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Another of the super short little scenarios from... a week and a half ago?  Something like that!  
A larger (non-scenario idea) will be posted this Friday!

Madison lifted her leg with a happy sigh.  Water cascaded from her shin, falling back into the immense cloud of foamy white bubbles.  She leaned back to rest her head against the rolled-up towel at the back of the tub while closing her eyes.

Her family had never owned a bath growing up - only standing showers.  The few times she'd been allowed to stay at a friend's house overnight, she'd been admonished with the same speech that always ended with: Don't stay in the bath too long or you'll grow webbed hands and feet.

She'd always giggled at her mother's strange words until she was older and more inclined to roll her eyes instead.  It was just her and her mother and they were always on the move from one city to the next.

Now her mother was dead, three years in the ground and Madison was at college, eager to build a stable life.  She'd found roommates to live with off campus and everything was going smoothly.  A month after moving in, she realized she could take a bath instead of a shower and she'd spent an hour researching what to buy to celebrate the moment properly.  Bath bombs were completely new to her but so wondrous.

She raised her hand with a scoop of water to drizzle it over her chest.

It felt like home.  Warm like a mother's embrace surrounding her completely from head to toes.

Madison waved her feet slowly in the water while resting her arms on the side of the bathtub.

Next time, some food and music, she told herself, already making a note to look online for a tray that could be used for baths.

Little whorls appeared in the water as she scissored her legs and she greatly enjoyed the feeling of the water rushing past her thighs until pressure began to build behind her eyes.  She frowned and massaged her temples before pressing her palms into her face.

Madison's eyelids bowed outward when her eyes swelled within their sockets and she groaned until the bone surrounding them opened to match the growth of her eyes.  Her eyelids parted when they were overwhelmed.  Red striations showed in green eyes.  As the red replaced green, her pupils constricted vertically into sharp ovals.

Thin translucent membranes, streaked with white, swept over her eyes.  She yawned and tapped her chest when a sudden burp surprised her.  It passed but bubbled up again until she swallowed.  Her eyelids receded while bones grinded against her skull and her eye sockets moved, pulling outwards to the side of her head.

Flesh formed around her throat, stitching together into small sacs.  She gasped and air filled the sacs, inflating against her throat.

Madison croaked.  Transparent eyelids flicked from the top and bottom of her eye as she surprised herself with the sound.  She thumped her fist against her chest while staring at the panoramic view offered by the spacing of her eyes.

"Eeeerp," the girl croaked before settling back.  She sighed and once more scissored her legs in the water, up and down over and over.

Tiny whirlpools formed as the thin skin connecting her toes spread.  It inched along, raising on one side and then the other while her toes brushed against the front of the tub.  Water sloshed back and forth and she was surprised to feel herself being propelled backwards.  Her big toe touched the wall of the tub and latched on as secretions held it in place.  She wiggled her foot but it only served to stick the other toes in the same way.  When she jerked, they came free and her knee emerged from the bubbles.

Madison gasped in surprise and her throat sacs inflated.  Her knees were a brilliant, glossy jade while the inside of her thighs shined with an electric blue under the light in the bathroom.  She reached out, certain that her mind was playing a trick on her until she spied how swollen her fingers looked.

The girl sat up, splashing water while holding her hand before her.  Pink skin brightened around her elbow, shifting to green that matched her knees.  She croaked in shock while panic filled her.  The coloring spread over her forearm, like flame burning through paper.  As with her legs, the color shifted to brilliant blue over her bicep.

Her wide-set eyes refused to focus properly on her hand until she held it out.  The green lightened to cream around her wrist before growing dark.  The burnt-sugar coloring, nearly orange, spread over her hands and up to the tips of her throbbing, swollen fingers.  She watched her fingernails melt away as the flesh became bulbous.

Worse, she could see the webbing growing up to the second joints of her fingers and the voice of her mother filled her ears.  You'll grow webbed hands and feet.

"No-ooouhrk!" she croaked, leaping out of the bathtub before reaching into the pull the plug.

She spun and stood before the mirror before sliding back to see how she looked.

The pink skin over her belly was slick and fading.  Translucent white flesh appeared before solid white took its place.  Only her darker nipples held their coloring.  She reached for them but held her hands back when she felt pinching pain exploding throughout her chest.

Her breasts began to shrink, the round curves pulling inward until they lay perfectly within the narrow frame of her body and still they shriveled, the bone-white skin tightening until they were barely more than a handful in size.  Now she did touch herself, sliding her webbed, bulbous hands over her slick white belly and up to her breasts.  Her hands slid down to her mound to feel smooth skin where she'd let hair run wild before.

Hot knives sliced through her legs, forcing her to grab onto the sink.  The sticky padding on her fingertips held tight as bones stretched in her thighs and lower legs.  She croaked when skin tightened over her expanding narrow legs but the blurry view of her face is what held her attention most.

Unsticking one hand, she reached up to touch her lips and then her nose.  It was flattening against her face, bone and cartilage dissolving until only her nostrils remained above her lips. She chirped while pressing her hand to her cheeks when they widened.  Her lips stretched with the expanding bones, pulling to the back of her face until her mouth was a broad, curving slit.  Her fingers explored the skin.  She could feel the difference in her human skin as well as the green spreading over her face.  Where she'd always made sure to moisturize for smooth skin, it was nothing compared to the slick skin growing over her.

Sounds warbled oddly, forcing her to reach for her ear.  She grabbed it but it slipped through her fingers while pulling back into her head, skin merging and growing dark green as it flowed around her skull.

Madison lowered herself, crouching on her long legs with her hands against the ground.  Her nictitating membranes swept over her eyes several in a mockery of tears as she croaked out her fear.

Cramps seized her.  She forced herself up onto her long webbed toes to stand on trembling legs with one hand against her belly.

"HuuurrUURRRts," she groaned, clutching herself tight.  Her belly swelled against her arm.  The flesh squirmed while she pushed against it.

Pressure coiled around the pain.  She turned to sit against the edge of the tub and then moaned while shoving her ass out over the side.

A strange sensation filled her.  A tickling feeling that pulsed a hot wire through her core.  She gasped and moaned again and pushed, licking her lips with a short, fleshy tongue that glistened under the light.

Madison's pussy lips spread and a translucent egg bulged outward to splat against the bathtub.  She groaned and panted and pushed again, shuddering when yet another egg emerged from her hairless pussy.  A thick trail of goo followed it and she bowed her head.

It was such an alien feeling and she hated that it felt good.

"Please," she groaned while her nostril slits opened and closed.  "Please, doooOOOHHRRK."

Another egg fell to the bathtub.  Before she had time to collect herself, one more followed and she bent double with her hands around her knees.  Her tongue stretched out and up to her eyes to swipe against them as if wiping sweat away.

When the next egg emerged, Madison croaked out from an orgasm that she'd been trying to withhold.  She was becoming addicted to the feeling and struggled to keep herself from pushing.  The next one was easier yet more pleasurable and she realized that holding back was what caused the pain.  Now she pushed eagerly and she cried out loudly from the chain of orgasms that followed.

A mound of eggs covered the bottom of the bathtub.  Madison slid from the edge to collapse with her chest against her thighs.  Her mouth opened and closed while her transparent eyelids wiped her scarlet eyes clean.

Her hand twitched.  She tried to focus on it and, slowly, her vision began to clear when her eyes rotated forward and compressed in her sockets.

The changes reverted almost as quickly as they'd come and she cried when she was human once more.  Yet it took almost half an hour of staring at the door while wrapped in a towel before she had the courage to look at the tub.

Her eggs covered the entire bottom of the bathtub with a few on top in little gelatinous mounds.  Her heart sunk at the sight of it and she pushed herself into the corner of the bathroom to stare at the floor.

"I have to do something," she whispered.

Images of her trying to flush them down the toilet one-by-one or stuff them into trash bags filled her mind and she recoiled at the idea of it.

They're my children! she raged at herself.

"Oh, god, no, no, no," she said, shocked at the thought.

Yet, she couldn't stop thinking of them like that.  New instincts had wormed their way into her, changing her permanently despite how she looked.

"I have to- I have to- I don't know what-" she muttered.

From the bathroom, she heard the front door open and keys jangle when they were dropped in a tray.  Madison yelped while closing the bathtub's curtain.

"Yo, anyone here?"  Jose shouted out.

A new thought emerged and Madison rubbed her thighs together.  She swallowed while pressing a hand against her breasts.  Her eyes swiveled back and forth as she considered it and, in doing so, she felt herself grow aroused.

"Oh, hey, Jose," she called out.  "Can you- can you come here for a minute?  I dropped my contact."

"You wear contacts? I didn't-"

The door opened and Madison dropped her towel while boldly staring at the young college student.  His mouth clicked shut as he eyed the curves of her breasts and hip and the gap between her thighs.

"You're, uhh, you're, uhh," he said.

She moaned and stepped to him while reaching for his crotch to stroke his cock.  When he didn't stop her, she led him gently into the bathroom and knelt, unzipping him while staring up into his eyes.

"Oh, fuck, really, Madison?  I mean, you're hot but are you sure?" he asked.

Instead of answering, she squeezed the base of his dick while swaying her head and licking up his shaft.  He groaned and gripped her blonde hair.  She kissed his cock slowly, opening her lips to give it a little lick, working her way from the bottom to the very tip where she swirled her tongue against the slit at top.  And then down.

Madison's tongue stretched, latching onto Jose's cock briefly every time it touched him.  It lengthened and she wrapped it around him before reeling her tongue in.  Her gag reflex, a bane of many make outs, was gone.

"Tell me before you cum," she purred, still stroking him.

"Yeah, of course," Jose moaned, pulling her head back.

She smiled, opened her lips and took all of him while once more wrapping her tongue around his shaft.

"Oh, shit, Madison, what are you doing?" he moaned again.

Brown pubic hair wafted away when Madison's fist brushed against his crotch.  White skin lay beneath and it was spreading slowly as she bobbed up and down.  The girl reached beneath her to slide a finger against her own pussy lips, moaning when she felt her wetness before eagerly sliding the finger inside.  She squeezed against the bulbous tip when it swelled within and sped up, eager for his seed.

"Mad- I'm gonna- I'm- goooRRK-" Jose croaked.

She reached behind her with spindly green arms to pull the curtain away while jerking her mouth away and pointing him towards her eggs.

Their eggs now, she knew.

His cum flung outward.  She moaned loudly while still fingering herself and pumping him, ensuring he covered as much as he could.  When he was empty, she turned and raised her ass on her long legs to rub against his dick.  He croaked and pressed his hands against his wide head while blinking bulging red eyes.

"More," she moaned, reaching behind to grab him and guide him into her.  "Our babies.  For our babies but ohhhhhhhh yessssssss Jose!  Yes!  Also me!  Make me cum! MMMMROOOAK!"

He gripped her leathery green back with his sticky fingers while thrusting into her but, as he stared at the bathtub he knew he'd need to hold back.  The eggs needed it.  He shook his head to clear the thought but it remained and grew stronger as his change completed.  Madison croaked and moaned in front of him.

"Ch- ch- chack!" Jose cried out.  He latched onto Madison's back while pumping with quick thrusts.  She seemed bigger than before but he didn't care. "Uh- again!"

He pulled out and she reached down between her legs, guiding him once more.  When he was empty, she quickly pushed him back, moaning as he thrust inside of her.  His hands clung to her small breasts, squeezing them with every impact and he prayed she would cum for him.  He wanted to make the female happy.   Before Greg came back.  She was his female and he'd do whatever it took to keep her.



Liked this one a lot hope you'll continue it in some form


This was very good! Love your non mammalian tfs


Thank you! I appreciate hearing that from people since it's not something I tackle often.