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I thought I'd be done with this chapter but there's one more.  I already have the outline typed out so it's just a matter of writing against the outline.  I have a good feeling that the last chapter (swear to goodness) will be out next week!

Jumbled images tumbled through Sadie's fog-filled mind as she struggled to stay asleep.  She whimpered, kicking her left leg and then her right as she dreamed of running and leaping.  Her teeth chattered.  Her lips, streaked with black, vibrated as, in her dream, she caught a frisbee in the air.  She felt pride in herself as she landed on four feet and she searched for- searched for- 

The dream was already fading.  She whimpered while trying to hold on.  Colors fled, replaced by pure white and the images deconstructed into the ideas of the images themselves.  She needed his approval in the dream.  Just his voice alone would make her world bright.  The girl struggled to feel his presence but the effort only served to wake her fully.

Sadie stared at the gap beneath her bed.  The view was wrong but her mind felt dull and thick from the dregs of sleep.  She ached.  With a jaw-cracking yawn, she rolled to her bare belly and then up to her knees, sliding her hands out before her before yawning once more.  And then up, she pulled herself forward, raising her chest with her legs splayed behind.

Knots unraveled as her muscles strained from the full body stretch.  She rested a moment on hands and knees until she caught her reflection in the mirror attached to the back of the door.

She was nude, black skin blending into the predawn darkness.  Her eyes adjusted slowly, resolving her outline, the curves of her breasts and the tips of her nipples.  Long hair split to either side of her head and her rounded shoulders that led to a slim back dotted with thick fur hidden from her view.  Her hips flared out behind her.

The dry, callused skin on her palms and beneath her fingers rasped for a moment when she shifted her weight.  They continued to slide on the smooth, cool floor until she curled her fingers to allow her curved, dark nails to bite into the wood.

The dullness of her mind wasn't evaporating as she woke completely.  She pushed up, placing a foot beneath her to stand on two legs, balanced on her forefeet and toes with her knees slightly bent to compensate.  She padded forward, mesmerized by her mirror image.  

Thick, curly black fur covered her crotch, hiding the distended hood covering her swollen clit.  The hairs continued up in a thin line that ended between two red spots of skin aching to be touched.  

Need to shave, she told herself, toying with the hairs.  

And yet it felt good to touch herself (Yes, pet, play with, stroke) and drag her nails through the fur and against the skin beneath.  She stepped closer and the bones within her hips clicked with every step as muscles tugged and pulled and pushed against her loose coccyx.  She reached behind to scratch the bulge on her back.  Her fingers pressed into the loose skin to feel the twitching muscles before clawing her nails over the bump.  Her padding scratched against the scattered feathery hairs covering her lower back and ass as she lowered her hand to idly scratch her taut cheek.

The choker drew her attention like a pulsing light from a lone lighthouse amidst a turbulent storm.  Tendons stood out on her slim neck briefly when she reached for it, touching it lightly with the ashen padding tipping her index finger.  The chain swayed against her skin, causing her to shiver when it toyed with the fine hairs on her neck.

Her lips parted with a soft sigh to expose her elongated canines and newly sharpened premolars.  She slid her finger slow along the ebony choker.  Sadie swallowed hard with a slow blink as her tongue rested against her teeth and her breathing quickened.  Around and over to the chain.  Sadie placed her free hand against the cold mirror.  She raised her head, feeling the constraint of the choker on her bare skin and the fur on her nape.  It was (right and good) a magnificent feeling.  Her bent, narrow nail hooked into a link in the small chain.  It pulled, tugging the choker tight against her throat and she moaned in reflex.

Slivers of white sclera showed briefly around her expanded amber eyes as she looked back to the choker but her thoughts wandered to James.  Unbidden images flashed in her mind, too quick to seize and examine until they were merely ghostly impressions.  His hand on her.  His warmth near her.  His body against hers.  His breath in her ear.  Command in his voice.

Sadie growled while clutching the chain in her swollen palm.  She squeezed her eyes shut to force the thoughts away.  

"What time- what time is it?" she asked out loud, desperately fighting the heat rising within.  She wandered around her bedroom, trying to remember where she'd left her cellphone until finally, she recalled leaving it in her purse.  She snatched it out of her bag and her sharp fingernail clacked uselessly against the screen.  She tapped her finger repeatedly against the screen but her dark padding didn't seem to trigger the capacitive screen.  With a snarl, she pressed the power button and then let out a startled yip at how late it was.

She reached for the doorknob until she heard voices in the living room.  The muscles at the base of her ears tensed, pulling her ears forward to focus.  The oval russet hairs above her eyes rose in tandem with her eyebrows when she clearly heard her father tell her mother goodbye followed by her mother's quiet, teasing voice saying she enjoyed herself the night before.

"Grrrross," Sadie growled, shaking her head before scratching her jaw.  Her skin itched as more black hairs joined the ones already tracing a line from her ears to the corner of her jaw.  They slid free from the rounded edge of her jaw and forward until bronze hairs began to take their place when they emerged close to her lips.  She grunted as her nails dug deep into her flesh and then shook her head at her father's flirty reply. The front door opened and then closed with a quiet click.

Snapped out of the reverie brought upon by the voice whispering inside her head, she turned to grab a dark purple bathrobe from a hook beside her door.  It whispered against her skin and the few patches of fur on her back and shoulders until she tied it against her belly.  The robe felt cool against her skin, as if she were burning from a low grade fever, and she had to adjust the belt lower away from the tingling points on her stomach.

Sadie opened the door soundlessly to creep through the hallway in order to avoid her mother's notice.  She was fully aware that her parents had sex and was supportive of the connection they shared.  It was just when it was shoved in her face that she felt disgusted (normal, all normal, rutting and mating like a good bitch and sire) by the idea.

The girl slipped into the bathroom, closing the door as quietly as possible before turning to start the shower.  She untied the bathrobe to let it slip from her lithe body.  It dragged against the tangled, long hairs on her shoulders and neck and down, the thick collar catching on the dark fur covering the center of her back, pulling the flat hairs straight while sending shivers down her already tender body.  

Steam from the shower collected in the fur over her mound, clear droplets reflecting hundreds of images of the black hairs trapping them in place.  She stepped carefully into the tub before adjusting the shower head to account for her new height due to change in stance.

The girl placed her hands in front of her, beneath the shower while bowing her head.  Her hair, heavy with the weight of water, fell to allow the shower to soak into the ruff at the nape of her neck (water, you're wet, shake shake shake shake) and down, rivulets of hot water coursing along the hollow created on the center of her back caused by her shoulder blades pulled together.

Down, down, the shower's water diverting around the swollen, redden lump of her tail.  The skin stretched as muscles pushed the bone outward to make room another, collagen and calcium phosphate woven together by the strands of still growing muscle, like a loom weaving cloth until the second bone of her tail took shape.

Sadie stood with a sigh, clawing through her hair as the water pelted her body.  She leaned back with a quiet moan when the shower needled into the teats growing along her milk lines.

Just beneath her breasts, the twin wrinkled circular patches of skin twisted, gathering the surrounding flesh as they pushed forward.  Sadie growled, grabbing her throat with one hand while replacing her other against the wall.  She clawed slowly down her body, whimpering when she reached her soft breast.  Her rough padding scratched the sensitive skin while she pushed down, rubbing the curve of her breast against the teat growing just beneath.

She felt herself grow wet and her distended clit lifted slightly as it became swollen within the fleshy hood.  The thick fur low on her belly shifted slightly when the two teats on her mound tightened and lifted away from her body.  Her hand descended and she gasped when her paw dragged torturously against the new nipples.  She opened her fingers, two on either side of her clit while rubbing the base of her palm against the teats.

All thoughts of hurrying fled while she touched herself.  The black coloring in the cracked lines of her lips spread as she bit at them and moaned.  Her middle finger bent to slip between her pussy lips.  

James filled her mind once more.  Kissing her, holding her close before pushing her back to nibble at her neck and slip his hand into the pants she wore in her daydream, his imaginary fingers replacing her very real finger.  Sadie gasped, pushing her hips forward with a whimper as he finger fucked (all fours, go to all fours, raise your ass like a bitch to be mounted on all fours) her but it wasn't enough and she turned, driven but the sudden desire to be taken doggy-style.  She growled and spun back, changing the shower to a fast narrow stream while angling it down.  And then she turned again (all fours all fours raise your ass and beg whimper beg rut) bending forward while spreading her legs and lifting her ass until the water hammered into her pussy.  

"Fuurk!" the girl barked in surprise before shaking and licking her lips with a widened tongue.  She raised her ass higher until the water pulsed into her thick, fleshy hood, flaying it with an intensity that drove her wild (fuck fuck mate mate mate mate!) with the urge to be mounted.  She growled while shoving a finger deep inside, blocking the stream temporarily before adjusting her hand.

He was behind her, tearing her clothes off, biting her shoulder while shoving his cock between her thighs, mindlessly probing her while his hands roamed her body.  Shoving and pressing and growling and drooling like an animal, frustrating her with his thrusts.  The idea of guiding him never entered her mind.  She was a beast.  An animal on all fours.  She had no hands to help and her own heat was driving her out of her mind.  She yipped, echoed in real life within the bathroom, and growled until she shoved a second finger inside and James properly mounted her in her mind's eye.

Unable to control herself, she slid down until she was kneeling in the tub.  A horrifying metallic shrieking noise, brought on by her toe claws sliding against the tub, threatened to pull her out of her fantasy but it persisted and she grunted while licking her lips and whining, louder and louder as her fingers plunged in and out of her engorged pussy.  Her stubby tail curled, pulling at her back as she shoved herself against her fingers.  Her high pitched whining caused her ears to rotate when the muscles at their base completed their growth and the very tips folded over to flop slightly with every frantic motion.

The scraggly hairs covering her shoulders began to slowly spread down, creeping along her back in a wide, sparse pattern until they reached her shoulder blades.  They emerged in a prickly crawling wave, pushing towards the trailing fur on her neck until they merged together.

Sadie slammed her head against her wall when she orgasmed and she grabbed her pussy with her fingers still inside, trapped by the tight, spasming walls within.  She panted as she rode the waves of her aftershocks.

The shower belted her body until she suddenly couldn't take it anymore, pushed over the edge by her overloaded nerves and the sensitivity brought on by her estrus.  She pulled away and shook herself, rocking her body left to right over and over, flinging water from her skin and fur before curling into a tight ball just beneath the bathtub's faucet.

Time passed until she unfolded herself in order to turn off the shower.  She knelt for a moment before going to hands and knees.  The girl raised her back and then lowered it, enjoying the stretch until she shook herself once more.  Dizziness and endorphins clouded her mind as she blindly reached for the edge of the tub to slowly pull herself up.

Now standing, she opened her mouth wide to crack her aching jaw before closing it to grind her teeth together.  Her mouth opened again and her tongue automatically rested on her lower teeth, the edges curling up slightly between her canines.  She fumbled for the wall to lean against it while panting until her vision completely cleared.

The first step out of the tub was slow and tentative.  Her legs felt loaded with uneven bricks and she gripped the edge of the sink to steady herself until she stood before it.  

Sadie turned the handle for cold water.  She cupped her hands together into a makeshift bowl and then leaned in to lap it up, sloshing water against the wall and sink until almost nothing was left.  She licked the droplets trapped in the hairs between her fingers and creases between her padding.

The girl glanced up, yipping in surprise with wide eyes when she focused on her face.  Her lips were solid black, a sharp contrast (normal, normal, beautiful girl, pretty girl) to her sharp white teeth and the surrounding brown skin.  Even more shocking were the bronze hairs that surrounded the corners of her mouth.  She turned her head to follow the hairs, touching them as bronze immediately turned to silky black (good girl, pretty girl, normal girl) along her jaw and up in a wide swathe at the back of her cheek before surrounding the base of her ears.

"What- what the-" she stared at her eyes, at the strange, soulful tawny color that dominated them.  

Leaning in, she noticed little cracks in the tip of her nose and around her nostrils.  And then up to the strange (normal normal normal)  russet hairs in an exaggerated circle next to her eyebrows.  She brushed the hairs, accidentally pushing her bangs in the process.  A light dusting of feathery black hairs crested her forehead from one side of her face to the next.

The girl's eyes swiveled to her raised hand and the hairs lining the backs of her fingers.  No - she turned her hand and wrist.  Both hands and arms were covered in hairs, sparse but entirely noticeable (beautiful beautiful good normal girl) against her skin.  From the tips of her fingers, and between, up to her elbows the hairs matched the coloring of the dots above her arms but they turned sharply to sable on her biceps and up.  She raised her arm and finally noticed the rust colored tufts of hair on her normally (good good girl normal good girl) smooth armpits.

"What is- what is wrong with me," she whispered, staring at her face and upper body.  

Sadie's ears moved, pulling her attention to the door when she heard the normally silent steps of her mother.  She sniffed, lifting her head with each inhalation and her mother's perfume flooded her nose.

"I'm going to work, honey," her mother said through the door.  Sudden music, loud jazz, mixed with her mother's words.  She often wore her earbuds while finishing her morning chores and getting ready but Sadie was shocked that she could hear it clearly through the door.  "Don't take too long, it's getting late.  Love you!"

"L- love you too!" Sadie said before turning back to her reflection with a piteous whine.

I have to go to the doctor, she told herself, licking her lips.  This isn't (calm, calm, good girl, calm, normal normal) normal.

She whined again when she touched the soft hairs on her cheek, scratching herself with her bent, thick nail.

But- but- my friends will be there, she continued to think.  Everyone will be there.  All of them.  And- and my party is tonight!   A party!  For me!  Everyone will be at the party for me!  All of that attention and- and- (yes yes good girl yes everyone loves you) all of those people wanting to see me and pet me and play with me and James!  James (mate rut mate mount) will be at school!  And my party?  No, I didn't ask!  I need to ask!  He has to be there!  James!  Yes!  

Anxiety turned to excitement as the voice sent its roots deeper into her core.

It's just hair, she told herself, caressing her cheek with the padding beneath her thumb.  I can shave it.  And the ones on my arms (normal normal good girl good bitch) are- everyone- everyone has hair on their arms.  It's normal.  Yes, normal.

Sadie flashed sharp fangs in a brilliant smile as she put aside her worries and began to look forward to seeing everyone at school.  Her short, stubby tail twisted against her ass, brushing the sable vellus hairs covering the rounded curves.  The movement encouraged more to emerge.  Bronze hairs pierced her skin from the inside of her ass and around until they touched the tiny black hairs already grown in.  Her tail curled, stretching against the surrounding skin when her second tailbone completely formed in place and a third began to grow.  Fine hairs erupted at the base of her tail, black to match the ones on her ass, and she giggled lightly at the sensation.  

She grabbed her razor, running it under hot water before bringing it to her face and carefully shaving around her lips.  It was tedious, requiring her to brush her finger down the blade with every short pass of the blades.  Water began to collect in the sink when she worked on the hairs covering her neck. She paused briefly to collect curly mass to deposit into the trash before continuing down to her shoulder.  The fur was heavier there and it required her to empty the sink multiple times until she was satisfied with how smooth her skin felt.  She ran her hand along her shoulder and her nails lightly dragged through the hair covering her back.

"All better," she told her reflection, turning to open the door without a glance down at her belly and the smaller set of nipples neatly hidden beneath the curves of her breasts.

The empty house greeted her as she walked naked through the hallway without a single concern - a first for her despite having the house to herself.  She walked into the kitchen, sniffing the air to follow the scent of delicious food until she stood before the trash.  The faint aroma of her mother's simple breakfast sandwich made her stomach growl.  She pressed the foot pedal to open the trash but whined when she saw nothing but the empty plastic packaging the sandwich came in.  With the lid opened, she pawed through the trash bag but it'd been recently emptied, leaving only the smells of food long thrown in the dumpster.

She grabbed a plate out of habit, placing it on the table before opening the fridge.  The smells assaulted her as soon as the door was ajar and she growled in anticipation, tapping from one foot to the other as she pawed through the contents to find a bag of deli sliced ham.  Drool slid along the edge of her exposed tongue until it reached the tip when she grabbed the ham.  She swallowed as she held the food to her stomach and walked to the table.

The padded chairs at the dining table cushioned her bare ass and elongated clit.  She grabbed slices of bread that she threw onto the plate before snatching the meat.  Her claws tore into the bag and she pulled, growling at the incredible smell.  The girl leaned in, taking the strip of still intact plastic in her teeth.  She jerked her head with a sharp movement that easily ripped the bag completely.  The plate and bread was forgotten as she bit into the slab of sliced ham, holding it down with one hand while tearing chunks away with her fangs.  She growled constantly in between swallowing with her head low to the table.

Nearly two pounds of ham vanished in an instant.  She stood while bending over the table, shoving her bare ass against the chair while lashing her tongue against the bag and the surrounding table, lapping up the juices she'd splattered in her rush to eat.

She sniffed, nosing along the table until she reached the plate.  Sadie gobbled the bread quickly, taking entire slices in her mouth.  Her tongue worked, compressing the bread until she could swallow and she licked the crumbs from the plate when she was done.

On the last lick, her eyes focused on the large digital clock at the top of the stove.  She snarled when she realized how late it was.

The girl dashed for the door, throwing it open to step outside.  The movement startled a bird that took flight immediately.  Sadie froze (prey prey PREY), staring at the thick bush beside the concrete walkway.  She lowered herself an inch at a time until her knees touched the ground.  Her left hand followed, the dark padding protecting her hand from the rough pavement.  She raised her right paw, curling it while holding steady.  Waiting.  Watching.  She could smell them hiding within.  Her short tail, completely covered in fur now, curled behind her.

Crouched as she was, her ass cheeks spread.  The russet fur was growing thick as the neighboring sable fur multiplied to match.  Brown hairs spread down, mixing with black around her labia as she exposed herself to her neighbors.

Sharp, cold wind ruffled the fur on her back.  She shivered but held as still as possible, tensing her muscle to ready herself to leap into the bushes to-

A car passed, too fast for the little cul-de-sac and Sadie barked in surprise.  

"Oh my god!" she yelled, crossing her arms (normal furry and warm and normal) over her chest while jumping back into her house.  She rolled as she landed, yipping with pain when her tail was briefly trapped beneath her.  The girl kicked the door shut before standing and rubbing the fur on her arms.  "Oh my god.  Oh my god."

She walked quickly to the curtains, pulling the edge aside to see if any neighbors were watching.  The sleepy neighborhood was thankfully empty and she exhaled loudly.

"That was so- ugh, what is even-" she shook her head as she walked to her bedroom, scratching the floor with her claws with every clicking step.

Sadie dug through her dresser as the voice cooed to her, promising her that it was completely natural to be nude.  That her fur was her protection and she needed nothing else.  It was an alluring voice that continued to distract her but her shame held out and she grabbed a pair of white panties.

Bending to step into the panties, she smelled herself.  She seemed constantly wet; the heat lurking within the pit of her stomach, waiting for any provocation to leap out and consume her left her in a continuous state of arousal.  She whimpered and licked her lips while continuing to sniff.

I need to be clean, she told herself as she lowered herself to sit on the floor.

She bent while cradling her right leg and pulling it up to give herself better access to her crotch.  Her tongue dragged against the tuft of fur, over her clit and against her labia.  She huffed while licking the clear cum between her pussy lips but continued to clean until she was satisfied by her efforts.  Finally, she dropped her leg to slide her panties up, ignoring the rust-colored hairs covering her feet and shins.  She twisted and knelt, wiggling her butt when she settled her underwear in place, trapping her short tail between her ass cheeks. 

Her bluejeans resisted.  She tugged to get her feet through the narrow legs and the waist felt tight on her hips.  Worse, the zipper snagged her fur, causing her to yelp loudly and untangle herself before pulling more slowly.  It was a struggle to hook the button but she finally did and it held.  The base of her tail throbbed with a dull ache.  She reached back to massage it while looking around for a shirt to wear, settling on a slim white cap-sleeve with a deep V-neck.  It clung to her body tight enough to show four bumps between her first row of teats, hidden below the overhang of her breasts, and the last row beneath the waist of her pants.  Her plain school hoodie completed her look.

Grabbing her backpack, she hesitated.  The choker lay on her dresser.  She whimpered as she stared at it, already missing the tightness around her neck.  The girl licked her lips and strained her head upward, touching her throat briefly when an image of James flashed through her mind.  The thought of wearing it in public (show who you are) was frightening and beyond (brave good girl) what her meekness allowed but it felt wrong to leave it behind.  She whined loudly and indecisively until, finally, she snatched it, holding it firmly in the loose grip afforded by her padded hands.  

On the way out, she stopped by the kitchen out of habit to grab the bag of dog treats and opened the door.  Her feet bumped her shoes, causing her to look down.  

"Oh, right," she said slowly.  

She stared at the shoe.  She remembered shoes.  Of course she remembered shoes.  Shoes are useful (no bare bare paws) to- to-

"Right," Sadie said again when it finally clicked in her mind.  She wore shoes on her feet.  Of course.  Of course that's what she did.  When she was outside.

Setting her backpack and bag of treats down, with her choker safely hidden in the front pocket of her hoodie, she shoved her bare foot into the shoe, wincing when they pinched her.  She frowned at them when her foot stopped mid-shoe.  

Is- is this right? she asked herself, staring at them.  She took a step and the loose shoe flopped.  No.  No, that isn't right.

The girl shook her head and knelt again to loosen the strings, chastising herself for being so muddle-headed.  She pulled the strings from two sets of eyelets before her feet completely slid into the shoes and even then she felt cramped.  Still, she pulled the laces as tightly as she could before tying them off.  Each step made her wince and her bent toes dug into the midsole of the shoes, claws scraping against the foam.  They felt overly warm immediately, despite the cold air outside as the russet fur covering her bare feet trapped the heat from her body.

Sadie shook her head while settling the backpack, adjusting it so it didn't pull against the hair on her back and shoulders.  She touched the choker in her hoodie pocket to reassure herself that it was still there before opening the bag of treats.  She ate them slowly, savoring their flavor while scenting the air for any new and unusual smells.  

A torrent of sharp scents forced her to stop at the entrance to an alley several blocks away from her house.  She knelt and then bent forward, growling when her backpack slid and bumped her head.  The girl touched the ground and huffed, lowering her head until her nose brushed the dirt and gravel.  She breathed in several quick puffs while her tail struggled to lift behind her.

Cats, she realized, sitting back on her haunches and her pant's button popped open under the strain.  The smell was incredibly complex but her piriform cortex recognized the primary scent.  There was more.  A hazy, hungry smell that made her think of sex and threatened to draw her own heat forth from its light slumber.  And blood, mostly further down the alley.  

Her ears strained forward, elongating through her hair.  The tips pulled down a fraction of an inch to show more glossy black fur lining the back.  She brushed her fingers through her hair, hiding her ears in the process.  At the same time, the small cracks in her nose broke, their lines going askew as the color deepend to leave a dusky, pebbled appearance.

Sadie's pupils widened while her ears focused and she inhaled, testing the alley for the remnants of the fight and mating.  

Hours old, she decided, shaking her head with a sharp sneeze.

The girl stood, dusting her knees while walking away.  She ate the last of the treats and then growled quietly, shoving the bag against her face to lick the scattered crumbs.  When she passed a sheltered bus stop, she dropped the bag into the wire waste basket before reaching into her hoodie to clutch her choker.

A growl rose in the back of her throat and she slowed, staring into the fenced yard across the street.

Asshole dog isn't there, she thought to herself, smelling a few more times while slowly crossing the street, ready to charge the fence if it stepped into the yard.

Her tail stretched, lengthening between her ass cheeks as fur thickened around it.  She scratched her side while slowly passing the yard, staring at the paths around the house and through the window.  Her eyes hardened into a challenging stare and the growl returned, vibrating her throat.  

The girl's pants bulged slightly over the tail as it swelled with flesh and bone and muscle.  She shivered when it brushed her pussy but her anger overrode the sensation and the tip of the tail lifted.

When she passed the yard, she grunted and kicked her foot, scratching at the ground before continuing at a normal pace.  She reached back, clawing at her ass to adjust herself and the tail pressed deeply within until no bulge showed its presence.

A few blocks later, other students began to join her on the sidewalk.  She grinned at them, sometimes walking close to gather their scents and other times walking wide when she spied someone that made her uncomfortable.  Their aromas were a vast sea surrounding her, threatening to drown her as she moved deeper into school grounds.  Her eyes glazed over as she waved at random people and smiled at others.  The bulge reappeared on the back of her pants as her tail desperately tried to wiggle its way to freedom.

Through all of it, she watched for James (mate mate mate) but he was nowhere to be found and the bell rang, forcing a sudden rush of students that pulled her with it.



When’s this getting finished sooo keen


I wanted to try to finish it last month but, well, stuff. So, this month is my new goal! And soon, I think/hope.