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Just something I wrote on the fly on Discord last week.  A sort quick little scene that follows the end of "Cleanliness Is Next To..."  Non canon.  Just a fun little thing.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, what am I going to do, Cora?!" Adhira moaned, staring at her stomach.  At the dark line below her belly button.  She gasped and grabbed the sheets when hairs pushed through the skin surrounding the line.  They were darker than the ones covering Cora's body, gray bordering on black.  The line opened to show red flesh beneath that was coated in wild wispy white hairs.  "No, no, no, nonono, this wasn't-mmmmmmm what- what is that?"

Adhira groaned.  Her right hand twitched towards her stomach but she forced it back against the bed while arching her back.  Nerves multiplied just beneath her stomach while milk ducts developed around them.  She felt flush, suddenly hot.  Her nipples, hidden beneath her nightgown, slowly pressed out, growing erect in response to the ring of teats forming within her pouch.  The hairs inside stirred when the flesh puckered out, twisting pleasurably into place.

"No, don't look!" Adhira hissed when Cora reached her hand out.  The girl's delicate paw rested against her stomach, causing Adhira to twitch.  In response, Cora's claws scratched against her and Adhira moaned.  "Is- is it bad?"

Cora licked her lips.  Her whiskers wiggled.  She glanced up at Adhira and then pulled the other girl's pouch open with her long claws.

"Ohhh.  Ohhhh God," Adhira moaned.  She clenched her fists while closing her legs but they rubbed together in a way that made her blush and she opened them instead.

Reddish pink nipples lay within Adhira's pouch, covered by white hairs.  Cora slipped her hand inside and Adhira screamed while reaching out to grip the other girl's hair.

"D- D- D-" Adhira tried to say.  Cora brushed one of the nipples and Adhira's eyelids fluttered.  "Wh- why d- does it f- feel like that?"

Emboldened, Cora smiled and bent forward, spreading her roommate's pouch wide.  The whiskers on her narrow, furred snout tickled the opening and Adhira pulled the girls head closer by reflex.

"God," Adhira moaned, biting her lip while rubbing her legs back and forth.

Soft lips brushed two of Adhira's teats.  She whined through her nose with her mouth closed and then shouted when Cora's thick tongue swirled against a teat.  The hairs within were pulled at the same time, forcing them to drag against the other nipples.  Adhira slammed her head back while clawing at Cora's neck, holding her in place.  Her other hand reached for her breast to flick and pinch the hidden nipple.  The counterpoint between the nipple and her teat left her speechlessly.

Cora slipped a hand under her body, clawing through fur until she felt the wetness of her lips.  She pressed a claw gently inside while licking at the Adhira's teats, working her tongue in a circle and then focusing on random ones.  Occasionally she'd nip at the sensitive flesh and smile when Adhira bucked above her.

"I'm- I'm- I'm-" Adhira stuttered.  Cora's claw thrust quickly as she felt her orgasm approach.  Another finger joined the first.  Her tail wound itself around her leg and Adhira's leg, locking them together while twisting back and forth, rasping against their skin.

"CUMMING!" Adhira screamed, slamming her hands down to the bed beside her as she trembled.  She grabbed at Cora, pushing her snout away.  Cora pulled back but hissed as she pressed her tongue against Adhira's pussy instead, tasting her wetness through her panties.  "Too- too- too sensitiooohhh GOD!"

The hairs covering Adhira's belly spread down, creeping over her mound as Cora pulled the other girl's panties to the side.  Curly gray hair grew from her labia while Cora's tongue lapped against her dark inner lips and the pink within.

"Yes, yes, yes oh god yes!" Adhira moaned, lifting her hips to grind against Cora's face.  She lost herself in it, biting at her raised arm.  When Cora's tongue pressed between her lips to thrust inside of her, she screamed once more and worked her ass to push back and force the tongue deeper.  Cora's whiskers drove her mad as her sensitivity increased from the spreading fur.

Cora jerked from her own orgasm but continued tongue fucking her roommate while her claws worked in and out of her own pussy.

Adhira pulled back and Cora opened her mouth to complain until the other woman turned to her hands and knees.  She raised her ass and Cora smiled at the rounded, bulging tip of the other girl's tail when it twisted back and forth.  Black fur covered Adhira's ass.  She whined and lifted her hips while pushing back.

"Please, I'm almost there," Adhira moaned, staring back at her roommate.  "I'm almost there."


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