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The requester wanted "Don't Touch My Garbage" but I was a little against it.
Hard to pick a good name for this one.  Anyway, another high tier snippet story done!  One more to go!  I'll be calling for new ones later this month.

The double knock on the outside of the door caused it to open, swinging on well oiled hinges until it hit a backpack lying in its path.  Adhira steeled herself before poking her head into the room.

"You said you were going to clean, Cora." Adhira said, frowning at the figure lying prone on the bed in the middle of the mess.  "You promised."

Clothes were strewn about the room with no identifiable way to tell whether they were dirty or not.  The backpack blocking the door appeared to have exploded, spewing the contents of a recent hiking trip over the surrounding floor.  Plates, caked with pieces of dried food were stacked on the girl's desk next to a keyboard.  The trash can was overfilled, waiting for a random sneeze to collapse all of it.

Cora lay sprawled on her bed in panties and a plain white t-shirt, arms and legs stretched out around her and her head turned to the side.  Adhira stepped inside, carefully placing her bare feet on the carpet until she stood at the side of the bed.  Cora's eyes and mouth were open.  Her tongue lay against the sheet beneath her.  Her straight brown hair was a messy tangle beneath her head.  Adhira could never understand how such a small girl could make such a huge mess.

"Playing dead won't get you out of your promise," Adhira said sternly.  "My parents will be here tonight and you promised you would clean."

When Cora didn't move, Adhira poked her side.  After no response, she poked again and a second time, just above the hip.  And then more and more until she was tickling her and Cora roared with laughter, rolling to her side and scooting away on the bed.  She misjudged how much room she had and the girl yelped when she fell.

"I'm okay!" Cora called out.  "All the clothes that somehow appeared magically on the floor broke my fall."

"Cora, be serious," Adhira said when the other girl popped her head up.  "My parents are already nervous about me living on my own for college.  If they see this, they'll think you're being a bad example.  They'll just load everything up and take me back home.  You know you can't live by yourself."

"I am a bad example," Cora told her while she climbed back up to her bed.

Adhira's eyes lingered for just a moment on the other girl's braless chest before she glanced up.  She'd caught herself watching her roommate more, lately.  They've lived together for four months now and once they'd settled in comfortably, Cora had decided that most clothes were optional. Adhira had complained, which led to Cora adding pants but only briefly before she slipped and resumed walking around in panties and a shirt.

And no bra.

Cora was a pretty girl with her dark brown hair and freckles on both cheeks.  She was playful and mischievous, prone to laughing and chasing Adhira down to show a meme or some other video she thought was funny. Adhira found herself frustrated as she tried to focus on her studies but, more and more she also felt herself drawn to the other girl.  And excited by her.  She repressed it all, certain that the stress of school was getting to her.

"Cuddle with me and I'll clean up," Cora said, rolling back onto the bed.  She curled into a semi-fetal position while patting the side of her ass.

"I will not," Adhira said but she eyed the curve of Cora's body, starting at her neck, over her shoulders, the arch of her back and the way her ass bubbled out.  And her breasts, the sides of which were nearly visible through the open sleeve of her shirt.  Her nipples were visible.  Adhira swallowed.  "And please wear proper clothes.  Please."

"Come on," Cora said, continuing to pat her ass while using a voice most typically used to call a dog.  "Come on, good girl, come on."

"Please," Adhira begged again.

Cora sighed and rolled to her back with her arms and legs spread.  "I'll try."

"That's all I'm asking," Adhira said, forcing her eyes up to the other girl's face.  "I'm going to be gone for the rest of the day and I won't be back until I pick up my parents from the airport.  About 9 pm, okay?"

"Oooookaaaay," Cora groaned, rolling to her stomach to hide her face while kicking her feet into the bed.

When the door closed once more, Cora turned to her back to stare at the ceiling while sighing loudly and dramatically.  She reached down to scratch beneath her belly button with her short nails.  The girl blanked her mind while stroking herself idly, from one side of her hip to the other and back again, enjoying the feel of her nails against her stomach.  Bit-by-bit her finger curved up to her belly button and then down to her side, back over and down her belly to her panties.  She repeated the motion before slowing the movement and simply stroking herself up and down her lower stomach.  A quiet moan escaped her lips.

Back and forth, pressing a little harder when she heard Adhira's keys jingle.  She shivered in bed and opened her legs slightly while tilting her head towards the back door to listen.

A flush of heat raced down her body, beginning at her temples.  She closed her eyes, knitting her brow and then licking her lips with a sigh.  Cora raised her shoulders when she felt the warmth course down her neck and she moaned when it reached her chest.  There it touched her nerves and she shivered, breathing out with a harsh, shuddering breath as the wave continued down to her tailbone before pooling between her thighs.

She moaned and wiggled her hips while clenching the hand that touched her belly.  Sweat welled from the skin between her breasts before soaking into her shirt.  Her temples throbbed but it wasn't the pain of a headache.  She reached down, pulling at the band of her panties until they outlined her pussy.  Pulling harder, the seat pressed between her lips and a dark line appeared.

Cora moaned while tugging, sawing the panties back and forth.  The thin wet spot grew wider and she began to breathe more quickly - almost panting from the effort and excitement.  She lifted her shirt to her mouth, biting the bottom to hold in place while grabbing her breast with her free hand.

Hormones flooded her body.  She grunted, closing her eyes and grinding her teeth against her shirt.  Images flashed in her mind but they didn't make sense.  However, they left behind the urges that drove them and she groaned while lifting her chest and pinching her nipple.  Once more she frowned with her eyes closed.  She could see herself pregnant, her belly full and round and she raised her ass while shoving her fingers down beneath her panties with her mouth open.  Her wetness was shocking but even more so was her swollen clit and pussy lips.

"Oh, oh god," Cora moaned.  She shoved at the image of her belly to replace it with Adhira licking between her thighs but as she looked down at the girl, in her imagination, she could only see the curve of her pregnant belly.  "God!"

The hormones increased and she rubbed herself faster, rocking her hips up into her fingers as she pictured herself, starting with a flat stomach and slowly growing bigger, feeling the kicks and flutters while her breasts swelled and leaked.  She shuddered as she came but she couldn't stop fingering herself.  She curled her fingers and shoved, moaning loudly as her cum soaked into the bed beneath her.  Her brain throbbed.

Muscles tightened, squeezing the fingers plunging within her pussy.  She was flat and taut once more in her mind but soon filled with cum.

"Mmmm- br- breed mmmmm- mmm- breed me," the girl moaned, lost to the wash of chemicals soaking into her body.

The walls of her vagina bulged outward.  Cora's moan quavered, rising higher and higher.  She began to whine as she reached the edge of a second, far more powerful orgasm but it continued to build rather than break.  Pressure grew within her hips while, in her mind, she was on her hands and knees, being pleasured with her pregnant belly hanging beneath her and her breasts, full of milk, swinging back and forth.  Her vagina separated outward around a smaller, tighter central vaginal opening.  Her lateral vaginas latched onto her cervix as they, too separated and further to their own uterus.

"Yes, fuck yes, yes yes, Adhira, breed me, breed me!  Fill me with your babies, you hot fucking-!"

She came and the pressure pushed forward, forcing her fingers from her slick pussy.  Her hips spasmed while her eyes rolled back and she shook against the bed.  She couldn't step clenching herself and clear cum seeped from her pussy in copious amounts while she babbled, struck senseless by the massive orgasm and the release of the hormones.  Another sharp wave crashed through her suddenly and she screamed when her twin vaginas clenched.  Her lower back cracked and, for a brief, terrifying moment, she couldn't feel her legs.  Sensations returned quickly and she lowered herself.  Her legs twitched sporadically.

Cora lay there in the cooling dampness of her cum.  Her eyelids fluttered and she mumbled, twisting and clawing at her thigh.  She could feel the energy being sapped from her, drawing her down into a deep, exhausted sleep.

A dark line formed while she slept, pressing against her hairless stomach.  It formed in pieces, the first appearing just beneath her belly button.  Another segment showed inches below and the rest followed quickly until an unbroken line the color of spent charcoal traced down to her mound.  Thin white hairs spiraled as they pushed through the skin surrounding the dark line.  They grew in a short, narrow strip barely half an inch wide.

The hand resting on her thigh twitched up to brush against the hairs, as if to stop them, but they continued to grow until they reached the hood covering her clit.  Now they slowed, almost as if confused, and they darkened, a single white hair growing from her labia but then blonde following, several emerging at once until a tawny hair sprouted and more followed, covering her pussy and asshole in soft hairs to hide her sex.  Thicker hairs joined the ones lining the soft curve of her mound and they grew dense before fanning outward to her sides. Gravity pulled her hand black down.  Her nails brushed against silky fur covering the skin between her crotch and thigh and she moaned in her sleep.


Cora gasped awake, clenching her hands against the sheet beneath her.  Her cum felt cold against her body.  She wrinkled her nose and slid away from it.

"Gross," she said, staring at the long clear spot on the sheets.  The sight conjured the memory of her masturbation.  She bit her lip and saw Adhira once more between her thighs but quickly pushed the image away.

Her skin crawled as she surveyed the room but her soaked sheets were the worst.  The sudden compulsion to clean drilled its way into her, hiding beneath it the growing urge to nest.  To build her den.  She rolled from the bed and then winced when her wet panties pinched the light fur on the crease of her thighs.  Cora grabbed a new pair of panties from a pile of clean clothes.  She stepped out of her old ones and into the new ones while her eyes darted around the clothes to remember which were dirty.  She scratched briefly at the dark line on her belly with an appreciative sigh but then turned to the bed to pull the sheets off.

She massaged her lower back in between grabbing dirty clothes to add to the bundle in her arms.  The skin felt hot and sore but rubbing it made her hiss happily and she dug her finger deep to press the floating tailbone as muscles and tendons formed over it.

Her hand reached up to scratch the faint bump of her lower vertebra and then higher to the next until she couldn't reach further.  Nerves developed and stretched out, attaching to the tailbone.  Her vertebrae, in turn, shifted, pressing against her flesh.  Cora grunted while walking through the hallway.  She stumbled and turned abruptly, shoving her back against the wall in order to grind her spine into the wall.  The girl hissed, showing her teeth while pushing back as hard as she could, rubbing left to right with the flesh over her bulging spine pinched between the wall.

Muscles formed in her back.  Her soft skin tightened to show every powerful new bulge while her shirt pulled tight against her chest, easily outlining the curves of her breasts.  The muscles continued to grow down, locking to her spine until they reached her tail.  The tiny bulge over her thigh wiggled briefly.  She leaned her head back with a moan, luxuriating in the full body scratch.

The growth slowed.  Cora slid with the bundle of dirty clothes and sheets still clutched to her chest.  She panted and shivered until her ass touched the ground.  She could already feel a spot of wetness against the soft fabric of her new panties.

The girl shivered once more while rolling her shoulders and arching her back.  The tip of her prehensile tail wiggled again, sending micro shockwaves along her spine and the surrounding stabilizing muscles.

"Fuck," Cora groaned, rocking forward to her knees and then up to stand and wobble down the hallway.  Her legs were weak but only until she made her way to the washing machine to dump the dirty clothes inside.

She scratched her back once more while walking back to her room yet she couldn't help but pause by Adhira's door.  Cora pushed it open to peek inside and she closed her eyes to breathe in while her top lip wriggled briefly.

Small holes opened over her full lips.  She breathed in again, drinking the scent of her roommate.  Her clear whiskers widened the holes when they slid through the skin.  Cora rubbed at her face, inhaled once more and then stepped back while closing the door.

Past her roommate's door was her own.  Once inside, she reached back to scratch at her ass, pushing her panties to claw over the faint stubble covering the rounded cheeks.  The girl hissed happily.  The lump of her tail responded in kind, rolling against the skin above while tugging at the strong muscles and her spine.  Flesh stretched when new bones formed in the chain that would become her tail.  Her fingers dug into the base of her tail, just beneath the gap where it was growing.  She breathed out with long, hissing sibilance while her whiskers trembled.

Cora's hands grabbed at her ass cheeks, pulling them apart while shoving her pussy against the edge of her doorway.  She rocked back, raising her ass and tilting to grind her sex and base of her tail into the painted wood.  Scent glands formed at the sides of her pussy and the base of her tail.  They opened when she rolled and rubbed herself.  Thin, invisible streaks of oil marked the wood.  She inhaled and moaned with a quiet, rumbling growl that was followed by an abrupt spasm from a small orgasm that forced her to slide down to her knees.

More stubble - thin, white awn hairs, pierced the skin over her back, spreading up from her ass cheeks in a slow crawl.  She whimpered, rolling to her side and finally her back to scratch herself on the carpet, wriggling in a sinuous pattern while pushing her feet against the wall to slide deeper into her bedroom.  When the hairs reached the nape of her neck, she shivered but they stopped and she lay there, stretching out her arms and legs.

Her tail nestled between her ass cheeks.  The smooth skin covering the tail cracked and folded in pinching waves that latched against her panties.  A diamond-like pattern emerged, scratching against the inside of her cheeks but she ignored it as she played with the gray line on her belly, dragging her nails up and down while the tips of her fingers brushed against the soft fur.  It was a pleasurable feeling, similar to playing with her nipples but more muted.

Excess skin gathered towards the center of her belly, folding when it approached the line until it was centered in a narrow furrow.  She pressed her finger down the length of it, sighing when the pleasurable response pulsed outward to her sex and up to her nipples and the roof of her mouth.  A certain spot, almost exactly in the center of the strange, fleshy crease made her gasp when she touched it.

Cora let her mind wander to Adhira while her finger began to make a circular motion low on her belly.  The furry strip was expanding now, hairs lifting from her skin in a slow procession to her sides.  She shivered and exhaled but continued to stroke herself.  Adhira, in her mind, was standing in the kitchen and she made excuses to walk past, touching her briefly each time as an excuse to get past her.  More and more until she stood next to her, resting a hand on her arm.  And then her lower back.  Massaging her while watching her cook.

Her finger bumped against the line in the center of the folded skin.  She tracked the line, tracing her finger up with her nail against the skin until it parted and her pouch opened for the first time.  Cora gasped, raising her ass by pushing her heels into the ground.  Her fingers slid inside and the girl moaned loudly when she brushed the circular ring of tiny teats beginning to grow in place.  It was warm and soft inside and her eyes fluttered while she toyed with the little nipples.

Bone white hairs pierced her cheeks, laying back while they crept over her face, down to her jaw, over her lips and up to her forehead.  She turned her face to rub it against the floor but her hand never stopped sliding beneath her pouch.  Her orgasm was growing, a small one but she was primed for it and past the point of no return.  She wanted to feel it.  The girl rolled a teat and then spread her fingers, stretching her fleshy pouch open further.

Inky darkness flooded her brown eyes, consuming all until her eyes were shiny and black against a sea of porcelain hairs.  Her lips trembled and her whiskers flexed while her tongue darted up to touch her nose.  She hissed, rubbing her hand faster over the ring of teats.  Enamel scraped against enamel when her canines stretched her gums and the roots pushed out.  Her sharp fangs rested against her bulging lips while she gasped and moaned.  Her eyes were closed and her forehead wrinkled beneath the soft hairs.

"Fuh- Fuh- Fuck!" she shouted, pushing her ass up once more with her heels while snatching her hand from her pouch.  Her tail flexed outward, coiling beneath her until she lay back down and it folded against her ass.  Meanwhile, her ears trembled and raised, tugging at the skin at the base of her jaw.  The antihelixes pushed against the edges of her ears as they flattened themselves and her ears widened in response.  The weight of their new size caused them to fold slightly.  "Ahhhh, that was so good."

The small orgasm sent waves of relaxation through her until she opened her eyes to see the mess of clothes on the floor.  She hissed in frustration and flipped herself, using her tail to help.  There was no way she would attract a mate with a messy nest and she knew Adhira wanted it clean and she wanted Adhira so she set to work quickly.

Mounds of clothes littered her floor.  She tackled those first, dragging them to the foot of her bed until they were a giant pile, ready to be sorted.  Cora scratched her stomach and sides as she worked, easing the itch when the hairs began to spread up in halting movements until they reached the curves of her breasts.  She bent and her tail drooped to counter her movement.  It was wrist thick and slowly expanding further, stretching to leave smooth skin between the rough, spade-like pattern until the new skin grew wrinkled and rough to match the rest of her tail.  It flexed subtly to balance her when she turned to lay out her clothes or bent to grab new ones.

Cora clawed through her hair to settle a few wild strands.  The delicate white hairs covering her face were growing up over her scalp and lengthening while darkening, white fading to gray that mixed with her brown.  She shook her head and then scratched the side of her left breast, shifting the shirt against the fur growing over the soft skin.

Bones snapped in her skull before collapsing and dissolving to make way for her ears as they began to travel over her skull. The girl rubbed the back of her hands against her ears while flexing her jaw to ease the strange pressure.  New bone growth quickly filled in the gaps while her ears moved higher.  They widened at the same time and she hissed while rubbing her thumb inside.

"There's just so much," she groaned, tapping the screen of her nearby phone to see the time.  It was later than she wanted and the clothes weren't her only problem.  She hissed in frustration, pulling back her lips to show her teeth while the tip of her tail lashed just inches above the floor.  "Stupid Adhira with your stupid sexy body and stupid sexy brain.  Ugh!"

She worked harder, pushing herself to move faster.  Fur coiled around her areola to join the few hairs already there.  She shivered and her nipples tightened briefly but the girl forced herself to focus rather than allowing herself to become distracted again.

Midway through laying out a tank top, she sneezed violently and then immediately sneezed again.  Fire burned through her nasal cavities and her eyes watered from the pain of it.  She screeched and hissed and clawed at her nose, dropping her tank top in the process.  The girl danced around her room while pinching the hardened bridge of her nose.  Once more she sneezed and skin pulled tight against her cheeks, creating gaps in the white fur.  She licked her lips while pressing her palm against the front of her nose.  Her longer face pushed her top lip higher while the tip of her nose shifted downward.   The pain receded when the movement of the bones slowed to a glacial crawl.  Her ears twisted and trembled, laying horizontally before twisting and folding back against her head.

Cora bent to pick up her dropped shirt.  The tip of her tail touched the floor before curling and then flexing down when she stood straight.  She had barely an hour before Adhira would be home so she focused even more, ignoring the little aches and pains of her throbbing joints and bones scraping together.

Panties were roughly rolled and stored while socks were paired in imaginative color combinations and crammed in drawers.  She grabbed armfuls of hangers to bring to the bed and slide into the neck and arms of her shirts.  Her tail continued to twist and bend and sometimes press against the floor, rough skin rasping to give her extra purchase.  The girl found herself relying on it a little more with every passing minute.

Trash followed her clothes and she hunted on hands and knees with her pointed nose trembling, sniffing out little wrappers hidden in corners and under her bed.  She scampered while carrying small trash bags to the kitchen trash.  Dirty plates rattled against silverware until she placed them in the sink to soak.

Finally, she stood in her room, breathing deeply.  Her own scent marked the doorframe but the unvacuumed floor threatened to overwhelm the smell.  She scurried through the house to find the vacuum, only finding it when her increasingly sensitive nose located the dusty scent she always associated with half-full vacuum bags.  She plugged it into the wall and vigorously ran it over the floor while the fur on her back bristled at the lack of time.  She hissed, desperately trying to rush until the carpet was as clean as she could make it in a short amount of time.  Now she ran the vacuum back into the closet and stepped into the bathroom to wash herself, eager to clean the dust and crumbs from the fur lining her-

Cora screamed when she saw her face in the bathroom mirror.  She stumbled backwards into the wall behind her while raising hands to the half-muzzle with the broad, pink nose.  Her whiskers quivered and she could feel the roots pulling at her lip.

When her tail slammed into the wall, she shrieked and twisted, dancing in a circle while her tail raised - no, while she lifted her tail.  Once again, she could feel herself activating muscles while strange new nerves sent signals over her body.   Her tail slammed against her and the wall, wild with her fear and inability to directly control it.  A loud crack echoed in the room as she broke the drywall.  She hissed at the pain of it.

The girl gripped her tail firmly while it tugged and jerked at her hands.  She couldn't wrap her fingers completely around the girth of it but she did her best to contain the strange new limb.  Cora twisted herself to look at her ass and groaned when she saw the fur covering her bare cheeks.  As she watched, the gray skin at the base of her tail began to darken into black.  The skin pushed into long strips that hardened into dense scutes reminiscent of miniature plate armor.  Now that they'd grown into place, they spread up the base of her tail until they covered a full foot in length.

"No no no no no!" she screeched, clawing at her face when she dropped her tail.  She turned back and leaned into the mirror, pulling the skin beneath her obsidian eyes and then staring up at her ears.  Her chest lifted rapidly when she began to hyperventilate.  "Oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-"

She bent, heaving while pressing her hand to her stomach.  The sharp motion of her stomach flexing opened her pouch briefly and the girl screamed once more when her fingers slid inside.  She shoved back into the wall again and her tail coiled around her bare leg as she bent her head to stare.

Her longer face made it slightly difficult to see but not impossible.  She brought her trembling hands to her belly to pull at the line of skin.  Despite herself, she moaned and her legs weakened briefly while the pouch stretched open. It was a bizarre feeling, completely alien yet arousing in an odd way.  As if she'd lightly touched her labia or felt someone's breath against her pussy.

"Fuck!" Cora shouted when her fingertips touched the teats hidden inside.  She swallowed, closed her eyes and then opened them once more while turning her snout to get a better angle to see the little pink teats within the pouch.  "Oh, fuck me.  Fuck!"

Her ears twitched.  It shouldn't be possible to hear from the bathroom but she was sure she heard a car door slam.  Her heart pounded but she held herself still while her ears tilted horizontally.  Keys in the door.  She hissed and ran, scurrying from the bathroom and into her bedroom when the door opened and Adhira's voice called out.

"I'm home with my parents, Cora!" Adhira said.

Cora shut her door as quietly as she could.  With her clothes neatly put away, she quickly found an old pair of baggy pajamas as well as a hoodie she'd stolen from a previous girlfriend.  She pulled the hoodie over her head and down before grabbing the pajamas to slide up her legs.

"Cora, are you awake?" Adhira asked from the hallway.

"Get- get in there," Cora hissed, grabbing at her tail when it flexed away from her.  She spun in a circle with the pajamas around her thighs.  Adhira knocked on the door just as Cora slipped the tail into one of the legs of pajamas where it immediately arched and twisted to break free.  Finally, it coiled around her leg and she groaned when the roughness of it clawed at her sensitive skin.  "C- Coming!"

Cora walked to the door while pulling the hood of the sweatshirt up.  She shook her head when it touched her wide, curved ears before she realized what she was doing.  Just before answering the door, she tugged the hood down and bowed her head, cracking the door open.

"I cleaned, look," she said, stepping behind the door for a moment to show her room.  "But, uhh, I'm not feeling great so, uhh, I'm going to just rest while your parents are here."

"Oh, okay, do you need any- what's that smell?" Adhira asked, looking deeper into the room in confusion.  "It's- huh, that's- Is that a new- are you burning incense?  I kinda like it."

"Yeah, yup," Cora told her.  "An- anyway, you have fun.  I'm just going to rest.  Say hi to your parents for me!"

Cora gently closed the door, pushing Adhira away.  She immediately ran to the gap between her bed and wall, snatching the blanket and fresh sheet to create a canopy for her to hide under.  A tiny nest under which she could burrow into the corner with her knees up to her chest and her hands over her ankles.

She pulled back the hood when her ears continued to twitch, annoyed that something was touching them.  With her eyes closed, she could hear Adhira talking with her parents while showing them through the apartment.  She could smell them.  They had a roughly similar scent to Adhira but... aged, she thought.  Older.  Adhira's mother wore strong floral perfume and her father had on cologne but it couldn't hide their base scents.  They carried the smell of their home state, Florida, with them and it swirled through the house, mixing with their own aromas.

Cora scratched at her arm and then froze.  She pulled back the sleeve of her hoodie and groaned when she saw gray fur spreading over her bare flesh.  In a way, it was mesmerizing and she watched it happening.  Tiny bumps rose just before the hairs emerged and the skin settled flat.  She twisted her arm, watching the growth of until her hand spasmed and she hissed.  Her fingers twitched and jerked but sharp stabbing pains made her shove her head between her knees and clamp her jaws shut.  She breathed through her wide nose while her whiskers trembled.

When she was able to get the pain under control, she held her hands out.  Her fingertips bulged but it didn't stop there - her entire hand felt like it was being torn apart.  She watched the lines on her palms stretch while her fingerprints became smooth but then she twisted her hand back around when she noticed her nails curving forward.  They were folded, bending down into her fingers and out over the tips as clear, thin claws.  The flesh over her palms filled out into delicate blobby growths beneath the base of her fingers and around the outside of her hands.

Fur continued to grow over her arm, spreading up to her wrist and over the backs of her hands.  Worse, more fur joined what had already grown and she began to sweat beneath her hoodie.

A familiar itch touched the inside of her thighs and she groaned, clawing at her knees with her eyes closed, imagining what was happening when the itch traveled up her legs to her knees and then down.

When the fur touched the middle of her shin, she felt pins and needles against the soles of her feet.  She hissed and slid them forward when the toes curled but she gasped and bit against the shoulder of her hoodie.  A joint popped loudly in both of her big toes.  Her nostrils flared and she moaned while her eyes fluttered but she exhaled, working through the pain.  The larger toes were twisting to the sides while her entire feet were straining, knuckles tendons standing out as, like her hands, they widened.  Her arch gradually flattened while her big toes continued to splay outward.

"Ssssstupid feet," she hissed, reaching down to massage the soles and the aching bones beneath the skin.

Cora flexed her toes.  Her big toes bent and curved to tap against the floor.  She focused on them, narrowing her black eyes while sticking her tongue through her sharp canines.  The two toes pressed against her feet and then away to fold and grasp as if they were huge thumbs.

Fur peeked out from the legs of her pajamas.  She touched it briefly and then winced when pinching pains throbbed at the top of her foot.  The girl bent forward to watch slivers of skin turn grey and then black, widening into scutes that matched the base of her tail, only smaller.  She tapped at them with her claws and her makeshift fort muffled the tac-tac-tac sounds.

Her mind wandered as she sat there.  Eventually, her rebellious tail lifted itself free and wrapped around her leg once more.  She found herself absentmindedly stroking it to help calm herself.  The smell of cooking food tortured her but she couldn't ask for any after lying about feeling sick.  When the food was eaten and conversations began, Cora drifted off to sleep, leaning against the side of her bed with her knees still against her chest.


Knocking woke Cora.  She hissed and jerked awake, blinking her eyes while trying to remember where she was.  It came back to her quickly and she looked down to see herself still changed.  Her tail unwrapped quickly to thump against the floor.

"Cora?  My parents left for their hotel," Adhira said from behind the door.  "You can come out now."

"No I can't," Cora sighed.

"Are you okay?" Adhira asked.  "Can I come in?"

"No and no," Cora whined, leaning her furry forehead against her knees.

The door opened.  Cora pushed herself back further into her corner.

"I said no!" Cora hissed.

"Oh, a blanket fort today?" Adhira mused.  "Very classy.  Hey, you did clean up, though.  Thank you for that."

Cora's tail thumped slowly against the ground but she kept silent.

"Do you, um, do you want to come out?" Adhira asked.  "There's some leftovers."

God, yes, food, Cora thought, wiping drool from her lips.

"No, I can't," Cora told her.

"Oh, honey, what's wrong?" Adhira asked.  "You can tell me, whatever it is."

"I can't," Cora repeated.  "I really can't."

Adhira crouched just outside of the blanket.  Cora pulled her feet back in response.

"Honestly, I promise," Adhira swore.

"Will you cuddle with me tonight if I come out?" Cora asked.

"No but we could sit together and watch one of your tv shows?" Adhira said.

"Can I touch your butt?" Cora bargained

"Cora!" Adhira said, admonishing the other girl.

"Fine, but, I warned you," Cora said, unwinding herself to crawl out.

"Warned me about- oh fuck!" Adhira yelled, falling to her ass and pushing herself back. "That- that- that's a costume, right?"

Cora lay on her hands and knees.  Her tail lashed behind her while her ears flexed.

"Noooooo," Cora moaned.  "It started after you left and it got worse and worse and then you came back and I had to hide but the food smelled so good and then I fell asleep and now I'm freaking out again!  Adhiraaaaaaa I don't know what to doooooo!"

"Okay, okay.  Okay," Adhira repeated, licking her lips nervously.  "We, uhhh, shit.  Shit, no I have no idea.  What the hell? What the hell, Cora?"

Cora knelt with her head bowed.  She reached back and her tail swiveled into her hands before laying still.

"Wow, woooow," Adhira said, watching the tail.  "Uhhh.  I mean.  Uhhh, it's- we can go to-"

"We can't go to the hospital," Cora said, interrupting her.

"No, no we can't," Adhira said.  "Are you okay?"

"I think so," Cora told her.  "It doesn't hurt.  I mean, it did a little before but I think it's done.  Oh god.  What if it's not done?  Adhira, what if it's not done and I'm going to get smaller and smaller and turn into a hideous little opossum that hisses at people from the sewers and steals trash and some guy opossum knocks me up and then I get stuck with all these ugly little opossum babies grabbing onto my back and I'm not a bus, I'm not Adhiraaaaaa."

"Okay, calm, let's keep it calm," Adhira said while putting her hand out.  "Can I- Can I touch it?"

"My butt?" Cora asked hopefully.

"The tail!" Adhira said.

"Oh.  Yeah," Cora said, letting it go while concentrating to send it out toward her roommate.

Adhira touched the tail gently and then scooted forward to be closer.  When she touched it again, it coiled around her arm, surprising her.

"S- sorry, I can't control it well," Cora said.  She felt herself blush and her ears bent in half while she fidgeted.  It felt good to have her roommate stroking her tail but she refused to tell her in case she stopped.

"And that fur," Adhira whispered, staring at Cora's midriff.

Adhira reached out without warning to touch Cora's stomach.  Cora looked down and a memory surfaced from earlier when she was touching herself. She opened her mouth to stop her friend but it was too late and Adhira's hand slid into Cora's pouch.  Cora's eyes shut open and she moaned while grabbing Adhira's wrist.

"Oh.  Oh my- Are those- Are those-?" Adhira tried to ask, her hand frozen in place.

"Nipplessssss," Cora hissed.  Her fur lifted in a wave and she bent forward.  Her narrow tongue lashed out to lick Adhira's mouth.  Realizing what she'd done, she pushed back, releasing her friend while grabbing at her tail.  The intensity had been too much and triggered something within her.

"Augh, I think you drooled in my mouth," Adhira wiped at her lips.  "I- I didn't know.  I should've asked, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Cora told her.  She clenched at her belly as if holding her pouch closed and her whiskers quivered.  "It's fine."

"Let's, umm, let's get you some food and we can talk, okay?"  Adhira said, wiping her mouth once more.

"I'm starved, yes," Cora answered.

Food was served quickly. Adhira thought of ideas that were quickly shot down for being impractical or risky and, slowly, the ideas became discussion of how to simply deal with the change.  Talks of online shopping and online classes arose and the night wore on. Eventually, Adhira yawned behind her hand.

"I'm sorry," Adhira said, yawning again.  "I can go get some coffee for us and we can keep talking."

"No," Cora sighed.  "You're tired and I'm tired. You should sleep."

"Maybe-" Adhira yawned once more.  "Maybe a clear head will make a difference.  I don't have to meet my parents until after noon tomorrow.  Will you be okay?"

"Can I-" Cora fidgeted.  "I know I ask sometimes but this is different.  Can I sleep with you?  I mean, in the same bed, not actually sleep sleep with you.  Just.  Umm.  Maybe cuddled?  I just feel scared.  I can be the big spoon."

"Okay, I think that's fair," Adhira said.  "I'll get ready and then you can join me."

The girl went through her nightly routine, brushing her teeth while Cora waited, stroking her tail and occasionally scratching her side or her stomach.  When it was her turn, she awkwardly brushed her own teeth while spit and foamy toothpaste was flung around the room.  Adhira was changing into her night clothes when she heard Cora yell out 'Peeing is weird now!' from the bathroom and she just shook her head with a sigh before sliding beneath the covers.

Cora crept into the room carefully, as if entering a sacred chamber.  Once instead, she stepped quickly, as if afraid her privileges would be revoked.  She crept under the covers and wriggled her way over to her roommate to press against her back.  Her hand rested against Adhira's side.

"Is this okay?" Cora asked softly.  Her ear flicked as she settled into place with her tail wrapped around her leg and her head bent and pressed against Adhira's shoulder.

"That's fine," Adhira told her.

Minutes passed and Adhira's breathing slowed to a regular rhythm.  Cora took longer but felt her eyelids drooping.  Her hand relaxed, dragging over Adhira's leg to rest against the small patch of bare, brown skin showing through the bottom of her buttoned shirt.

As they both fell into a deep sleep, a dark line formed in the center of Adhira's belly.  It started as a string-like slit that widened into an unbroken line from beneath her belly button to the soft hairs covering her mound.  Black hairs slowly, slowly emerged along the sides of the line and Adhira moaned quietly in her sleep.



One of your best in a while, although maybe I'm just a sucker for an unusual tf. The unexplained tf worked well with this one. I would love to see this one continued, the chekhov's gun of Cora's fantasies and her later statements about baby opossums leave a plot thread that almost demands a follow-up.


It does seem to be surprisingly popular compared to other non-werewolf/dog/cat stories. I wonder why, exactly. Still, whatever the reason, I appreciate you taking the time to comment!


The protagonists for this one were particularly endearing.


Maybe that helped. I did enjoy writing Cora and Adhira is awfully kind. It's probably stereotypical but I like pairing serious with goofiness.


Surprised you have explored scent glands in previous works , def a fan of that being a part of the transformation


It depends on the creature and whether stuff shows up in my research. But also, I try not to really overdo the every interesting feature so things don't become repetitive. Helps make stuff more interesting when it shows up. But I'm glad you noticed that little bit!