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Once more an amazing piece of art from the fabulous Navajas!

Ariel stumbled mid stretch.  She felt something wrench low in her back as new tiny bones flailed beneath her skin to try to and keep her on her feet.

Just moments ago, she'd been laughing, thrilled at the way her body moved.  She was lithe and flexible and incredibly light on her feet with limitless energy.  Now, she gasped as she landed on her yoga mat.  Her eyes were wide in disbelief.  Her nails dragged against the foam mat when she closed them to make fists.

A knot unwound low in her belly, slippery and hot and hungry.  She shivered and gasped again.

"God!" Ariel yelled, unable to help herself.

Fine hairs lifted over her body as nerves woke, leaving her incredibly sensitive.  She squirmed and moaned and a tiny rumble vibrated sporadically in the back of her throat as muscles and bones shifted.  She rolled her ass forward on the mat while clawing at her thighs and hissing.  She couldn't stop tensing the muscles within her pussy.  They slipped together and she groaned as her nails pinched the tips of her fingers while folding.  Layer upon layer of keratin flowed outward, forcing her nails to curve slightly while increasing their density.

Ariel chirped and bucked, raising her chest while leaning back.  Tawny hairs pierced her tight black yoga pants around a wet spot soaking the seat of her pants.  She hissed, leaning further to the ground until her shoulders touched.

The young scientist clawed at her sleeveless top, tearing through the bottom to reveal her hardened, sweating stomach.  Black hairs dotted her belly while flaxen hairs grew to surround them.  She moaned and the purr vibrated again, stronger now as she clawed along her bare sides and up to her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples beneath the shirt until they grew stiff against her fingers.  Her half-curved claws pricked her skin and the double-sensation made her chirp in surprise.

Pressure built in her back.  She rolled to ease the uncomfortable sensation, going to her knees with her hands in front of her and then raising her body in a shuddering stretch.  Her tail pressed into the back of her pants, trapped and bowing upward until she reached back.  Her claws easily tore through the fabric and her tail sprung free.  She moaned, pressing her chest to the ground and sliding while tearing through the soaked seat of her pants in a futile attempt to cool the burning heat flooding her pussy.

The fur surrounding her swollen lips was coated with her cum and she wasted no time in slipping a finger inside, hissing again when her claw dragged against the slick muscles within.  She adjusted her finger and pushed up.  Short hairs grew from the backs of her hand and she could feel the little hairs prickling the slick pink muscles.

Ariel rolled her face on the mat, twisting her head to push her chin and cheeks and forehead into the foam to ease the throbbing ache spreading of her jaw and skull and gums.  Her canines pushed against the neighboring teeth when they lengthened but the pain was soon eased when her jaw clicked and extended beneath the fur spreading over her face.

Black lines appeared around her eyes while she changed.  The malar stripes curved inward toward her nose when it widened and pulled back, the nostrils darkening to obsidian.  Her expanding cheeks pulled the stripes outward and then down to the corner of her lips.

Barbs twisted and rose on her tongue, dragging against the top of her mouth to send sharp, electric spikes down to her pussy.  She churred at the feeling of it and sat up, grabbing her right leg.  The urge to lick and clean mixed with the erotic desire to drag her rough tongue over her skin... and her fur.

Muscles swelled beneath her flesh, stretching and tearing the legs of her pants.  She lashed her tongue at the skin just as fur emerged.

"Gooood," she moaned, working her tongue over her leg while clear cum dripped from her pussy, trapped but the surrounding fur.

Tawny hairs marched over her mound and up while black hairs joined them to form spots.  Her defined abs flexed while she worked her mouth over her leg, lower and lower towards the alluring scent of her sex.

Milk ducts formed on her belly, just beneath her pelt.  She clenched her stomach and moaned when she felt the strange sensation of ligaments and fatty tissue growing over the muscles.  Lobules surrounded the ducts and they pushed forward, shifting fur aside to twist into little teats that lay nearly flat on her body.

Down, down, down her mouth went until her breath puffed against her swollen, aching sex.  Clear whiskers punched tiny holes around her lips and the tips dragged against her incredibly sensitive thighs, forcing her to purr with a stuttering bark.  She leaned back into a position that was impossible before her change, flexing to lick at her clit while her claws latched onto her legs to hold her in place.

She danced on the line between pleasure and overstimulation but she couldn't get enough as she lapped up her cum and worked her tongue against the nub of smooth flesh.  The purr continued, growing in volume as her orgasm grew and her ears flicked against her hair.

More more more more more, she rambled, lost in her own mind as the heat shoved burning spikes throughout her body.  Copper flooded her eyes as she fiercely licked herself.

"Fu- fu-!" Ariel stuttered, shoving herself back onto her hands while her hips jumped and bucked.  The world spun while flashes of light popped in her vision.  She couldn't control her own body as the orgasm exploded within, leaving her gasping and purring and moaning and so very, very empty.




Incredibly hot!


They do! And a good story to fo along with it as well


The detailed stories + these awesome illustrations make for god tier content, i love it thank you ^^