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As a reminder, I had to swap Slow Burn (the poll winner) with Possum girl this month due to artist availability!  I hope you enjoy!  Also, bonus image is attached :)  
Cora is courtesy of the very talented Raven Toklum! 

Cora stared at the chaos of her room.  She reached down to scratch at the side of her leg, pressing her nails deep into her baggy pants with long motions to really work her nails into the skin and the hidden hairs spiraling from her thigh.

New urges blossomed within her brain.  The disorder made her twitch with growing anxiety.  Her hand slid around to the front of her pants to scratch at the crease between her leg and groin, humming with pleasure while fanning all four fingers one at a time and simultaneously moving her hand back and forth.  Her nails pinched against the wrinkled tips of her fingers when the edges pulled together into claws that curved outward.  Small holes appeared in the fabric of her pants when she continued to scratch and they widened when her nails dragged them open.

She had to clean up.  The more she looked, the worst she felt and it hit her like a creeping, crawling unease that danced over her back and up until she hissed and shook and shivered.  Her ears bent as muscles connected and spread throughout the base, increasing in complexity while the edges of her ears pushed outward through her short hair.

Cora's hand raised to her lower belly and her claws worked against the skin surrounding the dark line, back and forth and back and forth.  The flesh loosened under the assault until a small hole opened.  It stretched, tearing to show pink through the strange slit with short, fine white hairs scattered throughout.

Her lips pulled back while her eyes narrowed and holes opened to express the clear tips of her new whiskers while she hissed in exasperation at her previous messy behavior.  Yesterday's Cora was an asshole, she realized while bending to snatch clean clothes scattered throughout the room.

Dark gray hairs spread over her thighs in long, scattered clumps that trapped her body heat within the pants.  She began to sweat as she moved throughout the room until a droplet slid between her ass cheeks.  Her ears, folded and lined with bone-white hairs, flexed down while she stood straight with a disgusted look on her face.  She shoved her pants over her legs and nearly kicked them away into the corner before picking them up to toss them into a hamper.

Cora bent to grab a hidden USB cord but squeaked when muscles spasmed throughout her back.  She reached forward to brace herself against the wall, frozen in place and scared to move as every little twitch brought streaks of knife-like pain.

"I'm.  Not.  That old," she hissed, whiskers twitching.

As she stared at the wall, her lips bulged outward over the expanding roots of her canines.  Her top cuspids curved as they grew while the bottom thrust forward to angle out to the side, shorter than the ones above.  She closed her mouth, scraping her new teeth together while testing her back.

A spray of silky white hairs emerged over her chest while her loose shirt hung beneath her.  Cora moved carefully to stand but hissed and grinded her teeth when the knotted muscles cramped.  Suddenly, they unwound, feeling all the world like eels twisting in her back until she felt a pleasant pop in her hips.  She stood with a shuddering sigh while pressing her thumbs into the small of her back.  There was still a small, hot throbbing spot centered above the crack of her ass but she felt fine otherwise so she ignored it as the flesh wriggled.

Adhira's going to be thrilled, Cora thought to herself as she cleaned.  She smiled and her whiskers, long and curving under their weight lifted while her lips pulled back to show her fangs.

Cora leapt onto her bed, hissing and scratching at the swollen lump on her back before shaking her head and laying back on her elbows with her knees bent and spread.

"Hello, Adhira," Cora said, adopting what she considered a low, sexy voice.  Her tongue touched her incisors, laying briefly between her top fangs while she smiled seductively at the door.  "Welcome to my very clean room."

Now she scrambled on the bed, twisting and kneeling at the foot of the bed with her hand placed on her chest, fingertips resting against the soft white fur spreading over her body.

"Oh, goodness, Cora, it's- it's- beautiful!"  Cora said, raising her voice high.  The skin over the bump on her back stretched as it widened and dense muscles swaddled the bones growing beneath.  "I always knew you could do it.  I dreamed of this moment.  Take me!  Take me now on your perfectly fitted sheets and tucked in blanket!"

Cora squealed and scrambled and turned to sit back against her pillows, raising her chest with one hand against her breast, hefting it in her hand while squeezing gently.

"Oh, Adhira, we musn't.  We'll only make a mess and I know how you hate messes," Cora groaned, pinching her nipple while grinding her hips back and forth on the bed.

Once more Cora rolled and popped up at the end of the bed.  Her ears fluttered before laying back while the tip of her tail shoved against her skin, forced outward when the connected bones grew too long.  She moaned and dragged a nail down the fur on her chest to expose her bra-less breast and the swollen, erect nipple.  When she leaned back on her heels, the skin parted over her pouch to expose a ring of red, swollen flesh surrounded by long hairs.

"Oh, don't worry, Cora," pretend Adhira said, her high voice cracking as she felt her growing arousal.  "I'll help you clean up afterwards.  With my tongue."

The absurdity of the scenario made her giggle but she couldn't deny how turned on she was.  She glanced at the room, noting how clean it was before slithering from the edge of the bed and onto the floor.  She crawled on all fours, swaying her hips and enjoying the position until she reached the wall and turned.  The tip of her tail brushed against her ass before lifting.

Cora's ears twitched as she listened for her roommate but Adhira was out with her parents and so she slipped her fingers beneath her panties, touching herself briefly before bringing her fingers to her mouth to wet them.  Her fingertips felt hardened against her tongue but she barely noticed, pulling them away to touch herself once more.  She moaned as she rubbed her clit with her moistened fingers, grinding the hood gently against the hidden nub.

"Adhira," she moaned with a hot whisper, eyes closed and her hungry smile trembling.

Blood rushed through her and her clit slowly pushed away from its hood.  Her labia grew swollen, pink fading to red while a single clear drop of cum formed just at the bottom of her pussy.

She toyed with her exposed clit and the long, curly fur covering the inside of her thighs caressed her hand, enhancing the sensation.

"Oh fuuuuhhhh," Cora groaned when her wrist rubbed against her pouch and the teats forming within.  The motion of her hand rubbing against her clit, and occasionally down to her pussy lips, pulled the pouch open wide.  "Yes, Adhira, yes!"

Slender white hairs pierced the flesh around her pouch.  She bit her lip, breathing through her nose while rubbing herself harder and harder, feeling the edge of her little orgasm until it broke and she gasped and rocked her hips, pushing them forward.  Her tail pressed into the floor beneath her and pooled, twisting into a coiled circle before sliding out.  Hairless and thick and pale pink, it snaked against the floor while she hummed happily from the orgasm.

She shoved her panties down while lifting one leg until it was free and her underwear dangled around her knee, leaving her pussy bare.

Cora's hand, held still for a moment, pushed back into her clit as she imagined Adhira's beautiful face between her legs.  Staring up at her.  Touching her while she kissed her clit.

Second by second, Cora's hand slid higher.  And higher, claws parting fur spreading over her mound and belly until her fingers slipped into her pouch and she bucked, lifting her chest with her eyes closed.  The teats within the pouch bent as she rubbed them, lost in the fantasy of her roommate eating her out.  She'd seen Adhira in a bra before and she used that memory to strip her away completely.  Watching, in her mind's eye, Adhira crawl over her body.  Their breasts pressing together as they kissed and caressed each other.  Nipples rubbing back and forth.  Cora grinding against Adhira's knee as the other girl straddled her thigh.

Cora pinched white hairs against her teat, crying out loudly with her ears pulled down and her whiskers twitching fiercely as she pictured Adhira moving against her, warm and so incredibly soft and smelling wonderfully as always.  Higher and higher until her dark nipple brushed against Cora's lips with a whisper of encouragement.

"Yes, oh god yes, Adhira, please," Cora panted, gripping her tail.  She clenched it while it twisted in her hand and brought it up to her pussy, rubbing it against her swollen lips.  She brought her other hand to her mouth, sucking on her fingers as if sucking on Adhira's nipples.  Once finished, she shoved her hand back down to her pouch, wetting the white hairs while swirling her fingers over the teats and grinding her pussy against her tail.

Her toes popped and twisted as they lengthened with her big toes flexing outward, held in place while her foot shoved forward, bones cracking and healing and scraping beneath the skin of her new paws.  Dark, rose-colored flesh emerged along her forefeet and toes into nascent padding.

In her fantasy, Adhira moved higher until her pussy was right above Cora's face.  Cora leaned up but Adhira tsk'ed and pushed the girl gently back down, turning until her own lips were against Cora's clit.

Cora's tail slid in her palm when the flesh bubbled outward into thick padding.  She squealed and hissed and pressed the thickness between her dripping lips.  Whining and trembling as she pinched and rubbed her teats.  Her breathing grew erratic.  Her heart raced.  She pulled her tail and it shoved back, sawing between her pussy.

"YES!" Cora screamed, clenching her fist against her teats while the one holding her tail opened and pressed against the floor.  Her tail slammed against the ground, slick with her own cum as she rode the waves of pleasure radiating through her body from the orgasm.

The girl smiled lazily and opened her eyes to stare down at her pouch.  She giggled, her eyes half-lidded as she forced the pouch open wide by spreading her fingers.  Her tail writhed in front of her, slapping against one leg and then the other and she watched it moving, amused by the way it felt against the thick fur spreading over her calves and shins.

"Heh," she laughed, completely relaxed and enjoying the tingling sensations in the tips of her toes and fingers and tail.  "Tail."

Her smile faded slowly while her brow lowered and her wits returned.  The tail thumped against the floor and she felt it pull against her back.

"Oh shit!  Tail!" Cora screamed, scrabbling against the wall until she stood, gripping the squirming appendage between her legs.

Despite the sudden appearance of the tail, she stared at the floor beneath her while standing on the tips of her toes.  Loose gray and white fur covered the carpet where she'd been sitting.

"Awww, nooooo," she whined piteously, staring at the fur.  "I don't even know where the vacuum is."



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