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Rose Crowley sometimes asks for suggestions for scenarios.  I made two for the last request but only posted one.  This is the one I didn't post.  I thought y'all might like it.  A revert suggestion did win, but it wasn't mine.

Completely changed, sprawled out on the floor, legs behind you, arms out with paws on the ground.  Head between your outstretched, furred arms.  Turned slightly on your left side with the camera on the right to show a glimpse of your chest and teats and lower stomach.  Pointed ears and a stubby tail.  Camera slides up, showing your tail with crackling sounds as it shrinks.  Camera goes up to your head and you growl, jerking awake.  Red eyes.  Going up to all fours, head down, face stretched into a partial muzzle. Raising your head in a snarl, arching your back.  Pushing your ass back and up and then forward, raising your chest.  Snarling, turning your head with your eyes closed.  When they open, they're your normal color.

Your face is shorter, human-like but still sharp ears and teeth.  Drool drips from your chin.  You shake your head and growl human-like.  "Hurts.  It hurrrrts."  Shoulder blades flexing, rocking back and forth, claws dragging on the ground.  Brow furrowed.  Less fur on your face.  "I-  I-  ngghhh."

Less fur on your body.  Arching your back again, you slowly fold into yourself, pulling your knees up and your arms in.  Fetal position on your arms and knees with your head in.  And then raising your head, even less fur, ears shrinking.  "Huuurrrrrrtsss."  Growling.  Gnashing your teeth.  And then eyes open wide, sitting back on your heels while raising your hand to see your claws and the sparse fur on the back of your hand and the padding.  "Wha- wha- what is- what is this?"

You fall back, pushing against your bed, raising both of your hands.  Gasping, turning them.  And then up, touching your face before you look down to see fur lining the middle of your stomach, up between your breasts.  And then down further to your teats.

"No. No no no no," you whisper while reaching a trembling hand to touch one.

"God!" you shout, snatching your hand away while jerking, jack-knife and slamming your hands down to the floor with a hungry, human-like growl.

Panting, chest heaving, you look down at the fur between your thighs.  Whimpering as you stroke yourself and then touch the few bits of fur covering your legs.

"Fuck!" you growl, bending to grab your feet.  Pulling your hands away, pointing them as they compress back and then grabbing them again, massaging them carefully.  Touching a claw with your fingernails

"I remember," you whisper suddenly.  Gasping.  Moaning and then growling, touching your lips.  "Hunting.  The- the blood."

The last word is almost a growl.  Your teats remain along with the thick fur over your crotch.  You stroke one of the little nipples, distracted.  Moaning and writhing before snatching your hand away.

"N- no. No.  I have to-"

You stand, leaning against your bed.  A thin line of fur still covers your spine, a permanent change along with your teats.  Falling against your bed.  Crawling into it.  Eyelids drooping.

"I- I have to-" your eyes close completely.

You gasp awake, your clock showing it's late afternoon.  Moaning.  Writhing and gasping in bed.  Sharp teeth and pointed ears.  Panting.  Rolling to your back.  Snarling as you stroke your teats.  Smiling and growling.  Enjoying the touch until you slide your hand down to your thighs.  Growling as you rub yourself.  Faster and faster as fur begins to spread.  Eyes squeezed tight, snarling.  You orgasm and your eyes fly open, blood red with sharp ears.

Rolling to your hands and knees, lifting your head, scenting the air and then moaning.  Smiling around sharp teeth.

"Time to hunt..." you raise your head and howl.



As I commented after seeing Rose’s video, I wish more people did revert sequences. Well done you - this is good.


Thank you! I didn't submit this one last time and now it's too late but maybe in a year if she's still asking for ideas, I can try again.