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It's like... it's like "Fox Trot" except 'thot'!  Get it?  Get it?!?!  Ahhhh.... the last of the snippets from last round :)

Olivia lay back against the pillows while stretching her legs against the window seat. She closed her eyes and pointed her toes forward within her thick wool socks.  Her laptop slid briefly on her legs but she caught it with the inside of her elbow.  She cradled a mug of hot chocolate in her hands while staring through the bay window next to her.  Fat, fluffy snowflakes fell in languid, spiraling loops.  The world beyond was draped in white.  She lay her head against the window, watching the flakes to give her eyes a rest from the computer screen.  Her breath fogged the glass until she turned her head, set her mug on a small table next to her and laid her fingers on the home row of keyboard.

A chill ran up her body, starting around her ankles before tracing a cold finger over her calves and thighs and midsection.  She shivered, pulling her hands away to rub her thumbs against the top of her fist.

"Too cold," she huffed, opening a tab in her browser.  She glanced at her work email to make sure nothing new had come in before maximizing her browser's screen.  After selecting one of her browser's bookmarks, she pulled up a website filled with people selling their own handmade goods.

Her fingers typed in the search box at the top of the website before she clicked the search icon to look for 'cute warm tights'. The page below the search box blinked before filling with results.  Olivia scanned them slowly.  She imagined herself wearing each of them, picturing how they would look on her body while standing or sitting but none quite matched what she was looking for.  Only when she reached the second page did she find what she wanted.  She clicked on the picture to go to the seller's page.

The listing, titled 'Capricious Fox', were tights patterned like a fox's legs.  The faux fur, wool according to the listing, was sheared from the seller's own sheep and hand spun. Soft white coloring covered the inside of the thighs with russet on the outside of the legs until both led to fuzzy black wool just above her ankles to the tips of the feet.  The 'fur' itself was extremely short but looked luxurious in the pictures.

Although the price was much higher than the other tights, she adored the thought of pretending to be a cozy fox curled up in her own den.  Still, Olivia pulled open a new tab to type in the name of the seller's store with 'coupon' added to the search query.

A single result was returned.  She hesitated before clicking on it as she didn't recognize the domain in the URL.  Her cursor hovered over the link and her screen grew hazy for a brief moment.  Finally, she tapped her trackpad and entered.  The webpage held no advertisements.  It was a plain text list in two columns.  She glanced at a few of the names before pulling open the search bar to find the seller.  Over halfway down the page, she found it, along with the word 'Islandmagee' in the second column.

With a little shrug, Olivia copied the word before closing the tab.  Her screen blacked out, reflecting her surprised face for several seconds.  Just as she reached to tap the escape key, it came back with her applications resized and repositioned.

"What the hell," she groused, rearranging everything exactly the way she liked.  "I have a system, dammit."

When pasting the word into the discount box on the seller's website, gibberish appeared instead - odd symbols she'd never seen typed before.  Once again, her screen wavered but she deleted the text and it stabilized for her.

She frowned now and began to open a tab to find the website again but she realized she remembered the word without it.

"Island and Mr. Magee, not Magoo, but without the mister," she said, focusing as she typed to make sure the word was spelled correctly and capitalized.  She clicked 'apply' and glanced up at the price but it didn't change and she frowned again.  Below the item itself the text 'Discount applied' appeared with a tiny polygonal fox head.

Olivia lay her head back against the wall. Her side-swept bangs slid against her brow until she brushed them further to the side, teasing a red curl with the tip of her finger.  Before she could change her mind, she pressed the 'confirm purchase' button and quickly filled in the rest of her details to order it.

Only after placing the order did she notice that shipping was not only free but for delivery on the same day.  She looked near the top of the page to find the seller's home state.

"That's on the other side of the country," Olivida said out loud.

Her eyes strayed to the window.  The snow was falling faster now and the last time she'd checked the temperature with her smart speaker, it had warned that a winter storm warning was in effect for at least a week.  She enjoyed the solitude it provided.  And the silence.  She could do whatever she wanted without caring what anyone else thought.  Without worrying about how draining relationships or flings were to her right now.

She watched the snow building, reaching up the posts of her porch to the railing.  The main streets were often cleared but she lived just outside the city and the only way her road was cleared was if her neighbor, who owned a farm, decided to hook his tractor up to plow it.

Snowfall would continue for months, plenty of time for the tights to arrive and still be useful, she decided.  And then, perhaps, even when it wasn't winter and she was just lounging around at home she could-

Olivia's phone chimed softly.  She reached for it, expecting an email or text but surprised to see a notification from her doorbell camera stating that a package had been dropped off.  There was no joint notification of the camera recognizing someone and when she clicked the video preview for the event, all she saw was the pixelated view of her front porch being consumed by snow.

"Weird," she said to herself, standing.  She placed her laptop back on the seat and then stretched until she was sure her joints popped.

Time for a walking break anyway, she decided while lifting her mug from the nearby table.  As she walked through her house, she sipped at the drink with a happy sigh.  The drink was cooling but still warmer against her hands.

After unlocking the deadbolt, Olivia pulled her door open with a small tsk of annoyance when she saw how much snow had accumulated on the porch.  A block of snow, two feet tall, faintly outlined the bottom of her door where it stood undisturbed in front of her.

A white padded envelope rested atop smooth snow just in front of her.  Olivia shivered.  She unlocked her phone, opened the camera's app and scrolled back in time to just before the doorbell rang.  The video showed nothing but the flurry of snowflakes being blown onto her porch.  Steam whipped away from her mug when she placed it on the floor near the door's sill.  She held onto the door frame with one hand while leaning forward as far as she could to grab the package, shaking off the fine layer of snow that had already accumulated on top of it.  Olivia closed the door and picked up her mug before walking over to her couch to place it on an end table.

The uncanceled stamp poorly affixed to the corner of the envelope detached before sliding down the envelope.  It teetered on the edge of the envelope but then tipped off the edge to fall to the floor between her feet.  Her name and address were listed in the center of the envelope but no return address was marked in the space provided.

The package itself bulged to contain its contents.  She squished it while trying to remember what she'd ordered recently.  Finally, she pulled the tab on the envelope, tearing it open.  It canted in her hands when the tab snapped off.  Fuzzy black and orange and white tights spilled onto her floor.

"Are you serious?" she said, louder than intended while slowly blinking at the ground.  The envelope slipped from her fingers as she stomped over the door to throw it open.

Unmarked, smooth snow greeted her.  There were no footprints or other marks that suggested a way for the package to have arrived.  She could vaguely remember articles of drones being developed to deliver packages quickly but she was certain that was for Amazon packages only.  Amazon packages delivered during clear, warm weather.

With the tights forgotten for a moment, Olivia walked over to the window.  She took her laptop and sat, quickly finding the email for her order so she could send the seller a quick message.

"Hi," she said out loud as she typed, a bad habit she'd started after working from home for so long.  "I just got, no, received these tights and I'm wondering how in the world you sent them so quickly.  I literally ordered less than ten minutes ago and I'm in the middle of a snow storm."

She typed her name and sent the email, glancing over at the tights jumbled on the floor.  When she looked back in order to close her laptop, she was surprised to see a response to her email.  Her eyes scanned the text only to learn that the owner of the store was on vacation for a few more days and not checking his emails.

An assistant or someone else sent them, Olivia thought to herself as she put the laptop away.  But, still, how did it get here so fast?  That's going to bother me until I find out.

The young woman walked over to the tights, kneeling in front of them while picking them up to lay them out before her.  They were exactly as advertised in the pictures.  While the coloring wasn't as dynamic as a real wild fox, it matched the bold primary colors exactly.  She reached out her hand to stroke it.

As expected, the faux fur was short - barely enough to hide the stretchy black fabric beneath.  Still, it was extremely soft and every inch was covered.

A tiny itch formed in the pit of her stomach.  It twisted and she shivered when the skin crawled on her back.  Her hands twitched.  She hadn't planned on wearing the tights until she washed them but the urge to try them on was growing.  The itch was twisting within her guts while plucking the nerves along her spine.

Olivia sat to unbutton her pants.  She rolled to her back to push her pants down over her ass and then forward, raising her legs to slide them off.  Now undressed, she pulled the tights up, sliding her feet into them and shivering at the way the fabric felt.  Warm and smooth but prickly in a way that made her nibble at her lip.

With the tights pulled up to her knees, Olivia paused.  She stared down at herself.  At her bare legs and her slim black panties snuggled comfortably against her hips.  She breathed out slowly as her vision narrowed.  The feel of it was as luxurious as she'd imagined when she was looking at the description in the store.  It was a lover's light touch.  It was their warm breath a fraction of a second before they kissed your skin.  It was the trembling sensation when all your tiny hairs stirred as they stared up at you, hands against your body, knowing they were just about to pleasure you.

Her exhaled breath was ragged when she pushed the tights down.  It was worse removing it.  The fabric clung to her with little velvet hooks that made her whine softly until they were off.  She bent her legs with her arms crossed over her knees and her forehead resting against her forearms.  Panting softly.

The image was so clear in her mind - her bare bottom with the tights pulled up to her waist.  The idea of it touching her naked sex, tight against her labia while cupping her ass cheeks left her feeling woozy with excitement.  Her fingers clenched against her legs while her head buzzed until she was sure she was drunk.

She lowered herself to her back once more while pressing her heels into the ground to raise her hips.  Her breasts pulled back with her angled position and she stared up at her knees while removing her panties.  The position allowed her to see a narrow dark patch in the seat of her panties until they disappeared past her knees and she lowered herself before bending her legs to let them fall freely.

Now she gathered the tights carefully, easily finding the waistband to spread it wide.  She dipped her toes into the fabric while holding them open.  Blood rushed to her cheeks, reddening her skin while her lips parted with a sensuous hiss of exhaled air.  She bent her feet, allowing the material to glide against the top and up to her ankle before reaching her calves.  Now they compressed firmly around her leg, clinging to her body with the warmth she'd experienced before.  She rolled as she pulled, gathering the tights until her feet pressed against the toes of the tights.

"Haaah," Olivia breathed out with her lips just barely apart in the center of her mouth, a circular opening of excitement as she began to unroll the tights over her shins and up to her knees.  And over.  When they touched her thighs, she groaned and paused, hanging her head until she could continue once more.  The fabric latched onto her smooth skin, holding her tightly.  She breathed quickly while dragging the tights slowly down her thighs, watching the progression with budding apprehension.

A memory arose within, of the night she lost her virginity.  She'd been terrified but thrilled as her older lover stripped her quickly.  He'd knelt before her, saying something - something sexy, she was sure but she couldn't remember now.  As he moved towards her, he'd stared into her eyes while bending lower and lower.  A predator stalking his prey and her body hummed until she thought she'd scream.

It was a similar sensation.  Her body woke, nerves crying out for attention.  Chills coursed up her core and spine and the inside of her thighs.  Her breathing was audible.  She was pushing out each labored breath but her throat clenched, twisting the sounds into high pitched whines.  Olivia lay back and her eyes fluttered.  She tried to raise her hips to pull the tights over her ass but instead found herself writhing, flexing up and down as if matching her lover's rhythm.

With her head and chest on the ground, she stared along her body.  Her shirt pooled beneath her breasts leaving her stomach bare.  She'd shaved just two nights ago and only two razor bumps remained on her otherwise smooth mons.  The hood over her clit was just barely visible in the gentle indentation at the front of her mound.  There she'd been more careful, taking her time to work in oil and shaving cream before very, very slowly shaving one way and then the next.  She loved the sleek, slick texture once she'd finished.

Inch by torturous inch, she slid the tights over her cheeks and up, raising them until the crotch pressed itself into her sex.  The woman shuddered, collapsing to the floor with her legs still bent.  She stared thoughtlessly at the ceiling while her chest rose and fell rapidly.  Despite the lack of touch, her nipples ached.

How long has it been? she asked herself while thinking back.  A year?  Almost?  Those two times with Ed.  One disappointing time and then a second just to make sure.

She sat up slowly while sliding her legs flat before her to admire the tights.  The strange warmth had passed, leaving her more rational than before.  Her fingers trailed through the plush faux fur while she wiggled her toes.  It was form fitting and warmer than she'd expected.  She wished the fur was longer like an actual fox but she assumed the price would be even more astronomical if so.  As it was, the length was just enough to hide the black coloring of the base spandex.

Placing her hands against the floor, she bent her legs to stand.  The tights flexed against her but held firmly.  It was strange, she realized, to look down and see something other than the solid coloring she was used to seeing.  The tri-color pattern was exotic; she could almost imagine herself racing through the snow while hunting for hidden mice.  She laughed lightly while hopping for a few steps and then, with a satisfied smile, she walked back to the window seat.

The bottom of the feet had no grip, causing her to slip slightly on the floor.  She stepped carefully, forefeet, followed by toes and then heel and soon found herself splaying her toes against the floor for extra stability.

After retrieving her laptop, she settled back against the wall.  The smooth surface of the slim device slid against the tights until she held it steady.  A few new unread emails glared at her from her inbox.  She sighed and opened the first one, ready to restart after her shopping break and the unexpected surprise of her delivery.

After more than half an hour of working, Olivia found herself growing restless.  Her feet rubbed together while trying to remember what she was doing with a spreadsheet's formula.  The fabric beneath her feet dragged for a brief moment before sticking against her forefeet and toes.  She switched feet, rubbing the bottom of her right foot against the top of the other and her forefoot scratched against the top of her fake black fur.

Tiny soot black speckles, rough and round, emerged from where the fabric sealed itself against her skin.  She bent her toes and the loose spandex once more tightened until they outlined her individual delicate digits.

"Mmmmm," Olivia groaned, closing her eyes and turning her head to the window.  She rubbed her legs together, knees working in counter circles while her laptop tilted to fall unnoticed to the empty bench beside her.

The tights tingled with every motion.  She gasped and jerked, shoving her chest forward before sighing and resting back.  Her eyelids fluttered briefly while staying closed.  Furrows appeared on her brow and she licked her lips quickly while her right hand rubbed just beneath her belly button, stroking herself between her bare skin and the short faux fur.

Black stubble appeared on the rounded curve behind her ear.  Miniature muscles moved in the base, lifting her ears briefly while the stubble lengthened into tiny hairs that spread slowly, creeping over the skin and up, outlining the tips of her ears.  They trailed down at the same time but, close to the base, russet hairs replaced the black until they touched her neck and ceased.

Olivia's hand opened, palm against skin.  She rubbed her lower belly before raising her hand to just let her fingers touch her body.  Soft hairs, as white as the snow falling outside, emerged beneath her belly button.  Her fingers brushed against them when she pushed her hand down until she touched the thin waistband of her tights.

With barely any hesitation, she slipped her fingers beneath the tights while suppressing a little gasp.  More white hairs greeted her fingers.  The short downy hairs were a broad strip that grew down to surround the hood of her clit.  She leaned back while bending her knees and spreading her legs.  Her pussy lips pulled apart by the motion to reveal a sheen of clear cum that broke when her middle finger dipped down.

"Ohhhh fuuuuh-" Olivia moaned when she touched herself, surprised at how incredibly wet she was.  She slid her long finger back and forth between the labia as light gray hairs pierced the swollen outer lips.  A second finger joined the first while the gray hairs spread outward.  Her fingers, covered in her clear cum, coated the hairs to force them flat against the puffy lips.

She slid her hand up to swirl the very tip of her middle finger against her half exposed clit while her free hand raised to her chest.  Clear whiskers spread open the skin above her top lip while long white hairs grew from the inside of her ears, color fading to orange at the roots.  The gold coloring in her hazel eyes brightened while mixing with the fainter brown to turn her eyes the color of burned sand.

"Oh.  Oh.  Oh!" Olivia gasped.  A small orgasm burst within and she slid the heel of her right foot against the seat.

The fabric covering the tips of her toes pulled at her toenails, lifting them while compressing them into broad, bent claws.  The pure black material faded to charcoal over her claws while pushing them forward and they separated from the foot of her tights.  The rough specks covering the bottom of her toes and her forefeet expanded, swelling outward into thick paw pads.

She flexed her toes and brought her wet finger up to her mouth, eager to lick herself clean and continue.  Her tongue wrapped around the slick fingers and her whiskers trembled while her canines scraped against the roots of the nearby teeth, spiraling into long, sharp fangs until she pulled her fingers from her mouth with a loud pop.

Bending her right leg again, she pressed her forefeet together, compressing the padding while bringing her hand back down between her thighs, ruffling the fur over the tights.  They continued to seal themselves to her legs.  The seat outlined her bulging, throbbing pussy lips and then it tore, opening a slit over her pussy that expanded to show her glistening lips and the gray fur surrounding them.

Olivia's hand slid over the tights until she reached her pussy, immediately sinking two fingers into the wet folds.  She arched her back and yipped, clenching at the pillows beneath her with her left hand.  Her right foot bumped against the left and then pressed into the pillows until her left joined it and she bent her toes to drag her claws against the pillows, back and forth while her fingers plunged into her pussy.

A massive orgasm was building and she panted freely.  Her eyes were still closed and she rubbed her head against the window, enjoying the coldness against her burning head.  She bent her fingers when her nails bent back to reveal little claws underneath and the sudden change in sensation caused her to gasp out with a sharp, short barking sound.

"Ye- yes yes yes yes oh god yes yes yes," she mumbled, eyelids fluttering and her arm shaking as she rubbed herself faster.  Her ears unfolded while canting at an angle and red touched her cheeks as she blushed from the heat building inside her body.

Warning bells chimed inside her head when subtle cues finally merged within her brain.  Her eyes opened and she looked down to see the cum flecked fur between her thighs and her glistening pussy openly displayed as if it were part of tights themselves.

"That's not-" she said, panting and pulling her hand away from sex.  Her mind felt numb and dull as if she were trying to force herself awake from a particularly hot dream.  "That's not- that's-  What the-"

Her hands scrabbled at her waist, sharp claws digging at her skin.  She couldn't find the waistband for the tights.  She could see a faint line delineating her bare flesh and the faux fur but her curved, black nails couldn't catch onto it.  The woman squirmed, clawing at her stomach until, finally, her thumbnail found a gap.  She pulled hard until she could slide more fingers beneath.

Olivia's ears wavered.  The stringy hairs inside retreated while the semi-triangle tips widened until they began to resemble their regular rounded edges.  Her toenails snapped and split while unfolding, black draining back to the nail beds to reveal the base translucent coloring.  The waistband completely pulled away from her body as she grunted and twisted but she yipped loudly when she slid from the seat to crash onto the floor.

The tights resisted her efforts but she shoved as hard as she could, grinding her teeth together while growling.  Her fangs drilled back into her gums, receding until they were her dull, pointed canines while her eye coloring grew muddy and gold separated from brown with hints of green and her hazel eyes reappeared to focus on the tights.

Now the metaphorical microscopic hooks felt real as they tore at her flesh.  She barked while forcing the tights down over her ass.  Her following grunts rose into a high pitched squeal when she reached mid thigh but now it became easier and the tights moved painlessly until she started kicking her legs to fling them away from her body.

Olivia stared at the tights where they'd landed next to a chair in her living room.  Her chest heaved and she licked her lips.

"What the hell!  What the hell was that?!" she shouted to the empty room.  She shivered and groaned, scratching at her arms before shivering once more.  Even now the unfinished orgasm coiled within and her pussy clenched, forcing drops of her cum to emerge.  Her hand twitched and it took willpower to not touch herself.  Fire burned in her temples and cheeks while her ears filled with static.

After what felt like an eternity, she glanced down at her legs and her eyes widened.

Dense curly white fur covered her mound completely.  It reached out thin lines of fur to her hips and up to her belly button, surrounding it with shorter fur that eventually trailed off into peach fuzz.  She breathed out a ragged breath, licked her lips and touched it gingerly, somehow certain that it was a patch of the tights that had torn off.

The fur was silky to the touch and she moaned when she tugged at it.  The roots held fast, deep beneath her skin and they dimpled up, straining until the pain was too much and she let go.

"That's not- that's not possible," she gasped, touching the fur lightly.  She closed her mouth tightly to hold back the moan that built deep within but her lips finally parted while her eyelids lowered.  Her hand wouldn't stop stroking the fur.  It mesmerized her, both the feel of it on her belly and against her fingers and palm.  "Impossible."

She pushed herself up, walking bare bottom through her house until she reached the bathroom.  It took a minute of digging for her to find the trimmer she'd bought years ago when she thought she could try cutting her own hair.  She removed the guard, plugged it in and ran it over the fur.  Thick curls of hair fell to the floor around her feet as she sheared herself, running it over her stomach until only stubble was left.  Once it was off, she lay it on the edge of the sink counter and sat on the edge of her bathtub.

There was no red in the snow colored hairs left behind.  She shook her head softly while touching herself but then reached for her razor and shaving cream, still left out from the night before.  Now she was more careful, wetting her skin before applying cream and running the razor over her skin, cleaning it between strokes.

Only when she was done shaving her mound did she notice the gray hairs covering her labia and the crease of skin between her sex and thigh, far thicker than the red hairs had even been before.

A chill ran along her spine, straight to the base of her ears and up to the tips.  She bent forward to touch the strange hairs, careful not to brush the still sensitive labia.  Shaving them would clog up her razor so she leaned over to open a lower drawer in the vanity next to her to retrieve a pair of small scissors.

Pulling the gray hairs made her squirm but she tried to ignore the sensation.  Her entire body felt raw and needy, made worse due to the unfinished orgasm still seething deep inside.  She clipped the hairs carefully, holding them between her fingers until she was ready to use the razor to finish the rest.  Olivia sighed at the result of her trim.  A few gray hairs remained in more troublesome spots but she found herself growing more aroused the longer she touched herself, despite it being an activity that had never felt like more than a hassle before.

Olivia patted herself off carefully before moisturizing the skin.  She held her breath when touching her labia but she still clenched her toes and groaned until she was finished.  Cold air seeped into the bathroom from gaps in the old house.  She shivered and stood, putting everything back before going into the bedroom to dig for a new pair of underwear.  Standing in front of her closet gave her pause.  She looked in, reaching for a pair of blue jeans but pulled her hand away.    The memory of the tights hugging her body made her shiver with her eyes closed.  It taunted her from the living room even though she ignored it.  Finally, Olivia snatched a pair of yoga pants instead of blue jeans, stepping into them and turning in a circle briefly while pulling them up.

Like the tights, the yoga pants squeezed her legs and hips comfortably but the comparison stopped there.  The fabric was cool against her body and simply felt like clothing and nothing more.

She padded through her house on bare feet.  Her heel bounced against the floor occasionally while she walked on her forefeet until she reached the tights.  She kneeled before them, arranging them carefully to spread them out the legs.

The faux fur over the crotch and legs of the tights were covered in her cum.  Her lips compressed and her jaw flared but she continued, spreading the legs wide to inspect the gap between them.

There was no hole where her pussy would be.

She stared at the tights but reached forward with a hesitant hand, reaching towards the crotch before snatching her hand away.  Finally, she firmed her resolve and touched the fabric, moving the fur aside to inspect the spandex beneath.  And still there was no hole.

Olivia sat back, crossing her legs as she stared at the tights.  It was impossible.  She knew that.  And yet, the strings of drying cum - far more than she'd ever seen before, covered the outside of the tights.  And while most of the time she'd spent masturbating was a blurry fever dream, she could remember touching the fur while she fingered herself.

She moaned and bowed her head when the memory of it surged.  Her hand flattened against the tights until she snatched it back into a trembling fist.

And, there was the pubic hair left behind afterward.  Fur, really, she realized.  Thick and plush and-

"N- no," she gasped, clawing the floor when she rocked forward to her knees while placing both hands before her.  Her entire body trembled.  The vast difference between the way the yoga pants felt on her body versus the tights made her yearn for their touch once more.

The girl squealed while sliding her legs back, stretching onto all fours with her teeth clenched.  Her body trembled at full extension until she lowered her chest, cheek to the floor with her ass raised.  She pushed back once, twice and then collapsed, panting with her face turned to the window.  She forced herself up slowly to her knees and then lunged up to her feet to stagger away from the tights until she sat in front of the window with her right arm beneath her breasts, clutching her left arm.

Magic, she thought to herself, staring at the tights from a distance. Goosebumps danced along her flesh but she ignored them.  It couldn't be anything else.  The package had arrived in less than an hour from the other side of the country.  It felt like a living thing on her body and, now that she'd worn it, she ached to wear it again.  It had done something to her, merging itself to her body so that her pussy was-

She moaned when her arm bumped her braless breast and her shirt shifted against her nipples.  They were swollen and erect and more sensitive than they should be.  Glancing down, she could see them pressing hard against her shirt and she swallowed while looking away.

It was an addiction.  And dangerous.  Her mind exploded at the possibilities of exactly what it meant that magic was real and what else was possible.  Yet her eyes were continuously drawn back to the tights where she'd laid them out on the floor.

What would happen if I left them on? she wondered, shivering again.

After several minutes, she stood and paced, walking around the living room in a wide circle to avoid the strange clothing.  Her world had expanded suddenly but she had no idea how to interact with the new information.  The one point of contact she had was on vacation.

Was it something I could learn? she wondered as her heel lifted and she stepped on the balls of her feet.  Was it a mistake?  Was I not supposed to get these?  Or- Or was it some kind of- of- of fate?

She tried to think of what might cause her to be lucky enough to receive something like the tights.  Her heel touched the floor and she missed a step.

Lucky? she asked herself.  This is lucky?  They're cursed.  They- they tried to change me and I was lucky enough to get away with them only messing with my pubic hair.

Half an hour passed before she noticed her workday was over.  Olivia glanced over at the digital clock on the stove in her kitchen.  Her hand touched the back of a chair at her dinner table.  She looked over to the window to see snow still falling but it wasn't as intense as before.  The sky was grey now as evening approached.

Her foot touched soft fur.  She looked down to realize she'd walked a path that led her directly back to the tights where she'd laid them out.  Olivia yipped and stepped back quickly, raising herself up to her forefeet until she felt her back against the wall.

Her panties were damp against her thighs.

Olivia cleared her mind.  She threw herself into her evening chores, ignoring the tights and everything about them while she cleaned and prepared dinner.  Whenever her thoughts returned to the way the spandex rubbed against her body or how the fur felt in her hands, she took a minute to breathe and empty her thoughts once more.  She told herself she would make it until the online seller replied to her.  And then it could be settled.

Dinner, chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and buttered green beans, came and went - although she made a mental note to go shopping the next day since she was dangerously low on essentials.  It was a major mistake with the storm but she still wasn't used to living in rural areas.  While she normally liked to sit and read for a while before bed, she worried it wouldn't be enough to distract her and so, she turned on the television to binge her favorite show.

A yawn cracked Olivia's jaw.  She looked at the time and at which episode was currently playing and realized she'd dozed at some point.  Another yawn left her gasping for air as she stood and stretched her hands high to the ceiling.  The TV clicked off when she found the remote on the floor and then she yawned a third time before shuffling off to brush her teeth.  Once in her bedroom, she stripped out of her shirt and then her yoga pants before finally pushing her panties over her ass and stepping free of them.

Her sheets and blanket were cold but she warmed them quickly as she lay on her side with her eyes closed.  Only now, naked beneath her comforter with silence surrounding her home, she felt intrusive thoughts crowding her brain.  Intrusive thoughts and the dissatisfaction of the unfinished orgasm from earlier in the day.  She occasionally enjoyed masturbating before bedtime but only when the rare mood hit her.

Lying in the dark with no other distractions left no filter for her to ignore what had happened earlier in the day.  She twisted against the smooth sheets, spreading her legs and turning to her belly before sliding her legs closed.  And then open again.  Her body still felt more sensitive than it should be.  She closed her eyes.  It was there, waiting for her - the memory of the tights against her body.

Olivia gasped and moaned while twisting on her bed, turning to her other side to lie on her stomach.  Her bare ass raised briefly when her knees pressed into the bed until she lowered it again.  Skin tightened along her back, over her spine and tiny hairs raised when goosebumps raised, the microscopic muscles beneath her skin uselessly mimicking the process that caused her fur to grow earlier as it remembered how wonderful it felt.  She groaned while flexing her toes to dig them into the bed, clawing back and forth and making fists with her hand.

"Damn," she gasped, turning and tossing the blanket aside to uncover her body.  She gasped and writhed, raising her chest before lowering it and lifting her hips in a sinuous wave.  Swallowing, she stared at the ceiling while reaching a hand down between her legs.

The woman moaned and bit her lips when she felt the stubble over her mound, left behind by her rushed shave earlier in the day.  Briefly she wondered if it was still white or red but the thought was swallowed by the lust rising within.  It was unnatural and worse than any arousal she'd felt in the past.  Her hand touched wetness between her lips.  She yipped softly and touched herself, crooking a finger to press into her sex.  Her legs scissored, knees bending while her feet rubbed together.  She craved touch more than she ever had before.

Olivia whined.  It felt nothing like before.  Touching herself only made it worse as her body ached for- for-

She looked towards her living room, staring at the wall between the rooms while her finger idly glided against her clit.

It- it was just the pubic hair, she thought as her breathing came faster.  Just- just that.  And it- it felt so good.  I can shave after.  Or.  Or just keep it.  The way it felt, stroking that white fur on my skin, it was amazing.

Olivia whined again and licked her lips before her mouth opened slightly to show her short canines.  Her breath puffed away into the air while her heart raced.

I could just wear it for a little bit, she told herself.  Shorter than last time.  Just to mastubate and then I'll take it right off.  I just- I just need to feel it again.  To- to- to feel it rubbing against my body.  Warm and soft with all that fur.  Holding me tight.  Just to finish what I'd started.  Just to get rid of the damned orgasm from earlier.  And then- and then I can rest.  I'll be done with it before it can do anything to me.

She jumped from her bed, full of excitement, rushing to the living room to snatch the tights from where she'd left them.  Olivia clutched them to her chest while racing back to her room to jump into bed with a happy yip.  Once there, she gathered the tights and eagerly bent her knees to her breasts.  Pressing her feet into them felt just as good as before, even better since she was already wound up and expecting it.  The spandex dragged against the few hairs covering her legs, sending a thrill up her spine.  She squealed and moaned, twisting her upper body while panting and pulling, lifting her ass to envelope them and then shuddering when she felt them scratch against the faint white stubble covering her lower belly.

As before the tights clung to her, squeezing every inch of her body until her toes pressed into the tips and the waistband cradled her hips.  She reached between her thighs with her eyes closed, stroking the short faux fur.  Her fingers pressed the fabric into her pussy and she explored herself until she found her clit.  Olivia barked loudly.  It was all returning to her.  Lightning struck every nerve inside her body and she screamed, grinding her fingers against the fur.  She could feel her cum already soaking into it and the smell began to drive her wild.

The wide, formless feet of her tights compressed quickly, outlining the tips of her toes until the fabric pulled back, sealing itself to her body to show her individual toes.  Bones screeched silently when the tights hooked into her flesh to widen her feet.  The knuckles of her toes swelled while the sharp tips of her claws slid through ten small holes that opened briefly.

Patches of the spandex hardened over her forefeet, black fading slightly to dark grey that spread into a rounded spade-like shape.  It filled out as fat grew under her skin, ballooning into the cushion for her paw pads.  More tiny specks appeared along the bottom of her toes while orange hairs pierced the skin and fabric between her forefeet and toes.

Her fingers slid against the loose crotch of her tights.  Her wetness had completely soaked into them, leaving the white fur matted and slick.  She was moaning, loudly, filling the room with the sounds of her passion as she slid her fingers back and forth against the slippery material.  Fabric melted away at her touch, dissolving until her pussy was bare and her fingers pressed into them.

"Fuck!" Olivia barked loudly before whining and sliding her legs against the bed.  Her ears bent back, flexing as they flattened and rolled out to sharp tips, black fur creeping over the back of her ears while white hairs emerged from inside.  She licked her lips, dragging her increasingly rough tongue over the holes that appeared, moments before her whiskers lengthened, trembling wildly while her fingers slapped against her pussy.

The line of the waistband vanished.  It began at her left hip when her skin flowed over the stretchy black band and it continued, flesh consuming spandex until the tights were part of her body.  Soft red hairs prickled the nape of her neck in a wide, triangular patch while white hairs lifted from the center of her belly, just above where the faux white fur met her bare midriff.  The hairs coiled into curls as they lengthened.

Olivia rolled to her stomach while sliding her knees beneath her to lift her ass into the air.  She spread her legs but her fingers never stopped pumping as she moaned.  Her nails folded, white stress fractures darkening to grey while they curved outward.  The tips of the claws scratched her deep inside and she yipped loudly while her hips jerked.  Cum dripped freely, coursing over her hand and down to her wrist while more flung against her thighs and the sheets below.

Orange and white hairs littered her bed.  The russet fur covering her nape was spreading over her shoulders and down, dipping between her shoulder blades before slowing to a half.  She lapped at her mouth and nose with her tongue and groaned when her canines extended once more, shoving at the neighboring teeth until all four scraped together every time she closed her mouth.

Her chest heaved and she began to whine continuously.  The growing orgasm was immense, bigger even than before and it filled her brain with white static.  Her slutty hips thrust back against her fingers while her cum began to coat her forearm.  All that mattered was the release.

"Fuh- fuck me fuck me yes yes yes yes yes!" Olivia screamed, pushing herself up on hand and knees with her left hand clenched into the sheets and her right pounding against her pussy.  The sloppy wet slapping noises matched the frantic frequency of her words and she closed her eyes to imagine someone behind her, a formless man thrusting his cock deep inside, crushing the head against her cervix while pulling her hair and slapping her ass and yanking on her tail.

Olivia squealed loudly while pressing her hand against her quivering, clenching pussy.  She squirted, showering the bed beneath her while her legs trembled.  Her breath wheezed out and she found she couldn't breath.  The woman collapsed on her bed, mouth working while she bucked and twitched in the aftermath of the monstrous orgasm.

The fur covering the tights rooted themselves in her body and now she screamed again from a second, sudden orgasm as millions of hairs attached to her, sinking deep into her flesh.  White sparks erupted in the edge of her vision and her eyesight narrowed until-

Olivia gasped awake, clawing at the bed.  Only seconds had passed since she'd blacked out and she still trembled.  Her fur dragged against the bed to pull at her skin and it was almost enough to make her pass out once more.  Instead, she lay as still as possible to prevent, basking in the glow of the waves crashing within her body.

"Need to- need to take- take it off," she gasped, twitching suddenly from an intense aftershock.  "Need to.  Need to."


Groaning scratching screeching sounds woke Olivia as the wind swirled snow and pushed the heavy branches of the trees next to her house.  She cracked her eyes open and shivered.

The smell of sex was the first thing she noticed as she lay still in the center of her bed.  A small corner of her blanket clung to the foot of the bed.  She groaned and slowly rolled over.  Her whole body ached and it felt like heavy weights were attached to her arms and legs.  The old digital alarm clock on the table beside her bed let her know it was mid-morning, later than she normally slept.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes and only then did she remember.  In a sudden panic, she grabbed at the band of the tights.  Her fingers slipped beneath easily but she still shoved herself out of them until she sat against the pillow at the head of her bed.

As before, curly white hair covered her mound.  She blinked at it while toying with the fur, winding strands over her finger.

Was there more? she asked herself.  It was difficult for her to remember but the thick pelt reached to her hips in wide swatches and up to her belly button, surrounding it with dense fur that ended in a sharp peak.  She spread her legs to see more white fur mixed with light gray.  Her pussy was hidden behind tufts that spread down nearly to her knees.  She touched her thigh, brushing wispy red hairs that covered the front of her leg and around to the outside.

Loose hairs covered her bed.  There was a nearly even mixture of white and red with a few black hairs.  She picked one of them and held it up to stare at it, turning it in the pale light.  Olivia looked past the hair at the tights but the hairs were different than the short faux fur.

Wasn't it?  she wondered while shaking her head.

Her thoughts were foggy whenever she tried to focus on the tights and their effects.  She dropped the single hair, not caring when it landed against her breast.  Instead, she ran her fingers through the fur on her lower belly, stroking herself with a small smile on her lips.  She moaned softly, breathing through her nose while stretching out her legs.

Her nails dragged against the skin beneath the fur until she pressed her fingers together to pull the hairs, groaning when the slight twinge of pain mixed with the far larger spike of pleasure.  She was horny again.  Horny still, she realized, that she'd woken with the edge of it.  It'd been waiting for her to become aware enough to feel it properly and now it was unfolding within and she moaned, louder now when she slid a finger into her furry pussy while her other hand massaged her breasts.

She lay in bed, an hour later, her eyes half closed, drooping before opening again.  She'd lost count of her orgasms.  None of them approached what she'd felt the night before but they were still wonderful.  She would've continued but her stomach growled loudly at her.  With a sigh, Olivia rolled out of bed.  The woman stretched with a happy squeal and walked past her panties and other discarded clothing, padding naked through her house.

Squatting before her open fridge, she pulled the little drawer titled simply 'Meat', whining when all she saw was a mostly empty plastic package of deli sliced ham.  She snatched it, took out the two slices and ate them quickly after rolling them into a tube.  Olivia licked her fingers clean quickly while foraging in her mostly empty fridge until finally closing it.

"Phone, phone, phone," she repeated mindlessly, walking back to her room to hunt for it.  She breathed deeply and moaned, grabbing at her thick white fur when the smell of her cum assaulted her.  The urge to lay on the floor and touch herself was difficult to ignore but she did her best, holding her breath until she grabbed her phone from the end table and leaving the room with a longing glance at the tights still lying on her bed.

A few quick taps set her cellphone ringing.  Olivia lay back against her kitchen island, listening to the ringing while her left hand swirled into her fur.  She smiled but her lips slipped into an animalistic snarl of desire, trembling to show teeth before forming back up into a bright, hungry smile.

"Hey Joel," Olivia purred, rubbing her clit when she heard his deep voice.  It tugged at strings within her body and she spread her legs.  "Yeah, mmm, hey.  I was- are you heading into town this mo-oh!-orning?  Sorry, yes, s- sorry.  Distracted.  Yeah.  I need to get some groceries and I was-"

Olivia thumbed the disconnect button barely a second before she moaned loudly.  The phone clattered to the floor while she slid against the island, fingers deep inside her pussy.  She yipped and squealed, slapping her palm against her swollen, reddened labia.  Her feet slid back and forth on the tile.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck yes yes fuck me yes!" she screamed out, rubbing her clit with her left hand.  A third finger joined the other two and she squeezed her tight muscles against them while bending to find the right position.  Cum dripped beneath her while coating the surrounding fur.

Her phone rang.  Olivia squealed in frustration, rubbing herself more fiercely until she howled, shaking and panting from the sudden orgasm.  She reached for the phone, smearing her cum over the screen when she answered on the last ring.

"S-s-sorry, I saw a mouse," she lied, trying to breathe deeply to calm herself.

What is wrong with me? she asked herself.  The fur covering her crotch was matted against her skin and she still felt the urge to touch herself.

"Yeah, umm, sorry," she continued.  "Could you give me a lift in your truck?  Yeah.  Yeah, I'd just need to be there for half an hour max.  Are you sure?  I really appreciate it!  I'll s- s- see you in a- mmm, in a bit."

The phone dropped from her fingers once more as she groaned loudly, pulling hard at her fur.  She rolled to her stomach to raise her hips and shove both hands between her thighs, yipping as she gradually brought herself to yet another orgasm.


Olivia stood on her porch, watching the truck approaching through the snow storm.  She had her purse slung over her shoulder, clutched against her breasts.  Beads of sweat ran erratically down her back.  She stomped her feet to shake snow from the boots she wore.  Occasionally, when she bent her body at just the right angle, a curl of white hair would show in the gap between her heavy coat and the yoga pants she wore.

"Should've worn something lighter," she said, not for the first time. She felt unnaturally warm despite the wind chill.

The old gray truck squeaked to a stop.  She waved at the vague figure of Joel inside while crunching through the snow, watching every step carefully until she reached the passenger side.  As she reached for the bar set beside the door to help herself up, she realized she'd forgotten her gloves and hadn't even realized until now.  Shaking her head, she opened the door and slipped inside, buckling herself while Joel watched and then settling back with her purse in her lap and her hands on top.

"Thanks so much, Joel," she told him.  "I should've planned better but work had me distracted."

"Ah, it's no problem," he told her, squinting through the streaks left by the windshield wipers.  "I needed to grab a few things too."

"Mmmhmmm," Olivia said while turning her head to stare through her window.

His presence was doing something to her.  Her ears tweaked slightly at the roughness in his voice and she inhaled, dragging his scent deep into her brain.  He was a few years older than her with his own farm and mechanic shop.  While they were neighbors and had each other's numbers, it was more for convenience and safety than anything else.  She'd learned quickly that living in the country was tougher when she was alone.  Even so, despite sharing a few drinks at the local bar, she still knew very little about him.

Now she could feel herself growing wet.  Her panties pressed into her lightly furred thighs and they were soaked even though she'd dressed right before leaving.  Worse, a strange sensation kept pulsing throughout her core.  Lightning striking from the tips of her ears to her toes, branching out sharp tines to stab into the nerves of her nipples and pussy in a continuous series of shocks.

Olivia's left hand crept beneath the flap of her purse while her right played with the band of her pants.  She bit her lip and glanced at Joel, to capture a mental image that she quickly used to picture him between her thighs.  The thought of it made her shake and she clenched her teeth together while swallowing the moan that threatened to escape.  Her fingers caressed the faux fur covering the tights she'd slipped into her purse.  She could almost feel the echo of the sensation against her own body.

With the purse blocking her body, Olivia pressed her fingers beneath the waistband while shifting her ass forward.  Now she touched her own fur while playing with the tights and it heightened the connection.  Her heartbeat thrummed in her ears while her breath gasped out, fogging the window next to her.

I could- I could just- I could give him a blowjob, she thought, staring over at Joel again.  The thought made the blood rush to her cheeks and ears.  N- no.  I- I can't- I couldn't- I couldn't do that.  I-

Joel grunted and adjusted himself.  She stared at his hand and the bulge in his pants while licking her lips.  The fingers on her right hand curved down to her clit.

"That's a nice perfume you're wearing," Joel said, adjusting himself again, sliding his erect cock until it was pointed towards his belly button.  Olivia's mouth watered as she stared at it.  "What is it?"

"Haah," Olivia exhaled while pressing her middle finger up and down against her pussy, just barely at the opening.  "I don't- I don't remember, sorry."

"Huh, yeah, well, it's a good one," he told her, focusing on the road ahead.

He's hard.  He wants me, she told herself, staring at his dick as she fingered herself lightly.  Vellus hairs lifted on the nape of her neck and she licked her lips again.  I just- I could just do it.  Just bend over without a word, unzip him and just take him- oh god, just take him in my mouth.  To- to thank him for giving me a ride.  Oh.  Oh.  Oh fuck.  Riding his dick right there.  Just sitting on his lap and bouncing on his dick while he sucks on my nipples and grabs my ass.  Oh fu-

"Haaaaah," Olivia whined as quietly as she could while pressing her thighs together.  She could feel how soft the hair was that covered her thighs and that just made it worse somehow.  The image of her furred body.  Completely furred in her mind.  She groaned and pushed the thought away.

"Umm.  Thank you... again.... for..." she trailed off as she watched him give his cock a quick squeeze.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked.

"No, umm, just, uhh, thank you.  For the- for the ride.  To the store," she finished, forcing herself to stare forward.  Still, just at the corner of her vision, she saw him squeeze his bulge again and then give it a short pump.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, she thought, closing her eyes hard.  Her nostrils opened wide and she inhaled deeply.  She could smell the complicated scent of his cock and it made her head spin.  What is wrong with me?  I've never- I've never been this- Jesus, I just want to crawl onto his dick right here.

"Can I open the window a bit?" Olivia asked.  Her hand clenched against the tights in her purse, pawing at the fur while her finger rubbed at her clit.  It called to her and she cursed herself for not having the courage to put it on before leaving.  She'd worried she'd look silly with them on but now she missed their touch against her bare skin.  "I'm feeling a bit light headed."

"Yeah," Joel told her.  She could still see him rubbing himself and the strangeness of it never crossed her mind.  In fact, it only made her want him more.  "If you remember the name of that perfume, you let me know what it is.  I've never smelled anything like it.  It's really- ungh, really good."

It physically hurt Olivia to pull her hand away from her pussy but she finally did in order to crank the handle for the window, turning until there was enough of a gap to cool her and dilute the scent of her own arousal and his cock.  And yet, she yipped with her mouth closed when she smelled the tangy odor of his pre cum despite the air filling the cab.  She rolled the handle further until she could hang her head out of the window, gasping in shock from the severely cold wind and the flakes of snow pelting her skin.  She panted and moaned while the snowflakes melted against her cheek.  Her right hand clenched against her thigh and her left rubbed the tights between her fingers.

When she finally trusted herself to stay on her side of the truck, Olivia pulled her head back into the cab.  She could see Joel's bulge but he had both hands on the wheel now so she rolled the window back up until there was just enough fresh air to allow her to think properly.  Even then, images of sex filled her mind - one night stands from the past that transformed into imagined lovers taking her in various ways.  Tantalizing thoughts that left her rubbing herself again with her purse blocking the view.

"We're here," Joel told her.

Olivia gasped, snatching her hand away from her crotch.  He'd stopped by the front of the store to let her out.  She turned to thank him but saw him openly staring at her with lewd eyes and a leer, his hand on his dick once more.  Blood rushed to her cheeks.  A part of her expected to feel anger but lust filled her instead and she moaned, thrusting her chest out while spreading her legs.  Her hand trembled to reach over to him, to replace his hand with hers.  To squeeze and fondle and stroke him until she bent over-

A car beeped its horn behind them and she gasped, shaking herself out of her fantasy.

"I- I- I- have to-" she didn't finish, instead, unlocking the door and falling out of the cab.  Her legs buckled beneath her until she grabbed the door handle, leaning into it to close the door while taking huge lungfuls of the freezing air.

After stepping away from Joel's truck, it slowly eased off into the barely plowed parking lot.  Olivia turned away from it to head inside, enjoying the warmth of the heaters running throughout the store.  She bit her lip while pressing her purse against her body, just beneath her breasts.  A few people walked around the store but it was mostly empty due to the storm.

The temptation proved too much.  She turned, walking past the customer service desk until she reached the women's bathroom.  It was empty and cold but she didn't care as she slipped into a waiting stall, locking it behind her.

Olivia hung her purse on a hook inside the stall while yanking her boots off.  She gasped when the freezing tiles touched her bare skin but she worked quickly, unbuttoning her pants and sliding them down over her legs.  Before she continued, she hung her heavy coat on the hook with her purse.  Her panties followed and now she reached into her purse to pull out the tights she'd bought the day before.

The concerns she'd felt the night before were gone now, a distant worry that was growing smaller every second.  The tights scratched her skin while static electricity sparked from her nerves to the fabric sliding over them.  Cum dribbled freely from her pussy, latching onto the fur covering her throbbing labia and down to the hairs on her thigh.  She barked and fell against the stall, gasping and moaning and panting, unable to continue pulling the tights higher until she caught her breath.  Her feet nestled into the tips of the toes in the tights while she unrolled the spandex material.

"Yes yes yes," she whimpered when her thumbs, hooked into the waistband, scratched against her sensitive ass.  She pulled and the tights wedged themselves against her crotch.  It sealed itself to her, outlining her labia beneath the fur while digging into the crease of her thighs.

The short faux fur covered her lower belly and legs.  She squealed and touched herself, running her fingers over the tights, nearly purring as she caressed her hips and thighs and, finally, between her legs.  Her tongue lay exposed and her cheeks grew red as she squeezed and rubbed her labia through the fabric.

"God, yes yes, feels so good yessssss," she moaned, sliding her hand back and forth.  Fur tickled her fingers, soft and silky as fabric melted away and her fingers slipped into her wetness, surrounded by thick white and gray fur.  "Gooooooooood."

The slack, rounded tips of the tights covering her feet compressed, shrinking until the tips of her toes were visible and then further, showing the clear division between her toes

"Should've.  Sucked.  His dick," Olivia groaned, shoving her fingers into her pussy.

She felt frantic, full of energy that buzzed through her entire body, winding her up until she was yipping loudly with every thrust of her hand.  It was all centered low in her belly, deep within her guts.  A bottomless pit opened and she squealed while shoving her fingers deeper into her pussy, desperately trying to fill the hole inside of her.  She was sweating and shaking and licking her lips.  Her moans rose in pitch, twisting into continuous yips as her orgasm built.

Dark black hairs pierced the furless fabric covering the top of her feet.  The hairs spread slowly on both feet while tendons stood out, stretching when the bones they were connected to lengthened, pulling at the muscles attached to her ankles.  The tips of her toes swelled as fur marched over them.  Olivia groaned, frowning and gasping while briefly losing her rhythm.  Her feet hurt but she couldn't stop and she breathed through the pain as her feet widened, forefeet and toes sliding on tile due to the smooth texture of her paw pads just beginning to form.

Phantom tendrils sunk deep into her waist, toying with her spine until they located her tailbone.  They jerked, snapping the bone free and she barked, slamming her shoulder into the stall.

"Need- need to- need to cum- need to be fucked.  Need-" Olivia moaned, swallowing while slapping her hand against her pussy, snarling and groaning when the orgasm wouldn't come.

Joints popped in her toes when they expanded and her feet followed suit, fatty tissue multiplying to push against her skin.  The fabric over her feet was no more, instead melted away to show short, velvet black hairs.  Her translucent nails, surrounded by fur, folded into clear claws that darkened.  She bounced lightly on her heels, lifting them as her paw pads filled out, swelling from flesh growing ballooning against them, the wrinkled, loose skin pulling taut along her forefeet and toes.

"Why.  Won't.  It.  Work?" she gasped, whining piteously while rubbing herself harder.

"Is- is someone there?" a male voice said anxiously.  "Are you alright?  I heard someone yell.  Do- do you need me to try to get a lady to-"

"No!  I need help now!" Olivia yelled, pulling the stall door open and stumbling out.

"O- Okay, I'm- I'm coming in.  I'm sorry if-"  the man said as he opened the door to the bathroom.  Her scent hit him like a truck.  He staggered and groaned while his cock hardened and he slouched back against the wall beside the door.

Olivia leaned into the young man, kissing him while grabbing his dick through his pants and stroking him fiercely.  His return kiss was slow but he began to wake up to her, grabbing her body when she worked at his zipper and button.

"I need it so bad," she whined, shoving and pushing until his cock was free.

"That smell," he groaned, leaning back with his eyes closed and his hands in her hair.  "You smell so- smell so-"

She lifted her leg while holding his cock steady.  He wasn't big but she didn't care; the overriding need to be fucked was burning through her brain.  The man reached down, grabbing her thigh and holding her in place as she kissed him again.  His cock pressed into her pussy lips and she pulled back to squeal loudly.  The difference between her fingers and a real cock was staggering.  Even though he was below average, the simple touch of his dick against her pussy was even better than the build up to her orgasm the night before.

Olivia impaled herself on the man's cock, grabbing hold of him to steady herself as she shoved down, meeting him when he flexed up into her.  Her eyes widened and her tongue flopped freely, lengthening until she lapped at her nose.  Holes puckered open above her mouth just before clear whiskers pushed through.  White hairs emerged around the whiskers, tickling her lips when they spread beneath her nose,

"So tight," the man groaned, staring over her shoulder.  Veins stood out on his neck and arms while sweat beaded on his body.  "Warm.  So warm and tight."

It was close already, her orgasm.  She drooled with her cheek pressed against his cheek while her ass bounced up and down.  Olivia hooked her raised leg around his and his hand slid back to her ass.  Tan hairs, mixed with russet, pushed through the tights where they covered her cheeks, spreading like wildfire.  They unraveled the faux fur to replace with her own hairs, lengthening into a bushy pelt that shook with every impact from her younger lover.

"Gonna- gonna- gonna-" the man tried to say but he couldn't think past Olivia's smell as it wound around him, enchanting him until he was nothing more than a cock to fill her holes.  He groaned and hissed and released within her.  Every pulse of his cock felt like a hot spike being hammered down into his spine.  He couldn't stop cumming and his balls ached with every twitch.

Olivia hugged the man tightly, sliding down with him when his legs gave out.  She bucked and clawed at his back with her nails as they pinched her fingers, folding vertically while keratin flowed over them to form dense claws.  Her jaw opened and closed while sparks of light exploded in her eyes.  A raspy, high pitched whine issued from her mouth while she jerked spasmodically from the biggest orgasm she'd ever had.  Energy flowed into her from the young worker.  He whimpered but held her close.

"Too much," the man whispered yet his hips flexed, forcing his dick into her.  He was still hard, impossibly hard and she could feel the bumps of his veins.

Fur shifted above Olivia's ass, raising in a short wave to show the very tip of her hairless tail.  She cooed, nearly purring when her vision finally cleared.  The urge to continue riding the man's cock was difficult to ignore but she could smell more men waiting for her outside the bathroom.  She raised her ass and the man groaned when his cock slipped free to slap against his stomach.  He tried to move but, instead, slid against the wall until he lay on the floor.

Olivia stood on her forefeet, leaning slightly on her long paws with her ankles bent.  Thick white cum dribbled between her pussy lips, pushed forth from muscles tightening within.  She tensed herself and moaned when she felt the whorls and ridges rubbing against each other, slick with her cum and his.  Dusky streaks lined her soft inner labia as they began to swell.  The thin lips bulged and strained, pink overcome with black while the newly fleshy lips were forced together in a tight, wrinkled slit.

The bathroom door opened silently when Olivia pulled on it and she stepped into the grocery store under the bright lights with a hungry smile.  The very tip of her tail rocked left and right, tugging at the surrounding skin.  Black stubble, with hints of orange beneath the tips of hair, lined her tail. She scented the air, inhaling deeply while walking down the aisles of the store.

Another clerk stood between the shelves with a small plastic price gun, clicking the trigger when pressing the device against loaves of bread.  When she was just over twenty feet away from him, his hands slowed.  He looked up, confused but breathing deeply.  The gun clattered to the floor and he leaned into the shelf next to him while grabbing at his crotch.

Olivia walked past the clerk, rubbing her hip and arm against his body.  Animalistic compulsions grew within her.  She stopped and looked over her shoulder to see the man unzipping himself with a slack expression and she groaned when he slid his underwear down.  A phantom hand gripped her back, pushing and pushing until she lowered herself to a crouch.  She gripped her shirt with a snarl, pulling and tugging before flinging it away.  He was coming to her, pumping his dick as she placed her hands on the ground and leaned forward, yipping with excitement while arching her back to raise her ass.

His hands slid through her fur on her waist, black skin in a sea of orange and white.  Olivia shoved back until she felt his warm dick pressing between her swollen, slick pussy lips and she chattered, jaw quivering as she expressed the strange sound.  She reached back, tugging at the apron he wore.  He moved, sliding over her bare back until he was on hands and feet above her.  Olivia moaned at the change in position while raising her hips higher to help him.

He split her open, spreading her lips apart while stretching the tightness of her newly changed pussy.  The man's cock filled every single gap within her and she squeezed every inch of his shaft.  When he pulled back, her lips strained outward, refusing to let him go.

Fur spread down from her ass, eating away at the tights in a gradual, spiraling wave that curved over her legs to show the wispy hairs left over from when she woke earlier in the morning.  More grew around the existing ones - white hairs piercing the sensitive skin on her inner thighs until they were replaced with red and black when they emerged from the front of her legs and around to the side.  The soft, scattered hairs grew thick and long to match the fur on her ass.

"Hey, you can't- you- you-" another voice said.

Olivia looked up to see a middle-aged man looking at her.  Leering at her while rubbing his hand up and down the obvious bulge in his pants.  She reached for him with her right hand and he stepped closer to her, dazed by the scent she gave off.  Her hand jumped from the impact of the man behind her until she pressed it against the stranger's pants.  She squeezed him and pulled him closer until he knelt and she could drag her long, narrow tongue along the front of his jeans.  He moaned and gripped her thick red hair while she unzipped him.

Sable hairs pinched the edges of her ears when they pierced her thin flesh.  They pricked her skin as they continued to form, roots burrowing deep to attach to capillaries.  Muscles developed beneath the base of her ears.  She flexed and her ears folded back when she kissed the older man's cock with a breathy moan.  The man thrusting into her shoved her forward but she held tight, kissing and licking her way to the head of the cock before pulling it down and opening her mouth to take all of him.

The second man gasped and gripped her hair in his fist, pulling her towards him to reveal a spray of russet hairs covering the nape of her neck.  They crept over her shoulders, venturing forth in solitary strands that were soon overrun by more until they slowed to wispy hairs that ended just above her upper arms.

An orgasm burst within her, drowning out all thoughts and senses.  She spasmed, pulling her mouth away from the offered dick in order to lay her forehead against the man's crotch.  Just as she started to reach for him to take him back into her throat, she felt her pussy stretch while cum spurted against her cervix.

Olivia howled, throwing her head back while her lips pursed into an 'O' of ecstasy.  Her fingernails cracked and bent, forming into claws that tore into the jeans she clutched onto for support while her body quivered and twitched.  She panted, head down to the ground until the man in front of her gripped her hair to lift her head, shoving his cock against her lips.  She opened her mouth with a loud moan, shoving her face against him until her whiskers tickled his belly.  Orange fur grew along the border of white hairs lining her mouth, spreading over her cheeks while black specks appeared around the tip of her nose, spreading while the very center of her top lip was pulled into a little notch.

The woman shoved back, yipping when the man behind her met her thrust and she drank of his vitality.  Her bushy tail tapped against his chest with every motion, brushing against his apron while cum matted the dense fur over her ass and thighs.

A third cock pressed against her furry cheeks, startling her but she moaned, reaching for it to stroke it while sucking the dick in front of her and being pounded from behind.  Skin grew loose and soft on the palm of her hands and along her fingers.  The unseen third man groaned when she worked his cock, squeezing and rubbing and stroking while the loose skin slowly filled out into leathery padding.  Russet hairs grew from the skin between her paw pads and the silky fur only enhanced the handjob.

"Lay down," Olivia told the man in front of her after pulling her mouth away from his dick.  She stared at it, twitching her whiskers and forcing herself to hold back until he did as he was told.  Once he was down, she crawled forward, hissing when her pussy lips dragged outward against the cock behind her.

Trails of white cum coated the tile floor until she straddled the man laying in front of her, raising her ass while grabbing his cock and sliding down onto him.

"My- my asssssss," Olivia moaned, grabbing at the third male.  She'd never tried anal before but she needed every hole filled.  The desire to be used overpowered her.  She hugged the man beneath her while lifting her tail and groaning when she felt the head of the man's dick against her asshole.  A part of her knew she needed lube but she couldn't focus enough to say something and she didn't want him to stop.

"In the middle of my vacation," a voice said, anger mixed with frustration but also amusement.

Olivia looked up to see an older man standing to the side dressed in shorts, an open Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops.  Sunscreen was unevenly applied to his face.  She reached for him while riding on the cock beneath her.

"Ah, no, that won't work on me," the man said.  He clapped his hands sharply.  The men collapsed gently around her and only now did Olivia see how many more had been making their way towards her.  She whined and pouted and tried to move her hips but the dick within her pussy was growing limp.

"How in the world were you able to buy that?" he asked.  "No mundane should have access to that part of my store.  Well?"

"I want your dick," Olivia moaned.  She tried to stand but her legs were weak and the muscles refused to work.  "I need it so bad.  I want you to fuck me hard.  Or- or I can ride you or suck you off or-"

"Yes, yes, yes," the man sighed.  He reached a hand out and Olivia took it, standing when he lifted her.  "I know.  Trust me, I know.  I'll have to wait a while until your wits are returned to you.  Let me have a look."

His fingers brushed through the fur covering her face and her jaw cracked, causing the man to tsk.  Her skin stretched, gaps showing between the fur, when her face pushed forward into a short muzzle.  She licked his face but he pushed her head aside.  Sweat covered her hairless body.  He touched her breasts lightly and avoided her hand when she tried to bring his fingers over to her erect nipples.  When he raised her hand high, she spun for him.  He ran a hand down her back, from the fur over her nape and down over the bare skin between her shoulder blades until he reached her ass.  Her tail twitched for his touch.

Spinning her around once more, he took her hands and she bent her head to lick his fingers while her ears tilted back.  Olivia started panting when he reached down to the thick tufts of fur covering her mound.  She whined and pawed at him, desperately trying to drag his hand down between her thighs but he ignored her while sliding his finger over her waist.

"It's too late," he sighed, turning her chin left and right.  "It's part of you now.  I know you don't understand what I'm saying at the moment but you will in about an hour or two and then I'll find out how you knew to enter the code to buy this thing.  At least it's confirmation that my products are still high quality.  A fox satyr hybrid with perpetual, heightened estrus.  Just like it says on the box."

"Plenty-" she gasped, shivering and grabbing at his hand again.  Her forearms were thick with silky black fur.  "Plenty of time to fuck."

"Oh no," he laughed.  "Not until we've had a long talk.  You know this is a punishment for some?  And others, well, some enjoy it very much.  I'll be interested to find out which you are once your head clears."

The man held her hand while looking around the quiet grocery store.

"This will be an interesting tale for them to tell later," he said with a grin.  "Now, let's go.  I have a room somewhere far warmer than this and I refuse to cut my vacation short.  This is what I get for just copying the code for the online store without changing things.  The code and the spell.  Laziness.  Laziness gets you sex crazed fox girls who can barely control themselves."

Darkness folded the space around them in between steps and until they walked into sunlight and a breeze filled with the smell of the ocean.

"Now then," he said, offering her a seat.

Olivia lowered herself into the cushioned chair while spreading her legs to show her pussy to the man.  She whimpered while sliding a single finger inside but kept eye contact the entire time.  He shook his head in response but sat opposite her.

"Plenty of time to wait," he told her while she panted and added a second finger to the first.  "And then we'll have that conversation.  Afterwards, we'll figure out what to do with you.  Receptionist for the physical store?  Online help?  Lingerie model?"

"I just want to fuck," the girl whined.

"Well, there's a position for that, too, if it comes to it.  Take your time," he told her, admiring her body while reaching for a margarita sitting on a nearby table.  Olivia's frustrated yips filled the bungalow with the sounds of her padded palm slapping wetly against her pussy.  "Take all the time you need."


Shadow Wolf80

Really liked the story!


Is this a continuation, of sorts, of the foot fetish story with the dog and the massage? Sounds like in the same universe and I like it 😅


It's possible! But also there's just sometimes a need for different magical triggers and this was one of them, I guess.


Liked the story! Always good for some mystic shenanigans


Thank you thank you! I'm not used to dealing with clothing triggers like that but it was a fun little change.