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This was supposed to be the 4th (and last) of the little "snack" stories but, uh, I kept adding details to it, including a nearly 2,000 word intro.  So now it's a nearly 9,000 word story.  Enjoy!

Scattered cars dotted the wide parking lot with a few higher end models of BMWs and Mercedes parked to the side of the building.  She leaned forward to look at them, jerking her head while gripping her steering wheel.

The workers, obviously, she thought to herself before glaring up at the sun.  Streams of thin, gray clouds sliced through the sky above but the sun drew her attention.

It shifted in her shaded, squinting-eyed vision.  A soft glow began to suffuse the world around her when her vision changed.  The sun, low on the horizon appeared to squirm as wide swathes of its surface darkened to orange and further to red before deepening as blue mixed in and red turned to a hazy shade of indigo.

Thread-like streaks of onyx filled her eyes and a vast ocean was birthed on the surface of the sun, the faux water surrounding islands of gold and brown.

She rolled her shoulders and sat back, scratching at her neck and cheeks before rubbing her eyes.  Pressure built within her eye sockets as the black ate at her sclera and irises.  Fluid slowly filled her eyes, pushing them forward while they widened and bulged, overflowing her sockets until the bone melted away around them and they reseated themselves properly.  The pressure spread into her nose and she coughed before sneezing twice and clearing her throat.

The world was darker to her eyes, reds faded to a dull imitation of the roiling ocean on the sun far in the distance.  She felt the muscles weaken and the world blurred until she tightened her eyes, firming her vision once more.  Still, details were murky to her now and she couldn't make out the letters in the slowly rotating sign of the strip club in front of her.

Goosebumps dimpled her flesh along her upper arms.  She shivered before clawing her shoulders as they rose in a wave up to her neck.  The tingling, rushing sensation continued up to her jaw and around her lips.  Her nails dug at her cheeks and mouth, scratching sharply while the feeling fled to the back of her skull.

A high pitched keening noise filled her ears.  She hissed but pressed her thumbs against the fleshy nubs inside her ears, pushing and rolling as sounds warbled and then stabilized.  They rushed to her, forcing her to squeeze her pure black eyes shut while grinding her teeth back and forth.  

The peculiar phantom sensation of her crawling skin pushed forward into her nose and she sneezed once again.  It felt like a billion microscopic hairs stabbing her skin from the inside in a rush that flashed between hot and cold and it left hanging her head and panting.  She rubbed the bridge of her nose against the stitched edge of her steering wheel in a fruitless effort to assuage the fiery ache deep within but it did little to help.

With her head bowed, she could smell it.  The sharp, exciting scent of her own growing arousal as the changes accelerated.  It was heightened greatly by the very fact that she wasn't hiding in the corner of her bedroom in a makeshift fort of blankets and pillows and bed sheets.  Although she sat within the privacy of her car, the open world surrounded her.  The sounds and scents of a hundred thousand inhabitants begged for her attention with their prying eyes.

Anyone could see her.  

The thought made her skin crawl, metaphorically this time, but it also made her excited.  

Especially as the urges took hold.  

She used to hate them but they were a part of her now, despite how much she'd tried to ignore them.  And they grew powerful the longer she bore what she thought of as her curse.  It was getting harder to find the seams between who she was as a normal human with normal needs and wants and who she was now.  She could no longer see it as something the other thing inside of her wanted and, instead, saw it as what she herself wanted.  It was becoming all the same now.

Her own Mischief.  

Teeth grinded together once again.  Her throat clicked as air wheezed out, rising higher and higher in pitch while her larynx twisted and stretched until a short, indignant ultrasonic screech filled the car.

The memory was faint and erratic.  She remembered the bar by the water, with friends.  And then confusion.  Screams.  Guttural sounds.  She was pushed to the floor as people shoved and pulled and-

Her coworker, Mike, fell beside her.  She could remember him changing.  She backed up and he followed until his teeth bit into her shoulder and his growing claws held her in place while his cock burst from his pants, rubbing between her thighs and against her stomach.  She was horrified until she began to change and horror faded quickly to lust.  Her last full memory was cradling his furred balls while choking herself on his dick until she turned to offer her thick, furry thighs and dripping pussy.

It was all fragments after that.  Memories of running.  Hiding in abandoned warehouses.  Bright memories in between when she turned back, waking in a pile of furry bodies.  She'd felt drugged and slow and so incredibly horny.  Her human form was short-lived every time when She would come to her, touching her with a claw and forcing the change once more.

At some point she'd gotten lost when they'd moved on to find a new place to live.  She'd tracked as well as she could, even when she turned human once more with her dull senses.  But after a few days, the animalistic urges faded and she found herself terrified and alone, hundreds of miles away from home.  

She'd made her way back but she still felt the pull of her pack.  A week later, she changed again. In her cubicle.  She didn't even realize it was happening until she saw the fur poking through her sweater while her traitorous hand rubbed at her swollen clit through her stockings without her even realizing what she was doing.  It was impossible to know how long she'd sat there, moaning quietly.  She'd dashed through the office, trying to reach her car before it was too late but she woke the next night in a corner of the basement parking garage, naked and cold.

It continued like that, random changes when her mind slipped.  She got better at recognizing it and making it home in time. Her self-congratulations were short lived as a new urge raised its voice.

Away from her pack, she was now the dominant female and she had to start a new Mischief.  The very thought of it drove her into a frenzy that left her changed for days until she woke to a ruined house.  The walls were carved by her claws, especially around the doors leading outside.  The urge would fade when she awoke but lately it whispered in the back of her head even as a human.  If she didn't clamp down on it with an iron grip of willpower, she'd lose herself in it, masturbating as the fur exploded over her body.

Sometimes she gave into it on purpose, just to feel herself turning.  It was addictive.  The heightened senses, the incredible sensitivity and the simplistic, bestial urges and-

"Fuuuuck," she moaned, touching herself briefly.

And the insane sexual cravings.

She slid the tips of her two fingers over the smooth black surface of her leggings.  Warmth greeted her, as well the stickiness from the lubrication produced by her drooling pussy.  She splayed her fingers to feel her puffy labia while her middle finger dipped between them.

"Mmmmmmm," she moaned, raising her head with her eyes closed and her teeth scraping together, from pleasure this time rather than self-soothing due to the stress she'd felt before.

Pulling her hand away reluctantly, she pressed her fingers against her bottom lip and inhaled with a low groan, savoring the sharp scent of her sex before slipping them into her mouth to suck them clean.  The voice was loud within.  Her own voice.  Her own thoughts now, merging after months of dealing with the curse and the constant changes that she slowly, willingly accepted.

Her eyes focused on the blurry image of the door set in the side of the building.  She would share the blessing with them.  She would make her own Mischief.

And she would breed.

"God.  God, fuck, yes," she moaned, clawing at her face and throat and thighs while squirming in her seat.  Her scent filled the car, burning her nose while filling her brain with fog.  

In her most recent, wildest fantasies, gangbangs had become a common theme.  It was never a fetish of hers.  In fact, she'd found the idea disgusting previously.  Before.  Before she was blessed.

Now she struggled to think of anything else when she touched herself.

Just an hour ago, sitting at her desk within her cubicle, surrounded by her coworkers, she felt the voice whispering and a hot fist clenched her guts, closing molten fingers slowly, one at a time within her belly until she sat sweating at her desk with her thighs clenched together.  

It would be all too easy to convert them, she knew.  It wasn't the first time she thought of it.  

God how she missed the feeling of the others.  It had become harder and harder to ignore, as with everything else.  And sitting at her desk, it struck her once more.  

She'd stood.  Robotically.  Brushing the back of her skirt and biting back the whining moan when she felt the wet line she'd left.  She'd fast-walked through the maze of cubicles while fighting the urge to lower herself.  To press against the low walls and scurry through shadows and corners.  

When she'd shoved into the bathroom, she didn't even check if it was empty as she burst into a stall and slammed the door shut.

Her nails tore at her panties.  Despite the troubles with fast typing, she'd taken to growing them out.

To remind her of her claws.

And like her nails, she'd let her pubic hair grow out, playing with it at her desk sometimes to tease herself.  Briefly imagining it was fur and feeling the edge of the changes, toying with them while drawing closer and closer to the point of no return until she forced it all away.  Kneeling under her desk to pretend to mess with computer cables while licking her drenched fingers in the semi-darkness beneath her desk.

There, in the stall, the thick hair was coated with her cum, slick against her body.  She dragged her nails through the seat of her panties until they were in tatters and her nail sliced through the thicker edge, leaving them to dangle beneath her.  

She squeaked loudly as she smeared her cum throughout the thick bush of hair above her pussy and then down to her thighs before plunging fingers within.

And the fantasy began.  Taking the key from the hook beside the front desk, she'd lock the front doors and throw the key into the trash.

Kevin would be first.  Their CEO.  Stuck in his huge lavish office.  He was older but his money helped keep him in good shape. She'd walk in, locking the doors while stripping until she stood naked before him.  His mouth would gape as she crawled over his desk to sit in his lap, covering him in her scent before biting into his shoulder.  He'd try to push her away while she unzipped him and she'd feel the hairs growing against her fist as she raised her ass and dragged the tip of his dick between her thighs.  His hands would grip her tightly and then tear her blouse open to suck at her nipples as she lowered herself on him.  Riding him until she drained him.

He'd change fully while she still remained mostly human, a gift for being the dominant one in the new hierarchy.  His mind gone feral, he'd follow beside her as she opened the door a crack to ask his receptionist to step in for a moment.  

The young girl, fresh out of college, would step in and barely open her mouth before sharp teeth would mark her arm.  Gasping, in shock, she'd fall to her knees and Kevin would circle, waiting for permission.  Waiting and waiting as the girl gasped, hands to her head as whiskers pierced her lips.  Claws would crack her nails and she'd rake down her body, tearing her shirt apart to reveal pert, pale breasts already dotted with fur.  She'd beg to be fucked.  Beg to be bred in order to sire the next generation.

And the infection would spread.  She would take the men, filling herself with their cum every time to increase her chances of pregnancy.  The new bucks, driven by their changes, would be hard the entire time, able to cum endlessly as they switched partners and the whole office devolved into a frenzied orgy.

After her fourth orgasm in the bathroom stall, she almost followed through on the idea.  Almost.  Her head throbbed as her cum oozed to the floor and the toilet seat beneath her.  The only thing that held her back was the location.  They wouldn't be able to leave without being seen.  The voice, aided by her human intellect, recognized this fact after playing through the scenario.  The idea of leading a new Mischief from the corner of a 4th floor business center without being seen was impossible.

Just like that, the idea went from theoretical to very real.  She could no longer withhold the urge to spread the infection.

She passed the strip club every day on her way home and on her way to work.  It used to amuse her in a disgusting way when she first noticed it but with the changes and the new fetish for orgies and gangbangs, it had joined her list of fantasies.

It was perfect.  Secluded in a rough, poor part of town with no other business in the same block or even across the street.  There were a seemingly endless amount of abandoned buildings, warehouses and storage centers nearby and, even if they weren't abandoned, she would turn those people, too.  

No more stress over work.  No more stress over retirement or the endless chase of wealth or property.  No more nights drifting through pointless first dates or sitting on the couch alone.  Never alone again.  

She left work, grabbing her gym bag to change into her leggings and loose workout shirt once she was in the parking garage.  In front of her car by the corner and semi-hidden by a wide concrete beam, she shamelessly discarded her old clothes to stand naked before dressing herself in her gym clothes and jumping into her car.

The recent memory made her tremble as she sat in the parking lot.  Her hand slipped between her thighs once more and her nails caught on her leggings.  She pulled and a tear opened, widening as she dragged her finger up to her clit.  Her engorged labia lay exposed beneath a mass of slick, curly hair.

With a sharp, high pitched squeak inaudible to human ears but not her own, she snatched her hand from her sex to open the car door and step out into the open air, highlighted by the setting sun.

Bones grated painfully in her hips before realigning.  She shivered as thousands of soft needles pressed into her waist and ass, numbing the area.  With a loud, orgasmic groan, she placed her hands on her ass and squeezed, digging her nails into the flesh before pulling her hands up to rub at the base of her spine.  

She'd missed her tail so, so much.


The bouncer sat back against the wall, just inside the entrance.  He looked bored but he eyed her obviously, tracing the curves of her tits and hips.

She preened beneath his gaze while staring at him in return.  He was big and muscular.  Young.  Healthy looking.  She couldn't smell cigarettes or the acrid scent of drugs on him.  

Maybe he would be the father of her child.  One of the many she would have.

At the minimum, he'd be one of the bucks that would cum inside of her, bareback and frantically pounding-

She stopped the train of thought before it forced her to start too early.  Her right hand, heavy with her scent, clawed at her upper lip to scratch the itch of the whiskers forming beneath the skin.  Cool air blew against her and her shirt brushed her sides.  And her nipples.  Although she typically wore a sports bra beneath the shirt, she wore nothing under it now so it was obvious when the nipples tightened and grew erect, pushing against the lightweight, breathable material.  The bouncer's eyes flicked down to them and she eyed his crotch in return.  

It would just take a bit.  Blood and saliva.  Their fluids mixed together.  That's all it would take to start her Mischief.  He'd change and follow her orders resolutely as she waded in and turned everyone else.

"No cover for women," the man said finally.  "Not a lot of talent tonight since it's the middle of the week.  Kinda dead.  Amateur night is Friday nights if that's what you were looking for."

He paused, staring at her again, looking down at her tits before licking his lips.

"You'd do good with a body like that," he told her.

She smiled at him before walking to the open doorway that led to the club itself.

And then she stopped next to him.  Turned to him while laying her left hand against his chest.  Lower, sliding against his hard stomach while she went to the tips of her toes to brush her lips against his.  Her hand squeezed her hard cock and she moaned, exhaling against his mouth with hot lust as she lowered herself once more and withdrew her hand.

She wasn't sure if a full French kiss was enough to infect someone but she wasn't willing to take the risk.  Not yet.

He stood dumbfounded as she continued into the club.  A short redhead walked around the club, moving from one table to the next with nothing but a thong covering her. 

Despite the darkness inside the club, her eyes gathered the light and highlighted shapes with an unnatural grayish-green tint.  Bright purple splotches marked the club, easily visible to her obsidian eyes.

A tall brunette, dressed in short shorts and an open shirt, approached with a tray.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the girl asked.

"Not yet," she told her with a smile.

The other girl was thin with narrow hips but tall and strong looking.  She'd be a perfect addition.

A few men, a mixture of young and old, turned to follow her as she walked to an empty table away from the stage.  She sat and watched, occasionally scratching at her hips and jaw while soaking up the music and atmosphere.

There were six men scattered throughout the club.  One was older, fifty or over, and he sat in front of the stage.  Three of the men were in their early forties and they sat at separate tables, all with a girl in their lap.  Two more seemed to be coworkers.  Construction workers in rough brown pants and white shirts stained with dirt and sweat.  They hadn't even bothered to go home to change.  Her chin lifted as she smelled them, breathing deeply until she could taste their sweat at the back of her throat.

The brunette seemed to be the only waitress and there was a short platinum blonde haired girl behind the bar.  She seemed bored, standing in the corner of the bar with her phone in her hand.

A black woman, lean and wearing nothing but clear heels gyrated on stage, kneeling back with her legs spread and writhing to the beat of the music.  Her straight hair glittered beneath the stage lights as she smiled and winked at the old man in front of her.

She wasn't bisexual or gay but her lust was such that she found herself turned on by the display, as fake as it was.  The exposed nudity reminded her of the sprawling mass of her fellow bucks and does.  And the urge to spread her blessing gave her a mental image of twisting and coiling around the beautiful woman until they were both furred and panting.  She touched her bare pussy beneath the table, stroking herself for a moment with a wide open mouth and heavy eyelids.

A door opened, the soft swish of the hinges tugging at her sensitive ears. She turned to see a Hispanic girl peek out of the changing room.  The girl looked around, sighed and disappeared once more behind the door.

Eight men in total, counting the DJ.  At least seven women, not counting her.  A much, much smaller Mischief than the one she was born into but it would grow over time.

Her hand rubbed her flat stomach and she smiled at the thought of little babies kicking her stomach.

When the music ended and the stripper stood to collect the cash from the stage, she made her move, sliding her chair back and standing as well.  For a brief moment, she canted forward, pushed off balance by the lack of her tail, despite her body insisting it was there.  Now that she was standing, she felt the soreness deep in her hips.

Not too long now, she told herself while clawing at the table to her side.  The nails on her middle finger and ring finger cracked, showering flakes of red nail polish.  Her nails lifted while slowly folding as she strode through the club.  Her nail bed flowed into the changing nails to provide a core for her new claws while the softer keratin of her subunguis flowed in an arc to form their scythe-like curve.

"Gentlemen," she purred, leaning over the table next to the two construction workers.  She grinded her teeth together when she felt a loose bone move in her hip.  Skeins of tendons grew in place around the bone, tightening in a smooth core as her tail continued to form.  A new artery latched into the existing network as veins blindly reached out and took root.  "I'm all alone and bored.  I thought we could all hang out together in a booth and watch the show."

The men glanced at each other before looking back at her.  Staring at her to see if there was a trick.

"You don't work here?" one of the men asked, framing it as a question rather than a statement.

"Oh, no," she said, reaching out to touch his arm with a hungry smile.  "No.  Just a woman looking for some company."

"Alright," the other one said, shoving back his chair.  The first man followed and they started to walk but she stepped ahead of them to take the lead, choosing a booth far outside the view of all present.

She could feel it already.  The fur.  The itching, creeping fur.  Driving her crazy.  

Always around her pussy first.  Always always always.  

She scratched herself, spreading her fingers wide so they dragged against the inside of her thighs as well as her pussy and up over her mound.  Needle-like brown fur pierced the black fabric of her leggings over her mound and her sharp claws pulled at the material to create perforations up to her belly button.

With the men trailing behind her, she slipped into the booth so that her back was to the club.  The men sat together, facing her.

Soon, soon, soon, she told herself as her smile trembled from the still building need to mate.  It was becoming as undeniable as extreme thirst to someone crawling through a desert.

Her leggings lifted against her back and ass and the soreness within her hips lessened, replaced by a dull throbbing ache as nerve endings attached to her new tail.  She sighed quietly, happily, as she felt the hairless tip of it rub back and forth within her pants.

The men glanced at the stage when a new dancer stepped up.  They appeared awkward and anxious, unsure of what they should do.

"So, uhh," one of them said.  He was slightly smaller than the other man but more handsome.  At least some Korean heritage, she thought as she studied him.  "So, what- uhhhh-"

She spread her legs while leaning back and her bare pussy glistened in the blue lights lining the club.  Without a word, she placed her hand between her thighs and opened herself.  A thin, clear veil of cum connected her labia before collapsing into strings that fell to the floor.  Her curved claws trembled.  She wanted nothing more than to jump the two men but held herself back to increase the pleasure of it all.

"Shit," the other man said before scratching at the stubble on his tanned face.  "What the hell."

A sighing moan escaped her lips when she carefully bent her finger to press her white claw into her burning pussy.  She pressed, biting her lips and moaning again when her finger followed.

"We, uhh, shit, uhhh," the first man said with a swallow.  "We don't have the money for this kinda thing."

She laughed with amusement and a wide smile.  A part of her felt like she should be insulted but it was vanishingly small compared to the monstrous lust.

"I don't want your money," she groaned, rocking her hips in a slow, mesmerising rhythm while sliding her finger in and out of her pussy.  "I just want your cum.  Inside of me.  So lonely.  Just- ohhhhhhhh yesssss- I just want to feel your hard cocks in my mouth and pussy and ass."

"They'll see-"

She turned, lifting her legs up to the bench with her back to the partition and her knees bent.  Her tail pressed against the bench beneath her, wiggling in a pattern that countered the movements of her hips.  It slipped free from her leggings and she jerked with a short moan when she felt the cool bench against it.  Blood vessels within the tail widened in an effort to cool her down as she began to sweat from the slow creep of fur spreading up from her pussy.

"I-" the first man said while squeezing his cock through his trousers.

"Fuck it, man," the other said.  "Fuck it."

He stood, glancing into the club before going to her.  She pulled her hands free in a lazy, tantalizing motion, dragging her claws through the short, sharp fur low on her belly and up, lifting the bottom of her shirt until her breasts were bared.

Heat filled her jaw, an echoing pulse that matched her heartbeat.  The roots of her teeth throbbed so she grinded them together, rubbing her incisors back and forth as they began to lengthen, dentin filled the tooth, cracking the enamel before more filled the gaps.

The larger of the two slid onto the bench in front of her.  He knelt and then bent to her, grabbing her legs while leaning towards her pussy.  She could feel his palm brushing the fur peeking through her leggings.  The sensation of the hairs being pulled and dragged along with the anticipation made her moan loudly while lifting her ass and then her chest.

She began to feel drunk.  From the heat.  From the changes.  From the animal asserting more control.

"Fuck!" she squeaked when his breath puffed against her slick, fur covered pussy.  She reached for him with her left hand, grasping his dark, bald head when his lips touched the ones between her thighs and his tongue slid into her.  Music pounded while colors swirled and she squeaked again, beyond the hearing of the humans in the club.

It'd been too long since she'd had a lover.  Too long even without dealing with the infection.

"Come," she said to the other man, turning to face him.  She was panting, eyes half lidded as her tail began to thump against the seat beneath her.  "Come to me."

He did.  Walking to her as if hypnotized until he stood before her face.  She hooked her claw into his zipper and pulled before undoing the button and eagerly pulling down pants and underwear to reveal his erect cock.

Stubble brushed against her left hand.  She spared a glance at the man licking her pussy to see black hairs dotting his head.  She smiled and then turned back, opening her mouth wide while gripping the other man's cock.  Her spade-like incisors brushed against the man's veiny skin when she took him into her mouth.

"Jesus," he moaned, grabbing her hair.  "Jesus, that feels so fucking good."

She bottomed out and pulled back, stroking the base of his cock.  He groaned as the pink skin beneath her fingers and along her palm grew loose.  The loose skin pulled taut once more as it filled out into thin, soft pads that gave her hand a firm, bumpy texture that drove the man crazy.  

Brown hairs emerged from the back of her hand.  More grew from her arm as she busied herself, nostrils flaring to breathe while she thrust her head back and forth.  She licked the tiny scrapes caused by her incisors and he clawed her head in return.  

Black hairs slid through his skin around the base of his cock.  She released her hold to fondle his balls, playing with them carefully as they began to swell in her hand.  For a moment, with her lips touching the now furry base of his dick, she gagged when his cock lengthened.  Her throat bulged when it widened at the same time.

The man chirped and grinded his teeth but she pulled off to lay her head against his crotch.  She couldn't concentrate past her building orgasm and her hand clawed at the first man's head, digging through the thick fur spreading along his skull.  His tongue slid deeper inside and he became more frantic as the beast rooted itself in his soul.  His shortened, ragged nails dug into her when they filled out and curved into proper claws, cutting through her leggins to expose thick brown fur.

The glass table in the center of the booth vibrated when she squeaked and she slammed her head against the wall when her orgasm exploded within.  

Now that his mistress was pleased, the man raised his head.  Clear cum dripped from short white whiskers and scattered black fur lining his mouth.  He crawled to her with a rapturous expression and his eyes bulged as obsidian streaks cracked his brown irises.

He spoke no words, instead lowering himself to press his enormous cock against her pussy.  Gone were the worries over being found by the staff; now his only concern was pleasuring her.  His cock split her open.  He pressed against her body and she hugged him while wrapping her legs around his waist.  The heel of her tennis shoes bumped against the base of his stunted tail and her fingers endlessly clawed against his back, tearing his shirt apart to reveal bare skin covered by patches of black fur.  

"S- s- something's wroooong," the second man groaned.  He lowered himself to his knees while masturbating.  His cock continued to grow until he could no longer wrap his hand completely around it.  He reached for her with a trembling hand that puckered from the calluses forming along his palm and his nails bent.  "S- s- some-kkkkk."

She watched his jaw crack.  His skin tightened, showing bright stretch marks for a moment.  Hairs emerged from his cheeks for the first time in his life, growing over a face that had never seen a razor.

"Kkkik!" he tried to say while touching her face.  She kissed his fingers and he bowed his head against her, pressing his forehead to her lips to receive her blessing.

"S-s-stop masturbating," she demanded before rolling her head and groaning loudly.  Wet slapping noises filled their booth as the smell of sex permeated the air.  "S-save your sseed for me."

He compiled instantly, grabbing his hand away to claw at the bench.  Rips appeared in the fabric and the white stuffing popped out.

She turned her attention back to the buck fucking her.  The man lay his head into the crook between her jaw and her shoulder.  His ear flicked while his sleek black fur rubbed her face but all she knew was the immense pleasure of his cock filling her.  He stayed in place, pounding into her with short, powerful movements.  Within seconds, she felt his furry testicles slapping against the bottom of her dripping pussy.  They grew larger and heavier with every thrust.

"Cum," she demanded, clawing at the thick tuft of fur at the base of his skull and between his shoulders.  She marked him, scoring his skin and he slammed into her, faster and faster at her command.  "Cum!  Fill me!  C- c- cum!  Breed me!  Breed your queen!"

His release made her gasp but it was endless and his girthy cock expanded while she clamped down.  The effect pushed her over the edge and she kicked, unwrapping her laps to drum her heels into the bench.  

When she could no longer feel his cock emptying inside of her, she pushed at him.

"Move," she hissed and he slid back, popping free to sit in the corner with his tail wrapped around his boots.  

She grabbed at the kneeling man, pulling him up to the bench while sitting up and twisting to straddle his lap.  His incisors were still human, giving his short muzzle a strange appearance as he tried to kiss her.  She allowed him, grabbing the back of his head to lock their tongues together while grinding against his massive dick.  With a sharp hiss, she leaned forward to press her engorged clit against him, rocking her ass in sharp movements while lifting her shirt above her head.  The buck behind her reached forward to help, pulling it away and tossing it to the floor.  

Finally, she lifted her ass and grabbed him while leaning back.  Fur spread between her breasts and over, cradling their curves while growing down in a peak.  She grabbed the male's head, pulling him down while she leaned back even further.  Guiding him to the teat beginning to form beneath her breast.  She'd dreamed of having someone lick one and now she would have it.

His cock spread her open painfully.  When she felt cum begin to leak, she pushed down hard despite the pain to trap it inside.  The male's claws tightened on her as he nuzzled her chest, seeking the teat that was twisting into place.  Hardened and growing until his tongue lashed against it.  He squealed happily and opened his mouth to nip at it gently with long incisors.

Her tail arched and swayed behind her, pink and thick and hairless.  She pushed the new buck, moving him until he could lay on the bench and she bent over him, furry tits brushing against his cheeks every time she slammed her ass down.  He gripped her breasts carefully before licking her hidden nipples and she squeaked happily.

Glancing back at the other buck, she saw him tearing at his shoes, ripping laces and the upper leather apart to free his feet.  She waited for him to finish, rocking her body in a sinuous pattern to fill every inch of her pussy with the male's cock but finally she reached back, tearing at her leggings once more until a wide hole showed both ass and pussy.

"Fuuuh- fuck my asshole," she demanded before turning back.  She pressed her forehead against the male's forehead and her tongue licked his wide, rounded nose and the whiskers surrounding it.  

A warm, slick cock quested against her asshole.  Already lubed from his cum and hers, it opened her and she gasped, obsidian eyes wide.  Her orgasm was instant and the other male came when her pulsing pussy squeezed his cock.  Still the first man pushed into her and the experience of both dicks inside, the one taking her anal virginity, made her collapse with weakened muscles.

After two thrusts, the trio paused.  Footsteps approached.

A hand appeared.

"Would an-" a voice said.

She grabbed the woman, pulling her down while popping off of the two cocks deep inside of her.  The server started to say something until lips met hers in a deep kiss.  Claws dragged down her shoulders and sharp teeth nipped at her mouth, giving the instant taste of coppery blood.  

The tips of clear whiskers growing around the server's mouth tickled her still-bare lips.  She pulled away and the server and gasped, raising her chest while grabbing at the girl's shirt.  The woman shuddered and slammed her hands to the ground before reaching up to claw at the woman sitting astride her waist.

"What did youuuu- fuck!" the girl cursed, lifting her ass before lowering it.  "Nnn- can't-"

She turned, pressing her pussy against the girl's mouth while cutting a hole in the crotch of the girl's shorts.  The woman's hesitant touch grew more confident as she leaned up to kiss the cum-filled pussy above her and her tongue darted out to glide between the slick lips.

It was new to her but a mouth was a mouth and her pussy ached to be touched by someone new.  In return, she bent to the hole she'd made and licked the girl.  She was hairless, completely smooth with perfect skin.  Yet hairs began to rise, tickling her nose and lips as she shoved her tongue into the girl's pussy, working it like a writhing cock that had the girl gasping and clawing at her body.  Sharp teeth nipped her swollen labia and clit for a brief moment before the tongue returned and she began to rock her hips.  She was so close once again.

"Cuh- cuh kuh- kkk- kkkik-" the girl tried to say until finally, she slammed her hips up and screamed, her voice lost as she pressed her mouth into the pussy above her.  

They came within seconds of each other, riding the warm waves of their orgasms until she pulled off to turn to the two bucks.

"She's yours," she told them.  They stood eagerly around the woman and she squealed in return, ripping her shirt apart to expose small breasts divided by a thin line of brown fur.

"Yes, yes!" the girl cried out, twisting to sit up on her knees and reaching for the two monstrous cocks as her own cum dripped to the floor beneath her.  "Fuckkk me yesss! Kkkik-"

Her words cut off as she shoved her face onto the buck covered in black fur, swallowing his cock as best she could while tugging the other with her tiny hand.  A large lump lifted from the base of her back and she shoved her ass to the ground to grind her pussy against the floor.

Loud music filled the club when she stepped out of the confines of the booth.  The same men sat at their tables as the Hispanic girl spun around the pole.  She stopped to work at the ties holding her bikini top in place and then flung it to the side to reveal barely concealed enormous breasts.

Ignoring the woman, she strode through the club, uncaring if anyone saw her topless body or the heavy tail dragging against the floor.  She stalked to the front and jumped the bouncer before he could notice her.  Her claws bit into his arms as she latched onto his shoulder with her teeth.  The man cried out, stumbling backwards and she rode him to the ground, thrusting her ass against his crotch until his black slacks were soaked from her cum and the two bucks that had filled her.

"What the fu-" the man said before groaning and twisting his head.  Veins stood out on his reddened neck and he groaned when she continued to grind against him.  

His cock hardened against her and he hissed.

"The fuck are you- the fuck did you-" he groaned again, clawing at his face and ears while leaning his head back.  She bent to him as her own jaw cracked and she felt her face stretch, skin pulling against bones sliding into a muzzle.  

She dug her claws into his shirt and pulled, easily ripping it apart before nipping and sucking at his tiny nipple.  He grabbed her head, squeezing and pulling at her ears as they unrolled and began to elongate, the sides stretching into soft ovals, thin enough to show the red veins beneath.

Her tail rubbed against his leg before wrapping around his thigh.  His cock was still growing and she felt the bulge of his swelling testicles when she slid her ass down.  Pulling forward, she felt the bare tip of his cock above the waist of his paints, already smeared with pre-cum.  

The man squeaked and tore at the remains of her leggings, ripping the band apart while pulling down to free her from the clothes she wore.  Still his cock continued to lengthen and she pulled forward again to feel it against her burning pussy.  She impaled herself on it, moaning and squealing while pressing back, reaching beneath her to unzip him as she shoved herself down and mounted his dick.

Fur mixed with the thick hair on his chest and she felt claws against her breasts when he reached up to grab them.  She rolled her hips while riding him but her ears flicked at a noise and she turned.

The server girl was kneeling in front of the old man sitting by the stage.  He was grabbing and pulling at her hair while she sucked his cock but she soon stood to straddle him, shoving her tiny breasts in his face.  The details were blurry to her eyes but she saw the old man reach behind her to claw her back.  His face raised to the ceiling and his glasses fell when the bridge of his nose lengthened into a short snout.

Despite his age, once changed, he would be able to cum almost endlessly and she knew she would feel him inside of her soon.  Every buck would fuck every every doe until they were exhausted from it.  

The two males from her booth raced out, the larger one tackling the woman on the stage while the other ran for the bar.  The server was already done, standing back from the old man as he fell to the floor on hands and feet, stretching out his changing body.  Thick white cum dripped from the girl's thighs and her tail swished through the air as she lept for the DJ, jumping onto a table and springing up and into the booth to tackle him to the ground.  

The old man grabbed one of the topless strippers as she ran to the back, pulling her to the ground.  Her shouts soon turned to moans as she spread her legs wide while lifting her fur-stubbled ass to bounce against his hard cock.

"Fuh- fuuh- fuck! Feels so fucking gu-hk-  kkkkk," the bouncer squeaked, raising his ass to make room for the tail trapped between his back and the floor.  She slammed down against him, splattering the both of them and the floor with cum.  He wasn't as big as the other two but she still felt him brush her cervix and she bent herself when the tip rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot.  

His eyes bulged as words were lost to him, a disadvantage the lesser rat folk beneath her would all share.  

She rolled off of him to go to all fours, scratching her shoes against the floor when she felt them compress against her expanding feet.  The male wasted no time in mounting her, his broad chest against her lightly furred back while his dick bobbed between her slick thighs, questing for her pussy as he squealed and thrusted mindlessly.  

Her toenails bent, folding while growing dense and curving outward.  Her shoes resisted when the claws pressed into the tops.  Her bones compressed painfully within the constraining bonds until new muscles surrounded the expanding bones.  The soles of her shoes tore, separating from the tops to expose her smooth, pink feet, already tipped by huge white claws.  Bones screeched almost imperceptibly even to her ears as her feet elongated behind her.

She slid as the buck pounded into her and her breasts quaked with every impact.  Harder and harder and she squeaked every time, unable to help herself.  Reaching out, she felt the wall and continued to slide until she pressed her cheek against it.  Her elongated toes bent to touch the floor and the soft padding filled out while her claws clicked against the concrete.  Her tail wrapped around the male's waist and he bent to gently kiss the back of her head in return.

When he came inside of her and filled her completely, she lay with him for a few minutes before walking into the orgy taking place in the middle of the club.  Tables were piled against the walls to leave a huge area in the very center where the others mated.

The made way for her and the females pulled off of the males when she approached to take her turn.

Two hours later, the orgy continued with short breaks for food and water.  They'd emptied the small fridges behind the bar and a few of them drunk from bottles, swaying as the alcohol took effect.

A bell rang and she paused, placing a paw against the male's chest above her. 

"H- hello?" a voice called out from the entrance.  "D- do I j- just leave the money h- here?  I've never been-"

His voice lowered.

"Stupid, they don't need to know that you haven't been- ugh," he continued.

She stood and the male rolled away to offer his cock to a waiting, eager mouth.

The new male stood fidgeting, looking away from her as she approached.  He was anxious and young, barely into his twenties and she could smell no female on him.  A virgin, most likely.  

Less than ten feet away, he finally noticed her and he jumped as he stared at her furry breasts and the cum-soaked fur on her stomach and legs.

"Oh, uh, um, is it costume night or-!"

She grabbed him into a tight hug, closing her mouth over his to kiss him deeply, letting his tongue into her mouth.  She nicked his tongue and then hers with her sharp teeth and held him steady, mixing their spit and blood while pressing her body against his.  Her right hand grabbed his ass, shoving his crotch against her stomach while her left hand held his head.

Finally, she pulled back. He stepped away, befuddled and hard while wiping his mouth.  

"I- I- I- aah- aauuugh!" he cried out, grabbing his head.  He fell to his knees and looked up at her in a panic.

Black lines cracked his pale, blue eyes and blond fur slid from his cheeks to tangle with the scraggly beard he was trying to grow.  She leaned back against a wall while raising her ass and spreading her pussy for him to see.  Her tail squirmed beneath her and her ears flicked as the symphony of moans and squeaks filled them.

"I-  Ss- sssomething's-" he moaned, bowing his head as sweat dripped from his nose.

He leaned back with a cry and tore at his pants, freeing his modest cock.

"S-s-sorry," he groaned while pawing at it.  

Fur emerged from his lower belly and he grinded his teeth while staring at her pussy.  She lowered herself and turned, going to all fours with her tail lifted, pulling at the skin around her reddened, sore labia.  Ropes of cum hung beneath her from her slick lips.

"Cuh- cuh- can't- can't-"

His hands gripped her ass and he clawed at her before grabbing his cock to press into her.  She could feel it growing inside and he squealed in pleasure as she took his virginity.  He came nearly at once but didn't stop pounding, eager to fill her over and over.  

She knew they would have to move soon but she wanted to wait just a little longer to see if any more would arrive.  Perhaps more women coming for their shifts or more customers.  She could wait a while longer.  She had time.

And then they would move, hiding away in an abandoned building to make their own nest.

As he came a second time, she closed her eyes and felt it, all of the cum inside of her.  If this wasn't her time to be fertile- if this wasn't enough, she would try again and again.  She would grow her Mischief and guide them all.


A few cars remained as he stumbled through the garage, cursing quietly through the massive hangover pounding through his head.  He was dressed in ragged, dirty clothes - the only ones he had after being evicted three months earlier.  Losing his job had been the last blow to his already low self esteem and now he wandered the streets, joining the other homeless people in their small camps.

But his head hurt and he wanted a quiet, dark place to sleep through the night.  He stumbled, falling against the wall. 

A small pile of clothes lay next to an empty parking lot.  He blinked and then squinted before kneeling.  There was a blouse, skirt and some torn panties.  The man licked his lips and glanced around before picking the panties up.

They were drenched in her scent and cum and he felt the old stirrings within his pants.  It was different than he remembered the smell of pussy to be.  Stronger.  Headier.  He glanced around and held the panties tight before huddling back into the corner of the garage near the clothes.  Licking his lips again, he unzipped himself and wrapped the panties around his already raging cock.

He masturbated in the darkness of the garage, sliding the panties up and down until he was covered in the remains of her scent.  Up and down, higher and higher until the panties dipped into the small hole at the top of his cock.  And it soaked into him.

The man's testicles began to swell as hairs grew from his sack and down, creeping over his balls and around to the base of his cock.  He groaned, speeding up his rhythm until he suddenly came, covering his shirt with his seed.

He cursed but couldn't stop himself.  He was still hard.  He grinded his teeth together as they began to ache and the stubble along his jaw lengthened, growing into short fur before spreading down his neck and along his shoulders.  

A noise echoed through the garage.  His ears tried to twist and he lifted his nose as bones popped in his jaw.  

"A woman," he whispered, setting the panties to the side.

He went to all fours with his cock bobbing beneath him, dripping cum to the floor.  Sticking to the shadows, he moved silently, scenting the air and listening for the echoes of heels tick-tocking through the garage.  

Finally, he found her, a tall redhead in a short black dress.  She turned the corner with a scream, striking out at him but he covered his face.  His claws accidentally sliced through her palm as she slapped at him and he fell back to cower against the wall.  The woman screamed again and started to run, holding her hand against her chest.  He watched her, anxious and afraid.

Until her scent began to change.  She slowed to place her hand against a nearby car, hanging her head and panting.  Red fur outlined the cuts in her hand.  The woman moaned and her knees trembled.

Metallic screechings filled the air as the woman slid to the ground.  Her nails curved into claws that scored the car next to her as she slumped to the ground.  Her entire body shook and she squeaked loudly before leaning forward on her hands and knees.  The movement pulled her short, taut dress up to expose black panties pulled tight against her pussy.  Fiery red fur prickled her swelling pussy lips as they sprouted over her pale skin.  

The man sniffed the air while staring at her with black eyes.  His hand tightened against his massive cock and she turned to whimper at him when she saw it.  Her eyes locked onto his cock and she spread her pussy for him while pressing a finger into her slick lips.

"Need- need it-" she panted while finger-fucking herself.  

Red fur crept along the inside of her thighs, tangling with the cum sliding down her legs.  He hesitated but crawled to her and she fingered herself faster as he approached.

"Yes! Yes!  YES!" she screamed as he mounted her, laying his weight against her back while shoving his cock inside of her.

Their squeaks filled the garage until an elevator door opened and man and woman, both dressed professionally, stepped out, deep in conversation.  The woman frowned for a moment at the discarded pair of panties by the elevator but patted her blonde hair and the black chopsticks that held them up.

Less than ten minutes later she was on her knees, eagerly sucking her coworker's cock while being pounded from behind, only pulling from the cock to beg the homeless man to pull her hair and the blonde fur growing from the back.

And thus, a new Mischief was born, waiting to spread throughout the building.


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