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Ahhhh the final chapter!  I hope the wait was worth it!

"You whore," a harsh voice sneered.  Spittle flew from the old woman's mouth.  "You've ruined yourself and for what?   FOR WHAT?!  Your soul is damned.  You had everything - everything!  Whore!"

Beauty rolled her head.  She smacked her lips but her head drooped until she forced it back.

She sat in a plain chair in a drab room.  The old woman, back bent, paced before her but Beauty spied a shadow just beyond the edges of light.

"She could still fix this, Old Mother," another voice said.

The prince stepped into the light.  Gone were his smiles, replaced by a hard expression.

"You'd let this- this whore touch you after she-" the old woman screeched.

"Never," the prince said.  He turned to Beauty and the disgust was clear on his face.  "But her beauty remains and she may sit beside me to greet those who come to pay their respects.  Pulled out of her chambers before hiding her away once more.  Others will bear my heirs."

The old woman's eyes narrowed but she nodded slowly.  The prince knelt before Beauty with his hands on his knees.  An arrogant mockery of the Beast.  He smiled at her but the world spun suddenly while fireworks exploded in Beauty's vision.  Her left cheek burned and she stared as the prince wiped his right hand against his breeches.

"You foul thing," he told her, finally.  She struggled but found herself immobile as if tied tightly to the chair.

"You've seen it," the prince said.  "The rose.  The black rose.  Tell me.  You can tell me.  You can tell me you've-  TELL ME!"

"I've- I've seen it," she said.

"Good, that's good," the prince told her and he beamed.  "All you have to do is burn it.  Set a torch against the rose, holding it there until it's consumed and the Beast will be no more. None need know of your vulgar deeds.  We'll wed and you'll live out the rest of your days in luxury, tended by your maids when I'm not forced to bring you out for the amusement of others."

"Better to bind the filth in the dungeon, away from the light where she belongs," the old woman hissed.

"Perhaps," the prince said.  "If she displeases me further."

"I won't," she told him and the prince smiled indulgently at her until confusion crossed his face, soon replaced by rage when he realized what she was truly telling him.   The slap that followed stung as bad as the first.

"No dances for you this evening," the prince sighed, standing and wiping his hands with a delicately embroidered linen.  "No royals to fawn over you.  Your dream belongs to us and we'll fill it as we see fit.  Whore."

Beauty screamed and struggled and they laughed, waiting for her fit to finish before continuing with the snake-like words, describing her faults in detail until she was left sobbing in her seat.

"No!" she cried out, jerking to sit up in bed.

Late morning light filtered through the curtains.  Beauty groaned, raising her knees until they pressed into her breasts.  She settled her forehead against her legs while wrapping her arms around her shins.

Their words haunted her.  They faded, slightly, as did her nightmare, but she remembered what they'd wanted.  They repeated it over and over and over until she screamed at them to stop and still, they continued.  Her head pounded.

Beauty swiveled her legs out of bed, placing her feet against the cold ground.  She stared at the floor.  At her bare toes and the pale skin covering her legs.  The girl breathed in as deeply as she could and then out.  And again, closing her eyes as she tried to clear her mind.  She reached up, rubbing the back of her neck.

Claws against her skin...

A knock rang out, rapid fire on the door.  Beauty grabbed her blanket to cover herself.

"I'm not-!"

The door opened.  She squealed and pulled her legs back to hide beneath her blanket.

A small troop of monkeys entered, bowing repeatedly before closing the door.  They carried bundles in their arms and she watched, in amazement, as they set out clothes and powders and brushes and so much more.

Before she could stop the creature - a wrinkled old female with a gray face and thick, protruding lips - pulled herself up onto the bed.  The creature gently removed the blanket and others reached elongated arms to help Beauty stand.  She covered herself but dusky, gnarled fingers prised her hands away.

The monkeys called to each other quietly while occasionally cooing at Beauty.  Hidden on the backs of the larger females, four tiny monkeys sprinted up onto the bed before leaping to Beauty's shoulders to untangle her braid in order to rework it.  The others dressed her one layer at a time.  When they were finished, they guided her back to sit on the edge of the bed.  Tugs against her scalp showed the progress of her braid, but Beauty ignored them.

Being attended to, such as she was, was surreal.  She felt as if she were standing outside of her body as the monkeys pampered her.  Another group, having waited their turn, arrived to paint her face with a dizzying mixture of pastes and powders.  They eyed her critically between every stroke before retreating.

The very first to arrive and take her blanket crawled back onto the bed to sit next to Beauty.  A long arm wrapped around Beauty's shoulder, holding her tight while the furred head of the small monkey leaned against her.  Fingers rubbed Beauty's arm slowly while the monkey hummed in a strange, soothing voice.

Tears dripped from Beauty's eyes.  She stared down in surprise at the wet spots forming on her dress as more and more fell until her vision began to blur.  She hiccuped.  Sniffed.  Hiccuped again and then sobbed, pressing her palms against her face.

"Suh- suh- suh-" she tried to apologize as the tearsclotted the powders they'd applied so artfully.

They surrounded her.  Stroking her, butting their heads gently against her body and laying against her as she cried, relieving the pain of the night before..  Her head ached worse than when she woke up, but as the tears slowly dried up, the pounding faded.  Still they continued to hold her, producing linens for her to blow her nose.

"Thank you," she said, hoarsely.  "I'm better now, thank you."

A small detachment broke away.  One scurried off only to return with a bowl full of water.  They washed her face, patted her dry and then once more applied their powders.

And then they bounced off of the bed, one at a time until the first remained.  The old, wizened female pressed her forehead against Beauty's neck, holding it there as the tiny one had the day before until, finally, she slid off of the bed to usher the rest of the monkeys from the room.

Beauty sat alone.  She let out a shaky breath but found, to her amazement, that the pain of the nightmare had faded.  The young woman smiled shyly at the door and then stood.

The hallway was empty when she stepped outside her room.  She oriented herself, smoothed her dress and walked with confidence, passing endless apartments  until she reached the doors to the garden.  With a deep breath that caused her corset to creak, she pushed and the immaculate garden air greeted her.

Bird dipped and dived and zipped past her and around, circling before vanishing faster than she could follow.  She laughed and clapped and watched before continuing her journey, following the path she'd traveled the day before.  Deeper and deeper into the garden with the light as her guide.  She knew, now, that it was the same light she'd spied upon first approaching the estate on the back of that faithful horse.

It led her directly to the brambles and its single dark gem held in place by wooden prongs.

She approached it and the hateful words of the prince filled her mind, causing her to wince.  A thorny stem wound its way around and up, perfectly straight before giving birth to the rose itself.  There was no variation in color, no striation of hues.

It was the color of the absence of light and the passing breeze affected it not a bit.

Beauty reached out but fell short, unable to bring herself to touch it.  Cold emanated from its petals and frost formed on her skin.

Her father had plucked a rose at her request, to ease the dreariness she felt in the desolation of their new home.  But nothing so ethereal as the rose before her.

The Beast was the prince.  She knew that and knew he was cursed.  She'd known even before the prince had demanded that she burn the rose to free him.

He thought her broken and she laughed.  She would endure countless nights of his torture if it meant preventing him from his goal.  Just to see the outrage in his eyes.  And his impotence.

Her outreached hand wavered.  She lowered it, touching one of the thorns before gritting her teeth and grasping the stem beneath the rose.

The thorns bit into her palm and fingers, marking her as they drew blood.  Blood that coursed down and along her wrist.  She watched the deep red liquid until it touched the sleeve of her dress.  The drops welled there and fell, dripping to the dirt beneath her.  She ground her teeth against the pain but held tight.  Her hand throbbed.  Heat radiated up to her fingertips and down to her wrist, spreading further with every pulse of her heart beat.

"I will never harm him," she whispered to the phantom from her dreams.  "I-  I-"

She groaned, falling to her knees with her hand still gripping the thorns.  Beauty hissed through her clenched teeth.  Her braid slid against her back to dangle against her neck when she bowed her head.  She inhaled and groaned again when she couldn't take a full breath as her corset cut into her chest.  The young girl gasped, exhaled, breathed in and moaned with a wavering voice that rumbled.  Panting.  Sweat beaded on her forehead with more forming on the back of her neck and between her breasts.

"Let.  Go," she told herself as more blood fell.  Her hand burned now, but she couldn't seem to force fingers apart.  Her quick breathing rasped and her throat vibrated.  She licked her lips, sketching a full circuit with the tip of her tongue stretching for her nose.  "Let.  Go."

Layers of keratin oozed from her nail beds and up to the tips of her nails, thick in the center and thinner at the edges.  She clawed at the ground, tearing into the soil while groaning louder as the nails on her right hand lengthened slowly to press into her palm.

Fatty tissue spread over the top of her palm, causing the flesh to bulge.  More grew along the segments of her fingers and the pale skin faded to gray speckled with black.  Blonde hairs pierced her sensitive palms, drawing a languid outline around the padding as it inflated.  The hairs traced up, growing from the thin webbing along the base of her fingers and along her fingers themselves, spiraling along the bottom and top.

The pressure from her padding allowed her to finally open her hand.  Beauty snatched it away and whined, bringing it to her mouth to sniff at the coppery blood before licking it carefully.  She lapped at the blood from the wounds and her tongue flattened against her palm.  The holes healed, staunching the flow of blood but Beauty continued to lick with long strokes of her tongue as it lengthened.

Beauty growled before shoving her hand into her mouth to gnaw at her claws when they latched onto her fingerbones.  Flesh bulged on the tips of her fingers while cramps wracked her palms and she snarled, scoring the pure black claws with her canines as they began to curve away from her jaw.  Trickles of blood ran down her gums until she swallowed.

Agony wracked her body.  Beauty curled forward with a reedy howling scream.  She slammed her hands into the ground while bowing her back.

The laces on Beauty's corset strained.  They sawed into her flesh when muscles tore and reformed.  Those same muscles shoved against her spine, forcing them out in a wave.  She raised her head with tears tracing down from her blue eyes and her fanged jaw opened in a silent howl.  Her irises cracked to show yellow beneath and her sclera slowly vanished when they expanded.  Pink faded to black along her eyelids, highlighting her pure golden eyes as wispy blonde fur grew around her eyebrows.

"S- S- Something's- nrrrgh!" Beauty snarled.

Her back flexed and bowed again and the laces broke on her corset.  Her spine receded between the muscles growing on the sides of her back. She snapped her teeth, flinging drool when her jaw cracked.  Long hair pierced the tips of her ears as they unfolded, laying flat briefly before drawing up to points.  The flesh swelled as white hairs grew within and the blonde fur spread down to her cheeks.

With a rumbling growl, she tore at the front of her bodice.  Her claws sheared through the fabric to show the sweat-covered curves of her breasts and the hints of her pink nipples in the center of her puffy areola.  Scattered fur, matted with sweat, clung to the skin over her breast bone, reaching out to touch her breasts while more fur continued to grow down her body.

"Nuh- nuh- no!" Beauty yelled, staring at her right hand after pulling it away from her chest.  She raised her other hand and whined, turning both to see scattered hairs covering hardened, muscular forearms and leathery padding in a sea of blonde fur on her palms.  "NO!"

She forced herself up and the movement tugged at her torn clothing, pulling her bodice down.  Her breasts popped through the tear, jiggling as blonde stubble began to spread around the curves and up in a slow march towards her nipples.

Beauty stumbled.  Cramps seized her feet, but she ignored the pain and turned, walking away from the briar patch.  Petals fell from the rose, swirling through the air as they tumbled to the ground.  Gray mold seized the tangled briar, rotting it from the inside out and it collapsed behind her.

Her fleshy ears dragged against the hair pulled taut at her temples, fur tangling with the strands as they lengthened.  Drool spilled down her chin.  She wiped at it and snarled before falling into a nearby statue.  Beauty roared in anger, swiping at its outstretched arm.  The entire left half of the statue shattered in a shower of dust and fragments that burrowed into the dirt.

Her tongue was too big for her mouth and her teeth, flowing down into fangs were too crowded.  Drool flung away from her as she clawed at her face and the bones shifting beneath her skin.  Powder flaked away from her face, revealing the pale skin beneath.  She howled and then coughed, grabbing at her throat.  Her padding rasped against the fur spreading over her neck.  Tendons stood out against her flesh.  Muscles pulled beneath the skin and even her torn dress tightened against her widening frame.

Another step and the woman fell, catching herself on her hands and knees.  She growled and stretched out, shoving her feet back.  Stitching broke in back of her bodice, ripping to show her heavily muscled back, hard lines covered in scattered blonde fur.  She shoved forward, grinding her fangs while more drool fell.  Kicking her legs back as intense, stabbing pain strobbed throughout her feet.

The backs of the mules she wore on her feet broke when her arches lengthened, shoving her heels away from her toes.  Wild hairs emerged over her delicate, pale feet as they began to widen, straining within the toebox of the mules until the soles ripped, popping from front to back to grant instant relief to her swollen forefeet.

Her toenails, mottled black and gray and bulging at the tips of her toes, tore furrows into the dirt when she stretched back.  With her hands planted on the ground, she raised herself up on hands and feet, bowing her back and then lowering it to raise her chest with a snarl.  Her breasts hung beneath her, covered in soft blonde fur that teased her thumb-thick, erect nipples.

"Nuooooowwwwwl!" Beauty howled as vertebrae popped in sequence from her neck down to her tailbone, popping it free.  Her tongue flopped against her teeth before flexing up to wipe the pebbled texture spreading over her nose where it widened on her expanding muzzle.

Sounds within the estate caused her ears to twitch.  Beauty lowered her head, growling.  She tilted her head and her ears swiveled.  Something broke.  Pottery, a piece of her mind whispered.  Splintered wood followed and her mind gave her an image of a door breaking.  And another.

She turned, flashing her fangs when the double doors leading into the garden exploded.

"BEAUTY!" the Beast roared.

She moaned, raising her ass while sliding her feet in the dirt, spreading her legs apart.  His scent filled her, billowing to consume her rational thoughts.  An invisible marionettist guided wires that caused her to respond against her wishes when animal urges rooted themselves in her brain.  She snarled.  Trembled.  Tried to stop her body from moving, from forcing her into such an abhorrent display of bestial lust, but her body burned.  A blazing fire scoured her moralities, leaving her struggling to remember what was right and what wasn't.

Beauty clenched her fingers.  She raised her head. Inhaling his scent.  In a fluid motion, she lowered herself further, raising her ass while pushing back and dragging her nipples against the ground.  Dirt collected in the fur covering her breasts.  Furrows appeared on the broad bridge of her nose as slits separated the flesh from the edge of her ebony, rough textured nostrils.  Silky blonde fur spread slowly over her cheeks, displacing the remaining powder the primates had applied earlier.

The Beast leapt, easily clearing a seven foot tall hedge to crash into the ground in front of Beauty on hands and feet.

"Huh- Help meeee," she groaned, raising a clawed hand.

"What have you done?" he asked, crawling to her with his tail swishing behind him.

Beauty snapped, cracking her teeth together while pounding her hand back into the dirt.  It was in her mind - his red manhood, conjured by a thick odor permeating the Beast as he approached.  She knew - the changes to her brain made certain that she knew the musk was his arousal.  Drool overfilled her mouth to allow strings to run down both sides of her chin.  Her throat rumbled and she purred while licking her mouth, cleaning the drool from her fur.

"Noooooo," she growled, grinding her teeth once more.

He approached, grabbing her head and chest up to pull her into his lap.  Holding her tightly.  She wrapped her powerful arms around him in return.  Nuzzling him.  Licking the fur exposed on his chest.  Clawing at his back.  Inhaling his scent.  Her hips lowered as she straddled his massive thigh and she gasped as she grinded into him.

"Tell me what you've done and I-mmph!"

She forced herself up, turning her muzzle to force it against his.  Shoving her tongue through his teeth.  Forcing him down.  Breaking apart to raise her head in a triumphant howl.

"You- you have to stop-" the Beast snarled.  His claws tore the remnants of her bodice before he forced them to cease but she ground down into him, pressing against his manhood while her breasts quaked.  "You-  You have to-"

He leaned forward, lapping at her nipple and she snarled, reaching to hold his head up.  To encourage him.

All of the frustrations - all of the temptations and the thrills of his coarse behaviors crashed down into her.  Through the very fiber of her being that called out to be handled roughly.  Her entire life she'd been treated as an inherited porcelain doll when she'd craved the violent passions of a lover who wouldn't hold back.  Who would treat her as an equal rather than a breakable toy.  The curse opened her, exposing her base desires.

When the Beast pushed, forcing her off, she snapped and growled in return, ready to tackle him.  Ready to take him.  As monstrous as she'd become, he was larger and his bulk crashed down upon her.  Fangs found her bare shoulder, biting hard enough to scrape bones.  Blood seeped through the bite marks and she shuddered.  Gasped.  Growled with a long, low moaning sound as his weight pressed upon her back.  Raising her ass to him like an animal.  Rather than horror, she was exhilarated by his command.

He cleaned her wounds and she closed her eyes while enjoying the sensual strokes of his tongue, but when he pulled away, she growled back at him, turning to stare with burnished eyes.

The Beast tore frantically at Beauty's dress, shoving her petticoat, skirt and shift up, flipping them over her back.  Her short tail lifted, pulling at her bare cheeks and asshole.

She spread herself for him while dropping to her forearms with her paws against the dirt.  Turning her head, she lay her muzzle in the grass with her tongue out.  Waiting as he ripped his breeches.

Thick veins stood out on the smooth, scarlet shaft of his cock.  She moaned and dragged her claws in the dirt while her ass trembled.  He gripped the bulbous base of his cock, just above where the brown furred sheath covered his enormous testicles.  The Beast grunted when he fell forward, catching himself with one hand.

He guided himself against her.  Beauty snapped her jaw shut while turning to face forward.  Her eyes bulged in their sockets, showing a faint halo of white around her irises when the head pressed between her engorged labia.  He pushed and she howled with pain as muscles clenched tightly before him.  Blood mixed with the clear liquid seeping from her pussy as he took her virginity.  Beauty panted through the pain while pushing back and whining, oblivious to the shameful noise she was making.

Inky coloring filled her soft pink inner lips.  They swelled around the Beast's shaft, caressing the slick skin when the bulging lips ballooned.  Stretch marks appeared, healed and darkened on her pussy lips as they became distended and slowly rolled inward around him.  As they folded, they pulled her clit, bending it up and she howled again when his cock grinded against it.

Beauty's inner muscles relaxed for just a brief moment and the Beast pushed, impaling her.  She slid in the dirt before digging her claws deep and shoving back.

Once more he bent to her, licking the thick mane of fur spreading over her nape and shoulders as he continued to push.  When his teeth clamped onto the back of her neck, her moan quavered in pure pleasure.

He filled her, grinding against every ridge within and the million nerves dotting the slick, pink flesh.  She trembled, opening her muzzle as he continued to push, deeper and deeper and deeper until the tip brushed her cervix.  And still he pushed.  She snarled, shoving back to slam her ass against his crotch, rippling the soft, furry flesh.  Her tail, covered in scattered fur, pounding against his side.

When the Beast pulled out, her lips gripped him greedily.  She moaned, collapsing to the ground from the overwhelming sensation.  Just as she was sure he'd pull out completely, she pushed back, forcing him to fill her once more.

The Beast growled and wrapped his arms around her, bearing her to the ground.  His tongue worked against her fur as he began to speed up, grunting and growling and finally laying his cheek against hers as he focused on his movements.

His breathing grew strained.  He gasped but sounds vanished from Beauty's ears as a white, noiseless explosion erupted within.  She screamed and struggled to get away, overwhelmed by the orgasm destroying her from within.  An internal struggle broke out when one part of her mind tried to escape and the other gibbered at her to continue.

Dirt puffed away from Beauty's black nose.  Her eyes rolled back but she clawed herself up from the depths of her dwindling consciousness.  The Beast pounded into her, shoving her bare tits back and forth against the dirt and she could already feel the alien sensation of yet another orgasm rising within.

He roared, her Beast, as he came.  Bowing his back with his head raised and paws firmly planted on the ground.  Beauty's ears folded and she tried to join him but her raspy wheeze squeezed through her clenched throat.  His cum drilled into her, triggering yet another orgasm when combined with his swelling cock.  She could feel the hot liquid filling her womb and his thickness squeezed into her clenching, tight pussy rivulets of cum to gush from her overfull pussy until the creamy white strands tangled with her golden fur.

They lay together against the earth, panting in their embrace until Beauty's hips rocked, pushing the Beast's still hard cock deep inside once more.

The human part of his mind that he'd worked so hard to control, faded to nothing, leaving the two beasts to rut in the wilderness surrounding the estate.


"You're cursed," a voice said in the darkness of her dreams.  It was fading but recognizable as the old woman.  "And, in turn, you've killed him.  Cursed to spend... nights... beast... You've... forever...destroyed...."

And then she was gone and the darkness was all.


Beauty woke in a daze.  Her head pounded and her body refused to move at first.  When she concentrated on it, she felt soreness radiating from every joint.  She was heavy and dull but warm.

Short blonde fur fell from her body when she tried to turn.  Dull aches mixed with pin-sharp pricks along her arches as her bones compressed, reducing her paws to feet.  She swallowed, but her dry throat clicked and, instead, she licked her lips and the tip of her nose.  A second pass of her tongue reached just barely above her top lip.  It bumped over her receding canines and she growled quietly

Her ears twitched when the white fur lining the insides detached, tickling the skin.  The sharp tips of the ears themselves grew rounded before folding over.

The young woman groaned.  She cracked her eyes open, viewing the world through a tired slit as she focused on moving her arm as a start.  Her hand twitched.  They slid and she felt thick fur against her fingertips.

"No," she whispered, clenching her fist into the fur on the Beast's chest.

She recognized his scent just as her eyes refocused to see him pressed against her.  She moved and her right leg, tangled over the Beast's massive thigh, nearly slammed into his testicles.  The young woman pushed herself back, pulling with the claws covering her fingers while they slowly flattened into clear nails.  The stub of her tail wriggled against the top of her ass until, with a click, it vanished beneath her skin.

Discarded blonde fur, mixed with brown, covered her naked body with traces of mud and dirt.

Memories filled her slow, tired mind.

Beauty raised her right hand to her eyes to stare at her palm.  Seven white lines marked where the thorns had pierced her flesh.

A faint rounded outline showed along the tops of her palms with similar coloring showing distended ovals on the bottoms of her fingers.  She gasped, raising her hand to her face to explore her cheeks and up to her pert nose before dragging them down to her narrow, delicate chin.

The Beast lay naked before her, growling in his slumber as his powerful chest rose and fell.

She tried to summon disgust for him as she eyed his prone form.

Beauty remembered the pain of her change.  She remembered...  She closed her eyes while exhaling with a shuddering breath.  His hands against her.  His teeth in her shoulder.  Against her neck.  Offering herself up to him eagerly like an animal.

Revulsion at her actions and his touch against her body wouldn't come.  Instead, she felt the slow pulse of her heartbeat rising between her thighs and her fingers lifted her touch her throat.  And then higher to her lips as her eyes swept down to his bulging sheath.  The very tip of his rounded, pointed red cock lay slightly exposed.  The fur covering his sheath was matted from the combination of their cum.

She bent forward while raising her knees to press against her breasts and she trembled while moaning as nerves woke in her back, reminding her of his weight there and the times his claws raked her.  The ghostly pain burned with a delicious sensation that left her gasping her air.  She stared, with her head between her knees, as the movement forced his cum from between her reddened, aching pussy lips and all she could do was growl at the scent of it.

"What have I become?" she asked herself, shocked by the change in her behavior.  "What have I done?"

Her legs resisted when she tried to stand.  It took four tries for her to finally pull herself up and, even then she stumbled as she made her way back into the estate, past the shattered remains of the doors and into the hallways.

Faded red marks from sharp bushes and the Beast's claws vanished as she moved.  Halfway to her room, she moaned and fell into the wall next to her with her right hand clawing against her thigh when she felt the warm trail of the Beast's cum dribbling down her legs.  She gasped, inhaled and pushed away to force herself onward.

They waited for her within her rooms.  Her primate maidens rested on chairs and the floor but immediately rose to attend to her, gripping her hand to lead her to a stool.  In a daze, she followed and sat as they dipped sponges into basins of warm water to wash her.  Another poured water carefully over her hair, blocking the flow from her face.

When one touched a sponge to her thigh to clean the Beast's issuance, she growled and her hand shot out to grip the creature's wrist.

"Leave it," she snarled.  Beauty groaned, cleared her throat while shaking her head and calming herself.  Her voice dropped to a confused whisper.  She inhaled deeply with a rumbling moan.  "Leave it."

Her unkempt pubic hair was wild, thicker than before and it reached to the sides of her hips with curly blonde tangles that swept up in an effort to reach her belly button.  She bowed her back when they dragged a sponge over her to clean the loose fur but stubble remained and she scratched more fine golden hairs between her breasts.

Once finished, and strangely comfortable with her own nudity around the monkeys attending to her, she stood with their help and they guided her to her bed.

Before they departed, her hand was already between her thighs and she thrashed as she soaked her fingers in the cum coating her swollen lips.  Sleep eventually followed the screaming orgasms she sacrificed to her wanton desires.

Beauty moaned while stretching.  Her joints popped in sequence as she rolled in bed.  The blankets were tangled around her feet.  Sweat soaked into the sheets and more covered her body.

Dusk filtered through her windows.

She rolled, going to her hands and knees to arch her back.  She slid forward and gasped when the sheets dragged against her stomach, stroking the teats beginning to form beneath her skin.  Droplets of milk welled from the microscopic holes opening in her skin before they touched her bed.

A lump swelled above her ass cheeks, twitching with the tip of her tail as fur gathered.  Her hair, still loose after the events of the evening, latched onto the fur slowly spreading on her back.

Beauty clawed at her bed, scratching tiny tears into the sheets with her thick nails as she raised her head to sniff the air with powerful bursts.  A line of fur pressed flat against her belly, between the two columns of reddened flesh marking the growth of her teats and up along the inside curves of her dangling, soft breasts.

She slid from her bed to stand on the balls of her feet, flattening the thin padding covering her forefeet.  Her short tail curled down between her cheeks briefly before lifting.  Her heart pounded and it echoed between her thighs and temples.

The young woman walked to the door before pausing.  She slammed her hand against the frame and her curling fingers caused her claws to cut furrows in the hardwood.

"Nooooo," she growled, panting with her tongue halfway to the bottom of her chin.  Her left hand slid down her body.  She spread her fingers to claw the bumps of her teats until she reached the thick fur covering her lower belly.  And further to her throbbing, engorged pussy, already wet from the heat burrowing through her body.

It's happening again, she told herself, staring blankly at the door with blue eyes covered in yellow fractures.  I can't- I can't-

She growled, grinding her teeth.  Her hand reached the door's handle and muscles flared when she clenched it.  The hinges groaned until the top snapped, tearing a chunk of wood free.  The bottom of the door scraped the floor when she forced it open.

His scent was everywhere but she followed the brightest path, huffing with every breath to track him until she reached his room.  This door broke when she pushed before turning the handle.  It crashed to the floor, startling the Beast.

He sat upon his bed with the covers pulled up over his waist.

"No, Beauty, my- my love, you've- you're-" he stuttered, watching as she stalked to him with a half grown tail, thick with fur, wagging behind her.  She clawed up to his bed, lowering her still human face to the sheets to sniff rapidly as she crawled to him.  "What have they done to you?"

"I'm still me," she told him in a rough, low voice.  She reached and pulled the blanket away to expose his massive, erect cock and she moaned loudly while licking her blackened lips.  "I'm here.  Frrrrrrreed.  Yours.  Beast.  Your Beauty."

Beauty pushed her face forward, shoving her nose in the folds of his thigh where it met his furred testicles.  She moaned and inhaled as deeply as she could and then huffed, inhaling once more of the heady scent.  She could smell both of them - both of their cum from last night and fresh issuance from merely moments ago.

Her tongue lashed out, surprising even her as she licked him, over and over to taste of their sex and the salty sweat.  Beauty's ass wagged slowly back and forth.  She reached up to grab his cock, to pull it aside as she continued to clean him, swallowing loose fur with every stroke.

And then she turned, pressing her wet, charcoal black nose against his red shaft, moaning and growling before opening her lips to unroll her broad tongue from between her sharp fangs.  Dragging it along his shaft to the tip.  Purring at how smooth it was on her rough tongue.  Swirling it around the tip when she tasted his cum.

Moving.  Crawling.  Low to his body so his cock slid between her breasts.  Groaning when his thick fur scratched against her pink teats.  Reaching her hands out to claw down his torso.  Raising her head to lick his neck and beneath his chin.  Howling quietly when she pressed her hips down to touch her exposed clit against his cock.  Grinding into him as the flesh moved.  Her hood swallowed her clit to pull it up to meet her folding pussy.

She growled as she moved and the head brushed between her lips.  And then down, pressing her fleshy, distended pussy against his cock.  And up until the head settled against her black, rolled lips.  They parted wetly to show pink within and her claws bit deep enough to draw blood.  The Beast snarled but lay still.

"Youuuurrrrrrs," she growled, licking his lips as she shoved down.

"Mine," he gasped, feeling the tenuous hold he had over his human side shudder.

"My Beast," he growled when she impaled herself on his cock with a wild howl as night fell on the estate.

He tried to focus when she slid down, gripping every inch of him with powerful, slick muscles.  He would approach her for marriage when they woke.  And continue trying until she accepted.  There was so much more to show her yet.  Not only in the estate but the world itself with the magic he had available.

As her ass slammed down against him and his claws tore into her back and the curve of her breasts, he stared at her teats where they shook beneath the thick coat of fur spreading over her stomach.

Her words devolved into grunts and snarls while her hips worked frantically - moving with a desperation that compensated her complete lack of experience.  All she knew, as her humanity faded away, was that she was alive.  Her entire body yearned for touch.  For claws.  For fangs.  For a rough paw gripping her neck and slamming her down.  For the scent of her own blood from the claws of her Beast marking the fur spreading over her back, his roughness showing his trust and his lust.  Her entire body ached for him and she reveled in the power growing within while her heat scorched her rationality.

When she woke once more, she gasped.  They were outside, in the gardens.  Dew tipped her fur.  The little droplets vibrated when the fur retreated.  Beauty shoved her face against the Beast's side, rolling her head against the pain in her jaw.  It cracked, breaking and reforming while shrinking.  Compressing as flesh tightened and soft pale skin appeared beneath the patches of blonde fur.  She licked her lover's body, dragging her wide tongue against his fur while whining.  Pressing herself harder into his heavily muscled side.

The Beast's hand stroked Beauty, claws idly scratching her stomach and hips.  She moaned when he scored her teats and her body reflexively grinded against his.  The young woman's black pussy lips drained of their color, fading to gray and white before brightening to pink as the puffy inner lips grew thin.  They pulled back between her labia.  She convulsed, tensed her muscles and cum spilled forth.

Beauty's tail thumped weakly against the ground until nerves failed and it lay limp, dragged through the dirt as it shortened.

"I'll- I'll find you a- there's a cloak within the-" the Beast moved but Beauty snarled.  She clenched her hand into his stomach, drawing blood until the tips became blunt.  Her fingertips popped with sharp cramping pain, forcing the rooted claws to detach as they flattened.

Despite her exhaustion, she rolled, pulling herself up with what strength she could muster until she straddled him.  She lay gasping against his chest.  His cock stirred within its bulging sheath and the red tip stretched forth, sliding through the tangle of fur and hair covering her hips.  She moaned, scratching down his side.

"Beauty, you musn't-" the Beast started to say but she reached forward and licked his lips with her small, human tongue, relishing the feel of flesh and the hard fangs beneath, as well as his fur.

She hissed, forced to raise her chest when her spine rose in a slow wave, pushing against her skin and the scattered fur covering her back.  Her hood slid back, pulling into place to leave her engorged clit exposed.  The girl moaned when his hardening cock burned against it.

"Oh, my Beauty," the Beast groaned, reaching a hand for her cheek.  She nuzzled into it and then turned, licking the padding on his palm before reaching a hand up to grip his wrist.  Pulling him down to place his hand against her breast.  "Your heart beats so quickly."

"For you," she gasped, rocking her hips forward.  "I want to remember.  Clearly.  I- Oh- Oh- Your touch is- Oh!"

She moved until the head touched her lower lips.  He stared up at her and she stared back, blue eyes mirrored in gold.

Covered in mud and cum and loose fur with a tangled spray of fur between her breasts and covering the still-shrinking lump of her tail, Beauty pushed, impaling herself with a wavering moan as she felt him stretch her open.  He growled and she shivered as she continued to lower herself until the tip caused her sharp pain.

The Beast's thumbs rubbed against the small reddened marks from her fading teats and she hissed happily in return.

"I'm yours," she told him, repeating what she'd said the night before as she held him in place, squeezing him tightly.  "And you, are mine."

Her voice dropped into a rough growl at the last word.  His right paw, holding her bare ass, clenched, driving his claws into her skin.

Her lips, tightened around his shaft, gripped him hard enough to show when she bounced down against his knot.  She drooped her head against the pain of how deep he was but couldn't stop grinding her clit against the hardened, bulbous flesh at the base of his cock.

"My king," she moaned, lowering herself against his chest to whisper into his ear.  "Open your kingdom.  Let your presence be known to others."

"They'll fear me," he growled, lowering both hands to her ass to knead the flesh while spreading her open.

"Some will," she said, raising herself with a sad sigh, already missing his girth within.  "Most will.  I will be by your side the entire- ohhhhhh God!  God!  The way you feel inside of me, I never knew!  I never knew it could feel sooooOHHHHH GOD!"

She spasmed, arching her back while clawing her nails down the Beast's chest.

"I'll be with you," she panted.  "I'll be with you.  I'll be with you forever."

"I'm yours," he told her, answering her earlier words.

"Tell me," she moaned.  "Tell me."

"I- tell you-?" he asked.

"To bow before you," she groaned before whimpering and hissing as her hips continued to work.  "Like an animal please tell me please I want it.  I want it."

He snarled, snapping his eyes shut while grinding his teeth.  Finally, he opened them and raised his hand, gripping her neck firmly to force her to look at him.

"On all fours," he told her.  "Like an animal.  Give yourself to me on all fours.  Beg for it."

She pulled off of him, screaming when his head slipped from her lips.  After walking a few steps, she lowered herself to her knees with her back facing him.  A line of tangled blonde hairs covered her spine.  She looked back over her shoulder as she lowered herself to her hands and knees.  The Beast gripped himself hard when she raised her ass to him.  The thick hair covering her pussy glistened from her wetness and their cum.  She growled, quietly while shoving back.

"Take me," she moaned.  "Make me yours.  Mark me.  I'm yours.  I'm yours and only yours.  Forever yours.  Take me!"

He stood and stared as she debased herself, moaning and growling and rocking, covered in dirt with her hair in disarray and the traces of the animal still remaining.

As he mounted her, fur to skin with his cock probing for her pussy, he knew he would follow her into death.  His kingdom would re-enter society with her by his side as his queen.  They would force their way back, clawing through the nobility as needed.

Later that evening, Beauty tore through her dress, stumbling through the hallway as the Beast yelled in concern, only to smell the change coming upon her.  Watching as bones shifted beneath her flesh and fur spread, repeating her eternal curse.

As she changed before him, screaming in pain, he held her tight, cursing the witch before swearing that she would be the first to fall when they ventured beyond the estate.  He replayed the imaginary, bloody scene in his eyes until Beauty clawed at his trousers to free his sheath.  She stared up at him with cracked blue eyes, lapping at his erect cock with her small tongue as fur slowly spread down her forehead to cover her still human face.  He gasped in astonishment when her jaws cracked over the head of his cock and she lowered her mouth down.   He could feel her tongue growing against him as she continued to change.

All thoughts of vengeance fell away as the two mated in the hallway, losing themselves to their bestial natures.

Far outside of the estate, an old woman huddled over a cauldron, screaming when the swirling viscous liquid showed naught by the massive trees ringing the Beast's estate.  Between those titanic trees, a malevolent black void stared back at her.  For the first time in hundreds of years, fear gripped her soul.



Quite the epic! Some really erotic TF fanfic in this episode


Thank you so much! It's a long one and it took a while to write but I enjoyed it.


Finally got a chance to read all.three parts and it was Incredible Loved the buildup


I am really pleased, and extremely surprised, at how popular this turned out to be, honestly. Thank you for taking time to leave a comment!