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"Big... titty... goth... girlfriend," Aniya said slowly.  She stared at her roommate across the little circular table they had in their breakfast nook.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack nook.

"Exactly, yes," Lola answered.  "That's why I'm not getting anywhere with anyone.  I've got the 'goth' part down so now just the 'big titty' part is left."

"Okay, but, like," Aniya started to say.  Rather than continue she raised her hands vaguely in front of Lola's chest while making swirling cupping motions.

"I know," Lola said with a sigh.  She crossed her arms around her black tank top, just beneath her small breasts.

"I think you look amazing," Aniya told her.  "Seriously.  I think you look great.  Really pretty, in fact."

"Awww, thanks, Aniya," Lola said, smiling until her cheeks showed dimples.  "You're always so sweet to me."

"Haha, yeah, sweet, yup," Aniya told her.  She rubbed at her bare arms while her smile trembled.  "So, uh, what's your plan.  Please tell me it's not implants.  Augh, sorry, I mean, augh.  It's your call and if you think that's what you need for your self-con-"

"Maaaaaaaagic," Lola told her, raising her hands above her head, fingers spread while she pulled them apart in an arc.

"Magic isn't real," Aniya said, too quickly.  Her nails dug into her arms.

"I found a book online," Lola continued, oblivious to the interruption.  "Sex magic and tantric shit but the index preview also had 'body enhancements.'  It's supposed to get here tonight and you bet your sweet ass I'm gonna enhance some body parts."

"I really don't think that's the issue," Aniya whispered.

"Then what is it?" Lola asked.  "I've gone on dates.  I've only made it to a third date once and then she ghosted me!  I'm charming and cute and sexy and gothic. I  put it right there in my profile!"

"I just think-"

"And then Darren's all, 'Wow, you really like black stuff, don't you?' and I'm like 'Shit yeah, I'm a goth, man!' and he's all like 'Wow, okay, yeah, oh no, I forgot I was supposed to pick up my mom from the hospital!' but you said your parents were on a cruise, Darren!  What's the truth, Darren!"

"Oh," Aniya said.

"Sorry," Lola said, sighing again.  "I just don't know why they'd be surprised that I'm not just dressing up for fun once in a while."

"The right one's just waiting for you," Aniya told her, reaching across the table to grip her roommate's hand in support.  "I know it."

"You're so sweet, Aniya.  I don't know how you haven't been snapped up yet," Lola said, squeezing her hand in return.  "You're sweet and pretty and- wait, you haven't been stealing my dates from me, have you?"

Aniya pulled her hand back to clench her fingers together.

"I would never!" Aniya exclaimed.

"I'm just kidding, I know, I know," Lola told her.  "It's just, I wish people would pay more attention and be interested in me for me.  Magic will do it.  Big titty goth girlfriend."

"I- Can I-" Aniya stuttered.  "I got you something and- and I think now's a good time to give it to you.  A gift."

"What, no way?  What is it?"  Lola asked, leaning forward in excitement.

"Just wait right here," the girl said.

Aniya bounced up from the table to rush to her bedroom.  She glanced at the door and listened and then she retrieved a small chest from beneath her dresser.  Once she opened it, she gently pulled a choker from within while running a finger along the band to ensure her hair was still sewed inside.  She hid the choker behind her back while anxiously nibbling on her lip.  Finally, she took a deep breath and walked back to the table.

Lola stared at her, waiting.  Excited.

"I- I- I got you this because you like wearing-"

"A choker!  Rad!" Lola yelled, staring at the band when Aniya held it out.  She took it gently despite her enthusiasm.  "And it's got studs on it, that's so badass!  Haha, like a junkyard dog collar!"

"Haha, yeah, haha," Aniya laughed while rubbing her arms once more.

"And it's stretchy," Lola said, pulling it wide several times before letting it relax.  "That's different but kinda neat."

"I just- I just thought it might look good on you," Aniya told her.  "Here, I'll put it on you."

Please please please please, Aniya prayed.

"Yeah, sure, thanks!"

Aniya took the choker back.  She pulled it wide and held it in place while sliding it down over Lola's short, spiky black hair.  With a quick, deft motion, she yanked a hair while settling the choker in place, snapping it lightly to hide the pain of the plucked hair.  Her heart raced but she squealed inside her own mind.

"Wow, you look great, Lola," Aniya said.  She licked her lips as she stared and her hand, clenched against her arm, trailed down to the side of her body.  And then further to her thigh where she dragged her nails against her leg beneath the table.  The sight of it turned her on.  The sight and knowing what was coming.

"I'm gonna go look and-"

The doorbell rang.  Aniya squawked, startled by the noise.

"It's here it's here it's here!" Lola yelled while jumping up to run to the front door.  She whooped when she saw the package lying against the front of the house.  After checking to make sure her name was on the label, she tore it apart, cursing her trimmed nails when they fumbled at the packaging.  "Yes!  It's the book!"

"Oh.  I'm- I'm glad," Aniya said.  Her right hand was clenched into a protective fist.  "So, uh, you're going to go read it and, uh, do the 'magic', then?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I know we were chatting but I want to get started.  Especially if I have to run out and buy anything to do the spell."

"Well, be careful," Aniya told her.  "I've heard magic can be dangerous if you don't know exactly what you're doing."

"I believe in the book," Lola said.  "Me and my tits are ready!"

Aniya watched her roommate vanish into her bedroom.  She waited a few seconds and then left, going into her own room before closing the door and locking it.  Her heart surged into her throat when she opened her hand to see the black hair within.  She immediately set to work pulling tiny vials from the chest along with parchments and an old style quill.  The runes were complicated and she'd need to start now if she hoped to finish in time.

Hours later, with the moon high in the clear, dark sky, Aniya snuck outside.  She sat on the concrete path at the side of her house with the nearly full moon directly above her.  The girl held a match and a piece of parchment paper in her hands.  Detailed inscriptions created a circle on the paper with runes interspersed throughout.  Lola's black hair was fixed in the center of the circle by red wax.

Aniya prayed to the moon, kneeling and bowing and chanting quietly.  Once finished, she took a deep breath and exhaled.  The match ignited on the first strike.  Her trembling hand held it to the corner of the parchment until it caught fire.  She held it away from her, watching as the fire spread.  The wax melted while the hair burned.  Her nose wrinkled but the smell of it passed quickly.  When the fire reached her fingers, she grit her teeth to ignore it until it burned away to nothing.

"It's done," she said quietly.  Her heart felt like it was being squeezed as she made her way back into the house.  When she lay in bed, sleep eluded her for hours, leaving her to toss and turn until exhaustion overwhelmed her.


Lola groaned as she woke.  When she moved, her body complained.  Joints ached and her head throbbed.  She rolled and sat cross-legged on the futon lying against the floor beneath her.  Speckled sunlight dotted her black curtains.

"Oh!" she gasped, reaching her hands around while looking down at the same time.  Her voice dropped as she encircled her breasts completely with her hands.  "Oh."

She stood and winced when her headache flared briefly.  She felt warm, as if a low grade fever was seeping into her bones.

"Maybe it just takes time," she told the room.

The girl sighed and scratched at her belly, clawing lower and lower until her nails slipped beneath her panties.  They lengthened within and she groaned with a rumbling growling moan as she scratched the itch spreading throughout her crotch.  Papilla formed within expanding hair bulbs beneath her lower belly.

Layer upon layer of keratin flowed outward, pushing her nails further and further until the tips bent slightly and the tips grew into narrow, sharp proto-claws.  She scratched her unkempt, curly black pubic hair while grinding her teeth together.

A sneeze pulled her hand from her panties when she caught it in the crook of her elbow.  Her eyes watered while her nose burned but she brought her hand up to rub against the bridge, sighing as she worked her palm back and forth.

"Bleh, my mouth tastes like ass," she said.  Her stomach rumbled.  It felt like a tight ball of angry hunger that prodded her forward.  "Breakfast, brushing my teeth and then planning for the rest of the day."

Lola grabbed a pair of discarded jeans, stepping into them and twirling slightly while pulling them on.  They hugged her body almost painfully tight and she frowned, huffing until they were up and over her ass.  Flesh bulged through the well-placed rips in the jeans.

"Uh.  Huh," she said, staring down at herself.  She poked her belly but it felt as firm as it normally did.  Once more her stomach rumbled.  "I know, I know."

Aniya waited in the living room. The girl jumped up and nearly vibrated in place when Lola came in.

"Good morning," Lola told her.  She lifted her chin to take three quick sniffs.

"It's- it's 2 p.m.," Aniya said.  "How do you- do you feel okay?"

"It's what now?  No way," Lola said.  She glanced at the microwave in their kitchen and gasped.  "What the hell! I went to bed before midnight.  Ugh, dammit, that's totally going to ruin- ruin-  what's- what's that smell?"

"Oh, I bought steak today," Aniya told her.  "I accidentally bought too much so I'm making it all now.  Do you want some?"

Lola wiped drool from her chin.  Her lips trembled and she growled quietly while pangs of hunger shot through her body.

"Yeah.  Yes.  Yes, please," Lola said.  "That smells- that smells really fucking good."

Her tongue worked around her teeth while she swallowed excess spit forming within her mouth.  She breathed deeply.  The button on her jeans popped free and the slider pulled down half an inch on the zipper.

Fine black fur threaded through the short, scattered hairs covering her spine on the nape of her neck.  She grinded her teeth back and forth and back and forth while swallowing more spit.

"It's just about done," Aniya said.  "Why don't you sit down and I'll get it for you?"

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds good," Lola said, as if in a daze.  "I'm just so hungry."

"I bet," Aniya told her.  She bustled around the kitchen while Lola sat at the table staring at her.  Watching her.  Eyeing her curves.  Scenting her.  The other woman's smell was nearly as powerful as the meat and just as enticing.

She- she doesn't like me like that, Lola told herself, shaking her head.  She's just my roommate.

Lola moaned when she saw the thick t-bone steak Aniya slapped on a plate.  The other girl lifted the plate with two hands to carry it over to the table and Lola watched the entire time.  Drool slid down both sides of her mouth to dangle while she growled.

"Here you go," Aniya said, placing the plate carefully down on the table.

Lola didn't wait.  She grabbed the steak with both hands.  Thin calluses wrinkled the flesh over her palms and fingers, protecting her from the burning meat.  She shoved her face forward, bending to protect the meat as she tore into it.  It was ringed with fat, which she normally cut away, but she swallowed it with the meat, snapping and tearing until juices covered her face.

"Hungry, huh?" Aniya asked from behind as she watched the fur growing over the back of the other woman's neck.  The jet black hairs pierced the pale flesh to creep down beneath the black tank top.  Longer hairs grew scattered over her shoulders.

The sound of teeth grinding against bone made Aniya wince.  She looked around Lola to see her gnawing at the bone to get every fleck of meat.  Her tongue lashed out, longer and longer before folding into every crevice to help.

Lola's jaw flared.  The bone cracked and she eagerly sucked at the juices within.

"That's a good girl," Aniya said.  She stepped forward to stroke the thick fur on Lola's neck, dragging her nails beneath until she scratched bare skin.  She was surprised at how soft it was.  Her heart beat so quickly beneath her chest while her breathing quickened.  "That's a good girl."

"Like that," Lola growled while rolling her head.  She dropped the bones and her tongue slipped out, the rounded tip folding between her fingers as she cleaned herself off.  "I like that.  It feels good."

"I bet you do," Aniya said.  "You like me touching you?"

"Yeah.  Yeah, I do," Lola said.  Her voice was deeper.  Rougher.

"You like me stroking you?"

"Yesssss," Lola growled.  She grabbed at her shirt.  Muscles tore and reformed at an insane pace beneath her biceps until they swelled and she ripped her shirt apart, flinging it away to reveal a back already lined with hardened muscles.  And scattered fur.

Aniya dragged her nails down and along Lola's back, scratching the fur as it spread.  Down further until she felt the wriggling tip of Lola's tail.

"Gotta- gotta brush my teeth," Lola said, shoving back roughly.

Sweat coursed down her back and chest.  She felt drunk.  Displaced.  As if standing outside her own body - a body with controls that were labeled in an alien language.  But she knew she needed to brush her teeth.  Eat and brush her teeth.  That's what she told herself.  Eat and brush her teeth.

She pawed at her bare breasts, rubbing the thin, leathery padding on her palms against her skin.  They felt achy and firm in her hands. And warm.  Without caring that she was topless in front of her roommate, she stumbled into the bathroom.

The handle for the hot water cracked when she turned it but she ignored it as she grabbed her toothbrush, growling when she shoved it beneath the water.  She forgot the toothpaste and, instead, thrust the brush into her mouth.  Her tongue pressed against it as if to repel an invader.  For a moment, she gagged when it pressed back against her uvula.  She snarled and spat and stared at the thick wad of blood in the sink.

Her teeth were sore.  Throbbing in time with her head.  Canines sliding through her gums, curving into fangs.  The toothbrush, forgotten in her right hand, snapped in half.

Lola gripped the sink and growled, leaning her head back while her claws screeched against the porcelain.  They were growing again, darker with each new layer until they bulged away from her fingers into wide, deadly claws.  Dark stubble covered the lower half of her back while her tail flexed into a short arc.

Her jeans stretched as the zipper tore and the rip continued through the seat when her ass overwhelmed it.  Muscle and fat pushing against straining flesh before flowing down to her thighs.  Seams snapped, unable to contain her bulk.

There was a new smell.  Even more delicious than the steak.  Filling the house.  Filing her nose.  Filling her brain.  Sharp and complicated and sweet. She turned but growled and stared down.

Her nipples were moving.  Sliding down as lobules formed over dense muscle to push against a thick layer of fat.  Her breasts swelled.  Blue veins stood out against the skin while drops of milk were expressed through the holes in her nipples, dripping down to the sink in front of her.  The powerful muscles in her back countered her new, massive breasts as they hung beneath her.  Black hairs grew between them, hidden from her view as they grew in a line down to her stomach and up to her throat.

"Worked," she grumbled, grabbing at her breasts.  Her claws dented the skin while her padding pressed deep into the soft tissue, forcing them between the gaps in the protruding flesh.  "It worked!"

The bathroom door snapped off its hinges when Lola shoved it aside to stomp into the living room.  She lifted up to her forefeet when bones shifted within, stretching her toes forward while widening them.

"Aniya worked!" Lola growled while pawing at her breasts.  "It- Aniya-"

The other woman was naked and now Lola knew where the scent was coming from.  Drool dripped from her chin and the dormant feverish heat surged forth.

Lola howled quietly while dropping to her knees.  Her torn pants ripped apart to show fur covering her thighs.  When her ass touched her heels, the cheeks parted to show her pussy lips, spreading them open briefly until the slick pink muscles were exposed.  Her tail curled and waved while she growled and clawed at the floor.

"I want you, Lola," Aniya said while rubbing her clit.  Her right leg was up with the heel against the couch.  Her breasts bounced as she moaned and jerked and rubbed harder.  "God.  God, yes, wanted you since I met you.  So bad.  So fucking bad."

"Too," Lola said.  She went to her hands and feet, stretching her body out to walk on all fours.  Her nipples brushed the floor beneath her, heavy and full.  "You, too.  Wanted."

"Look at you, my beautiful beast," Aniya moaned.  She bucked and gasped but continued touching herself, only now sliding fingers inside her pussy.  "I knew you were the right one.  I knew it.  And with the blood moon, oh oh OH! OH GOD!"

Aniya convulsed and whined, jerking as she came.  When it passed, she panted but touched herself once more.

"I'm yours and you're mine," Aniya groaned.  "My mate now.  My wolf.  My beast."

"Mate," Lola growled.

The she-wolf reached the couch.  She grabbed Aniya's thighs and pressed, lifting her hips before shoving her face down into her pussy.  Her tongue folded and pressed into the other woman's slick pussy lips, easily slipping deep inside.  Aniya shrieked while pounding her heels into Lola's furry back.  Her hips worked back and forth, riding the tongue writhing inside of her.  Claws dug into Lola's side and that, combined with the feeling of fur, drove her wild.

Aniya had hidden her fetish away, saving and savoring every werewolf movie she could as long as there was a shewolf in it.  She had nearly a hundred Internet bookmarks saved of art and stories.  Over a hundred commissions of her own personal characters transforming before fucking her.

Her gift of magic was a curse at times, knowing she could change someone but waiting for the right one.  And now, here she was, finally.

"Finally!" Aniya screamed, shuddering from a massive orgasm tearing through her body.  Her eyes rolled back as she reached forward to clench her fingers into Lola's hair.  The other woman's ears flicked away from her fingers as they lengthened at the sides of Lola's head.

Aniya could feel the other woman's jaw cracking and popping when her muzzle began to shove forward, pressing into her pussy and that sent her over the edge once more, a smaller orgasm that made her whine loudly.

"Lay- lay back," Aniya begged.

After a moment, Lola complied.  Tendons stood out on her neck, forcing the spiked collar to widen.  She clawed at the floor, ripping planks free as Aniya slid down to straddle her.

"You're so beautiful," Aniya gasped while leaning forward to kiss the side of Lola's lips.  They were blackened now - pure black and not just from lipstick - and thick.  Aniya could taste her own cum on the shewolf's lips and she moaned again.

With an impish, hungry smile, Aniya licked the side of Lola's lips.  The gesture felt kinky in a way she'd never explored before so she did it again.  Her tongue stretched and lengthened as she dragged it over the other woman's muzzle.  Lola's broad tongue lapped loudly against Aniya's face in return and Aniya growled happily.

"Beautiful," Aniya repeated as she leaned down to nuzzle against the woman's breasts until she found the nipple hidden by fur.  Her hands explored Lola's belly, stroking and clawing as her nails curved away from her fingertips.

"Look, Lola, look," Aniya rasped, her voice raw and rough.  She tweaked a small teat and Lola thrashed in response.  "You're a proper bitch now, aren't you?"

Aniya bent down, hunting for every teat she could find.  They began just beneath the other woman's breasts and she suckled from each in turn until all six were wet and throbbing and erect.  Aniya grinded her teeth together as she stared down at Lola.


The teats pressed through her fur, jiggling as they filled out, bubbling under her flesh to force her flattened teats into soft, small breasts.  Aniya snarled and moaned and massaged the little breasts, tweaking them with her thumb's claw while the thin padding growing on her paws rasped against the skin.  They quivered as Lola shook from the attention and the stub of Aniya's tail lashed behind her, excited at the display of arousal.  The six teats continued to grow until they overwhelmed Aniya's hand, larger than Lola's breasts were yesterday.

"All fours," Aniya growled, sliding back.  Her ears twitched and flexed as flesh flowed to points. Her body burned while blonde fur erupted over her back. "Get all fours."

Once more, Lola complied, twisting until she was on hands and knees with her tail raised, exposing her pussy.  Aniya growled and shoved her face forward until it was covered in the other woman's cum, lapping at the swollen labia and thin lips between before shoving her tongue inside.  Deeper and deeper while Lola squeezed against it.  Aniya's claws dug into Lola's thick, furry ass.

Skin moved against skin, startling Aniya.  She jerked back to stare down at her body.  At her swelling breasts and the tiny nipples lining her stomach.  At the long blonde hairs covering her lower belly.  At the claws tipping her fingers.

"No!" she snarled, shocked at the sight.  "That's.  Not."

The spell was supposed to only work on Lola.  She wasn't supposed to change.  Lola was to become her beast, her mate.  Her obedient wolf girl.

"Have.  To fix," Aniya growled.  There was another spell to counter this one but only if she made it before the changes completed.  After that, nothing could be done and she'd be stuck in an endless, heat-filled cycle worshipping the full moon.

The moon.

"Blood moon," she groaned, realizing her mistake.   "Have to-"

Lola twisted, licking her face and pinning her, grabbing her paws to lick her face and neck and down to the nipples on her still expanding chest.  Aniya shoved but Lola was stronger at the moment and the pleasure was beginning to overwhelm her.  The pleasure and the maddening heat.

Aniya howled when Lola's teeth nipped her teat.  The other woman's tongue lapped against the bulging flesh when the teat swelled outward into a small breast but the woman was moving.  Down, down, down to Aniya's pussy once more.

"D- d- d-" Aniya tried to say.

Lola's tongue was wide enough that the edges brushed against Aniya's furry thighs while completely covering her clit and labia.  Aniya howled again while bucking when Lola's rough tongue dragged back and forth against her clit.

She was lost.  She knew it now.  She couldn't escape.  Wouldn't escape.  She wanted it.

Flesh flowed over Aniya's clit, consuming it and dragging it down to meet her swollen, folding labia as they rolled inward.  Her muscles tightened within and clear cum spurted furth.  Lola licked all of it up before shoving her tongue inside once more.

They fought and rutted and clawed and bit and mated long into the night until dawn broke and fur receded.  Both moaned and hissed and growled as joints popped and claws shrunk.

Until, finally, they lay together.  Panting.  Legs thrown over each other with their pussies touching.  Unable to move.

"I- I- I- did that to you," Aniya said.  "I'm so- so-"

"Badass," Lola said.  "So.  Fucking.  Good.  Ask.  Next time.  Not cool.  I forgive you."

"Really?  Oh, don't move don't move don't ooooh goooood."

Lola rolled away but the unfamiliar weight of her breasts pulled her slightly off balance.  She pressed her hands into them to massage them and lift them and finally bring a nipple up to her lips to suck it into her mouth.

"It worked," Lola gasped.  "Big.  Titty.  Goth.  GIrlfriend."

"You- you- you have-" Aniya tried to say while pointing at the other woman's body.  She had no energy to move and could barely speak but felt herself slowly growing stronger.

Flat teats lined Lola's stomach in two columns.  Aniya reached down, her arms bumping against her own huge breasts until she could feel the small nipples covering her own belly.

"Shit," Aniya cursed.

Lola turned to bend over Aniya with her hands to either side of the girl.  She swayed back and forth to rub their nipples together and Aniya shivered.

"Your big titty goth girlfriend," Lola moaned before leaning in to kiss the other woman. Their breasts flattened together.

"Are- are you sure?" Aniya asked.

"Oh.  Oh, yes," Lola growled.  She leaned in, cheek-to-cheek.  "Now get on all fours, bitch."

Aniya moaned.  And turned.  And lifted herself up while spreading her knees.  Eager to be licked.  She barely caught herself when Lola shoved into her, forcing her against the couch.

They enjoyed each other's bodies until their bones began to ache later that evening.  Aniya set up a video camera to record them, already incredibly aroused at the idea of having a video of Lola turning into a werewolf.  And a not-small part of her was even more aroused at the idea of her own transformation.

The camera barely survived through the night as they changed and fucked and eventually left to hunt together to wake once more the next morning, entwined together.

That morning and every morning afterwards.



You had me at "big titty goth werewolf girlfriend".


I hope enough time has passed and want to avoid spoilers but I wanted to say I really enjoyed the consequences one character received.


The story loads before the comments so spoilers are okay, don't worry. And, thank you! I always struggle between leaving one character human or not in these situations.