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This story is based off of the illustration posted here for the $5+ tier:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/64547056  It was going to just be a caption, but it kept going soooooo.... I hope y'all enjoy it!

I wonder if I'm having a heart attack.

Not for the first time today, I grab a piece of a paper towel to blot sweat from my forehead.  My heart beat is an uncomfortable pressure behind my eyes and my temples - just on the edge of a headache.

But not just in my head.

It's pushing against my entire body with every pulse, pirckling my skin while boiling my blood until I miss a drop of sweat that slithers down my forehead, between my eyebrows, between my eyes and along the curve of my nose until it hangs there as I lean forward to grip the counter and breathe out with a groan.

And shiver.  My skin is overly sensitive.  My nails drag against the granite countertop to bite into my palm.  I want to just pull my shirt off and fling it away, but I can't.  Even my body hair - chest and back - drag against me.  The deep roots tug beneath my skin and I can feel every one of them.

Even my breathing is off.  Faster.  Ragged.  As if I have to force myself to inhale, inflating my lungs while my strangely sore muscles expand around them.

Half the time, I find myself breathing in through my nose with my tongue resting between my teeth.  Lips parted.

Her scent fills my house.  Tsukiko.  The reason I can't just rip off my shirt.  I need to send her back to her apartment.  I know I need to.  I don't feel well.  Maybe the flu?  Or a heart attack.  Goddamn TV shows have messed with me too much to know what the signs are and I've always skipped the first aid classes offered by work, like a dumbass.  Shouldn't there be some pain in the armpit?

There's- there's- Inhale. Inhale.  Inhale.  Huffing.  Grinding my teeth.  Flowery aromas.  Soft and subtle.

And the tangy, electric, exciting smell of her skin with the trapped scents from her armpits and the folds between her thighs and...

Growling quietly.  Shaking my head as if dispersing the thought.

Tiny brown hairs slowly unwinding from my skin to dot my smooth-shaved cheeks.  I inhale again and nearly choke on drool filling my mouth.  Swallowing instead, my tongue presses against the roof of my mouth, rolling back, flexing and spilling forth to dangle, bouncing below my bottom lip.


Color fades from my philtrum - pink washing away to a gray, almost pale white that spreads lazily up to my septum. And further, to the tip of my nose and around, cracking the skin until it reaches the tip of my nasal bone.

Skin separates at the corners of my nose into twin slits.  My eyes roll back slightly while my eyelids flutter and close.  I inhale deeply, taking in everything around me but focusing on her.  A pocket of air circulates at the back of my nose, swirling the different scents and trapping them when I exhale.

Soft, fine fur emerges along the curved rolls of my ears - reaching and grabbing onto nearby hairs when they spread around to my cheek and back to my shrinking earlobe.  The little mass of extra flesh wobbles as it pulls into the surrounding skin.   The furred tips of my ears flex and flatten and grow until my ears are sleek and angular and jutting out sharply from my bushy mop of hair.

I need to- need to tell her to go.  Need to-

Flesh gathers around the base of my cock before stitching itself to my stomach.  Pulling and reeling as excess skin swells to form my sheath.  I'm hard.  From her scent.  From the thoughts gathering in her head.  As if my face were buried in her crotch.  I can fucking smell her pussy.

No.  It's impossible. I'm just- it's been a while.  I'm just-  God, but I can picture her so clearly.  Naked and writhing in front of me.  My scalp is throbbing.  Tingling.  Sweat soaks into the back of my shirt.  The fabric clings to me, matting the fur spreading over my spine.

I reach for myself.  Squeezing my dick.  It's pounding in my hands.  Thicker than I can remember.  I rub it slowly and it grows, sliding through my hand to peek above the waistband of my shorts.

Red flesh marks the shaft.  The mushroom shaped circumcised tip strains and stretches as it grows and it bends into a sloping, pointed tip.

Heat pounds away from my cock and I groan.  And growl.  Squeezing and rubbing as I picture her before me, clawing my back while screaming out my name.

I've already masturbated four times today.  I couldn't help it.  Once just before she randomly showed up, too.  And I'm hard again. I've been insatiable since yesterday.

Rough, thin calluses covering my palm bump into hardened lumps that push my sheath further down.

She has to go.  For the first time in my life, I suddenly doubt my ability to keep myself in check.  It's a terrifying realization.

Tsukiko moves before I say anything.  I can feel and smell the stirring of air.  In response, I stand straight, pulling my hand from my bulge before tugging on my shirt and shorts to settle everything in place.  And I step back.  And back until I feel the wall against me.

Something painful grinds against the bones and muscles in my hip when I force myself against the wall.  A tiny seed of a tailbone growing thicker by the second until the skin above bulges, rubbing the elastic band on my shorts.

You need to go, I try to say but my throat is parched and my mouth doesn't want to work right.  I stare at her as she stands and stretches in her tight leggings and oversized, thin white shirt with a halter top just beneath.

"May I have some water, please?" she says.  My ears twitch, desperately trying to flatten in order to show my anxiety.

The starving college junior.  I met her a few months ago on a quiet morning in the local coffee shop.  She sat in the corner, away from everyone and quietly spoke to herself, practicing her enunciation as she worked on a paper, reciting what she wrote.  After some time, she realized what she was doing and apologized profusely.  Tsukiko Endō, an international student with dreams of continuing on to a law degree once she graduated in a year and a half.   Four years my junior, motivated and dedicated but starving on her limited budget.

After meeting up several times, I started ordering some extra food to pass onto her.  I don't even remember how exactly she ended up hanging out at my house, but I certainly didn't mind.  It gave her a quiet place to study with plenty of food and it helped keep me from falling into a spiral pit of despair after losing both of my parents.  They left me their house and an emptiness that refused to be filled.  Her presence helped, I'd found.  Her cheerfulnes and optimism even made me smile.  Once.

My hand reaches up to my arm, scratching the scars left by the bear attack when I'd gone camping last month.  Nature, I found, helped with the sense of loss.  So much life around you.  It was a poignant reminder of how small and inconsequential your individual life was.

The bear attack was a sharp reminder that I still had the will to live.  A sharp, terrifying reminder.

"Y- yeah, of course," I tell her, pointing vaguely towards the cupboard.  My nails are longer.  Bent slightly and growing thicker - each layer darker than the last while pushing them to sharper and sharper points.  They root within the tips of my fingers, causing the surrounding flesh to swell and ache.  The calluses have spread along the bottom of my fingers.  Oblong black padding that makes it impossible to clench my fist when I snatch my suddenly cramping hand back to my stomach.

She cocks her head slightly at me but walks to the cupboard to open it.  And stares up at the glasses beyond her reach.  I'd be surprised if she was even five feet tall.

So close.  She's so close.  I can feel the heat from her body and the electricity spikes, arcing between us with invisible tines that send shivers down my spine.  My teeth bulge, pushing against my lips as they cut through the gums, forcing me to swallow traces of blood before the wounds heal.

Brown eyes speckled with golden striations stare at her petite body.  The oversized shirt hides her hips but the bottom curve of her slender ass is just visible.  Drool fills my mouth.

I move, striding over to her to stand behind her.  My body against hers.  I feel her jerk in surprise, but she quickly relaxes.  My cock nestles against her ass while the back of her head touches my chest.  Her hair, kept short in a bob that extends down at her temples, shines in the light and I inhale with a low growl before staring down.

Down through the front of her shirt.  She's not wearing a bra and, this close, I can see the swell of her breasts and half of her little brown left nipple where her t-shirt has pulled away slightly.

The curve of my expanding tail pulls against my shorts.  Blood pounds through my body.  I'm losing myself.  I can feel it slipping away.  My control.  I reach, grabbing a cup that rasps against my padding until my curved, thick claws crack against the side, forming hairline fractures in the glass.  Fur stands out on corded, dense muscles on my forearms.

As quickly as I can, I step back, but her scent is stuck in my nose.  In my head.  My cheeks burn as bones begin to shift, glacially slow to form my muzzle.

"Thank you," she says, slurring the 'th' into a faint sibilant sound.

"Ah.  You.  You have to go," I tell her as she fills the glass with water from the dispenser set in the fridge door.  My voice is low.  Rumbling.  Urgent.  "I have-  I have things.  To do."

"Oh," she says, surprised.  Staring at me with long, dark lashes and her soft lips pressed against the edge of the glass.  I look away and down.  Hiding myself as if it could hide my urges.  High cheekbones with beautiful eyes.  Her smell is stronger.  That smell.  Her sex.  Sharp and piercing, drilling into my brain.  I'm going crazy.  "Are you sure?"

I- the question surprises me.  My claws poke holes in my shorts as they tighten against me, clearly highlighting the bulge of my cock and swollen knot - and the expanding muscles of my thighs.  Fur slips through the new holes and down, just past the legs of my shorts in a sparse, spreading wave.  I bounce up to the balls of my feet when my toes cramp.

"Yes," I say and it's almost a hiss.  Painful.  My throat is dry.  I swallow, swirling my long tongue in my throat before letting it out.

"May I use the toilet first?" she asks.

No.  No no no no.  I- She-

"Okay," I say, bowing my head.  My sharp, pointed ears bend, folding and twisting to betray my pained restraint.  She misses the movement as she turns to set her empty glass down.  I can't help but stare at her ass as she walks and my hand grabs my cock to stroke myself with my lips pulled back over sharp fangs.  My dark, pebbled nostrils flare and I growl as I pump myself openly without caring that she could turn around to see me.

I can hear her humming lightly, even as she closes the door.  My claws tear through my shorts to expose my smooth red cock and the fur-covered sheath gathered below my inflated knot.  Expanding muscle finishes the job of destroying my shorts, causing them to fall to the floor below me.  My other hand rips my shirt to show fur spreading over my chest.  Wispy hairs cover my sweat-soaked stomach with a visible "six pack" of muscles where there should be a bit of a flabby paunch instead.

Water splashes inside the bathroom.  I walk through the kitchen, toenails clicking against the wood flooring as they curve into claws.  My powerful, well-defined calf muscles bulge as I go up to my forefeet and thin black padding cushions my steps.  Arms the size of tree trunks bounce against my side until I reach the bathroom.

The door opens.

I grab her with a growl, left arm snaking around to grip her ass, tearing her leggings while my right slides through her hair, clawing her scalp to leave thin bloody lines.  My mouth presses against hers and there's only a slight hesitation before her tongue meets mine - before my own tongue overwhelms her to fill her mouth.  She moans as I rip her leggings and tear her panties.

Her wetness slams into me.

Breaking the embrace, I pull her head aside to lick her from her neck up to her narrow chin.

"I wondered when- ohhh-" she groans when the tip of my claw presses between her pussy lips.  She hisses when my fangs nip her earlobe.

Raising my hands, I grip her shirt and pull, effortlessly ripping the halter top and shirt apart to expose her slender breasts.  My left hand claws at her bare back while my right grips her hair again, pulling her head back.

"Namete hoshii!" she cries out, just before my lips touch her nipple.  Drool coats her breast as I growl and nip and suck but my expanding muzzle makes it difficult.  I taste blood in my excitement.  She squirms and moans and then gasps when my claws go down her back, slicing skin until I grip her ass once more.

Blood wells from the cuts until, seconds later, the wounds close.  She's gasping and writhing as I switch nipples, grinding the rough length of my tongue against her until both are aching and erect.

Soft black hairs pierce the taut skin beneath her belly button.  They emerge in a line, spreading down until they vanish beneath her leggings.  More grows around her belly button and then up in a lazy, wavering line towards her breasts.

Tsukiko coughs.  Shakes her head.  Coughs again.  And growls.  Her fingers clench my hair while she grinds her teeth.  Nails claw against my scalp until she grips my ears.  Her hips rock, pushing against me.

"Irete hoshii... Irete hoshii!" she screams out.  Sweat beads on her body.  Her flesh moves on her arms, tightening to show thick strands of muscles until dots appear and fur grows forth.

I kneel and shove my half-muzzle between her legs, sniffing at her asshole as she shoves against me and grinds, moaning and growling and gasping and muttering something in Japanese that I don't understand.  My tongue laps against her pussy, rasping against the ruins of her panties and leggings and her swollen lips.  She snarls above me and bucks, clawing at the door frame.  Wood splinters and falls to the floor, leaving deep gouges behind.

Black stubble appears over her meticulously smooth mound and outer labia - sharp points that scratch my tongue until they lengthen and grow soft, covering her crotch in fur.  I grab the waistband of her leggings to pull them down and she lifts her left leg and then her right to tep out of them before settling her foot against my shoulder while spreading her knees.

My claws grip her ass, spreading and kneading the flesh as I force my tongue between her pussy lips.  They clench and squeeze as I flex deep within.  Licking her.  Tasting her.

"Ikisou!  Ikisou!" she shrieks while lifting her hips to my teeth.  "Motto tsuyoku shite!"

Her inner muscles grip my tongue tightly as she screams with a hoarse, deep voice from an orgasm.  Her tailbone cracks when she slams her ass against the wall, pinning my hands.

"Iku! Iku iku iku iku IKU IIIIOOOOOOWWWWWL!" she howls, finally, raising her still-human face, cheeks covered in fur with her short, pointed ears pulled back and her lips raised to show short, expanding fangs.

I stand and she wraps herself around me, licking my face while grinding against my cock.  We walk, trapped together to the bathroom as my humanity finally begins to fade.  I grab her and push, but even with my strength, she resists.  Finally, I snarl and throw her to the bed where she tumbles and rolls, growling until I'm on her, forcing her to her stomach with a huff.  My teeth find her shoulder, biting into flesh as her fur lengthens into a thick ruff.

Tsukiko tears at my sheets when my cock probes against her asshole and down to her pussy.  I shove, impaling her and she howls.  Trembling.  Every muscle taut.  I join her and rise up to all fours.  She lowers her head and raises her back against me before shoving and forcing me to bottom out.  My knot spreads her slender pink pussy apart.

Black streaks cover the hidden, glistening pink lips.  They fill out, swelling as they slide forth, growing darker as they expand.  Pulsing as blood fills them.  I can feel her pussy growing tighter as she clenches against me when I pull out.  Her pussy continues to change as I pound into her, the black lips rolling and folding while pulling her engorged clit up to force them together into bulging spade-like lips that part to show pink when my knot opens her wide.

Her teeth bite into my arm, drawing blood as she spasms from another orgasm.  She's pulsing around my cock, but I growl and continue pounding, slamming with my hips until her short muzzle is forced down to the bed.  She looks up at me with one perfect, golden eye as her tongue lays against the shredded bed.  Watching me until whites show and her eyes roll back.  She shudders, closes her mouth and then opens again to let out a thin howl from her third orgasm.  Her tail, half grown, slams against my side.

Squelching sounds greet every thrust, only to splatter both of us when I slam into her.  Her pussy caresses my knot, higher and higher until the muscles just beyond her pussy's opening stretch to take me completely.  The tip of my pointed cock brushes her cervix, causing her to snarl.  I shove her down and slam into her over and over as red fills my vision and my great roaring sound takes my hearing.  My teeth bite her shoulder once more and I feel tendon and muscle between them.

Trapped by my knot, my cum fills her completely when I finally step past the edge.  My cock swells within, drilling her with my seed.  She bows her back inward while lifting her head, shock filling her eyes and her muzzle open wide.  Soundless.  Breathless as I surge within, over and over.  She's shaking beneath me, lost in her own orgasm with her curled tail trembling.


I groan, opening tired eyes that crack.  Turning my head to look for my phone on my nightstand, but it isn't there.  I try to reach out, to fumble for it, but my body is heavy.  Instead, I turn my head the other way to stare at the window blinds and the soft light beyond.

It's already the afternoon.  Later in the afternoon.

"What day is it?" I ask out loud.

I- I can remember being at Daniel's house.  I was studying.  Trying to study.  Working up the courage to-

"Oh," I gasp, touching my mouth.  Short black hairs cover my forearms and the back of my hand.  My nails have a faint point.  "He kissed me."

I can remember it.  When I got out of the bathroom.

No.  Before that.  With the glass.

My thighs rub together when I think of it.  When I remember how warm he felt against my back.  How hard he was against me.  Against my ass.

With a hungry, exhaled breath that wavers on the edge of a moan, I slide my hand down between my legs.  The arousal hits me quickly and the hairs covering my body stand on end as my nerves come alive. Blood through me.  Warming me.

The urge to masturbate is sudden and undeniable.  And strange.  I've- I've seldom done it.  My inexpert hands fumble while I slide fingers between my labia.  They're open.  Spread apart.  Leaving my inner lips exposed.  And wet.  Too wet as white cum escapes to dribble down to my asshole.

"Kimochi ii..." I gasp, bending a finger to let the tip slip in up to the first knuckle.  I jump when the sharp edge of my fingernail scratches me, but it's easy to ignore with the heat filling my head and I push deeper.  "Daniel..."

I can't remember what happened after the kiss.  I should be alarmed.  Instead, I'm focusing on how big he felt against my back.  Imagining what it would be like inside of me.  Picturing him above me.  Imagining how his chest hair would feel against my body.  Teasing my nipples.

With a moan, I raise my hand, soaked in cum.  Dragging my nails over the thick, long pubic hairs covering my mound and up the wide swathe of black hairs covering the center of my lower belly.  My other hand replaces the first and I growl, ever so quietly when I force a finger inside.  My belly raises, arching my back when my hands rub sensitive skin on the side of my stomach.  Daniel's cum smears over the short black hairs above my belly button and between my breasts until I lift my hand to suck on my fingers and clean them with a rumbling moan.  And then down, to pinch and pull at my nipple.  Enjoying the sharp pain.  A new sensation that stabs throughout my body counter to the pleasure I'm feeling between my thighs.

My heels dig into the bed when I bend my knees.  I never sleep naked.  As with the loss of memory, I should be worried.  I'm not.  I can't be bothered by it.  I'm grunting like an animal as I pound my finger inside, slapping my palm against my pussy while pulling my nipple with my other hand until my small breast is stretched out.  The light fur that covers my spine rubs against the sheets beneath me, adding an additional subtle note of pleasure that is amplified when I press my ass down to grind the stub of my tail into the bed.

It builds and builds and builds until I'm dizzy from it.  Panting.  Heart pounding.  Daniel, in my mind, is slamming into me.  Fierce and angry and rough and I can't get enough.  I- I thought- I thought I'd want gentleness.  My past lovers were timid and gentle and inexperienced and- But Daniel is clawing at me. Shoving me.  Gripping my waist and-

I grab a pillow just in time.  Pulling it to my mouth to muffle my scream.  I can't control my body.  I've never experienced such a powerful orgasm.  My pussy spasms, forcing my finger out so I grip the pillow with both hands.  Biting it.  Growling.  My legs are jerking and trembling so I roll onto my stomach.

And it feels right.  By reflex, my hips bend, raising my ass.  My quivering, clenching pussy forces more of Daniel's cum out and I groan at the scent of it.  Just when I think I'm calm, another smaller orgasm washes over me and I gasp and ride it until I'm done.  My short, but sharpened canines tear small holes into the pillowcase.

I push myself up. On hands and knees.  All fours.  An animal.  Like an animal.  The fleshy bump low on my back wriggles.  The fur covering my spine is in disarray and fine scattered long hairs cover my shoulders.  I bow, resting my forehead against the pillow.  My ears twitch briefly.  The rolled edges are flat and they flow out to subtle points that are easy to miss.

Rocking back, I moan, shocked that I'm still horny.  More horny as I sit there on all fours.  Still bowing, I raise my ass and slide my hand along my body, caressing the faint brown spots on the sides of my stomach until I touch my exposed clit.

And I begin again.


Almost an hour later, I'm squirming in my bed.  My thighs are soaked and I can't stop pawing at the light dusting of hair covering my legs.  Clawing at my skin, nails scratching the inside of my thighs and around and up and back down.  Spreading my legs to rub my swollen labia while moaning.  And then back down, massaging my sore, thick unfamiliar muscles.  All while rolling around in my scent.

Hands up to my head.  Tongue lolling out to lick my rough palms as I drag them up to scratch my scalp and rub my ears.  Pinching and tugging the canted, sharp tips.  Bowing my back.  Slamming my hands down against the bed beneath me.  Making fists with claw-like nails that tear into the sheets and blankets and memory foam topper beneath me.

I should be exhausted.  After so many orgasms, I should be passed out in a state of bliss, but my heart is racing.  I'm hungry.  Or restless.  And horny.  So fucking horny.  Anxious.  I need- I need- something.

Rolling from bed, I catch myself on all fours and groan while stretching out my back legs.  My bulging leg muscles tremble while my curved black toenails mark the hardwood floor, shaving oak and sealant in thin strips.  Veins stand out on my calves, twitching on flesh dotted by fur.

My chest dips, nipples brushing the ground with the soft whisking sound of the scattered hairs covering my breasts and chest scratching the floor.

My soft, formless back is tight now, showing off every inch of my body beneath a light dusting of fur.  Powerful erector muscles protrude, creating a deep valley for my spine and the line of short, thin fur that covers it.

Joints pop throughout my body and I growl with pleasure, straining my head forward while gnashing my teeth.  Grinding and sawing my jaw to ease the soreness throbbing in my gums as the roots of my fangs form in place.  My flat ass begins to swell when fatty tissue grows over the muscles continuing to weave throughout my body.  The tip of my tail emerges from the slight bulge above my spread, curving ass cheeks.

The need solidifies.


I waited and waited, hoping he would take the hint soon after the first time we met, when I felt the fairytale-like butterflies fluttering in my stomach.  My shyness struck his- well, I'm not sure.  Obliviousness?

No more.  We kissed.  He kissed me.

Another growl.  My tongue lashes out, brushing the pale tip of my nose.

And I-


I can't remember.  We kissed.  He wants me.  And I need him.  My head lifts, flecks of gold in my eyes catching the overhead light.  Scenting the air.  I can smell my roommates and neighbors.  People I've never met.  Above and below me.  Food and trash and sex and... sex-  My own smell dominates the room.  And his smell.

Turning, I grab the edge of the bed and shove my face into the sheets, rolling my cheeks and nose and chin to cover myself in it.  His scent has followed me home.  I can't get enough of it.

My tongue unrolls and I draaaaag it over the bed, licking my cum before huffing.  He's here.  He's here he's here he's here.  Collapsing on the bed, rolling in it while whining and snarling quietly, rocking my hips and then turning to my stomach.  Grinding my stomach into the bed, rubbing the six little sensitive spots pulsing on both sides of my stomach.  Pale brown marks delineating my hidden teats.

I have to see him.

Dusk casts contoured lines of red over my bed that soak into the black fur on my spine and the hairs over my arms and legs.  I turn, staring through the window to find the pale ghost of the full moon watching me.  A shiver runs down my spine and my hackles raise.

I move, grabbing a pair of old shorts that barely fit when I pull them up my legs.  They outline my ass well enough to make me appear naked, especially without my panties.  When I bend to find a shirt, my engorged labia are just as easily visible through the thin fabric.  My wetness marks them and I can feel the heat of my pussy nearly burning my thighs.  The waistband saws the hair-covered base of my tails.

Rooting around, I find a sports bra that I snatch, cutting holes in the fabric with my sharp nails until I slip my arm through, snapping my teeth when it catches the long hairs growing on my shoulders.  With my second arm through, I settle it in place.

And I leave.  Without checking myself in the mirror.  Without looking for my keys or phone.  Without grabbing my extra pair of shoes by the door.  Barefoot.

The sports bra does nothing to hide my nipples.  Normally small, they're the size of the tip of my pinky finger.  They've been hard the entire time I've been awake.  Torturing me.  Even my areola are swollen enough to show a puffy ring surrounding my nipples.

My feet slide slightly on the floor outside my room.  A thin, smooth layer of skin covers my forefeet and the tips of my toes.  Gray with a wide, roughly triangular pattern on the balls of my feet.

"Hey, you were out... late..." Kendra, one of my roommates, says as I pass.  She stares after me, confused as her mind tries to make sense of what she's seeing.

The front door creaks on its hinges when I grab it without unlocking it first.  I pull with a growl and it snaps with a loud crack of splintering wood when the deadbolt buckles under my strength.  It falls to the floor, surrounded by a large chunk of the door while splinters explode from the doorframe.  The metal screen door screeches and bends before popping open when I push against it.

The warm evening wind ruffles the fur slowly spreading over my shoulders.  I raise my head to the moon again and moan, turning and bending to let the breeze caress the thick fur on my back.  And then I leap, clearing the six steps down to the sidewalk, catching myself in a crouch with my hands spread.  The padding spreading over my palm cushions my fall.  Small tears form in the sides of my shorts with a single rip down the seat - just enough to show the hairs beginning to thicken over my pussy lips.

Slightly hunched, sniffing at everything around me, I lope down the sidewalk.  People walk wide of me and I can smell the sour stench of their fear.  It tugs at me, but I have more important things to do.

I recognize Daniel's faint scent three blocks from his house as I turn off the main street.  It causes me to stagger and I grip a nearby lamppost.  The metal groans with an unnearthly sound before denting.  My tongue flaps against the sharp hairs covering my chin.  I inhale.  Inhale again.  Deeper.  Moan.  Clawing at my stomach.  Forcing myself onward.  I shouldn't know what he smells like but his scent is a bright spark in my brain, glowing hot enough to almost hurt.

My feet pound against the sidewalk as I run, clearing the remaining distance in half a minute.  And then I slow.  Lowering myself to my hands, raising my blackened, cracked nose.

The front door to his house opens slowly.  I growl but cautiously.  He's moving around inside.  Stumbling.  Groaning in pain.  Snarling.  My tail rests against my shorts, almost brushing against the tear that's widened on the crotch.

I approach cautiously, watching around me until I reach the door.  Once inside, I stand.  My ears scratch against my hair when they twitch, lengthening as they rotate forward.

"Danyuuuul," I rasp with a voice far lower than it should be.  There's faint crunching sides in my throat that makes me massage my neck.

"St- stay.  Away!" he snaps from his bedroom.  "Not.  Rrrrrrright.  Not rrright.  Can't- can't-"

Without a thought, I close the door behind me.  His scent is thick in my mouth.  My eyelids flutter as I take it in and bones crack in my cheeks. I can't stop myself from moaning and I take three reflexive steps forward.

It's harder to think.  Why does he smell so good?  So different?  So powerful?  Memories flash through my mind.  Red and hot and exciting.  Fur and flesh and claws and teeth.  I can't make sense of it, but it drops me to my knees.  And then forward.  I crawl on all fours, hanging my head with my tongue drooping until I hit against his couch.

Panting.  Overwhelmed.  Needy.  So fucking needy.  Up and around to my back.  Eyes dazed with lust as my upper lip is pulled by my lengthening muzzle.

Growling when my tail, trapped by the cushions, shoves into my shorts as it grows.  Rubbing against my pussy as I pull the seat of my shorts aside to touch myself.

"Danyuuuuhhhhlll," I snarl when my thick padding touches my dripping pussy lips.  My free hand kneads the couch beside me as I close my eyes and rub myself.

There's silence, but I hear the huff of his quickly inhaled breaths.  Breathing in my smell.  And then his footsteps.  My hand speeds up in excitement, smearing my cum over my pussy and thighs.

He's there.  At the end of the couch, grimacing in pain.


Covered in the chest hair I'd admired in the past through his open shirt.  Drawn in by the ruggedness he exudes, so unlike what I grew up with in the middle of downtown Nishitōkyō.

He cries out and grips the couch while bending in pain.

"I can't.  Hold.  It," he snarls.

I watch his spine lift, pushing against the hairs spreading quickly down his back.  He raises his head.  Air whistles through a reddened throat corded by veins.  His teeth lengthen while his face pushes forward.

My eyes draw down.  To see it.  My hand speeds up and I growl as I watch his bobbing cock tighten.  And grow.  Stretching up to his belly button until the skin becomes thin and angry with a crimson hue.

Unable to resist myself, I turn, dangling my feet over the edge of the couch while lowering my chest and raising my ass.

Presenting myself.

Claws bite into my hips and the pain is delicious.  His thumbs hook into my ass cheeks to spread me apart.  I can feel them growing sharper, piercing my flesh.

When his cock touches me, I shove, frantic.  Eager to have him inside of me.  It slips up, grinding against my asshole until he shoves me forward and down and holds me there with immense strength.

His smooth cock glides into my wetness.  Spreading me open.  I tear at the cushions with my teeth, snarling and snapping because it's widening inside of me.  When he bottoms out, he holds still until the tip curves into a point that stabs my cervix.

I tremble and try to push back but he holds me steady.  His drool drips down to the fur and bare skin low on my back when he leans into me.

Words are lost to him.  To us.  Our humanity fades.

Pain flares in my pussy when his knot begans to form and inflate.  I clench against him and the motion forces him out when the knot bulges against my opening.  The feeling of it is indescribable.

I'm full of him.  He's filling every inch of me, touching every whorl and ridge and nerve, but his knot threatens to ruin me and I want it so very badly.

I rock back to meet his thrust and my ass shakes from the impact, rippling up my back while my tail curls.  The couch slides and I grip to hold on.

He leans further to lick the fur on my neck while pulling back.  I turn my head to him and our tongues twist together.  I lick his mouth when he turns away.  His own tongue swirls against my neck until he pushes down, chest against my back, hands wrapping around my side.  Claws scrape my teats as they twist into place and I shudder.

His first thrust in the new position slams me down flat against the couch.  I snarl when his knot spreads me open but push back in hopes of taking it in, despite the pain.  Out again and then he pushes pack.  Teeth bite at my long, black-furred ears before his tongue folds and pushes into them.

I'm so close already.  His massive biceps crush against me, holding me tight as he begins to pick up the pace.  I'm stuck.  Held in his grip.  Whining.  Over and over and over and over and over.  Shamefully.  Needy.  I can't even think past the encroaching storm building between-

Teeth in my shoulder.  The smell of blood.  His knot nearly slips inside.  I'm howling and cumming and shaking, but he's holding me in place.  Cleaning the blood from the dense fur covering the curve of my neck where it meets my shoulder.

I push back.  And back.  Trying to relax my muscles to take all of him, but I can't stop gripping his enormous cock.  White shows in my eyes and I snap and twist.  Another orgasm, so close after the first one.  I can't- I can't- I can't-

When he knots me, I howl from the pain of it crushing into me.  Tearing me open.  He licks my neck but doesn't stop.  It almost slips out until I clamp down, holding him.

My pussy lips caress his knot when they begin to fill out.  Black stretch marks appear and spread as they bulge.  I'm rocking back and grunting to meet every thrust of his.  His breathing is erratic.  I know what's coming and I push harder and harder, eager for his seed.  The animal howling in my head knows her mate and demands to be bred.

Black lips fold around his knot and the changes ripple upward, tightening the muscles within as my clit is dragged up and hidden by my puffy, fleshy sable spade.

He pushes himself up, arching his back.


My voice joins his howl until I spasm and claw at the couch.  He keeps pulsing within me.  The warm cum is flooding my pussy as his cock swells.  My fangs tear into the cushions while my claws break the frame, collapsing us to the ground.  And still the waves crash through me.

The wolf within bays to the moon in hopes that she's impregnated and I find I can't separate my own desires from hers.

Just as I feel like I'm almost able to catch my breath, he pulls me to the floor and raises my hips until I'm on all fours - trembling from the aftershocks of my orgasm.

He's still above me.  Mounted.  Growling.  And moving again.


I wake in darkness.  Outside.  Hissing as bones rearrange themselves.  My lips pull back in agony over jutting fangs that crack and shrink back into my jaw.  I jerk, scrabbling at the ground, unable to control myself when muscles tear.  Dissolving and shrinking. An arm wraps around me.  Fingers brush my teats, sending an electric shock down my core as they unwind and unravel.

The tips of my triangular ears roll inward while the short fur covering them falls away.  My tail thumps the ground before collapsing to become a dull deadweight that slides through the dirt as it reels back into my body.

The silver, full moon is high overhead.  I raise my hand, turning it to stare at the puffy padding shrinking on my palm and fingers.  My nails are long, deadly claws that slowly recede.

"Ookami ningen..." I whisper.

Even as the fur falls aways, hairs remain to cover my arms and even a few are scattered over my palm to create a faint outline of the paw pad that has almost vanished.

My heart is racing.  I can hear Daniel groaning behind me.  I can- I can feel things moving in his body as his own changes revert.  When his arm tries  to pull away from me, I grab it and hold it tight, pressing his hand against my chest.  Against my breast.  Security and warmth floods me.

I can feel the forest around me.  The silence is heavy, as if it's waiting to see what we'll do.  Despite changing back, my hearing and sense of smell are incredibly powerful.  A flood of information fills my brain.  The wolf is still there.  Parsing it for useful information.  Part of me now.

Turning, I curl into a ball while hugging Daniel.  Nuzzling into his chest hair and fur.

"Tssssss-" he hisses, finally awake.  "Tsssukikoooo ssssomethingsss..."

His sheath remains.  My golden eyes glow to take in the view of the fur-covered bulge attached to his stomach.  Filled with the scent of our sex.

Whether the wolf or I wish it, I move, uncaring of the sticks and dirt until I'm directly in front of it.

WIthout shame, I bend and lick with a low growl, from the base to the opening at the tip.  And again.  And again, snarling when he tries to move me away.  Hair on my tongue, but I don't care.  It swells under my attention and his cock spirals out while pushing the sheath down beneath his inflating knot.

With a moaning sigh, I push him back and straddle him, pulling the tip against my black, tri-fold pussy lips.

He grips my ass when I mount him and I lean in to lick his face.

"Anatawa watashino otoko," I tell him, rubbing my cheek against his while flexing and pushing back.  I feel the fur of his gathered sheath against my wet lips before lifting my hips.  "Mine.  Mine.  Mine."

"Yes," he gasps in return.  Golden eyes memorizing every part of my face as his hands grip my hips to pull me down.

We mate, beneath the blessing of the moon.  Without hurry or care.  Surrounded by nature as we mark each other for the start of our new lives.


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