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One of the short write-a-thon stories.  A quickie but I hope y'all enjoy it!

"This was a mistake," Vivian said while brushing a thin stick from her bangs.  She grabbed it and stuck her tongue out when she saw the mottled green moss covering half of it.  Dirt smeared across her chin when she rubbed the back of her hand against her face.

Lucas turned to her, anxious to say something, anything, but words failed him.  He had failed her.  He'd proposed a camping trip on the one year anniversary of when they'd started dating and she'd said no.  It'd taken two weeks for him to convince her and she finally relented when he'd spent the time talking about how wonderful it would be to get away from civilization for a weekend.

He'd lived most of his childhood in the woods. His father held sole custody growing up and his job required him to travel deep into national forests to run tests on soil and water quality.  They were always moving around, but it'd been an educational experience and his father taught him everything he knew about living off the land.  It was practically in his DNA and he often felt trapped living in the city.

Part of the deal for the trip was for him to convince her parents to let her go.  The Tran family had emigrated when Vivian was just a year old.  They'd lived in poverty in Vietnam, often relying on the wilderness in their small village.  Now, they were successful and incredibly overprotective of their only child.  Still, Lucas had enormous experience in hiking and camping and survival training.  They knew that.  Just as they knew their daughter's love for him.  They'd relented eventually even with the knowledge that they'd be out of contact for almost a full week.

Their hike started well enough yesterday, but when night fell, their campsite wasn't where it should be.  Lucas had a dedicated handheld GPS as well as a trail map.  Everything was plotted out, almost down to the hour.  When his GPS gave a 'Signal Lost' error message, he'd wandered around to let it reconnect but it never recovered.  He'd followed his map closely without the device, but, rather than a lovely clearing next to a river, they found themselves in the middle of a dense forest without room for the tent he carried.  It caught him completely off guard.  Nightfall settled quickly, leaving no time to try to figure out what had happened.

And so he'd played it off and set up a lean-to shelter with a firepit to keep them warm.  He told jokes and they made love beneath the boughs of the trees with the sounds of nocturnal animals around them.  When they woke, he was reenergized with a renewed confidence in his direction.

His bravado had lasted until he stood at a cliff with Vivian by his side, staring at the stick that had latched onto her.

By backtracking through the careful route he'd plotted ahead of time, they should be standing in front of the small parking lot where they'd left his car.

"This is impossible," he said, for the third time.  He knew it was pointless, but he checked his nearly completely drained GPS to see the 'Signal Lost' message still displayed.

"Look, are you sure you did it right?" Vivian asked.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," Lucas told her.  "I mean, aside from the time I saw you at the party-"

"- on campus.  Lucas, I know," she said with a sigh while rubbing her forehead.  "I know this is your thing.  And I know that people make mistakes, but-"

"It's just not-" he tried to interrupt but she continued.

"But how could it be so far off?" she said.

"I don't know," he groaned.  "It's just so freaking-"

"Impossible," she finished.

"Yes," he said, quietly.  "There's no way.  Like, maybe I'd be off enough to miss the parking lot, but we should still be at the road at least.  This- this is- there's nothing here.  This isn't even on my map!  There's nothing like this anywhere on the topographical map, even!"

She could feel his irritation.  It heightened the fear that had been building since the evening before.  Something was wrong.  Even she could tell.  She trusted his ability to navigate and she'd watched him grow more and more frustrated as time passed, muttering about missing landmarks and other issues.

Vivian scratched her hip while staring at the land below.  Her fingers pressed into the soft skin bulging above the waistband of her shorts.  She'd struggled into them when she'd dressed herself earlier this morning and now they chafed against her crotch while pulling tight enough to show the faint line of her recessed pussy lips.  Her nails clawed slowly at a single black hair showing on the exposed skin.

The forest laid out below the cliff appeared endless with a perfect blue sky high above.  Vivian's balance tilted her forward when her eyes swept down to the base of the cliff.  She jerked back just as her stomach dropped.

"Careful," Lucas told her.

He reached a hand out to her upper arm to steady her.  His eyebrows knit together and he squeezed gently.  Hardened muscles tensed beneath his fingers and only now did he notice the strong lines delineating her biceps and triceps and the veins standing out on her forearms.

"Wow," he said, but she didn't notice and he pulled his hand away.  She never worked out, preferring instead to stick to a simple low calorie diet.

As if picking up his thoughts, her stomach rumbled loudly enough for him to hear it and she blushed, pressing one hand against her belly while coughing quietly

"It's a good spot to stop to eat," he announced while shrugging out of the heavy backpack frame.  "We, umm, we should probably ration a little."

The words hung ominously in the air.  Vivian pressed the butt of her palm against the tiny roll of fat low on her belly.

"No, it's fine, I can wait," she lied.  Small cramps seized her stomach but she pressed her lips together while breathing through her nose.  Her bra sawed painfully into her chest when she inhaled, cutting her breath short.

Lucas ignored her and, instead, he dug through his backpack until he found a few of his homemade trail mix granola bars. He passed one to Vivian who sighed but took it.  Despite her earlier words, she immediately bit into it and then, after only chewing twice, shoved the rest of the bar into her mouth.  Lucas stared when she pressed her hand against her face to lick her palm and fingers clean with several strokes of her tongue.

"Let's take a quick break," he told her, sitting as he spoke.  "We'll head back when we're done and walk the path a bit.  I need to find the river again since we're running low on water."

Vivian nodded.  While still standing, she grabbed her shirt, sliding it over and up to hold it in her left hand.  Her breasts bulged over the edge of her bra's small cups.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what're you doing?" Lucas asked.

"There's nobody around," Vivian answered.  "I don't really need to wear a bra, do I?  My boobs are itchy and sweating and it's just a pain in my ass."

She reached behind to unhook the single clasp and she sighed happily when it came apart.

"Muuuuch better," Vivian said.  She groaned as she scratched beneath one breast and then the other.  When she finished, she pulled her shirt back on while folding her bra to place into her smaller backpack.

Her nipples pressed into her shirt.  Lucas stared at them and then down to the gap showing between her shirt and shorts. And then back up to her breasts.  He adjusted his cock as he continued to stare, wondering the entire time if they'd always been that big.  He had countless memories of her breasts fitting comfortably in the palm of his hand.  Now he could see their curves outlined against her shirt.

Oblivious to her boyfriend's inspection, Vivian scratched the roll of fat above her shorts, digging her nails deep into the skin.  Black hairs pierced the smooth skin between her thighs.  The tiny thigh gap she'd always had vanished as her legs pressed together.  She wished she could strip out of her shorts as well; they were uncomfortably tight against her even when she was standing still.  Her hand reached down and she spread her legs to claw at the crotch of her shorts when the hairs spreading around her labia tickled her skin.

Lucas continued to stare at his girlfriend.  He could see the clear definition of her panties beneath her shorts.  But what made his eyes bulge was her rounded, exposed ass hanging out from the bottom of her shorts.  He was sure that was new.

How? he asked himself as he continued to stare.  His cock stirred again and he pulled it until it lay comfortably beneath his cargo pants.  There's no fucking way I missed that.  She's just- she's never had an ass, but-

He could see each cheek with the shorts diving between them.  She turned and he tried to look away but the sight of her camel toe kept his attention.  The button strained on the front of her shorts.  He noticed it but couldn't stop staring at the perfect, split 'V' shape of her pussy.

Vivian sat and then leaned back when the band of her shorts cut into her belly.  The button popped while the zipper was forced down half an inch to show a mass of thick, curly black hair.  Even with the release in pressure he could still see the outline of her pussy.

Do I say something? he wondered. Shit, no.  She'd be pissed, maybe?  That'd be pointing out some weight thing, right?  I didn't even notice she'd gained any weight.  I'm such a shitty boyfriend.  I'll just- she's right, there's nobody else here anyway.  I'll pretend I didn't see anything.

"Feels nice out here, though," Vivian said.

She lay down against the bare rock to sun herself with her eyes closed and her palms down to her sides.  Her nails dragged against the stone, clenching and relaxing.  Red polish cracked, flaking away to show her clear nails bulging against her fingers.  They lengthened, growing darker with every new layer of growth, as she continued to paw at the ground until her two inch long pearl colored nails scraped white lines in the stone below her.  They arced away from the tips of her fingers and she groaned quietly while scratching.

The skin surrounding the legs of her shorts faded to white when the fabric tightened against her body.  Muscles multiplied within her body from her calves to her thighs and up to her back.  A small tear split the front of her shirt, just beneath the collar.  It spread when her ribcage opened, forcing her chest apart while flattening her swollen breasts against her shirt.  She wiggled slowly against the ground to scratch the itch of fur forming beneath her skin.

Vivian's ass expanded.  Her zipper snapped open completely while her cheeks pushed up to show her ass crack above the waistband.  Feathery black hairs covered the top of her ass as well as her lower back.  The seat of her shorts ripped.  Her panties bulged through the gap and she groaned again while still scratching her back against the rock.  Sharp fragments of stone cut through her shirt.  Her back was bowed over her vertebrae and the skin surrounding them was reddened.  She groaned once more but didn't stop moving.

"You okay over-" Lucas asked.  He'd been distracted by his map but now he looked up and the words died in his throat.

Her clothes looked tiny against her body with her skin overwhelming both.  Her shirt was lifted high enough to show the bottom of her breasts and the sun glistened off of the 'happy trail' of black hairs on her bare stomach.

"Hey, your, um-" he started to say before clamping his mouth shut.

"Hmm?" Vivian asked, pushing herself up.  Her heavy breasts slid beneath her shirt.  It was tight enough now that he could see the dimpled texture of her areola surrounding her thick nipples.  As she moved, her panties pulled tight between her pussy lips until they were a thin line.  Her pussy lay exposed through the tear in her shorts but sitting up hid them from sight.  She smacked her lips and yawned impossibly wide.  Lucas flinched when he heard her jaw crack.  "I almost fell asleep."

For a brief moment, just before he averted his eyes, Lucas was certain he saw red pimples on the fat rolls on Vivian's stomach.

Say something.  You have to say something, a voice raged in his head.  Jesus Christ, you have to say something.

"You, uuuhhh, your, uhhhh," he bowed his head while screwing his eyes shut.  Every fiber of his being urged him to speak but bad past experiences clamped his mouth shut.  "We- we should get moving to find that river."

"Yeah," Vivian said, yawning once more.

Lucas turned away, eyes wide but staring past his backpack as he zipped it back up.  He told himself he just needed time to think and then he'd talk to her after the water was refilled.

She reached a claw up to her mouth, scraping in between her sore teeth until she picked a piece of granola from the gaps showing in her gums.  The skin covering her face appeared taut with her lips pulled back to show her perfectly white teeth.  The very tip of her nose twitched, pulling left and then right until she rubbed it with the palm of her hand, growling quietly in satisfaction when the thin, rough callus covering her palm scratched her nostrils.

Scattered black hairs waved in the holes at the back of her shirt when the wind swirled around them.  She huffed happily before following behind Lucas.  Her first step caused the tear to lengthen in the seat of her shorts, ripping them apart.  The girl's furry ass cheeks pushed through the opening and it spread further until her shorts clung to her widened waist.  She scratched at her stomach and she moaned when her hand rubbed against the teats growing from her bulging belly.  The skin around them was swollen but soft and she enjoyed the way her rough palm felt on them.

Her shadow covered her boyfriend completely.  She smiled down at him before reaching to tear her uncomfortable panties away.  They dangled beneath the remains of her shorts, trapped between thick black fur and the cotton material.

Lucas' mind raced while he followed the terrain towards the distant sound of the rushing river.  He'd been told he was too honest as a child and that behavior had caused innumerous problems in his relationships.  He'd struggled to find the line between honesty and diplomacy.  Vivian was a new beginning for him where he'd promised himself he'd work on his issues.  The new incongruencies were an impossibility that his brain struggled with.  He knew he needed to say something so he worked on his courage as he walked.

Less than an hour later, they found the river.  It was enormous - wide with white caps splashing from the otherwise brilliantly clear water.  Lucas shielded his eyes from the sunlight reflecting from the surface.

"I'll get set up," he told her without looking back.  "I can't remember where I put the filters and I need to find an extra container as well.  Better to stock up on clean water now while we still can."

"Okay," Vivian said.  Her voice was deep.  Booming and slow.

She shuffled past him as he bent over the backpack.  Rocks lined the shore, fifty feet on both sides.  Her back ached while she walked.  She felt top heavy and the urge to bend down to all fours was almost too strong to ignore.

Vivian scratched at the black hairs covering her cheeks.  She grunted and her nose twisted.  Tears welled from the corners of her eyes when fire burned the bones beneath her skin.  She grinded her teeth and worked her jaw in a circle but then growled when it popped, shoving her face forward.

Shaggy fur waved from her back.  She reached a huge paw up to tear her shirt away and it fluttered on the wind.  Her huge breasts swung with every step while her teats, dark nipples sitting atop smaller breasts, shook against her belly.  Fur crept up to her shoulders and over, prickling her skin when it pierced her chest.

Unable to hold back, Vivian slammed down to all fours.  Her shorts broke while her shoes burst apart, breaking at the sholes to reveal swollen toes tipped by short, curving claws.

I'm thirsty, she thought as she walked to the bank of the river.  Her back claws flung rocks away with every step.  She could feel the bones grinding together in her feet but the pain was small in her massive body and soon faded away to barely anything at all.

Stones broke beneath her as she made her way to the riverbank.  Bare skin vanished on her cheeks as fur consumed them.  She sneezed and licked her broad, black nose with her thick tongue.  Her hearing wavered.  Sounds vanished before turning high pitched and vanishing again.  She growled and paused, pawing at her ears while they traveled against her skull, raising higher and higher.  They lengthened at the same time, expanding to thick triangles that slid through her hair until they rested at the side of her head.

Vivian leaned forward at the edge of the river to lap at the water.  She drank her full and then stared as fish hurtled by.  She watched them while her growled and grumbled.  Vivian raised her paw with her fingers spread and her claws at the ready.  Her hand shot out.  She pulled, scooping three fish up to the side of the river.  They flopped and bounced until she grabbed one to shove into her mouth.  Dagger-like teeth tore through them.

"Viv- OH FUCKING CHRIST!" Lucas screamed.

Vivian jerked and turned to stare at her boyfriend.

Lucas? she asked.  Groaning and moaning and huffing and grunting sounds came out as she spoke.  What's wrong?  Are you okay?

"Vivian, there's a- Vivian?  I- where are you?  I heard your voice!"  Lucas backed away from the water as he spoke.  He moved slowly without letting his eyes off of Vivian.

I'm here, she told him, waving her huge arm.  Right here.  Lucas, what's wrong with you?

"You- you- you- you're a bear!" he gasped.

I'm- oh, she said, suddenly noticing her changed arm.  AHHH!  LUCAS!  WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY HAND!

Vivian roared and stood on two legs, dancing around by the river as she panicked.  The near eight foot tall she-bear spun and twirled as she stared down at herself.  Everything looked so small around her, including her distant boyfriend.

When a figure emerged from the woods beyond the river, Vivian slammed back down on all fours to hide her breasts.  Her ears trembled and she hesitated for a moment before shuffling over to Lucas.  He stepped away from her.

Lucas, please, it's me!  Vivian! she groaned, flashing huge fangs.

"Oh, goodness!" the new figure said.  He led a donkey laden with various items.  "I didn't realize there was a druid watching over this area."

"I- what?" Lucas asked, turning to the man approaching him.

"Please allow me to introduce myself, I really didn't mean to intrude on your territory," the man said.  He bowed while pulling his wide brim hat from his head.  "I'm Trin.  May I have your permission to travel?  I'm headed to Kelim for their bazaar."

Lucas stared at the man.  Crazed laughter bubbled up within him but he held it back.  The man stared at him with amused confusion.

"I'm- I'm- Lucas," Lucas told him.

I'm Vivian, Vivian roared, eager to join the conversation.

"My, what a beautiful companion," Trin said.

"She's my-" Lucas started to say.

-girlfriend, he didn't add.  The thought was more than he could handle.

"Ah, say no more," the man told him with a knowing expression painted on his wrinkled face.  "Would you care to walk with me?  I could use the company."

Vivian nodded her head.  Lucas stared at her.  Despite her changed face, her eyes remained the same and they were full of intelligence.

"I don't think-" Lucas said, eager for the man to leave so he could talk with Vivian and process what happened.  Vivian growled and moaned in response.  "Al- alright.  We'll walk with you."

"Wonderful!" Trin exclaimed.  He clicked his tongue and the donkey began to walk again.  Lucas fell in beside him while Vivian followed at their rear.  "Pardon me for asking but I couldn't help noticing - is this your first posting?"

"Ye- yes?" Lucas said, uncertain of what he meant.

"Well, I'm certain you'll learn your way quickly," Trin told him.  "Especially with such a magnificent companion like that.  You must have strong magic indeed."

"Oh, umm, sure," Lucas answered.

As they walked, Lucas pried information out of the man as carefully as he could.  He desperately wanted to ask if the man was playing an incredibly elaborate prank on him.  Or whether he'd just come from a Renaissance fair nearby, but he knew it was impossible.  His maps were wrong and Vivian was a bear.  A bear he could understand despite her growling and grumbling.

My mouth tastes like cold fish, Vivian groaned.  She shambled along on all fours, easily keeping up with them.  And I'm still hungry.  I'd even eat more fish.

Lucas glanced back at her.  Their companion informed him that the city was merely a few hours away, well before nightfall.  He'd have to find food afterwards, for both of them.  And then they'd have a long, one-sided conversation while trying to figure out exactly what had happened.  Still, he grew more comfortable as time passed and he slowed until he walked beside her.  Eventually, he reached out a tentative hand to place against her side.  She shoved into him and he stumbled.

Sorry, she grumbled.  But, thank you.  I'm scared.

"We'll figure it out," he told her while patting her side.  "We'll figure it out together."


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