadlike hairs of her eyebrows floated away on a sudden breeze that ruffled the flaps at the tent's entrance.

Fine lines rose on the skin over the bridge of her nose.  More appeared like cracks permeating a breaking column, higher and higher until they reached her brows and spread outward to her temples.  Her breath caught and her eyelids flew open while her hand jerked, so close to orgasm.  Ebony lines sliced through her blue eyes, pushing against the faint ring surrounding her irises.  With each successive new line, her white sclera retreated, losing ground to absolute darkness.  Flames reflected in her eyes, highlighting the inner ring outlining her pupils until they began to take on a crimson hue.

The second shoe settled against Rachel's foot and she bucked.  The tip of Rachel's tongue, inches past her lips and rounded, split when her orgasm crashed through her body.  Flesh tore inside her mouth to create a thick sheath around the base of her tongue, allowing her to pull it back.  Her firey pupils constricted, quivering as they compressed into vertical slits while the scales began to harden on the skin above them.

Rachel's hand, resting against her pussy, moved when bones broke and tendons pulled the remains like a puppet, forcing her sex up.  She moaned and slid her fingers down, hissing when her nails grew past the tips into razor sharp points.  The wrinkles over her knuckles spread along her fingers in a tight pattern that split to show the hints of new scales.

"Ssssso good," the girl moaned as she rubbed her shifting pussy.

Back and forth, back and forth until her claws touched a web of flesh connecting her thighs.  She toyed with the skin, flicking it as it began to seal her legs together, flesh tugging and knitting from beneath her asshole and up her crotch as her pussy continued to flatten on her body.  The seat of Rachel's panties tightened against her body before breaking.

"It's time to go," the other woman said quietly.

The tent no longer felt welcoming to Rachel.  Without understanding why, she suddenly experienced a strong urge to leave.  She stood and winced at the pinching pain between her legs.  Her red, slit eyes stared at the entrance of the tent but an invisible menacing presence assaulted her, causing her to hiss and turn, stumbling through a gap in the tent flaps tied to a pole behind the bench.

Her legs refused to work properly.  She shuffled and her tongue slipped out, tasting the air.  Vague human-like shapes wandered beyond her field of vision in orange and red and lime green coloring.  Rachel's tongue flicked beyond her lips as the soft, curved flesh split into dark segments.  When she reeled her tongue back, she dipped it into the ducts of her new Jacobson organ.  The heady scent of unique scents swirled throughout her nasal cavity before flooding her brain.  She moaned and took a step.

Rachel's legs connected down to her knees, preventing her from walking.  She flailed, hissing and rolling as she fell with a quiet 'whump' lost to the noise of the fair.  The girl turned and pressed her hands into the dirt, lifting her upper body.

Her breasts began to swell, pulling her blouse tight against her body to highlight them.  She moaned as her nipples slid beneath the fabric, flexing as they were pulled and teased. Constrained beneath her shirt, her bulging breasts flattened together in the middle of her chest.

Rachel hissed and writhed, running her left hand down her body towards her pussy, claws striking the black scales surrounding the soft pink muscles inside.  Her left hand gripped her shirt and tore, claws rending the material to free her still-growing breasts.  Milk leaked from her nipples when the ducts multiplied beneath the soft skin.

A ticklish sensation distracted her briefly when the tips of her ears folded to points that dragged through her lush blonde hair, as if a lover's soft touch caressed her.

Bones dissolved in her knees when they joined.  No pain followed until vertebrae grew within her hips, forcing them apart as the muscles in her tail grew dense.  Her side-slit dress strained against her hips when they flared out to wide curves.  The dress tore at the side, continuing the slits until it barely clung to her.

All of this was distant to her as her claws slid into her flat pussy.  Streams of clear liquid ran around her pussy and down to her sides to muddy the dirt beneath her.  Her tongue flicked out and she twisted, easily bending in half thanks to the propagation of muscles throughout her torso granting her increased flexibility.  With a sensuous hiss, she coiled her tongue around one of her erect nipples, sawing it back and forth while pounding her fingers into her pussy until the wet squelching sounds filled the small area.

"Do you- do you smell- hey, wait, where-?" a male voice called out.

Rachel moaned. Despite knowing someone was close by, it took effort to pull her hands away from her sex.  Her tongue darted out to taste the air as she turned to see the man hidden just around the corner.  He glowed in the darkness while another shape, further away, grew smaller.

"I'm gonna get in line for food!  Hurry up!" a woman answered.

"I- But- What is-" the man asked with a slow voice.

Rachel turned.  She tried to stand but found, instead, her entire upper body being lifted into the air.  Her dead, useless feet flopped next to her with the toes locked into a pointing position.  Even now her ankles pressed together to form one solid mass that continued onwards.  She thought move! and her body lurched forward.  Muscles clenched along the bottom of her massive tail before expanding in rapid succession to propel her towards an empty tent nearby.  She ducked and her massive breasts hung beneath her to brush against the ground, causing her to hiss when her nipples dragged through the dirt.

Slipping beneath the nearby tent, she coiled herself around the giant central pole, gripping it hard enough to score the hardwood with her claws.  Her tongue flicked out.  It froze and wavered before returning while her eyes narrowed.  She followed the outline of the man as he approached and the scent of him caused the muscles to pull the scales open around Rachel's pussy.  Cum raced down her tail and she twisted, panting as she leaned into the pole for support.

He had someone else.  There was a woman with him. She shouldn't be- something primal spoke to her beyond the edge of her hearing and she moaned before closing her mouth.  The aspect of an unfaithful lover called deeply to her and she responded by touching herself with frantic fingers rubbing her clit.

Her gums ached.  A sharp, stabbing pain preceded the expansion of her canines.  They pushed against her scaled lips, forcing them apart when the fangs curved outward to sharp points.  Drool welled from the corner of her lips before falling, down over her chin and throat, thinner and thinner before ending between her breasts.

She grinded into the pole, rubbing her pussy against the wood.  Spreading her scent.  The man stumbled outside, falling to his knees and then to his hands.  Crawling beneath the tent flaps.

When he entered, he had a dazed look to his eyes but his cock pressed hard into his jeans, showing a clear outline that left Rachel hissing with need.

"I- I- I- I-" the man stuttered while crawling.  He stared up at her and fear touched his blank expression.  Yet still he crawled until he reached her tail.

He hugged her, kissing the gray scales at the center of her tail and around to the obsidian scales on her side.  His hands caressed the smooth little plates covering her body.  When he stood, he just barely reached her pussy and he pressed his mouth against her eagerly, shoving her nose into the hot wetness while reaching around to massage the bulge of her ass just above where her tail started.

She hissed at his touch, head back with her tongue undulating in the darkness while her claws gripped his head.  He pulled back only to gasp for air, face slick with her cum, before shoving back into her once more.  Her tail thumped loudly against the ground as it continued to grow.  Her feet joined together to form the tip of her tail and it burrowed into the dirt as it lengthened.

The man tongue fucked her, straining to shove as deep as he could in order to please her while rubbing his nose into her engorged clit.  She pushed herself into him in return, gasping and hissing as her orgasm neared.  Closer and closer and-

"YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" Rachel hissed loudly.  Dirt bellowed into the air when her tail went mad, thrashing and crashing into the ground around her.  Her enormous breasts quaked from the impact.

When the waves of pleasure passed, she wrapped her tail around the man, lifting him before her.  Her claws ripped through his shirt and jeans, drawing thin bloody lines on his body in her impatient need to have him naked.  Her pheromones left him with a raging hard-on that bobbed before him until she raised him higher and bent, wrapping her tongue around his cock in a spiral that undulated and left him moaning.  She bent further, unhinging her jaw to take him completely in her mouth, guiding him between her fangs.  Her hands supported his upper body as she bobbed back and forth, eager for his seed as he tickled the back of her throat.  Her tongue continued to squeeze and pump his shaft while she worked him in her mouth and he moaned louder while gripping her dirt covered hair.

She felt him tense half a second before his release.  A far part of her expected to gag but her throat opened wide to swallow every load until he was spent.

And still he remained hard, painfully so, and ready for more.  Her tail lowered him.  Cum smeared against her belly and then further to the scales around her hips as the head of his cock drew a wam line on her body before resting against her pussy.  His mouth found her fat, hard nipple and he sucked on it immediately, drawing a hiss of approval from her while he wrapped his arms and legs around her body.

She leaned back and released him, lounging on her tail in a reclining position that allowed him to fuck her as if she lay on her back.  He wasted no time in penetrating her, sliding into her sopping wet pussy with ease.  She nearly crushed his cock with the powerful muscles lining her tail until she relaxed enough to let him move.

Rachel lost herself to the moment, holding the man as he frantically pounded into her while sucking on her nipple.  There was no foreplay, no sensual teasing and stroking, no kissing or biting and expert hands stroking or massaging her body.   It was simply a pure, drugged need to fuck, driven by the chemicals she was releasing in the air.  Her own thoughts were on the pleasure she was feeling and nothing more.  Rachel lived beneath the surface of her own carnal desires - her own need to be drowned in pleasure of any kind.  A steadily growing voice urged her to leave the tent, clinging to the man fucking her and finding others to join until the entire fair was a massive orgy and even then, a quiet new voice told her it wouldn't be enough.  She would never be able to sate her urges and it would lead her down dark paths in a desperate bid to sate the lust.

Faint voices spoke to each other beyond the tent.  Rachel snarled as she orgasmed and she hugged the man against her body, crushing him into her breasts.  Protecting her prey.  She'd felt him swell within her twice more already.  He rasped as he continued humping her, even as pain strained his body and his spent seed slowed to a trickle.

The tent flap opened to show a massive cage with four figures standing in a small group.

"Christ, she's already found one," one of the figures, a tall, muscular woman at the front said.  "She- whew, shit, that's- that's- uunnngh.  That's-  I-  Does anyone-  Does-"

The woman pulled at her shirt, tugging it over her body to fling it aside.  Her breasts were small on her muscular chest but her nipples immediately hardened and she massaged herself before turning to kiss a man next to her while shoving at her trousers.

Rachel pulled the man away from her to go to them as they fumbled with their clothes.  She slid into the midst of them, tearing and clawing until she had the other woman down on her back with her own mouth between the woman's muscular thighs and her forked tongue deep in the woman's pussy, tickling her womb as it squirmed.  Someone slid beneath her to pull her hips down onto a waiting cock and she obliged while tongue-fucking the screaming woman.  Yet another prodded against her virgin asshole before covering her scaly ass with spit in order to lube his entrance.  A fourth grabbed her wrist to pull her hand up to his cock and she pumped him with enthusiasm until he exploded cum over her hair and cheek and neck.  And still he thrust himself against her hand, gasping for more.

Others joined in as the night passed and she gave herself to each of them in turn.


Sweat beaded over Rachel's body.  She'd found a cave in the encampment and hidden herself away in the darkness when the cramps arrived weeks after she'd been taken.  She moaned and clawed the rock wall and then exhaled a shuddering breath.

Her belly bulged above her hips, pushing against her breasts.  She reached up to massage her tits, squeezing and pulling in an effort to ease the pain within.  Milk dribbled from the tips periodically.

"No pleassssse no, I- I can't- I can't- I-  nnngh!" She groaned and pushed and her pussy swelled as a white shell crowned between her pink lips, surrounded by jet black scales.  "NNNNOOOHHHH GOOOOOOD!"

She pushed and pushed and hissed sharp, rapid breaths as the egg spread her apart, threatening to tear the muscles within.


The worst part wasn't the pain, no.  The worst part was the pleasure she felt radiating from her pussy as she pushed and watched the egg coming.  Copious amounts of clear cum leaked from her pussy to the ground when the egg emerged completely.  It rolled from her tail to the dirt, joining three others and she panted, trying to catch her breath as she felt the contractions continuing and rising, forcing her to push again for the next egg.

She reached down instead, shame causing her to blush as she licked milk from her nipples and rubbed her clit, riding the waves of pleasure from giving birth to the egg.

"Fuck fuck fuck yes fuck me yes yes FUUUUUCK!" she screamed and her tail drummed against the ground while she squirted, spraying her the dirt and her scales in streams of liquid.

The orgasm left her mewling as another egg descended and she panted and readied herself again.  She rubbed the rounded shell, swirling a clawed finger around its surface before raising the finger up to her clit, hissing and screaming from the dual sensation of tearing pain and pleasure.

She knew not what they would birth - whether they would be miniature versions of herself or true snakes squirming and pulsing around her body.  The thought disgusted her - imagining the eggs cracking with glistening black... scales...

"Squirming ah- hah- hah FUUUUCK!  FUCK!  Squirming.  Over.  My body," her hands sped up on her clit as she found herself picturing them, covering her, basking in her heat as they twisted over her body.  Touching every inch of her.

The new egg slid down her tail and she shoved her fingers deep into her empty pussy as she lost herself to the swarming mass coiling around her body in her imagination, screaming as the contractions continued and her claws tapped against the soft shell of yet another one of her brood.