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Trigger Warning:  Cheating
I am a kind and merciful god.  Here is a tweaked version of the story where the legs do not combine to form the tail.  A warning - I didn't spend too much brainpower on it so it may be meh, especially since I'm firmly in the "joined legs" camp >_>

Thin, wispy, translucent clouds were smeared over the lavender night sky.

Rachel laughed as she stepped out from her friend's Jeep into the warm summer night.  The carnival spread out before the vehicle, a sprawling tent city dotted by old mechanical rides with an enormous Ferris wheel directly in the center of the chaos.  Barkers yelled out tantalizing offers of prizes while the crowd murmured with a low roar and children screamed.

As she waited for her friends, Rachel touched her curly platinum hair before adjusting her dress.  The bracelets on her right arm clattered together quietly, the sound lost to the clamor just past the twin poles set beside the entrance.

Hannah joined her first.  The smaller girl stood on her tiptoes with her eyes wide and a large grin splitting her face.

"Aww, I wish Jordan could've come," Hannah sighed.  "I hate that he's had to work so late the last few weeks."

Rachel touched her nose with her fingers curled to hide the slight smile that touched her lips.  He was waiting for her and she only agreed to go out with her friends in order to further the illusion that everything was nice and normal.  The thrill of it made her wet.  She strayed behind her two friends as they started off in front of her.  Opening her messages on her phone, she scrolled back to look at the explicit pictures Jordan had sent her from his work earlier in the day.  She typed out a quick message, telling him how she couldn't wait for him to fuck her roughly, lifting her dress to take her from behind before going back to Hannah with her cum all over his dick.  She groaned when he replied with a short video of his hand stroking his shaft.

"Rachel, hurry up!" Hannah shouted, causing Rachel to stumble.  She closed out her messages and put her phone back in her purse.

The ground, moistened by rain the previous day, sucked at Rachel's shoes, gripping the wedge heels until she was forced to pull them free with some effort.  She regretted dressing up in a thigh slit dress, but Jordan waited for her at her apartment.  They'd texted throughout the day, building the fantasy of fucking as soon as she walked in the door.  He told her he was going to throw her against the couch, pull her panties aside and take her like a whore and she'd dressed properly for it.  The fantasy and their messages had forced her to masturbate at her desk at work, hiding it despite her coworker sitting in the cubicle next to her.  When she'd finished, she'd sent him a picture of her fingers, slick and shiny.

Two young children jostled Rachel when they ran past.  She snapped at them, calling them little shits.  The pair, a boy and girl, tagged each other before bumping into Paige and Hannah, who laughed in return.

"Lighten up, girl," Paige told Rachel.  She slowed to hang back and walk beside her friend.  "You can't get mad if you come to a place like this.  Especially dressed like Vivian Ward from Pretty Woman.  I mean, come on.  What's up with that?"

"I'm... going out afterwards and I won't have time to change," Rachel said while avoiding her friend's eyes.  "I wanted to look nice."

"Do I know him?" Hannah asked with a sly, teasing smile from her side.

Rachel bit her lip while touching her lower stomach.  The idea of cheating - or being the partner of someone cheating had never crossed her mind until she met Jordan.  His piercing eyes had pinned her at the small party where they'd first met and she'd found herself drawn to him throughout the evening, glancing his way only to find him staring at her.  When she'd left to go to the bathroom at one point, he'd excused himself and followed her, opening the door boldly to stand behind her, kissing her neck and grinding into her while telling her to be quiet so Hannah wouldn't hear them.  She shoved her ass back with a moan, shivering at the sudden thought of it.  Knowing that her friends were all just outside the door.  When he'd entered her, she was shocked at how wet she was.  He'd had to cover her mouth to keep her quiet and that only made her more wild.

"Maybe," Rachel said, refusing to add more despite Hannah begging to hear the details.  As her friend talked and the memory replayed, she could feel the wetness of her soaked panties rubbing against her bare thighs beneath her dress.  She wondered if she might hide away in a tent at some point to touch herself at some point.

"I want to try a shooting game!" Paige yelled while grabbing Hannah to drag her to the side.  "Look at the size of the stuffed animals!"

Rachel followed, rolling her eyes as she was forced to stop multiple times to make space for people.  With her hand touching her purse against her stomach, she could feel the vibration of her phone receiving a message and she wondered if it was Jordan again.

"I want to go first," Rachel said suddenly.  Her friends glanced back at her in surprise, but Rachel ignored them as she pulled out her phone and tapped the 'do not disturb' option to hide her messages.  "Can you take my picture, Hannah?"

"Oh, sure!"  the other girl exclaimed, grabbing the phone with her tongue out as she hunted for the camera app.  She stepped back, watching for others as Rachel leaned forward provocatively, with her back curved and her ass out, one hand on the counter and the other wrapped around the fake rifle in front of her.  She turned back to Hannah with a seductive look as the other girl snapped a few pictures.  "Now I know you're seeing someone.  Come on, really, who is it?"

Rachel took her phone back without buying tickets for the game.  She flicked through the pictures before settling on the last one where her slit dress had opened slightly to show more thigh.

In a couple hours, you can shoot your shot deep inside of me, she typed after sending the picture to Jordan.  She paused and then smiled.  Her fingers tapped out a second message.  Hannah took this lmao.

She stood back as her friends aimed their rifles.  The sound of shouting children drilled into her brain until she thought she'd go mad from it.  She began to pray that they'd get swallowed up by the earth or at least gathered and held in some padded, sound proofed room.  The lit torches strewn throughout the carnival guttered from a gust of wind, shifting the shadows on her face.  In one moment, she appeared stern, in another her wicked smile cast a devilish look.  Yet another pushed the shadows up to give her the appearance of insanity with wide, white eyes staring far over the horizon.

"It's still cute," Hannah said while holding up the tiny panda she won as a consolation prize.

"I could still keep going.  I almost figured out which way the barrels were bent," Paige groused.  She tucked her own stuffed panda into her purse.

"There's lots of other games, come on!" Hannah shouted, pulling Paige along with Rachel following after them.

"Oh, wow, look at that," Paige said, digging her shoes into the dirt to stop Hannah.

Rachel turned to follow her friend's gaze.  An open tent was staked to their left with an enormous selection of various outfits.  Even from where she stood, she could tell they were high quality - and most appeared to be real leather.  She walked past her friends into the tent under the watchful eye of the young woman sitting behind a table just inside.

A large placard drew Rachel's attention: All fur ethically sourced from local animals culled for environmental management.  Our leather is provided by local farmers from cattle who are not raised specifically for their hides.  Vegan leather is available upon request.

"This is all beautiful work," Hannah gushed from a nearby rack.  She turned to the vendor.  "Did you make all of this?"

"Oh, yes," the woman answered.  She smiled at Hannah briefly before returning to study Rachel.  "Every single piece on display.  Handcrafted with love and attention."

Rachel touched a cloak, trailing her fingers through the soft fur lining the hood until she reached the price tag.  She blinked at the listed number but nodded when she felt the material and the quality of the stitching.  While she couldn't ever see herself wearing a cloak, there were several jackets that she could absolutely see herself-

"You need better shoes," the vendor said suddenly from beside Rachel.

"What?" Rachel gasped, wincing when she stepped sideways.  The ground sucked at her heels and her ankles complained from the extra stress.

"Your shoes are wrong," the woman said quietly as Hannah, Paige and other patrons browsed around her.  "You need something that would be a better fit for you.  Come."

The shopkeeper walked without looking back and Rachel followed, curious to see what the other woman would come up with.  A small rack held a few pairs of shoes, but the woman knelt in front of a nearby chest.  She slipped a woven braid from her wrist.  A key dangled from it until she grabbed it to insert into an ancient iron lock.

The lock opened with a loud 'clunk,' allowing the woman to set it aside and lift the lid of the chest.  She leaned over to hide the contents with her body.  When she sat back, she closed the lid and locked it, preventing Rachel from seeing anything more than vague shapes within.

A pair of ballerina flats rested in the woman's hands.  Rachel's eyes widened at the sight of them.  Their sleek design was bedecked with ebony scales that consumed the light around them until Rachel could barely see the markings separating each diamond-like shape.

Rachel's breath stopped and her pupils dilated.  Sounds faded until she could only hear the rhythmic shushing of the blood flowing through her body.  Her lips parted as the vendor tilted the shoes to better show them in the light.  Rachel swore she could see new variations of coloring, each darker than the last.

"Whoa, whoa there," the woman said, reaching out a steadying hand when Rachel pitched forward.

"How-" Rachel swallowed.  Her throat clicked loudly.  She swallowed again and licked her lips.  "How much?"

"Oh, I couldn't charge for these," the vendor told her.  "They're a little special.  Like most of the things in my chest, I know when I see the right person.  They belong to you.  They aren't mine."

"Oh," Rachel said.  With her eyes still locked onto the shoes, her thoughts were scattered and distant.

"Here, now, sit," the vendor said while gesturing at a nearby bench.  "I'll help get you changed."

Rachel followed, docile with a slow, steady breath.  When the woman pulled on her arm, she sat on the bench.  Her head turned to follow the shoes when they were placed next to her.  With her lips pursed, she reached out to touch the scales.  Her fingers slid easily over their surface, as if they were oiled, and she moaned at the luxurious sensation.  One hand held her calf while the other removed her shoe.  Rachel sighed when the woman took one of the flats and she watched as it slid over her toes and up, snugly against her heel.

Goosebumps rose over Rachel's body as heat coursed through her, leaving her body flushed.  Her breath hitched when her other shoe was removed.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yessssss," Rachel repeated, her voice a low whisper as the second flat embraced her forefeet.  The tip of her tongue curved out and up against her lip towards her septum and she grinded her pussy against the bench, soaking through her panties and dress.

When the second shoe was pushed into place, she shivered and gripped the edge of the bench as a tiny orgasm broke through the tension building in her body.

The vendor placed Rachel's old shoes to the side, beneath the bench but Rachel barely noticed as she stared down at her feet.

"The last pair of shoes you'll ever need," the vendor quipped with a stern expression.  "Now, I think it's time for you to move on."

"Yesssss," Rachel said, exhaling on the last syllable as her tongue flicked out and up once more.  Smoother now, glossy with streaks of black lining the surface.  The tip quivered and stretched, growing thinner while straining until it rubbed against the bulbous end of her nose.

The thin black ring around her irises expanded, pushing against her sclera.  The miniscule gaps widened between the soft blue of her perfect eyes until they gave the impression of glacial ice gnawed on by a rapacious void.  Her pupils compressed vertically as pinpricks of color bloomed within her onyx eyes.  Earthy coppery hues appeared and spread, consuming what little was left of the blue.

Tissue shifted within her nasal cavity.  The end of her tongue split, just as two holes opened in the roof of her mouth.  Rachel's tongue flicked out, drooping with the tip up and drool slid from the corners of her lips.  When she retracted her tongue, the prongs of her forked tongue pressed into the holes of her newly remade Jacobson's organ.

Rachel stood, hissing as she unwound herself and stretched, raising her arms high above her head with her jaw tilted upwards.  What little hair she had on her arms fell away to leave perfectly smooth skin behind.

Keratin spread beneath her long nails, dragging the wide, blunt tips into claws as they became bulky, spreading the flesh open at the tips of her fingers to latch into her fingerbones.  Lines appeared over her hands, flawless skin tightening into cracked wrinkles spread out in even, regular diamond shapes.  She lowered her arms, clawing through her hair.

Inky coloring filled the wrinkles on her hands to create glossy black scales, soft and flexible until they began to harden in the warm summer night.  She raked her nails down her forehead as they darkened to match the scales covering her hands.  With a hiss and a flick of her tongue, she moaned when she clawed at the itchy skin between and above her eyes.  As with her hands, the skin split over her brow, separating into ridged, overlapping plates in a gradual gradient - light gray along the bridge of her nose, charcoal between her eyes and pitch black in the broad arc that reached out towards her temples before stopping short.  Her eyebrows flaked away to twist and flutter to the ground beneath her.

The arousal she'd felt throughout the day intensified painfully.  She staggered, falling back against a tent pole.  Cramps seized her, worse than her periods ever were and she clawed at her stomach, tearing through her dress and the front of her panties. The motion pulled the flat spray of her blonde pubic hair as they loosened beneath her flesh to fall from her body.

She pressed the tips of her fingers against her smooth mons pubis just in time to feel the bones cracking within.  She hissed in pain, flicking her tongue out as the pronounced mound low on her belly flattened.

Rachel stumbled through an open flap behind the pole.  Her mind raced until the cramps returned, forcing her to wince and bend over.

"Keys.  I can- Paige can drive- nngh!" she groaned, falling back against the tent pole.

Just as she was about to push herself up and try to find her friend, she collapsed, falling to her ass with her legs bent before her and her palms thumping against the ground.  The jolt cracked her tailbone, separating it to let it float freely in her hips until tissue and muscles and ligaments began to form around it.

"No, I- I have to-" she said, willing herself to move.

Her legs lay still.  She stared at them, vertical pupils widening in terror as she tried, again and again and again, to bend them beneath her so she could stand.  Sweat rolled down her temples.  She trembled and let out a nervous laugh before pressing her lips together.  Her eyes narrowed as she focused on her feet, starting small in order to get any reaction at all.




"DAMMIT!" she screamed.  She reached out to slap at her thighs and shins.

Realization dawned slowly - she couldn't feel her legs at all.  Tears welled at the corners of her eyes.  Rachel leaned forward to pinch her bare thigh.  She gasped and sniffled when there was no sensation.

Movement from her feet caused a brief glimmer of hope until she realized they were shortening.  Sliding slowly through the dirt with the faint, sickening crunch of bone.

"Is someone there?  Honey, did you hear that?" a woman asked from beyond the tent.

Rachel turned, rolling to her stomach to crawl through the dirt and grass.  She plunged her claws into the earth and pulled, dragging her useless legs behind her as she made her way towards the empty tent next to her.  Rocks scraped against her skin and the dress, tearing it with every inch gained.  When her feet popped and shrunk, the shoes fell away, forgotten on the ground behind her.

Veins stood out on the young woman's arms and her back muscles swelled, splitting the back of her dress.  Her nipples, poking through gaps in her dress, brushed against the ground, bending back and forth along the way.

An uncomfortable pressure filled her guts when caudal vertebrae formed in her hips, pushing the tip of her tailbone down until skin jutted out from her taint.  The rounded lump bulged, stretching the flesh into the start of her tail.  It wiggled and swayed as she pulled, trying to aid in her attempt to move.  Her purse dug into her side the entire time.

Rachel ducked her head beneath the flap, smearing mud on her cheek as she pulled herself inside.  Once out of view, she sat back, grunting and bending her ass to sit on the back of her stubby, broad tail.

Just as she reached out to touch her thin legs, barely more than three feet in length, her tail lengthened, pushing her backwards.

The girl raised her hands to her mouth to muffle her scream.  When the urge passed, she twisted and reached behind to touch the mass of skin jutting from her body.  It slid in her hands, pushing against her useless legs as they continued to recede.  Her fingertips skipped over small, regular bumps on the skin, but she couldn't position herself to see exactly what was happening.

Her tail twisted out of her hands.  It was too big to wrap both hands around it and still expanding.  When she gripped it again, her claws clacked against the scales spreading over the bare skin.

Cramps pulled her attention away.  Knife-like and intense, they stabbed through her stomach.  She ripped through the remains of her dress, pulling the rags apart before tossing them aside.  Her braless breasts quaked, slapping together from the violent motion while her bracelets clattered.  Panting now, with drool sliding along her thin, drooping forked tongue, she moaned and tore her panties.  The strap from her purse sawed at her neck until she gripped it.  Her arms showed pronounced biceps that swelled as she tugged, breaking the strap to let her purse fall to the ground.

The very top of her lip pulled upward just as segmented lines dimpled the flesh of her pouting, curved lips.  She wiped at her mouth, smearing her sangria-colored lipstick easily from the hardening scales forming on her lips.  Several holes opened above her mouth, in the expanse of flesh beneath her nose and she blinked as a green, red, and orange glow overlaid her skin in the darkness.  Her head shot up and she moaned when she spied ghostly forms inside of the tent she'd exited, through the canvas flaps.  Her tongue flicked out as she stared at the shapes moving about.

Pain assaulted her and she hissed sharply while looking down at her bare crotch.  Rachel watched in horror as her slit moved, labia and inner lips drawn upwards while bones crunched inside her hips. She pressed against herself, desperate to stop the change.  Her hands slid against her slippery pussy and she bit at the scales lining her lips.

She could see her tail now, just between her dangling, boneless thighs.  The tip dug through the dirt as it grew.  She was forced to anchor herself, digging her claws into the dirt to hold herself in place.

"Can't- I can't- I- I-" she gasped before swallowing.  With a sharp, quick click, the bones settled and her pussy lay flat against her lower belly.  Clear liquid, ringed in dark red colors in her strange eyes, seeped from between her tight inner lips.  She pulled a single shaky hand away from the ground to rub against her pussy and she moaned at the dramatically increased sensitivity.  "Isn't right.  This- ohh- OHH- Nooooo."

Flesh grew around her hood and up to cover her exposed clit.  She whined as the hood forced her clit down towards the top of her folds.  The wrinkled flesh grew smooth as her clit was pushed flat into the tip of her pussy.  She could still see the gleaming, pink pearl and her heart raced.

Rachel's finger reached down to touch the repositioned clit.  Her claw, slick with the juices coating her pussy, slipped between her folds and she squirmed, falling back against the grass as she fingered herself in the open, carefully pushing her claw deep inside.  Broad segmented lines emerged over her labia and the flesh grew pale.

She bucked and her tail curled and trembled from her sudden orgasm while her pussy clenched against her fingers.  The fish white skin began to darken as if in response and more lines appeared, breaking into shield-like shapes that stretched out to her hips.

And around.  She grunted as she grinded her ass into the dirt, scratching at the itch caused by the scales growing to cover her rounded cheeks.  When she realized what she was doing, she sat up, propping herself on her elbows.

"Oh god, no, no, no," she moaned as she stared at the shining scales covering her crotch.

Her cramps faded away to leave her lingering arousal.  It reared its head once more and she gasped, rolling to her stomach and up, pushing her palms into the dirt.  Her legs, barely a foot long now and nothing more than fleshy lumps, dangled.  She balanced on the curved edge of her muscular tail as it squirmed through the dirt, slowly digging a wide trench in its wake.

With her pussy pointed directly to the ground beneath her, cum dribbled freely to mix into the mud.  She concentrated and tensed her muscles, forcing her labia to seal itself, hiding both the clit and her inner lips.  Rachel hissed, low and sensual and the lips parted once more.  She couldn't stop herself.

She fell.  And rolled to her back while clawing at her hips.  Desperate to keep her fantasies from overwhelming her but unable to stop her hands sliding inward to her pulsing pussy.

Jordan filled her mind.  And Martin before him.  And Tony.  And Robert.  She thought of all of her lovers and the other men in her classes, cycling through them as they filled her in a rough, squirming orgy, eagerly taking her mouth and ass and pussy while she gripped offered cocks with her hands.  Her nipples hardened to thick, fleshy points as she writhed in the dirt.

The stubby ends of her legs flattened against her body, just below her hips, melting away to smooth skin that quickly formed soft layers of translucent gray scales.

Her already wide tail bulged suddenly and she screamed when she realized she could feel it happen.  Rips expanded from the vertebrae, curving beneath her skin to cradle the flesh beneath.

And still the imagery continued - a hot, messy, orgy where she was used over and over again until she was ruined by the pleasure of it all.  Sucking whatever was offered, screaming out from orgasms until a cock was shoved in her mouth.  Her hand rubbed frantically, scales scratching scales.

After several minutes and three orgasms, she turned, twisting to her stomach.  When she tried to kneel back, powerful muscles flexed and her upper body was lifted from the ground.  Her abdominal muscles tightened in her core, visibly outlined against her lower body while her protruding back muscles bulged around her spine.  Rachel screamed and swayed, nearly falling to her side until she corrected herself, flexing new muscles to keep herself upright.

She touched herself, scratching at the solid mass of her tail until her claws clicked and lifted against the bumps of her scales.  Now she stared, mesmerized as patterns emerged on the flesh, long chevrons growing dark as the scales solidified.  The dirt churned beneath her as she turned to stare at her growing tail.

Sharp, quick little cramps seized the expanding flesh, causing her to hiss.  Her tongue slid past her fangs and the three inch tines of the split tip waved independently until she reeled the tongue back in.  Translucent gray lines appeared on her flesh.  Her scales lifted and shifted as the flesh lengthened further.  Gray darkened to charcoal before blending in with the darkness between the tents.

Sweat rolled down her back.  Without pain or panic to distract her from her changes, the thoughts returned.  Men surrounding her.  Hugging her tail.  Gripping her tight as they pressed their faces into her flat pussy until she opened to them.

Clear cum traced glittering lines down her black scales.

A quivering moan issued from Rachel's lips and she raised her scaled hands to claw at her breasts, lifting one to her mouth.  Her tongue flicked, wrapping around her nipple as she lowered her free hand to her waist to rub the tip of her claw against her recessed clit.  The tip of her tail continued to burrow through the dirt, skin straining and cracking to show new scales.

"Rachel?" A sweet voice called out.  "Where'd you go?"

Rachel lifted her chin in response, tasting the air as she turned to "see" her friend on the other side of the tent.  The colors swirling around her body mixed with others into one shifting mass of a heat map.

"Hannah," Rachel groaned.  She reached out to the other girl, only to focus on the tips of her curved black claws.

A drop of her cum dangled by a swaying string.  She saw the faint dark red coloring overlaid on top of it until the color faded it and snapped, falling to the ground.

The intrusive thoughts of orgies filled her mind constantly, even when she tried to force them away.  Jordan was an afterthought now - just one of the crowd of men, most faceless, she fantasized about.  She wrapped her arms around her narrow waist and bowed, still held in a perfect line by the powerful muscles in her core.

"The-  I need-  Their cum covering me, smearing over my body.  Inside of me," she moaned while reaching back.  Her ass had easily doubled in size and the split of her still visible cheeks, covered in obsidian scales, reached down to where her tail truly began.  Her long claw slid down to feel her virgin asshole.

"Everywhere," she panted, imagining herself bouncing on a prone man - anyone, really, while another stood behind her, slamming into her-

"Swear I'm gonna pull a muscle moving this shit around," a voice called from outside the tent.

Rachel whipped her head around while her tail coiled beneath her.  Four shapes approached, green and red and light yellow.  She tasted them and groaned, glancing from left to right but unable to move.

"Just.  Watch.  Your.  Fingers.  Wait.   You two set your side down first," another voice said

She panted as she watched them.  Telling herself to move.  To hide. A loud thump startled her.  One of the shapes stepped away from the others.

"Alright, so that's it, then?"

"You know it's not, Paul," the first one said.

"Hey, that's not funny," Paul told him.

"Short straw, man," said the fourth voice for the first time.

"Naw, come on, I have a girl I just started-"

"Mab said," the first voice told him.  Quietly.  Firmly.


"Don't make a scene.  Donny and I will go in first to lure her.  You two push the cage and follow," the first voice said.

Rachel slid closer.  Her heart beat quickly beneath her bare chest.  She could taste the one's fear like a sharp, bitter fruit.  Two others exuded excitement.  She drank in their scent and moaned, swaying in place.

A large shape moved, their colors untangling into two distinct forms that solidified into men when they ducked into the dark tent.

"Holy shit, no kidding," one of them said.

Rachel found her hands sliding over her curves despite her internal voice yelling at her to move, to run and hide and try to figure out a way to change back.

"Right?  I mean, she told us what to expect, but, Christ," the first man said.

Her hands slid up to her chest while her tongue lunged out.  She moaned as her hands caressed the swells at the outside of her breasts before circling up to pinch and pull at her nipples.  Her pussy gaped, glistening pink on display in a sea of shiny black scales.  And still, despite the display, she blushed.

And begged.

"Please," she groaned.

"She's safe, yeah? Not poisonous?"  The second one asked.

"Venomous.  Yeah.  I mean, she is  venomous, but she's safe.  Should be.  Won't be able to-"

Rachel moved, shockingly fast, lunging for the first man to wrap herself around him and lift him easily, clawing at the back of his shorts as she forced her tongue into his mouth, barely pulling back when he gagged and struggled.  Instead, she wrapped his tongue with hers while pressing him into her to grind his crotch against her pussy.

The other man moved, cursing and stepping back until the rest of her tail slipped around his waist to drag him to her.  She bent, still holding the heavy man in her arms.  Parallel to the ground, she laid him down and tore at his shirt.  Her tongue lashed out, flicking at his chest hairs before sliding up to coil around his neck.  It slid, rasping against itself before unwinding.

Hands caressed her ass.

"Jesus," a voice whispered behind her as the hands spread her cheeks.  "What's that- what's that smell? It's like- it's- it's like-"

She arched her back, raising her ass while sliding down.  Holding a claw against the man's belly, she stared as he struggled to hold still until she gripped his shorts and pulled, breaking the button and zipper.  His erect cock was held in place by his underwear with the tip pointing towards his belly button.

"Now, wait.  Wait, wait, wait," he said, moving until she hissed and clenched her hands against his hips.  The man licked his lips and spoke slowly.  "There's four of us.   You can have all of us, but you have to let me up first.  I promise.  All of us."

"I- I- You have to-  Help-  You- You- nnngh- Promise?" she gasped, losing her thread of thought as she stared at his hard dick.  She pulled his underwear down and moaned, loudly, while her drool dripped down to his stomach.

Instead of answering, he slid carefully out from under her.  One of the hands squeezing her ass vanished, only to press between her cheeks.  A single spit covered finger pressed against her asshole and she moaned, loudly when it slipped into her.  It felt incredible and she wondered, distantly, whether it had always felt like that or only because of her changed body.

She wanted to follow the first man as he stood and walked away, but she couldn't stop herself from pushing back as a second finger spread her ass open.  The tip of her tail thumped against the ground when the man curved his fingers inside of her in a gentle scraping motion.

"It's, uhhh, I can't, uhhh.  I-" the man behind her muttered as if drugged.

"Yeah," the first man said while his hand crept to his cock.  "My head's spinning.  I didn't- didn't think it'd be- uhh. Umm.  What?  What was I-"

The flaps opened to show a large cage.  Rachel's eyes narrowed until the fingers inside her ass pushed deeper inside. Inch by inch, the cage was pushed into the tent until it was completely inside.  The first man leaned against the bars to catch his breath.  His knees sagged while his knuckles bulged, his grip barely holding him up.  He dragged himself inside and the two men pushing the cage followed while casting glances at her.

"Wanna fuck you," the man said behind her.  "Gonna- gonna fuck that ass.  Gonna- gonna-"

The allure of three men finally drew her away.  Rachel slithered over to them, tail gliding silently through the dirt as she watched the men undress.  The first stood and walked to her with glazed eyes and he wrapped his arms around her ass to press his mouth against her pussy.  She reached back, slipping her arms through the bars while her tail wound its way around the waiting men.

When the two other men approached, she moaned and turned her head to the waiting cock, lowering herself slowly to the ground as the first man eagerly forced his tongue into her pussy.

Her own tongue flicked against the other man's cock head, teasing his hole before sliding over the shaft, circling around until the forked ends brushed his pubic hair.  She gripped and pulled with her tongue, guiding him into her mouth and between her sharp fangs.

"Can't- can't think straight," the man told her as he reached out to stroke her hair.  "Wet.  God.  Your tongue.  Tongue is.  Good.  It's good."

Another cock tapped against her and she reached out to hold it.  The other man returned, mumbling beneath his breath as he touched her hips and tugged.  Muscles flexed in her hips and stomach.  She raised her ass to him without moving her head as it began to bob back and forth on the dick in her mouth.

When the movement pulled her pussy away from the first man, she glanced his way and then lowered herself further as she saw him lying on the ground.  Waiting for her.  She curved her upper body far past her human limits to keep her head upright as she turned back to the man waiting by her side, taking him in her mouth once more as she brought her pussy down onto the throbbing cock beneath her.

Heat touched the cool scales covering her ass.  She felt smooth skin sliding between her cheeks and then gasped when spit dribbled down.  The man behind her rubbed the head of his cock back and forth, slathering it against his spit until it was coated.  He smeared the spit against her asshole before pushing and she jerked, tensing her muscles with wide eyes as the head spread her open far beyond his two fingers.

The sensations were overwhelming, freezing her in place and forcing the man beneath her to pound up into her while the one behind slowly pushed in and out, a little deeper every time.  A fist tightened in her hair, pulling her back onto the cock in her mouth and she moaned as she wrapped it with her tongue once more to stroke it while letting the man face fuck her.

"Want- want a-  Turn," the man to her right said.  "Want turn."

She sped up, groaning and slobbering as she thrust her head back and forth.  She could feel her orgasm coming.  Building low in her guts.  Her tail thrashed, cracking against the hard floor of the cage and ringing where her scales bounced from the metal bars.  The man on her left jerked.  Grunted.  He swelled in her mouth and she swallowed his cum eagerly until-

Her orgasm burst.  She jerked her head away and screamed as her pussy convulsed.  Cum splashed against her cheeks and the scales on her forehead, strings latching onto her platinum blonde hair.  Down to her chest.  She gripped him, hanging her head before finding her rhythm once more to begin writhing down on the waiting cock.  Her hand gripped the man's drool-covered cock to her left as she turned to the one on her right, taking it in her mouth.

Waves of pleasure echoed through her body.  Her eyes fluttered while her tail crashed, denting one of the bars until it became trapped between them.  The man behind her was gasping.  His fingers gripped her tightly as he slammed into her ass.  He leaned forward suddenly, wrapping arms around her waist, warming her with his body heat.

Hot cum flooded her ass in spurts that matched the man's gasping breath.  He kissed the hardened muscles on her back as tiny black scales began to form over her spine - miniature overlapping armor plating that widened as they spread to reach just above her shoulder blades.  When he pulled back and out of her, a last spurt jetted out against her new scales and bare flesh.

"Swallow.  Swallow it.  Swallow," the man said roughly to her right.  He snarled, gripped her hair and pulled until the head of his massive cock tickled the back of her throat.  She stared up at him, copper eyes full of lust as his cum filled her mouth and throat.  She swallowed eagerly while her nostrils flared with every inhaled breath.

A new cock probbed her empty asshole as the man beneath her began to thrust more erratically.  His breathing was ragged and rough, wheezing as he focused to keep himself from cumming.  She laughed and clenched his cock, milking him as she thrust down against him.  Releasing the cock to her side, she leaned down, kissing the man's face before dragging her tongue against his neck and jaw.

"Tell me I'm your ssssslut," she whispered to him, vaguely remembering how much she loved the degrading dirty talk from past lovers.  "Tell me.  Tell me.  Your whore.  Fill my ssssslutty pussssssy with your hot cum.  Cover me in it.  More.  More.  Cum in me cum in me cum in me cum in your sssssssssssslut c-"

He snarled, pounding the back of his head against the floor while bucking beneath her.  She came with him, pulsing her pussy around his twitching cock as he filled her with his creamy white cum.  One of the men gasped behind her and she felt more cum splashing against her hair and back.  She smiled and moaned and then hissed, pulling off of the man beneath her when yet another orgasm left her twisting on the ground.  Her tail slipped through the bars to wrap around them and they screeched with a keening, metallic sound as they were forced apart by her powerful tail.

They continued through the night, with more men joining and others replacing them.  Occasionally, women entered the cage, screaming as her flexible tongue tickled their cervix and grinded against every nerve inside their clenching pussies.  Losing themselves to Rachel's pheromones and begging for whichever man or woman was nearby to suck on their nipples or fuck their throats or grind their pussies against their mouths.


Rachel groaned.  Her eyelids cracked open.  Pale morning light gave her eyes a burnished sand colored glow.  She felt heavy and full and dull.  It took several minutes to realize she was moving.  More minutes until she realized she was lying on a straw covered floor inside a cage and even more before she noticed the tip of her tail waving lazily outside the bars.

She screamed, pulling her tail to coil around her body while crossing her arms over her breasts and soft pink nipples.  Her bracelets slid against her right arm.  People walked beside her, glancing at her briefly.  She stared at them in return - at the strange masks they wore over their mouths and noses.  Other carriages followed behind her own and she could see more in front of her in a long, winding caravan stretching towards the horizon.

Just as she opened her fanged mouth to beg them for help, movement caught her eye.  She glanced up, slack jawed as a great winged beast passed far overhead.  It roared before diving and spitting a gout of flame at something deep in the woods that surrounded the road they followed.

A face peeked out from two nearby trees, furred with long bucked teeth.  The figure moved closer, opening its mouth as if to speak and Rachel spied the bump of obvious breasts on the creature's chest.  A squirrel rode on the- Rachel's mind desperately shuffled through various terms before settling on "girl" - A squirrel rode on the girl's shoulder.

The girl raised a furry hand before withdrawing it to bite on her nail.

"No way she knows the way home," the girl said.

"I fucking told ya," a harsh little voice agreed.

The strange girl shook her fluffy head before turning.  Her enormous, puffy tail twitched twice and then she was gone, swallowed by the woods.

Rachel watched the girl leave.  Her head throbbed.  She licked her lips and turned to the nearest person.  And looked down at the bulge in his pants.  And moaned.

"Noooo," she groaned, as the fantasies and urges surfaced once more.  Black scales parted low on her hips to show the pink within her pussy and the man beside her rubbed at the bridge of his nose before shaking his head.  "Oooohhh fuuuuu- I'm sssssssss-"

She gripped the bars while pressing herself into them, flattening her breasts and grinding her pussy into the bar, soaking it in her cum.  The man staggered and swayed.  She watched him squeeze at his pants while walking closer and closer to her cage.  And all she could do was pray that the others would follow quickly.


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