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Chapter 3 will follow this coming week! 

Faint tones issued from the tinny speakers of Sadie's refurbished cellphone.  With every passing second, the volume increased until the swelling music echoed down the hallways of the girl's fading dream.  She clutched helplessly to the remnants of the dream while groaning and hugging a bunched-up portion of her blanket.

"Ugh, why," the girl grumbled, slapping at her phone until an aimless accidental swipe silenced the alarm.  She cracked one eye open and her well-groomed, perfect eyebrow arched in tandem before she squeezed her eyes shut again.

The numbers on the screen haunted her with their soft, cheerful glow.  First period didn't start until 7:45.  She normally didn't wake up until 6:45 but she'd set her alarm to 5:30 this week in order to spend extra time making herself look presentable.  It was her one shot to get James' attention and she refused to mess it up.

"I'm not," she mumbled, remembering her mother's current obsession with the Hamilton musical that often resulted in repeated quotes and entire songs being randomly sung.  "Throwing away my shot."

The girl pulled her blanket aside before slowly rolling to her stomach with a jaw-cracking yawn.  She pushed herself up to her hands and then raised her ass with legs apart.  The slightly curved nails at the tips of her toes cut into her sheet and mattress topper when she bent her toes to press them against the bed.  Her body shook while she stretched with her back bowed in until she leaned forward, pulling her chest between her arms and slightly lowering her hips in a final stretch.

A new voice, hidden deep in her psyche, whispered that this was correct and proper for her body.  And it made her feel good.  Just a tiny spark of happiness that made her wiggle her hips left and right for a brief moment.

She rolled to her butt to slide her legs over the edge of her bed before raising her arms in a spine-cracking stretch that left her feeling pleasantly energized.  Her body thrummed as if she could feel the blood coursing through every single inch from the top of her scalp to the tips of her toes.

The silence of the early morning was comforting to her; not even her parents woke up this early.  She reached down, slipping a hand between the gap afforded by the last button on her pajamas.  Her thumb traced over her flat belly while she toyed with a few black hairs that lay above the elastic band of her pajama bottoms.  She scratched and pulled at the hairs until she decided she was finally awake.

"Yip!" Sadie cried out when she stood and immediately slipped, barely catching herself by grabbing the edge of her desk.

She steadied herself with one hand before raising her foot and twisting her ankle slightly.  Her sole was still swollen and, worse, the ashen coloring of the slim callus had darkened to coal.  As carefully as she could, she bent to one knee to touch the rough padding.

"Oh, what the hell?" she asked, spreading her toes to touch the few silky black hairs that grew from the webbing.  Her eyes widened further when she spied matching hairs between her fingers.  She brushed them and, even knowing they existed and seeing them in place, she was shocked to feel the way they tickled and pulled at the surrounding skin.

She ignored her feet when she spied more hairs covering the backs of her knuckles and the outer edges of her hands. 

"The fu-" Sadie whispered, pulling back her sleeve.

She could feel the hairs dragging against her shirt before she saw them.  There were always hairs for her to shave every few months or so but she'd just groomed herself two nights ago.  Now there were easily double the amount of hairs she normally had.  She touched them and then twisted her arm to see more on the lighter colored skin on the inside of her wrist and arm.

The dark ring around her brown eyes trembled while she inspected herself.  The ring widened, eating away at the sclera while it expanded.  Within the ring, her eyes lightened, brown fading to amber until only a hint of the whites of her eyes remained.  

Thank god I woke up early, she sighed, pulling her sleeve back down.

She took a step, forefoot touching first, immediately followed by her toes.  As they had the night before, they slid on the bare floor.  The dry, rough padding forced her toes to spread when she put pressure on them but they pulled back together when she remembered to set her heel to the ground.

The voice whispered its disapproval, urging her to walk properly but it was weak yet and she found herself barely slipping as she made her way out of her room and into the bathroom with her cellphone in hand.  The fan and light clicked on when she flipped the switches and she gently closed the door with her hip while setting her phone on the sink's counter.

She picked up her toothbrush and winced at the memory of her time in the bathroom the night before.  It took effort to push the thought away and smear the toothbrush with toothpaste.  The toothbrush buzzed in her mouth while she made circles in the bathroom, walking over the non-slip bath mat in a lazy figure-eight.  

Melanocytes woke to work in her mouth as she pushed the toothbrush around.  The cells pumped granules of melanin into the roof of her mouth, slowly replacing parts of the pink flesh with irregular black splotches of coloring.

Sadie tsk'ed a few times while brushing when she found a few sore spots in her gums.  After she finished brushing, she set the toothbrush down and leaned into the mirror with her mouth open.  She touched her front teeth and the incisors next to her, leaning in even closer.

Is it loose?  I think it's loose, she frowned, staring at the tooth while wiggling it.

She touched a few more, sure they were looser than they should be before cupping her hands to catch water.  She leaned in and the tip of her tongue curled as the voice whispered to her.  The tip curled to scoop up water before she reeled the tongue back in to swallow but the voice faltered and she sucked the rest of the water in to swish it around before spitting it out.

Light red blood colored her spit.

Maybe- maybe I'm brushing too hard, she told herself.

Placing her hands on the sink, she bent to the mirror with her mouth open again and her lips drawn back to show her teeth.  Something else bothered her about them but it kept slipping from her until she brought  a nail up to gently touch one of her canines.  Her nail slid against the white tooth to nestle in the gap between her teeth.  She could feel the sponginess of her gums when she wiggled her finger.

Sadie ran her finger across her teeth to the back of her mouth.  Now that she felt it, she could see it, as if it were an optical illusion that took a moment for the brain to realize: an almost imperceptible space lay between each of her teeth.

The girl stood straight but still watched her mouth while clamping her teeth shut.  She moved her jaw, pushing her teeth together to feel for any looseness but they held solidly in place.

"Has to be my imagination," she said out loud.

With a shake of her head, she began to undress, unbuttoning her shirt from top to bottom until she was topless.

"What the hell?" she asked her reflection.

The scattered hairs that lined her forearm continued up to her bicep and further.  A few strands, longer than the others, stuck out from the curve of her shoulder.  She lifted her arm to touch the hairs but stopped and raised her arm straight up.

Tawny hairs completely covered her armpits.  Her fingertips brushed the hairs, surprising her with how dense and soft they were.  And shiny.  They grew up to the inside of her arm and down, nearly touching her breasts.  Sable hairs, matching the color of the ones on her arm, formed a perimeter at the edge of the brown strands.

A million different thoughts raced through her head but she discarded them all as the faint notes of panic began to fill her.  At other times, she'd approached her mother when she had a question about her body but her sense of privacy had grown as she had and, now, at the age of eighteen, the thought of showing her mother the strange hair growths made her extremely uncomfortable.

I'll just look it up when I'm done here, she told herself.

Her fingers still brushed through the hairs.  It was oddly enjoyable despite her anxiety, scratching through the roots of the hair (fur, came the whisper) and the skin beneath while caressing the smooth tips soothed her.  Goosebumps rose around her dark areola and her nipples stirred as she stroked beneath her arms.  Her tongue circled her teeth and then up to the top of her mouth, rubbing back and forth against the ridges just behind her teeth.

"Shower, shower," she reminded herself as time passed.  Shaving would come after, when she'd cleaned herself and softened her body.

Steam filled the bathroom, clouding the mirror while the showerhead hissed a steady stream of hot water.  Sadie shivered (shake. you're wet) and shook herself slightly when drops formed on the tips of the hairs covering her arms.  

The girl slipped her thumbs into the band of her pants and pushed while watching the water course down the back of the tub to swirl around the drain.  She lost herself in her thoughts while sliding the pajamas and her panties down over the smooth, dark skin of her ass and thighs.  The hairs on the backs of her thighs dragged counter against the pajamas.  She lifted her foot, catching the curved nails against the inside of the leg to pull it down the rest of the way before stepping out with her other foot.

Her curved toenails clicked lightly against the tile beneath her when she finally stood naked.  A wide swath of silky black hair covered her lower belly, arcing down below her belly button from one side of her hips to the next.  Caramel colored hairs, only slightly darker than those in her armpit, formed a border near her thighs, replacing the obsidian hairs before continuing to her sides.  The mixture of hair completely covered her skin with a glistening pelt that collected the moisture in the air.

The faint smell of her wet fur began to fill the air but her own scent was dull to her.

Sadie stepped carefully into the tub and her nails scraped the porcelain sides.  She shielded her breasts when the hot water drilled into her nipples.  After toying with herself the night before, they felt sore and more sensitive than they should be.  She bent to let the water course down her body and over her scalp, sighing happily when the warmth seeped into her body.

She rubbed herself, squeezing and massaging strangely sore muscles while turning in slow circles.  Her hands rose to her face, fingertips dragging against her eyebrows and then up, palms pressing into her cheeks and the slightly sore gums behind her lips.  

Hair pulled free from the inner inside of her eyebrows when her hands pushed against her brow.  She clawed through her scalp with a long, drawn out hiss and a bowed head.

Follicular pores opened on the ridge above her eyes.  Soft brown follicles slipped from the pores to replace the part of her eyebrows that had fallen off, leaving her with a small twin patch of russet hairs in a shortened oblong pattern.

Her soapy hands roamed her body, over her stomach and up to her breasts where she squeezed them gently, pressing her palm into the skin and then up and carefully around her nipples and back down to her sides, further down to her lower belly.

A sharp, hard cramp lanced through her midsection in two lines, making her gasp.  The pain vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving her to touch her chest and stomach in an effort to find what caused it.  Finding nothing, she continued cleaning, wondering idly if it was simply the after effects of her nausea from the night before.

She spread her legs while filling her hands with more soap.  Her small hands pressed into her lower belly for one last check against the pain and then down, running through her pubic hair (fur.  fur) to find it thicker than it should be (no. normal, it's normal, ignore it) and then between her legs.  Her spread fingers tugged at the long black hairs covering her labia until she pressed her hand into the fold of her thighs, cleaning one side and then the other.  

White soapy foam covered her smooth thighs as she squatted to rub her lower legs, scratching the hairs covering her calves and shin and then down to her feet.  

Sadie sat away from the shower, her back to the faucet with her feet towards the end of the rub.  She spread her toes, shaking her head at the strange little mohawks on the short webbing.  She giggled quietly at that imagery - mohawks of hair covering her feet.

Twisting her ankle as much as she could in the tub, she rubbed the dark, rough swollen patch of skin covering the balls of her feet.  After standing under the water, it wasn't softer than the night before, leaving her to believe it was just a temporary issue (yes, it's normal, it's fine, need paws to run barefoot) rather than something long term.

I need to redo my nails, she noticed, frowning at her toes as she wiggled them, enjoying the way the light padding scratched against her skin.  And trim them.

Now sitting, she could feel a low ache that seemed to permeate her joints and the muscles within.  Her thumbs dug into the lined skin of her arches between her heel and the balls of her feet.  She pushed forward and then back while pressing her palms against her heel.  

"Haaa," she sighed with a tiny smile.

She leaned her head back while digging her fingers and nails into the soft skin.  And then up.  Her nails traced the boundary of the dark, wide trefoil skin once, twice and a third time.  Finally, she touched the padding, pushing it and watching it move independently of her foot.  She could feel a strange layer of flesh between her foot and the padding.  Rather than massage it gently, she squeezed the coal-black skin.

As her fingers worked, skin gathered beneath the pelt low on her belly.  It flowed around the recessed hood covering her clit, adding thin layer after layer until it jutted outward, dragging fur with it into a soft, rounded point that occasionally quivered when she rocked her body.  The tiny bulbous clit grew within as the nerves beneath the thin skin doubled and then tripled.

The girl's throat rumbled and she breathed deeply.  The water soaked into her fur while mixing with the faint remains of her cum from the night before.  She breathed in through her nose once more and a faint clicking sounded as a flap of skin grew in place, separating the air she breathed into one passage while a wide river of smells flooded the other.  Millions of new olfactory receptors lit up and she growled quietly at the suddenly sharp scent of her pussy.

An onslaught of odors exploded in her nasal cavity, bringing tears to her eyes and forcing her to cough and rub her nose.  Shampoo dripped down to her face when she jerked her head, burning her eyes.  Still coughing, she stood quickly to rinse herself off quickly.

Harsh chemicals with the undertones of flowers made her gag.  Worse, the toilet was bathed in the smell of- 

She turned her head to pinch her nose when the smell threatened to make her vomit.  It was an endless roiling ocean that threatened to overwhelm her.  She could smell the cake from the kitchen as well as the steak her father had cooked two days ago, and all the spices he'd used and-

"Oh, oh god," the smell of sex.  Despite being a virgin, she masturbated and knew her own smell.  This was similar but not hers and mixed with something completely different.

A headache bloomed in the back of the girl's brain.  She breathed through her mouth with her eyes shut in order to cut off the smells and it seemed to work to a small degree.  The smells were still there but faint.  Waiting.

Her stomach gurgled while drool filled her mouth.  The steak reminded her that she'd starved herself yesterday.  She (breathe in, smell it, smell it) almost breathed through her nose again but shut it off when she remembered her parent's bedroom.  Instead, she opened her mouth a fraction of an inch and inhaled slowly.

With all the soap and shampoo washed off, she shut off the water before stepping onto the floor mat.  She grabbed her towel from it's hook to dry (shake.  shake.  shake the water) off.  She started with her hair, rubbing over and over before opening the towel to wrap around her body.  She pulled the corners while dragging it downward until she reached her belly.

Tan and brown hairs covered the inside of the towel when she opened it but she was oblivious as she spread her legs, grabbing the towel in her hand to pat against her crotch.

The slightly protruding tip of her clit's hood compressed against the towel, flattening into her enlarged, oversensitive clit.

"Fuck!" Sadie cried out, dropping the towel and pressing her legs together.  She opened her thighs and looked down, spying the thick fur for the first time when she tried to see what exactly she'd done to set off the intense feeling between her legs.  "Fuck.  What the fuck?"

"Augh," the girl groaned, squeezing her eyes shut when she inhaled through her nose.  Food, cleaning chemicals, excrement and urine, sex, sex, sex and the ghostly hint of a freshly mowed yard.  It was (good, more, exciting! explore!) too much until she focused on breathing through her mouth again.

Anxious about the time spent in the bathroom, she double-tapped her phone's screen to wake it briefly.

"Crap, crap, crap!" she whispered fiercely.  

Picking her towel up, she folded it and lay it against the edge of the tub before sitting on it and turning the water on once more.  She took her razor from its little hook and set to work, starting with her arms.  The wide razor glided across her forearm.  She wiped the blade beneath the tub's faucet with every pass, turning her arm and splaying her fingers to ensure she got every errant little hair. 

Water gathered around the hair-filled drain but she ignored it as she worked on her other arm, breathing lightly through her mouth to minimize the smells and the headache they caused.  

Seven black hairs emerged beneath her belly button.  They leisurely pushed through her skin in a narrow strip as she shaved her right arm.  More hairs joined the seven and they creeped down her stomach, lifting from her skin when they appeared until they vanished within the fur covering her crotch.  

At the same time, tawny hairs grew from the back of her neck.  They flattened against the still-wet hair laying heavily against her nape but, like the little happy trail on her belly, they continued to grow, descending down over the bumps of her vertebrae.  Just past her neck, black hairs replaced the brown before stopping between her shoulder blades.  They grew sparse the further they traveled from her neck, leaving wide stretches of bare skin between random patches of sable hairs.  Unlike the ones on her belly, these grew long and clumped together.

The clogged drain refused to empty, causing the water to lap at her feet.  Sadie held the razor out while inspecting her arms with a nod.  The hairs between her fingers gave her trouble but she found she was able to spread them wide enough to trim.

Now she looked down at her belly and her lips compressed.  She rinsed the razor while dragging her thumb against it to clear the blades and then leaned back, laying the razor against her belly button to shave the newly grown hairs.  All was fine until the razor tugged against her thick fur low on her hips.  

"Now what?" she asked herself, washing the blades and setting the razor back on its hook.  The answer came to her quickly but she blinked rapidly at the idea of it.

Her father shaved once a week to maintain a fine stubble and he used an electric trimmer to do it.  

"I can't," she whispered, imagining the idea of her father shaving with something that she'd used to-

But I can't just leave this, she thought, biting the inside of her bottom lip.  I'll just- I'll use it and then hide it and buy him a new one to replace it.  Uh.  Maybe I'll accidentally break his.  I can't go to school like this.  What choice do I have?

Fine black fur sprouted from the base of her ears.  She scratched them with an appreciative murmur but then gasped when that same fast, sharp pain she felt earlier wracked her stomach.  As before, it vanished immediately but this time, she felt a lingering soreness.  As the fur began to spread over the backs of her ears, she touched her chest, exploring like she had before

The tenderness radiated from specific spots on her body, starting beneath her breasts and continuing down in double lines that lead inward, ending within the thick fur over her pussy.  She leaned back to look but saw no marks or redness where she touched.

Crap, I don't have time for this, she told herself, firming her resolve.

She stood and her claws clicked against the tile when she stalked over to the cabinet to dig for her father's electric razor.  It buzzed in her hand when she activated it and she leaned against the cool wall with one hand held below the vibrating blades to catch the clumps of hair when she dragged it across her skin.  

The trimmer left prickly stubble behind but she ignored it as she continued her grooming.  She found herself enjoying the way it scratched against the skin beneath the fur but almost dropped it when it came too close to her pussy.  She flicked the switch off, silencing it for a moment while gently touching the lump of fur.  The skin beneath was soft and squishy and-

"Chrrrist!" she grumbled, grinding her teeth when she pressed her finger lower, accidentally pinching her clit.  She squirmed and bit her lip but then reached again to push the fur away.

Smooth, brown skin jutted from the top of her pussy, hidden beneath dense fur.  It was nearly three times as wide as before and the length of the tip of her pinky finger.  As carefully as she could, she placed her palm against it and pressed.  The flesh was squishy in an unusual way and it compressed against the permanently swollen clit beneath until-

Sadie snatched her hand away before wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead.  She tensed between her legs and the muscles clenched, slipping together as a wetness began to form within.

"Okay, don't touch," she nodded.  "I just- I just masturbated too hard last night.  Or something.  And the hair's probably irritating it.  I'll just- just- shave around it."

The trimmer clicked on once more and she stuck her tongue out between her lips to continue shaving.  

Enamel built around the base of her canines, utilizing the space afforded by the new gaps in order to strengthen her teeth.  The blunted tips of her canines, flush with her incisors and premolars, sharpened slightly before lengthening, pressing against the sides of her tongue.  More enamel surrounded her premolars, dragging them down into smaller, shortened fangs that matched her canines.  The process was mirrored on her bottom jaw until her teeth scrapped together.

The girl carefully worked around her swollen clit.  She threw handfuls of fur into the small trash can next to the toilet while idly rubbing her extended teeth with her tongue.

A rough, round patch of black stubble emerged from the skin just above the crack of her ass.  She scratched at it briefly between shaving but refocused on her task, anxious to finish.  

Despite breathing through her mouth, a specific smell rose to dominance among the ones clamoring for her attention.  Air flowing through the house carried her mother's scent to her moments before the older woman knocked on the bathroom door.

"How are you feeling, baby?" her mother asked.  "Are you hungry?"

"Better," Sadie answered.  "And,  yes."

(steak, cooked or cold, tough and flavorful)

"I'll toast some bread for you," the woman said.

"M-maybe a sandwich?" Sadie asked hopefully, scratching the stubble below her belly button.

"Sure, baby," her mother told her.  "I'll have it ready in a little bit.  Take your time.  And if you need to stay home, that's okay, too."

"Thank you!" the girl called out.

Distracted by her mother and the thoughts of food and the voice whispering new urges and impulses in the back of her mind, Sadie set the trimmer down carelessly and padded over to grab her towel.  She wrapped it around herself, grabbed her phone and opened the door to step into the cool hallway.

A thin trail of wet fur lay exposed between the ends of her hair and the edge of the towel while thicker tufts lay shifted in short waves on the back of her calves with every step.  The muscles stood out on her slim legs as she walked through the hallway on the balls of her feet.

Once safely in her room, she dropped the towel (naked is good, yes, is proper) and paced her room, lost for a moment in deciding what to do next.  The girl huffed, blowing out her cheeks before taking an accidental sniff of the air.  Her scent marked everything but she found herself pulled to her bed.  She flopped on it with a smile before twisting and turning and rolling on the blanket and sheets.  Her tongue lay against the corner of her mouth, switching from one side to the other while she wrestled with her blanket.

Another deep breath and Sadie froze.  She twisted quickly from her back to her stomach while rolling with her feet towards the pillows.  The girl shoved her nose into the bed, snuffling and shoving the blankets with her head.  She huffed again, directly over where her ass lay the night before.  Where she'd masturbated.  Her nose pressed into the sheet.

She spread her knees while raising her ass.  Her sharp teeth tugged at the sheet until she released it and her tongue rolled out to rasp against the area where the nexus of smells combined into an intoxicating blend of eroticism.  

A slim gleam appeared between her pussy lips.  The girl whined and bit at the sheet again.  She lowered her chest, rubbing her breasts and nipples against the fabric.  Finally unable to contain herself, she sat back, grabbing a pillow from behind to pull it beneath her.  She squeezed it into a solid lump before pushing down on it, raising her head high when she felt the edge of it slip between her pussy lips.  

Sadie marked her pillow as she rocked back and forth, whimpering quietly until she reached up to grab her right tit, massaging the soft skin while leaning forward on her left hand to ensure her clit rubbed the soft pillowcase.  Her hips jerked but she continued and her breathing became ragged, quick puffs.

Panting now.  Her tongue felt swollen in her mouth until she let it free and the floppy tip bounced against her chin.  

"Harder, harder, harder," she whined.  

Russet hairs emerged from the girl's freshly shaved armpits.  Muscles stood out on her forearms and her breasts quaked while the bed creaked.  

"It- It- Yip- Ip-!" Sadie jerked, squeezing her knees together when her orgasm burst, releasing the pressure building deep within.  She fell forward to collapse against the bed.

Her skin felt on fire, eager to be touched and caressed and stroked.  She panted in place, licking her lips and mouth with a tongue slightly longer and slightly wider than it should be.  Static filled her brain, leaving her in a state of blissful ignorance of the world around her.  But, as the seconds passed, the insistent voice whispering in her head faded, leaving her with the fragmented knowledge of what she'd done.

She held herself still, replaying what happened to try to make sense of the sudden urgency to masturbate.  No, not quite to masturbate.  She'd fucked her own pillow.  All other scents were muted aside from the smell of her cum.  It threatened to drag her back down into a state of heat so she rolled from the bed, catching herself when her legs wobbled.  

Her white pillow case was nearly see-through now.  Soaked in her juices.  The girl's lips pulled back and she gnashed her teeth while pressing a fist against her belly.  As it had in the shower, a knife's blade tore through her midsection, dropping her to her knees to bow her head while supporting herself on her hands.

And, again, it vanished.  She touched the earlier spots to find them even more tender than before.  And hot to the touch.  One of the spots, below her left breast and against her ribcage, was swollen to her touch.  She pressed it gently, pushing it against her body and she swore she felt something beneath her skin.

Sadie bowed her head to the floor and turned, pulling her knees to her chest.  The hairs lining her calves tickled the backs of her thighs but she ignored it as she willed the pain to pass.

Hunger replaced the pain, reminding her of the waiting food.  She pulled herself up, breathing through her mouth once more as she grabbed the pillowcase from the pillow.  She put both in the hamper by her closet before closing the wicker lid.

Double-tapping her phone's screen to see the time made her curse.  She ruffled her drying hair before diving into her closet, opening draws to find panties and matching bra.  Her jeans were folded so she grabbed the top pair before hunting for a t-shirt with her high school's logo on it.  Glancing at the window showed frost in the corners so she grabbed a forest green hoodie emblazoned with the school's mascot. 

The girl danced around the room while stepping into her panties.  Her right foot's partial claw snagged on the delicate fabric until she adjusted and pulled it up.  

"Ahhh," she groaned, grinding her teeth again.  Her nostril trembled as she carefully adjusted the panties around the furred hood surrounding her clit.  Tiny dark black lines appeared on the round tip of her nose like the broken blood vessels in a drunkard's nose.  They lay just beneath the surface as they spread slowly in a scattered pattern around her entire nose. "Fuck's sake, that's sensitive."

She could feel it being forced down against her labia.  Swollen and hot and begging for attention.  Once more she dug through her closet until she found a pair of loose fit jeans lower in the stack to replace the first pair she'd grabbed.  She pulled those on more carefully, adjusting the seat to keep it from rubbing against her.

Her bra followed.  She wasn't as well endowed as her friend Autumn but neither was she small chested and she'd been wearing bras since the fifth grade.  The girl reached behind to latch the hooks.  A patch of fur caught against the little hooks, causing a surprised 'Yip!' when she tried to connect them.  She opened the band, moving it slightly before closing it again.  Her shirt followed quickly and the hoodie after that.

Sadie shoved her phone into the large front pocket of her hoodie before rushing to her desk to pack her bag.  She shoved books and papers into pockets until the zipper strained to close. 

"Fooood," she crooned, dragging the bag with one hand while leaving her room.


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