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I made this one up myself.  Enjoy!  And I'll see y'all next week!

The bar was quiet on a Thursday night.  Three tables held patrons and only two people sat at the bar, at opposite ends.

Amanda swirled her drink, staring at the amber color as she let her mind wander through the day.  Two years in and she was stuck on a corner still directing traffic.  The highlight of her entire day was writing a jaywalking ticket for an angry businessman that talked on his phone the whole time.  Two years with no spaces opening above her.

She sighed and sipped her drink with a hiss of exhaled breath.

"-more of it?" the man on the other side of the bar said.

She glanced at him to see him hunch over while turning to the side.  There was a pause as the man listened to whoever was on the other end.  She stared at the bar with her hand wrapped around the drink but listened as closely as she could through the quiet murmuring filling the bar.

"No, I've got the money," the man said.  "That's not the issue.  The issue is making sure it's legit.  I don't know what the fuck this will do and I ain't trying it on myself.  I'm not that fucking stupid.  Send me one of Jack's girls.  I'll try it on them."

What the hell is this? Amanda asked herself, turning her head slightly to watch as carefully as she could without giving herself away.

And then she saw it.  He held a clear vial in his hand.  Red specks floated within, suspended inside the liquid.

Oh, fuck, seriously? she asked herself, sipping her drink while her thoughts spun quickly


She'd sat through multiple briefings on it but this was her first time seeing it in person.  It was extraordinarily expensive, well out of the ranges of anyone but the upper echelons of society.

So what the hell is this douchebag doing with it? she wondered, wrinkling her brow as she considered her options.

The drug was heavily regulated.  There was no way the man had licenses for it and it was illegal to sell on the street.  Even better, it sounded like he was talking to a supplier.

Amanda smiled and finished her drink.  She left it on the bar and walked, still smiling, while trailing a finger on the scarred surface until she stood two seats away from the man.  Her thick blonde braid swayed gently behind her.

"Hey, uh, it was great talking to you," the man said with a quick glance at Amanda.  "Let's get together sometime soon and catch up.  Yeah.  Bye."

"A margarita, please," Amanda said to the bartender with an exaggerated smile.  "This girl needs to let her hair down tonight."

The bartender frowned at her and then shrugged.  She sat while he turned away to work.  The temptation to strike up a conversation with the man next to her was strong but she held back to make it feel more natural.  When a large margarita was placed before her, she licked the salt from the rim slowly with a luxurious sigh.

"Fwoo-wee," Amanda said after taking a large sip of the drink.  "That hits the right spot!  Gets me all warm and tingly."

She worked on her drink and eventually struck up a conversation with the stranger beside her.

"How's your night going?" she asked while licking the rim once more.

"Ah, it's alright," he told her.  "Just needed to get out, you know?"

"Oh, I know," she said with a wink.  "You and me both.  Just sometimes need to get away from life and unwind.  Let all that stress and worry just slough offa you."

"Huh, yeah," the guy replied while pushing his glass back and forth.

"I've got enough stress to last a lifetime," she sighed.  "My boss rides my ass every day - and not in a good way, hah!  I don't really have any good ways to unwind so I treat myself to a drink now and then.  It's hard out there for a single gal."

Now he looked at her.  Gauging her.  Weighing her.  She knew she was attractive.  She had no trouble picking up men when she wanted them.  Or letting them pick her up.  It just often wasn't worth the effort, especially as a cop.  So many assholes out there with freaky fantasies and the rest were just bad news in general.

"I imagine it can be," he said while finally smiling.  "My name's Doug."

Got you, she thought to herself while sipping her drink.

They flirted back and forth for the next thirty minutes until Amanda placed her hand on his arm and told him she'd love to go somewhere more relaxing.  Ten minutes later, she followed him into his apartment with her heart racing.  It was an expensive place, sparsely appointed but comfortable and decorated with a surprising sense of style.

Amanda sat on a large overstuffed chair before he tried to get her to sit on the couch with him.  He frowned but just for a moment.

"Can I get you a drink?" he asked.

She sat forward to pull her jacket off, leaning to give him a look down the front of her shirt as if by accident.

"Sure," she said and then, more boldly.  "Unless you have something stronger?  I've been chewing aspirin like candy lately.  Nothing seems to help me relax any more.  I'm tired of getting drunk and just passing out."

"Something stronger, huh?" he asked, mulling things over in his head.  His eyes locked onto hers.  "Like what?"

Like that vial in your pocket, asshole, she thought but smiled instead.

"I'm open," she said with a shrug.  "I always loved to experiment when I was in college.  It's been a few years .  Maybe it's time I get back into it.  Just something to help take my mind off of everything.  Something to make everything just, I don't know, simple.  I don't want to have to worry about every damn thing every day."

It was a gamble but she had to take it.  DTD-3 did many things but one of its biggest mental effects was to simplify the world around you.  It didn't make you stupid, it just made it so you didn't care quite so much.  The big stuff didn't really matter any more and you could enjoy all the little happy things in life so much easier.

He sat directly in front of her on the couch.  Watching her silently.  Minutes passed and she worried she'd been too blunt.  When he reached into his jacket, she tensed, ready to jump him if he pulled a gun or a knife.  She hadn't seen anything bulky enough for that but she was never certain.  Instead, he pulled out the vial.

"I have something like that," he said quietly, opening his hand to roll the glass tube back and forth on his palm.

"Oh, what's that?" she asked with her best blank but curious face.

Got you, asshole!  I got you! she crowed.

"What you're looking for," he said without naming it.  "Something to help you relax.  To take all your stress away."

"Those red sparkles," Amanda said while leaning forward again.  "I've never seen anything like it.  Does it have a name?  What's it do exactly?"

"You heard of DTD-3?" he asked.

Amanda gasped while opening her eyes as wide as she could.

"No way, seriously?" she said.  "That shit costs like a thousand times what I make in a year.  How'd you get that?"

"Why do you care?" he replied, cocking his head.

"I just- well, I was just thinking that if you had a good hook up that was affordable, I wanna get in on that."

"You haven't even tried it before," he told her, once more staring directly into her eyes.

She could feel how delicate the situation had become.  One wrong word and she was done.  She'd been too forward.  She didn't want him.  She could turn him in and the trail would stop there.  He'd never give up his supplier and she'd never see a promotion from it..  She had to have the supplier.

"I- I heard about it," she said while trying to make herself calm.  "It sounds like exactly what I need but- but I can't imagine just doing it once, you know?"

He placed the vial on the coffee table between them.

"So do it," he told her.

"I-" she licked her lips.

"It's what you wanted, right?" he asked, watching her face carefully.

Oh shit, she thought while licking her lips.  Oh shit, okay.  Okay, shit.  I can do this.  It's temporary.  The training said 6 hours tops and I'm back to myself.  I can ride it out.  Using it isn't illegal.  I just need to get the supplier out of him and it'll all be worth it.  I can do this.  I can do it.  I have my phone.  I can even overpower him before that if I need to.  It's fine.  I know the effects.  It's fine.

Amanda reached forward.  Her braid swung around to her side.  The vial clinked against her nails when she picked it up and held it up to her eyes.  She was about to twist the top off before she realized she needed to play innocent.

"Do I just drink it?" she asked.

"No," he told her.  "There's a needle under the cap.  Inject it into a major muscle group and you're done."

"O-okay," she stuttered, unable to keep the nervousness out of her voice.  It only added to the authenticity.  Doug leaned back on the couch to wait.

Amanda unscrewed the cap to see the tiny needle hidden within.  From the training she knew the injection mechanism was hidden beneath the needle.  It was dead simple for anyone to use.

Fuck it.  She rolled up the sleeve of her t-shirt to bare her arm and then pressed the needle in without looking at the injection site.

It was painless.  She felt the vial bubbling as it emptied itself but there was no pain or pinching or anything else.

High quality shit, she thought to herself, setting the vial back down on the table.

Her mind was suddenly blank as she tried to recall exactly what should happen.  It was made worse by the sudden fear of what she'd done.  Six hours seemed like an eternity, stuck in this stranger's apartment.  She could just leave, calling an autonomous cab to the corner and riding home to finish it out.  It'd be fine.  It would be-

"Mmmm," Amanda moaned, biting her lip too late to try to hold it back.

"What's it like?" he asked, leaning forward to watch her.

She gripped the arms of the chair to keep herself in place.  Blood rushed through her entire body.  Her skin burned while goosebumps dimpled the surface. The urge to moan again was difficult to ignore but she held back until it passed.  Her lips parted.  She breathed out a shuddering breath while shivering.

It was a rush.  She exhaled while bowing her head to hide the red that blotted her cheeks.  The nerves within her body itched on the knife's edge between pleasure and overstimulation.  Like a lover's teeth on her nipples sucking and biting and licking until it was almost too much and she cried out and pushed them away to-

"Fuck!" Amanda gasped, leaning her head back.

As if thinking of them drew their attention, she felt her nipples stir beneath her shirt and bra.  She could feel the flesh tightening, swirling as they grew erect.  A single bead of sweat rolled down her left temple.

Nothing in the briefings mentioned what she was feeling.  Nothing.  Not even a hint of it.

Amanda jerked.  Her nails tightened against the chair.

She whined, her voice raising high in pitch.  It was unavoidable.  She knew it was coming.  Could feel it rising within her but couldn't stop it.

"I think something's wrong," she said.  More sweat formed on her brow.  She pulled at the collar of her shirt.

"Why?  What's happening?" he asked.

"I feel- I feel hot," she groaned. "Everything feels- mmmm- everything feels-"

She inhaled, sneezed and inhaled again.  Scents bloomed slowly within her brain.  Faint at first but stronger every second.  She could smell peanut butter.  Grape jelly.  Bananas.  Coffee.  Turkey meat but old and rotting.  His trash can.  The smell of his shampoo.  The smell of his-

Amanda moaned while making fists.  Pain bit into her palms.  She snatched her hands away to hold them in her lap.  The skin surrounding her cuticles was red and inflamed.  She stared at her fingers while her hands trembled.  Flesh bulged.  There was an odd sensation within the finger itself and suddenly the nail over her middle finger lifted.  She groaned and pressed it down but that only served to break it off completely.  The flesh beneath was wrinkled but dark.

"Oh shit!" Amanda gasped when the dark shape moved beneath her skin.  She shook her hands and more fingernails disconnected to fly through the air.

"Wow, holy fuck," Doug whispered.

She held her hand again while biting her lip.  Sharp points cut through the tips of her fingers.  Her claws followed, opening the slit made as they curved outward.  She expected pain but felt nothing as they grew in place.  The delicate edges of her fingers were still swollen and rounded and soon the rest of her fingers became enlarged to match the new size.

Now there was pain and she growled, a deep rumbling sound that surprised her enough to look up at the man with some amount of shame.  Hot needles pierced her hand, hooks that pulled the skin apart.  Her palms widened while the flesh filled out beneath her fingers, in a broad spade-like shape below them and over the curve along her palms at the base her thumbs.  The pink skin darkened to red.  She touched it gingerly as it continued to change shades to deep purple, as if a bruise was forming.  Finally, black specks formed just as the padding finished swelling into place, leaving her with thick, speckled broad calluses.  Her eyes widened as brown hairs grew between the padding covering her fingers.

"It feels- ahhhHH!" Amanda yelled while throwing her head back.

Sweat soaked into the front of her shirt, above her breasts and around her armpits.  She swallowed and gagged and swallowed again before letting her tongue hang freely.  It bulged in the back of her throat, tickling her uvula when she tried to settle it in place and, once more, she gagged.  Her tongue filled her mouth until it stretched to the sides, flattening itself into a broad, floppy tongue that reached her chin.  She swallowed and it flipped up to touch her nose before she could reel it back in.  But the heat pouring through her body forced it out once more when she began to pant.

Pins and needles pricked the nape of her neck.  Amanda reached back but the padding prevents her from feeling the pure black hairs emerging from her pale white skin.  She growled and rolled her neck as they latched into capillaries growing in place and then shivered as arrector pili muscles connected in place.  They contracted immediately and her growing fur stood on end in response.

"Fucking incredible," Doug said.

Amanda shivered at his voice and the heat riding through her body.  She could smell his cock, the heady scent collected between his thigh and crotch.  Worse, she could visualize it and it made her mouth water.  Drool coursed along her tongue to the very tip until she swallowed.

I won't.  I fucking won't, she told herself, shaking her head.

Her ears shook from the motion.  They lengthened, flopping slightly at the very tips while shiny black hairs grew from the back.  She reached for them, touching them tentatively.  When she rubbed them between her fingers, she moaned and it turned into a needy whine.  They were silky smooth and still growing, folding under their own length until the tips touched the base.  The curved edges unfolded until they were completely flat.

She couldn't stop rubbing her ear.  Worse, she wanted him to do it.  Her sable fur spread over her shoulders beneath her shirt.  She pushed back against the chair with a growl to rub herself when it grew down over her spine.

Sweat rolled along her torso.  She looked up, licking her lips and nose while staring at the man in front of her.  Black hairs grew over her scalp, hidden beneath her hair until they reached her forehead.  She rubbed at her brow and then shoved at her nose when she felt pressure along the bridge.  The pressure spread to her jaw.  She licked her lips, whined, licked her lips again and then bowed her head to try to hide the moan while clawing at the seat of the chair.

Her nipples throbbed.  Bright, hot points pulsing on her chest.  Echoes.  Six points along her belly from beneath her breasts down to her mound.  She wanted to touch them.  She wanted to look at them.  She wanted- she wanted.

"Let me-" she gasped, licking her nose.  Brown hairs grew in an oblong shape over her eyebrows while black hairs continued to spread around her eyes and down her cheeks.

Can't, God, hold it together, you can't.  You can't do this, she told herself while whining and clawing at the neck of her shirt.

Amanda leaned back.  She was panting faster now.  Dazed.  The gold threads in her hazel eyes were spreading, consuming, devouring the browns and greens while growing darker until her pure, amber eyes stared down at her crotch.  She breathed out through her nose with a shaky whimper while pulling at the bottom of her shirt.

Her toned, flat belly had two irritated red marks on both sides of her stomach.  Her tongue hung against her teeth as she stared, dazed.  While her nipples pulsed, those two points, and four others, repeated the sensation.  Her fingers twitched to touch one of them as the reddened flesh spread, the flesh rippling around it into small areola.  Something fluttered beneath her stomach - beneath all six of red marks on her flesh.  Tiny holes opened in the center of the areola.  She watched translucent fluid well from one of the holes but barely had time to register what was happening before the flesh tightened and stirred.  The two points pushed out.

"Ohhh fuck!" Amanda cried out, lifting her hips from the chair before shoving back with a growl.  She clawed at her shirt once more, tearing down the center until she reached her bra. Sweat glistened on her chest and the curves of her tits.

Her jaw ached.  She licked her teeth while her nose flared.  The girl swore some of the teeth were loose. Her hand reached out to touch her lips but she stopped when she felt the slick fur completely covering her face.  She moaned and slid her hand down, following the fur over her neck until she touched the hairless skin over her sternum.

"What- what- what breed?" she asked while panting.

"Rottweiler," Doug told her.

The training always bored her.  She'd assumed she'd never meet anyone wealthy enough to afford the shot.  It was all very dry - explaining the physical changes that go along with the drug, leaving the recipient changed into a canine hybrid.  The only mental effects were a few new, temporary urges but mostly a happier, simpler outlook on life.  It was supposed to be freeing.

Nobody mentioned the insane heat tearing her apart.  Or the strange emotional changes she was only just now starting to feel.

Amanda swallowed and writhed.  Her teats brushed against her shirt and, when she looked down, she could plainly see them pressing against the fabric.  She whimpered.  The urge to touch herself was nearly uncontrollable.  Even with the stranger sitting in front of her she had to physically keep her hands away from her body, continuously telling herself not to touch herself.

Oh God, or let him touch me, she thought, shutting her eyes and trembling in her seat.  His smell filled her completely.  It permeated her brain, forcing new connections as massive amounts of oxytocin were released.

"Let- let me see it," she moaned, looking up at Doug.

"It?" he asked, confused.

A high pitched whine made her ears twitch.  She clawed at them and growled until she realized her face was pushing forward.  There was a generalized numbness as her cheeks stretched.  Obsidian streaks filled her lips while gaps appeared in her lengthening jaw.  She rubbed at the caramel colored hairs over her lips to help ease the ache when her muzzle began to form.  Her tongue lapped at her nose, wetting it as pink flesh cracked and grew dark.

"Your- your- your dick," she gasped finally.  Her canines curved slightly as they elongated with the new space available in her gums.

"You- you want to see my dick?" he asked her.

"Please," she whined while crossing her arms over her body.  "Please.  I- I need it.  I- look, I'll-"

Rather than continue talking, she grabbed at her torn shirt to pull it over her body, throwing it aside.  She clawed at her bra, pulling it up to her mouth to tear at it with her teeth until she broke the band and tossed it on the floor.

Wispy sand colored fur lay matted against the middle of her body.  The black fur ended just over her breasts and the brown color began where it narrowed into a thin line that reached down to her belly button.  She grabbed at her tit, pushing and massaging to show herself off.  When she saw the bulge growing in his pants, she felt a flood of happiness fill her.  And wetness.  Hot and slick against the inside of her thighs as it overwhelmed her soaked panties.  The thought of him getting turned on by how she looked was incredibly exciting to her.  She wanted to make him happy.  She-

No, she thought, shaking her head.  And yet, it was there in her mind.

"Do- do you like it?" she asked, her voice a husky, needy growl.

He unzipped himself and she whimpered when he pulled his cock free.  She nearly crawled to him but held herself back.  Staring.  Scenting the air.

"Your turn," he said while stroking himself.

She cocked her head and her ears flopped while her slightly loose lips, jowls now almost, quivered.  Black fur emerged from the backs of her hands.  She clawed at them as they crept up to her wrists and beyond.

"Oh," she said, realizing what he meant.  She felt slower than before but it didn't matter; she knew what he wanted and she worked quickly to do what he asked, eager for his approval in the face of the command.

Amanda tugged at her pants, tearing them in her haste to pull them free.  She stood briefly and shoved them off until she sat back down in her panties.  The white fabric was dark grey from the cum soaking into them.  She yipped when the tip of her growing tail shoved against the back of the chair.  Leaning forward eased the pain.  The sensation of her naked tail sliding against the sable fur covering her ass made her moan loudly.

"All of it," he said, stroking himself faster.

She wanted to bounce on his dick.  She wanted to lick and suck and- but he'd given her a command and she complied, digging her swollen thumbs under the band to pull them away.  A thick sheen of glistening cum connected from her engorged pussy to her panties, stretching until she pulled them far enough away that it collapsed to cover the amber stubble of fur lining the inside of her thighs.

Amanda slid forward in the chair while spreading her legs.  She stared at the man while massaging her stomach with her paws.  She felt her padding pull against the soft hairs growing from her belly but she barked, loudly when she rubbed against her teats.

"Want you," she whimpered, bringing a thick finger up to her mouth to lap at it with her tongue.  She brought it back down to rub her clit.

Cum dribbled from between her lips suddenly and she moaned querulously while thrusting her chest forward.  The muscles within her pussy were tightening, squeezing and slipping together.  The changes rippled outward and flesh gathered over the hood of her clit.  Her labia throbbed in time with the fast beat of her heart.  She slid her paw down, gasping and moaning and sliding her feet against the floor.

"Let me see it," Doug gasped, jerking as he masturbated.

Amanda whined, not because she didn't want to show him but because she wanted him to cum inside of her instead of masturbating. Inside her pussy or ass or mouth, whichever he wanted; she didn't care.  She spread herself open for him with two fingers but her labia pulled away.  She tried to open herself again but the lips were rolling while pushing away from her crotch.  She stared down in time to see her clit slide down to meet in the center of her folding pussy lips.

"Just like a bitch," Doug said in awe.

"Yes," Amanda moaned.  It excited her.  The thought of it.  Of being his bitch.  Of being his.  "I love you."

"You- what?" he said, pulling his hand away.

"I love you," she gasped, feeling it truly for what it was.  She did.  She loved him completely.  She was his completely.

She stood on trembling legs to walk to him but whined when pain cut into her feet.  Still, she ignored it as best she could in order to go to him.  The sole of her right shoe popped when her foot swelled within, overwhelming the cheap material enough to break it apart.  Leathery padding lined her forefeet and toes.  She kicked the foot to fling the shoe away and then raked her claws down the laces of her other shoe in order to step out of them.  The joints were sore as they grew broad to hold her shifted center of balance on the balls of her feet.  Her padding dragged briefly against the floor until it began to fill out into tough padding.

Amanda knelt in front of Doug with her paws on his knees, looking up at him with a sloppy smile.  Her tail, half grown and dotted with fur, wagged behind her, pulling at her hips and ass.

"I love you.  So much," she told him while leaning up to lick his face.  It was true.  She felt this incredibly burst of happiness inside of her that grew brighter whenever she looked at him.  It was overwhelming but wonderful and she loved how it felt.  She loved him.  Her voice dropped lower.  "And I want you so bad.  So bad.  Please."

Without waiting for permission, she dropped her head to lick his cock, wrapping his shaft with her broad tongue to lick from the base to the head.  Black whiskers pierced the brown fur over her lips, growing out as she ran her tongue up and down his dick.  She gripped the base with one hand and his hip with the other before letting go to touch herself, rubbing her swollen, distended new pussy as she kissed the very tip of his dick and then pushed down, opening her muzzle to take all of him.

She felt it hit the back of her throat before it bent and her lips touched his wild pubic hair.  He moaned and grabbed her braid, holding her head while pushing her back and then pulling her down.  But then he reached over to rub her ears and she moaned, moving her head faster.

"N- no," he groaned, holding her head in place.  "I- I want to fuck you on all fours."

"Oh, yes!  Yes yes yes!" Amanda shouted happily, pulling away to raise herself up on her hands and feet.  Her heavy tail curled over her back while she looked behind, panting as she stared at Doug's dick.  Her pussy dripped freely.  Waiting.

She howled quietly when she felt the tip press into her.  Her knees drooped.  The feeling of him pushing into her was far better than anything she'd felt before.  Her sensitivity was heavily increased, leaving her already on the edge as she pushed deep inside.  She clenched against him while whimpering and whining and moaning.  Amanda curved her ass up just in the right position for him to hit an amazing spot deep inside.

She came, suddenly, when he gripped the base of her tail.  It struggled in her grip and she screamed, shaking from the powerful orgasm but he was relentless, pounding into her despite what it was doing to her body.  Her claws scrabbled at the ground, tearing chunks from the carpet when he thrust into her, pulling her back by her tail.  She gibbered and howled as he forced her down, pushing her muzzle into the carpet and then further until she was flat on the ground.  Her muscles refused to work.  She could barely think and her eyes rolled back as a second and third orgasm exploded within.

"Yes yes yes fuck yes yes oh god yes you feel so god I love you I love you yes yes fuck right right right FUCK YES FUCK oh god oh god please not again please YES YES OH FUCK YES!"

She lost count of her orgasms and she began to beg him to cum inside of her.  She howled with the need to have his seed filling her pussy.  She wanted nothing more in life at that moment in time than to have him use her pussy until he exploded.

Finally, he forced himself deep.  He clenched his fist around her tail with one hand while the other gripped her braid, both hands pulling her back into him as he hissed and groaned and swelled within.  She snapped at the air while her mind exploded.  The final orgasm was far bigger than she thought possible.  She lost consciousness briefly before gasping and shuddering awake.

They fucked through the night until finally passing out together.  Amanda briefly remembered the time - to check if six hours had passed but she couldn't care enough to look as she fell into deep slumber.


Bright sunlight woke the young woman.  She gasped awake and sat up.  Doug groaned and rolled on the bed in front of her.

"Oh fuck," she whispered as she felt the soreness radiating from her legs and crotch.  She remembered every single detail from the way the changes felt to how she'd begged to be fucked.

Worse, she felt a thrill of happiness and excitement as she stared down at the man.

"Oh no," she moaned.

She licked his lips and closed her eyes tightly but it remained: the strange love she felt for him.  Not quite love but an intense need to see him happy.  It was more than that but contained within it.

And the heat was still there.  Lessened somewhat but lurking.  She opened her eyes and realized she was grinding against a bunched up part of the blanket.  Horny and needy.

Amanda pulled the blanket away from Doug to straddle him.  He woke with a groan and stared up at her as she grinded against his limp cock, moaning and pinching her nipple while he grew hard against her.  Finally, she lifted her hips and grabbed his dick, guiding him inside while pushing down.

"Fuck," he moaned, staring up at her.

She beamed at the implied compliment until she realized he was staring at her stomach.  He reached up and she gasp when his fingers brushed her belly.  He pinched a teat and she shuddered.

"But- but it's been six hours," she whimpered.  Despite the fear that gripped her, she moaned and rocked back against him, shoving him as deep as she could.  "It.  Shouldn't.  Oh god.  Oh GOD!  Shouldn't.  Be.  There."

Her orgasm was already building.  Already near.  She'd never experienced anything like this in her life.  It was intoxicating.

She wanted more.

She wanted to feel it again.  To feel the changes.  To give herself over to it.

Amanda screamed as she came and her hand flew to his chest to steady herself as she continued riding him.  Her free hand grabbed his hand to push it against her teats, pinching his fingers to encourage him to touch her.

She was lost.  She would do anything she could to feel it again and she didn't care what would happen.  Already she was thinking of what she could do to make Doug happy.  If he wanted to keep fucking, she would, gladly.  Happily.  For as long as he could.  She drooled at the thought of him gripping her braid and holding her while shoving his cum-coated dick in her mouth to clean him up.  She would do it freely regardless.  Whatever he wanted.

Even if she was late to work today, it didn't matter.

Work, god.  GOD! she thought as his dick rubbed deep within.

"GOD FUCK YES FUCK ME YES!" she said, out loud this time.

A small thrill filled her at the idea of being in uniform.  Hiding the teats.  Masturbating in her squad car.  Sending him erotic pictures.  Calling him over to her.  Bending over the hood while he fucked her.  Kneeling by the side of the car to blow him while he sat in the driver's seat.

Changing in front of him.  Offering herself to him.  Letting him see her change.  Changing while fucking him.

She was lost and she loved it.


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