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The last of the (late!) snippets.  A new round was already called for and collected so those will be worked on over the next few months.

Unnatural silence surrounded the empty street while the wind spat thin rain through a thick mist hanging in the air. Old neon light shined from storefronts overlooking empty stores.  The light reflected from puddles of water in the poorly maintained street.

Violet leaned back against a barbershop, bent forward at the waist so the iron bars over the windows didn't dig into her back.  Steam wafted away from the hole in the protruding lid of her coffee cup.  She held it close to her thin body to absorb the warmth she felt through the fingerless gloves attached to her hoodie.

Amber light crackled from the end of a cigarette.  Charlie stood beside Violet with her head turned.  The girl inhaled and the glow turned red as it ate away at the wrapping paper and the tobacco within.

Sirens wailed in the distance, deeper in the heart of the city.  Waves of rain fell, pushed and pulled by the gusting wind until it seemed as if the streets were breathing.  Charlie waved cigarette smoke away from Violet with an annoyed tsk when it twisted and shifted to the other girl.

"Sorry," Charlie said, pulling the cigarette down to her left, resting the edge of her palm against her thigh.  

With a last pull, Charlie flicked her cigarette butt out into the street.  She watched it bounce off of the curb and into a puddle before being dragged along a newly formed thin stream.  It tumbled and turned until it was swept into a sewer grate.

"I hate this," Charlie sighed.  She reached up to drag her fingers through her blonde hair.  She pushed the hood of her jacket back to pull at the pink tips.  Her favorite hair stylist was shut down and she wasn't nearly brave enough to try recoloring.  Worse, it was growing out and she hated the way it felt against her neck.

"Really?" Violet asked while casting a curious side glance to the other girl.  She brought her coffee up to her mouth to breathe in the warm vapors.  The hint of soy milk and vanilla was nearly lost in the enormous amount of plain black coffee filling the cup.  "I thought you'd love all the quiet. Nobody around to bug you or get in your business."

"No, no way," Charlie grumbled, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets.  She shoved back into the wall and then winced when the bars thumped against her.  Her heavy boots splashed into the thin layer of water covering the sidewalk.

While the rain was dying off, the mist persisted and now, in the absence of white noise, the silence deepened.  Charlie drummed her fingers against the pack of cigarettes in her pocket while Violet sipped her coffee.  The light from a nearby pawn shop flickered across the street and a pack of rats rushed out from trash gathered before the building, vanishing into the darkness.

"I might hate people but I miss watching the freaks," Charlie said finally.  She bounced back against the wall a few times.  "Let's keep walking."

Violet nodded while following her girlfriend.  They shared an apartment a few miles away, near the college campus.  When the school had shut down, their parents called to tell them to come home but neither particularly liked the idea of living with their families again, or the idea of being apart.  Besides, their rent was paid well in advance and they lived sparingly enough that food wasn't an issue for a while.

Out of the many things that brought the pair together, their upbringing was the most surprising. Both came from deeply religious families.  They'd clawed their way out to go to school far away.  The freedom was intoxicating but even now Violet felt the guilt of all of it.  Her mother texted multiple times per day, threatening to fly up to her to drag her back home.  She knew it couldn't happen; her family was very poor.  But she could never shake the fear of it happening, of being pulled back in and unable to make her way out once more.  Nor could she shake the guilt of abandoning her younger siblings.

As if sensing her anxiety, Charlie put her hand out, fingers wide.  Violet laced her own fingers with the other girl and Charlie gripped tightly once before relaxing to hold her gently.  A thrill of happiness filled Violet when she remembered Charlie's fingers in her hair this morning.  The cursing and grumbling as a YouTube video played - a tutorial on making complicated braids.  Her sisters used to braid her hair and it was one of the few things she missed from her home.

Charlie's confident, angry stride reflected the difference in how they adapted to their family's influences.  Where Violet was submissive, Charlie struck out, beating her step-father and running away from home to couch surf until she was able to save enough from side jobs to leave.  Her art, a hidden talent her parents had never fostered, paved her way to college.

Violet admired her girlfriend's work but struggled to appreciate it.  Bold, furious lines created caricatures of those around her, looping lines that exaggerated eyes into deep voids and long, reaching hands into claw-like appendages.  The series Charlie made of her own childhood and life were exceptionally painfully; Violet couldn't look at more than two of them before she started bawling.

Charlie was reserved and untrusting with others, content to stand outside of groups rather than participate.  Her art reflected this, once more overemphasizing characteristics of those around her with dark, looping lines that often showed an undercurrent of negative emotions.

They walked together down the empty sidewalks.  It'd become their daily ritual with everything shut down.  They wandered the streets at night, often not speaking for long stretches as they explored the outskirts of the unfamiliar city.  Tonight, neither of them could sleep and they found themselves out at nearly 2 a.m.

Low laughter echoed down the streets ahead.  Violet peered over Charlie's shoulder to see a small camp set up.  A broken tent was lashed to shopping carts, all facing a homemade fire pit.  Several people sat beneath the cover provided.  The nauseating scent of weed mixed with cigarette smoke and burning trash wafted over to the pair.  Charlie pulled Violet along as she crossed the street but she kept watching the group.  Violet knew the look in her eyes.  She wasn't being wary of the strangers, she was taking note of the scene with sharp interest.  A future art piece in the making.

Violet pressed her hoodie's sleeve against her mouth and nose to filter the smell of the fire until they passed the camp.  Next to her, Charlie shook her head and ran her free hand through her hair until she squeezed a fist around the still pink tips.  She flicked the excess water to her side while stomping through puddles.

Despite how used she was to walking silently with her girlfriend, Violet searched for something to talk about.  She opened her mouth to ask what they'd do over summer, when they'd need money for rent and food but she knew the answer: they'd work.  She fought to calm down as she reminded herself that the urge to fill the silence was a bad habit.  One she often used when she worried that her parents or siblings were angry.  Starting a conversation was her way to defuse a situation, to distract everyone else from whatever problem they were fixated on.  

Steady on, she reminded herself, squeezing Charlie's hand and receiving a squeeze in return.

"Are you warm enough?" Charlie asked, looking back over her shoulder.

"Yes," Violet told her, smiling with relief to see that Charlie wasn't upset at her.  She knew she wouldn't be but she couldn't stop her old fears.

"Good," Charlie said, freeing her hand to wrap it around Violet's back to pull her close.

After a few steps, they went back to holding hands.  Violet finished her drink and waited until she spied a trash can before tossing the cup inside.

"Whoa," Charlie said quietly.

A huge cathedral loomed before them in the darkness.  Its spires appeared to pierce the sky, disappearing beneath dark, low hanging clouds.  Despite the surrounding area, it seemed in good shape with solid, unbroken walls.  Charlie traced it with a critical eye, turning her head to follow it's length.  She was certain it took up at least two entire blocks, possibly three, in a sprawling cruciform shape.  Water cascaded from the building in fits and spurts, splashing loudly against the ground next to it.

"Wait, where are you going?" Violet asked when Charlie angled towards the building.

"I need to see this," Charlie said, freeing her hand once more while walking quickly.

Violet hurried to catch up, racing up the short stairs when her girlfriend practically ran to the entrance.

"It's beautiful," Charlie said reverently, slowing in front of the massive twin central doors.

Above and around the oaken doors was the carved façade.  Charlie stepped back while staring up at the curves carved into the marble.  Spiraling columns separated the main doors from slightly smaller, yet still imposing, doors on the left and right.  High above the recessed doors, the wall protruded in multiple layers of semi-circular designs, pushing further and further outward until they flattened.  The artist had continued upward, chiseling jutting faux roofs topped with indistinct sculptures.

"I have to look inside," Charlie said, craning her neck to try to pick out the detail higher up.

"Charlie," Violet whined quietly.  "We can't.  The doors are closed and- and we'd get in trouble."

"They aren't closed," Charlie whispered.

"Yes they-" Violet followed her girlfriend's gaze

The main doors were open, the right half pushed inward to show a dark gap between the massive doors.

"There could be anything in there," Violet said weakly.  "Violent squatters or or or-"

"I have bear mace.  Come on, Violet."

Violet hugged her body while biting her lip and looking back to the sidewalk behind her.  She desperately wanted to keep walking but Charlie was already making her way to the entrance.

"Wait!" Violet squawked, reaching a hand out while chasing down her girlfriend.  She grabbed Charlie's hand while slipping past the doors.

Charlie opened her mouth to speak but found herself unable to do so.  Despite her upbringing, she wasn't religious.  Indeed, she was rabidly against religion due to how she was raised.  Yet here, now, she found herself humbled in the hush of the cathedral's narthex.  She'd thought the city was quiet but standing within the entrance of the church, she finally understood what the absence of sound truly was.

"We shouldn't be here," Violet said as quietly as she could while hugging Charlie.

A table stood before them, carved almost as intricately as the façade of the building itself.  Its red surface shined in the slit of light from the open doors.  The faint yet sharp scent of incense filled their noses, drowning out the smell of cigarettes and the various smells lingering in the city beyond.

Arches lay to the left and right, ringed with fresh flowers that were crowned by a spray of Damask roses.  Dark pews lay beyond the arches.  Without a word, Charlie fast-walked into the nave.  She laughed and the enormity of the vast chamber swallowed the sound.  Columns and arches lined the hall, broken by rows of pews until all was lost in the feeble light provided.  Charlie looked up, spinning slowly in place as she tried to pick out the ceiling in the darkness high above.

"This is fucking amazing," Charlie gasped. 

"Can we go now?" Violet asked, looking around nervously when her voice echoed.  

"Come on, I want to see something," Charlie told her, walking along the pews until she reached the wall far at the end.  "I had no idea this was here.  Hell, I didn't even know we had buildings like this anywhere in the state."

"What are you looking for?" Violet asked.  She rubbed her hands together before shoving them into her armpits.

"You'll see.  God, I wish I knew about this place before.  I want to learn everything about it!  Potentially abandoned mega cathedral in the middle of a decaying part of the city?  It's like- It's like- there!" 

Violet turned to see a small, nearly hidden door that lay open.  A service ladder lay within, ringed by thick metal bands.

"Oh, no.  No, no, no," Violet said, backing away until she bumped into a pew.

"Come on.  Please?" Charlie begged, caught halfway between the ladder and her girlfriend.  "This is a lifetime dream come true.  Look, I just want to go up, sit for a few minutes to admire the view and then we'll leave.  This is Brandon Lee in The Crow and all those trashy Underworld movies kind of cool.  Climbing around Gothic architecture in the middle of the night in an abandoned city kind of cool!  When will I ever get the chance to snoop around like this again?  I'll make dinner tonight.  And tomorrow night.  Please."

"Oh, god," Violet said, swallowing hard while closing her eyes.  She grabbed her wrist, compressed her lips and nodded.

"Yes!  Yes, I love you, yes!" Charlie shouted, grabbing Violet in a quick kiss before rushing to the small utility closet.  "I'll go first.  If you get tired, just sit on one of the rings.  They look pretty sturdy.  Unless you want to go first?"

"Nooooo thank you," Violet sighed, following her girlfriend to the closet.  She watched Charlie start to climb, took a deep breath and then reached for the first rung, looking neither up or down.

The climb felt endless and the pair found themselves sitting back several times to give their legs and arms a rest.

"Here it is.  Finally," Charlie said.  "And it's even unlocked."

Violet steeled herself and glanced up to see a wooden hatch.  A large oval padlock hung open on the hasp's staple.  She felt her anxiety rise at the sight of it when combined with the open front and closet doors.  A brief, terrible image flashed into her mind of a hidden killer waiting above them, luring them into a secluded spot in order to rape and dismember both girls.  She opened her mouth to plead to her girlfriend but Charlie shoved her shoulder into the hatch while continuing her climb.  

Stars greeted them, unnaturally clear in a sky devoid of the usual smog.  Their sparkling purity dazzled Violet until her girlfriend blocked her view.

"Hurry up!  The view is amazing out here," Charlie said.  "Seriously, wow!"

With a quiet prayer to no god in particular, Violet finished her ascent, peeking over the edge to ensure there was room to stand.  She was pleasantly surprised to see a nearly flat landing surrounded by short, carved railings on three sides.  Charlie stood facing outward with her hands on her hips.  A dome shielded the open area and the flooring appeared to be a spongy black material that held its grip despite the rain.  Despite her fears, the area was large enough for the both of them to lay out with plenty of room to spare.

The city spread out before them, a dark mass littered with lights.  Violet stood behind Charlie, hugging her arm for safety as she looked around.

"It's beautiful," Charlie whispered.  She scanned the horizon, noting the location of their college before plotting out where their apartment building would be.  And then beyond to the rolling desert.

Charlie tucked the bottom of her long jacket beneath her as she sat on the edge of the landing.

"No, don't," Violet croaked, pulling at her girlfriend's arm.  Fear gripped her spine, coiling cold fingers along her back and down to her legs, turning them to jelly.

"It's okay, Vi.  I'm okay," Charlie told her.  She patted the spot next to her.  "Sit with me."

"N- no, I c- can't," Violet told her.  She grabbed the cold, slick marble railing beside the other girl when vertigo seized her.

"Here," Charlie said, scooting back until just her ankles lay over the ledge.  "Just sit here against me."

Violet squeaked and swallowed and sat, pressing hard against Charlie with her face buried in the girl's neck.  

"It's alright, I'm here and this place is safe.  I can just feel it," Charlie said quietly as she rubbed her cheek against Violet's forehead.  "Just look out with me.  You're safe."

After a quick test glimpse, Violet worked up her nerves to look out.

"Stars above, stars below," Violet whispered.  Lone city lights twinkled almost in time to the spray of stars showing through the gaps in the rain clouds high overhead.

"That's a good one," Charlie nodded.  "Gives me an idea for a drawing.  A landscape like this but a clear night with stars all the way to the horizon to meet an endless city.  But then turned with the city on the left, night sky on the right and the silhouette of someone's head in the center dividing the both of them."

Violet touched her left wrist by habit, rubbing her thumb over the scars hidden beneath her long sleeves.  Her eyes widened as she took in the scene in silence but she blinked when she felt Charlie's soft touch on her hand.

"Don't," the other girl whispered, as if in pain.  "I'm here with you.  Always.  Always here with you."

"I know," came the reply.

"Does it scare you?"

Violet gripped her wrist before shoving her hands against the inside of her knees.

"No.  I mean, yes.  But, no.  I just- It's scary.  The future.  I guess all of- of that makes me think of it.  It just stretches on and on and it's so dark.  I can't even see the mountains from here."

Charlie squeezed Violet's wrist but said nothing as she watched the other girl's face carefully.

"And with what's going on now and seeing how easy it is for everything to just fall apart.  You have your art and you're amazing with it.  I'm- I'm studying to be a teacher and I don't even know if I want to do that.  I- I know I'm mousey and being in front of people is terrifying.  I just don't know what else to do.  I'm so scared of failing.  Of- of being the loser my parents think I am.  Crawling back to them to-"

"No," Charlie said firmly.  "Never that.  Never.  Even if I have to work my ass off with commissions and part time jobs to support us, we're not going back to them.  Never.  We'll survive even if we have to crawl out of here on our bellies."

Violet nodded, happy to hear the words of encouragement but she blushed when she felt the brush of Charlie's lips against her cheeks.  The other girl's warm breath made the invisible blonde hairs lining the back of her jaw stand on edge as goosebumps rose along her nape.

After a single heartbeat, Charlie's lips touched Violet's earlobe and the girl squirmed when she felt teeth nibble gently at the sensitive skin.

"We shouldn't," Violet said breathlessly.  

"Shouldn't what?" Charlie asked with feigned innocence.  "Shouldn't make out on the top of an ancient cathedral in the middle of the night?  What could be more wholesome than two lesbians wrestling naked on a church's roof?"

"I still like b- wait, what do you mean n-" 

Charlie leaned in for a kiss while her hand cradled Violet's cheek.  She slid her palm forward to gently toy with the few strands of the other girl's loose hair before reaching up to tug her braid, pulling her head back to expose the slim curves of her neck.  Once more she leaned in for a kiss, pressing her lips against the corner of Violet's jaw and then down to her neck.

"Mmm, Charlie, we- mmm," Violet moaned, tentatively reaching over to awkwardly caress the other girl's back.

Charlie smiled wickedly, catching her girlfriend's eye before cupping the girl's breast, squeezing and kneading through the hoodie.

"D-do-ooohhh," Violet groaned.  She arched her back while digging her nails into Charlie's side.

Ignoring her girlfriend's words, Charlie pulled at the neck of Violet's loose sweater, purposefully dragging a nail down the girl's chest.  Violet gasped but didn't complain.  The sweater rubbed against her nipple as Charlie pulled, tortuously teasing her until it reached its limit.  Charlie slipped a hand inside and Violet gasped when the girl's cold fingers circled her breast.  She gently pulled upward, exposing Violet.  The girl barely had time to protest before Charlie's wet mouth encircled the nipple.

"God!" Violet moaned.  She grabbed Charlie's head with one hand while shoving the knuckle of her index finger into her mouth to hide her cries.

"There's nobody around, girl," Charlie laughed as she looked up to see her blushing girlfriend biting on her finger.  "You don't have to- oh, well, I'm wrong about that."

"What?!" Violet gasped, grabbing her shirt to pull it back over her chest.  She looked around to find what the other girl was talking about but saw nothing.

"Oh, yeah, we have a dirty creeper watching us," Charlie grinned.  She kissed Charlie quickly and then stood.

A carved, grotesque face leered from the side of the small area.  It was a mixture of a horse's muzzle and an unidentifiable European monster full of fangs and horns but it's tongue was the most unusual.  Wide and nearly as long as the massive head itself, the tongue was curved inward at the center before curling down near the tip.  A slim stream of water poured through a hole in the creature's head, through its mouth and down its tongue to spray over the edge of the building in a short waterfall.

"You scared me," Violet huffed.

"Look at that thing," Charlie said slyly.  She walked in an exaggerated seductive motion partly spoiled by her inexperience.  "I'd never leave our bed if you had a tongue like that.  Well, I might put a bag over your head."

The girl turned while hooking an arm around a large spiraling horn on the right side of the creature's face.  She sat against its mouth with an overt wink at her girlfriend.  She braced for coldness but was pleased when it matched her own body temperature.

A sharp fang, easily the size of the tip of her thumb, brushed against her clit when she adjusted herself, surprising her with how good it felt.  She pushed against it by reflex, rocking her ass back while leaning forward slightly.

In for a penny, she thought.

Making out with Violet had left a gentle warmth low in her belly but it was changing now, blossoming into an aching emptiness and a need to be touched.  She felt emboldened as she spread her legs and twisted until she sat astride the base of the statue's tongue.  Her heart thumped loudly in her ears, drowning out other sounds when she pressed back and then forward, grinding against the stone tongue.  

She moaned while closing her eyes.  She swore she could almost feel it writhing against her and it somehow pressed up between her lips while simultaneously rubbing her clit.  It curled into her, forcing her jeans in between her pussy lips and she leaned back, blindly reaching behind to grab the horn again before turning and opening her mouth to lick it with a loud moan.  Her head pounded, echoing low in her belly as her orgasm built.

"Ch- Charlie?" Violet said loudly.

Her girlfriend's voice snapped her out of her reverie.  She reached back, hands gripping the wide mouth in front of her as she swallowed and licked her lips.  Her body ached, the joints throbbing while muscle burned beneath skin too sensitive for clothing.  

What- what am I doing? she asked herself.  

Charlie could feel the sticky wetness against her thighs when she closed her legs.  She leaned forward, grabbing the nearby railing while carefully sliding down the length of the creature's maw.

Violet blinked and, in that instance, the carving closed its jaw.  Its fangs tore through Charlie's jacket and the shirt beneath before snagging against the skin low on her back.  It pulled and the skin loosened, stretching into excess.  Bones crunched painlessly beneath the creature's teeth as it continued to close, the bottom of the jaw tearing into the back of her pants until she pulled forward with a yelp.

Cold air surrounded Charlie's suddenly bare ass and the contrast of the heat between her thighs only served to revive the arousal she'd felt earlier.  Loose skin lay against the curve of her slim ass but it soon inflated when bone pushed inside, pulling muscle and tendon along with it.  The blunt tip of her smooth tail curled down, pressing between her labia and forcing a moan from her lips as she gripped the head of the statue next to her. 

Violet started to stand, concern in her eyes but Charlie fell against her, cradling the back of her head against the impact while pressing her lips against her lover's mouth.  She spread her legs, grinding herself into Violet as her tail continued to lengthen.  She could feel the dense muscle growing within and she subconsciously forced it against her body, moaning loudly as it slid between her pussy.  

Sharp teeth scraped against Violet's tongue and Charlie held back a sudden snarl.  She felt primal.  Raw.  Hungry and hot and lost in the passions boiling inside her veins.  The girl bit at Violet's neck and shoulder while rocking her hips and then up, lips and teeth nipping at the other girl's ear.  Once more she bit but this time she drew blood as her fangs grew in place.  Her dark, thin lips bulged in four bumps around the fangs.

"That hu-oh god!" Violet cried out, grabbing her girlfriend and bucking beneath her.  Charlie's tail, heavy and wide and packed with muscle, pressed between Violet's thighs.  The tip shoved relentlessly against her pussy while still grinding into Charlie's sex.

Charlie leaned back, tearing at her jacket and the wind took it from her hands.  It billowed behind her, vanishing into the distance as the girl clawed at her shirt.  Despite the cold night, sweat dripped from her nose.

An urge clicked deep inside Charlie.  She leaned back.  New muscles flexed around her shoulder blades and the skin writhed before bulging outward.  She stood while pulling on the bottom of Violet's shirt and the girl's hip, dragging her up with her.  Before Violet could speak, she turned the girl and pressed her stomach against a nearby column.

"So fucking turned on right now," Charlie groaned, rubbing her bare chest against her girlfriend's back.  She groaned while shoving herself against Charlie's ass and her tail bent once more.  Longer now, it shoved its way between Charlie's thighs and the girl growled while pushing Violet's upper body down.  Her lips parted to show a wicked smile full of fangs.

"What are youu-oohhh!" Violet moaned and her knuckles whitened on the column.

The tip of Charlie's tail pushed into Violet's pussy, shoving the girl's black stretch pants between her lips.  Charlie moaned, leaning her head back with her eyes closed, luxuriating in the double sensation of her tail grinding between her own pussy while simultaneously fucking her girlfriend with the tip.  However, it continued to elongate and soon pulled away from Charlie.  Strands of clear cum stretched between her soaking wet lips and the wrist-thick tail before snapping to coat her tail.  The girl grunted and pushed with new muscles in her back and the tip entered her girlfriend.

"Fuck!" Violet screamed.

Charlie's fingernails thickened as keratin flowed outward.  The new growths bent lengthwise before spilling over the tips of her fingers.  She clawed at the column, filling the air with an unearthly screech as she chipped the carved rock.

The pale crescent moon shined high above.  It washed over Charlie and the pink coloring began to leech from her skin, fading to a cool white.  She reached down, raking carelessly along Violet's back with her claws.  The hoodie parted beneath her nails and Violet hissed, working her shoulders when Charlie's claws tore bloodless lines high in her back.

Charlie leaned over her girlfriend while reaching a claw beneath her.  She kissed her girlfriend's bare shoulder before carefully placing her finger against the tip of her thrusting tail.  Her claw dragged down, parting Violet's soft pants and her tail slipped into the gap to thrust into Violet's wet pussy.

"Oh god!  God!" Violet screamed.  She reached back with a snarl, grabbing at Charlie's hair while shoving her own ass back, slapping against Charlie's crotch while Charlie grabbed Violet's breasts, kneading them as she bit at the girl's shoulder.  

Twin sharp points cracked against the marble-like skin covering Charlie's chest.  She groaned when the points moved and one rubbed against her swollen nipple.  The girl leaned back to spy curved black talons emerging from the slits in Violet's back.  It was shocking and threatened to pull her out of her lust filled haze until she felt the building pressure in her own back finally release.

Weakened by the overwhelming conflicting sensations from her still growing orgasm, her thrashing tail and now her growing wings, Charlie collapsed.  The claws emerging from her back tipped leather covered bones and a dark, fleshy flap hung from the frame of her wings.  They spread to her side as if to catch her fall but they were still wet and fragile and small.

Violet spun, throwing herself down on Charlie.  The girl's hands rubbed her lover frantically, roaming her lover's body.  She pulled at Charlie's hair, caressed her cheek, cupped the girl's small, pale white breasts and squeezed her hip before repeating the pattern in a frenzy.  Charlie's wings slid slowly along the flooring while they grew.  She could feel a fiery burning sensation at the base of them, high in her back but Violet's assault distracted her.  

Charlie grabbed her girlfriend.  She bent at the waist and her small wings spread wide as she spun.  The motion lifted her briefly when wind filled the drying skin.  Ridges formed in segments as bone spread from the base of the wings and downwards into thin, finger-like appendages that strengthened the flaps.

Violet thrashed beneath Charlie but settled when Charlie turned to offer her pussy to the other girl's mouth.  It was a familiar position for the both of them and Violet wasted no time in dragging the other girl down.

Sharp pinpricks pierced Charlie's ass.  She felt Violet's claws forming, bending and growing dense as they curved outward to hold her in place.

"Yessssss, fuuuck!" Charlie moaned when the claws spread her ass apart and Violet's warm tongue lashed against her pussy.  Charlie's wings flapped above her before folding and wrapping themselves around her bare upper body to insulate her against the cold.  She felt something twitching at the tips of her wings and the large black claws cracked, separating into three pieces that wriggled before clasping each other tightly above her breasts like thick, awkward fingers.

The wet sound of Violet licking and sucking at Charlie's pussy filled the small area before being whipped away by the wind.  Charlie flexed her hips, rocking back and forth to encourage her lover before bending down to her own task.  She lifted her tail and then lowered it, caressing Violet's hair before wrapping it around her right thigh.

Skin gathered at the base of Charlie's ears, bunching into small rolls before flowing upward and dragging her rounded ears to tips.  She shivered as they lengthened, dragging through her unruly hair.  They twitched and then lowered while Charlie moaned, resting her head momentarily against Violet's thigh when the girl's tongue found a particularly sensitive spot.

Beyond her, bones scrapped in Violet's feet and the skin swelled as her joints grew inflamed.  Her shoes bulged.  The laces tightened and strained, valiantly holding everything together.  Her big toes curled as the claw tipping the front cut through the sole of her shoe.   Her shoes split apart to reveal the other four toes merging into two separate lumps.  Her feet continued to expand while her toes swelled and lengthened.

The intoxicating scent of Violet's dripping pussy called Charlie back.  She huffed and the few traces of pubic hair on Violet's mound wafted away to leave perfectly smooth skin.  Charlie reached her arms beneath Violet's ass, lifting her into a better position.  She felt the hot lump of skin just above the girl's ass and it wriggled in her grasp before dragging the skin out into a blunt tip of a tail.

Charlie shoved her face into Violet's pussy, soaking her cheeks, mouth and chin in the girl's cum.  She nipped at the girl's soft lips before sliding clawed fingers over pale skin and up, reaching over her mound to pull her open and reveal the pink, slick muscles within.  Violet trembled and raised her hips but never ceased her own attentions and Charlie could feel her orgasm approaching.  

Cramps gnawed at her feet but Charlie ignored them, working through the pain as she slipped her tongue into Violet's pussy, eagerly licking the girl before pulling back to work her tongue against her clit.  She pressed her nose and face into the girl's soft lips while her tongue writhed against Violet's pink little nub and she felt the claws press harder on her ass in response.

Violet's skin coloring faded to white that matched Charlie's skin but it lightened once more as cerulean spread throughout her body, tinging her a soft blue.  Calcite flooded her, mixing with her own chemistry.  Her skin hardened and she froze for a brief moment before it adapted and became pliable.  

Charlie sucked Violet's still-pink lips into her mouth, swirling them with her tongue before shoving her mouth down hard to tongue-fuck her girlfriend.  The other girl gasped, throwing her head back with a loud moan.  Claws screeched against Charlie's ass and then Violet bucked, trembling and snarling and gasping from her orgasm.  Her hot breath puffed against Charlie's slick thighs as she panted but then quickly leaned forward to continue.

The tip of Violet's tail slithered beneath her, pressing against her thigh as it raised.  Charlie kissed it and then opened her mouth, pressing down to deep throat the tip while licking against the still-growing length.  She pulled back completely and then leaned forward, spinning away from Violet's reaching arms.

Massive black wings lay spread beneath Violet.  The girl stared up at Charlie, eyeing her through eyes half-closed in arousal.  

Charlie reached beneath her to grab the tip of Violet's tail.  It jerked in her hand but she held it steady as she lowered herself onto it with a snarling hiss.  She started to move but then screeched, tearing into the flooring beneath them as Violet shoved her tail deep into Charlie's pussy.  It shifted within her while Violet quickly tried to learn to control it until it suddenly began to thrust properly.  

It proved too much for her.  Charlie collapsed onto Violet, kissing and biting the girl's long, thick ears before locking lips.  Violet's tail arched out as it lengthened but it thrust nonstop.  It felt massive inside of her.  Almost too much as it pressed against every inch of her pussy.  Charlie tried to continue making out with her girlfriend but the tail sped up and she lost herself to the overwhelming pleasure.  She lay against Violet, holding her tightly, whimpering and moaning with every thrust.

"Ye- Ye- yes, like- like- oh god, oh god, Vi- oh gooood yes!  Yes!  Yes, fuck me!  Fuck me!  God yes I can feel you inside of me I'm so close keep going fuck yes oh- oh oh FUCK!"

Violet bent the tip of her tail as she slammed the tail deep inside of Charlie and the other girl screeched.  Her pussy clenched painfully tight against Violet's tail, squeezing and rubbing it but she slowly pushed it out and she screeched again when it popped free.

"Ca- ca- ca- can't t-t-t-" Charlie stuttered, jerking and spasming against Violet's larger chest once more.  She covered the other girl's face, neck and shoulders with weak kisses before laying still to recover.

Time passed while the two girls embraced.  The moon slipped through the sky, hiding behind passing clouds before shining through once more.

"I'm freaking out," Violet said flatly.  "I'm freaking out a lot.  A lot.  I can, uhh, I can feel it.  Them.  Feel them.  The- the t- tail.  On my butt.  These wings.  There's- there's fingers on the wings. I can-"

The three-fingered claws on the tips of Violet's wings tapped a short staccato clicking rhythm against her hardened, cerulean blue skin before freezing in place.

"Am I hallucinating?" Violet asked out loud.  "Did I fall to my death?  Is this one of those things where my brain just slows everything down moments before my death while giving me some strange vision of- of- turning into a batwoman thing?  And having sex?  Crazy, passionate sex that I can't hardly remember because I was so turned on?"

The girl grabbed her left wrist, rubbing the inside with her palm as she chattered.

"It's not, is it?" Violet continued.  "This is too real.  Oh god.  We shouldn't have come here.  We shouldn't have.  I knew it.  I knew something was wrong.  I knew it."


"What?  What'd you say?" Violet asked, looking down at her girlfriend.

"I- I didn't say anything," Charlie told her.

"But I-"

Home.  Nest.

"That's-  who's-"

Her claws dragged against her wrist and she carved dark furrows in her skin, despite the new rocklike texture.

"Don't," Charlie said, grabbing the girl's wrist.  "It's my fault, I'm sorry.  I dragged you up here.  I dragged you inside."

"That's it!" Violet said, sitting up.  Her wings spread behind her and a pained expression passed over her face.  The wings twitched and then folded against her body.  "If we- if we leave, maybe we'll turn back!"


"Who's there?!" Violet shouted.  Her wings snapped open, billowing out behind her as she caught the wind.  It lifted her from her sitting position and she squawked, reaching for something to grab onto.  She latched onto a column with wide eyes while wrapping her legs around it.

"You flew!" Charlie yelled.  "Holy shit, you flew!"

"No!" Violet squeaked.  "I almost died!  Christ!  That was terrifying!"

Charlie hooked an arm around a nearby railing before spreading her wings.  They filled with air, lifting her up and she yelled wordlessly as she hovered, dipping and raising with her tail flailing behind her.  Finally, she folded her wings slightly and fell, catching herself on her long feet.  Only now did she look down to see she'd changed similar to her girlfriend; both of her long feet had three toes ending in deadly claws. 

"Oh my god, oh my god," Charlie gasped.  Tears rimmed her eyes, drawn out by the cold wind, her excitement and an old childhood dream of flying.  "Vi.  Vi! I- I flew, Vi!"

"Please don't do that again," Violet told her.

"I'm gonna," Charlie said.  She bent down to untie her laces and then shrugged, sliding her claws through the laces.  It was a struggle to pull her strange feet free so she grabbed the boots and pulled.  Lines of muscle formed on her biceps and forearms and the boots tore as easily as tissue.  "Holy shit."

"Don't," Violet said with her eyes closed.  Her wings trembled against her body.

"Come with me," Charlie said.  "Come-  What was that voice?"

"You heard it, too?"

"Yeah, yeah, just now," Charlie frowned.  It was like a voice and yet, it wasn't.  It was a feeling, pulling her.  Tying her in place.  


"Watch me," Charlie said with a grin.

"I caaaaan't!" Violet wailed.

Charlie stared at her tail and it moved, flexing and coiling and twisting until she tilted her head to a nearby column.  The tail wrapped around the marble before tightening.  The column cracked but she ignored it as she spread her wings once more.

As before, the girl lifted into the air.  She smiled with a laugh and her arms spread wide as tears flowed freely.

It took over an hour of coaxing before Violet attempted the same feat but, by then, Charlie was making small flights from one building to the next, returning every time.  Violet watched, terrified but admiring her lover's bravery and a small part of her began to yearn to join her.

Home, the voice repeated, loudly this time and Violet yawned.  She felt weakened and exhausted.

Gray light filled the horizon, highlighting the mountains in the distance.  Charlie descended beside Violet on silent wings.  She clutched the roof with her toes as if she'd been doing it her entire life.  She'd shed her clothes at some point and stood unabashedly naked.  Violet still wore her pants but was slowly getting used to being topless.

"I got dizzy all of a sudden," Charlie said.  "Tired."

"Me too," Violet said.  "Don't wanna move."




"D- don't leave me."

"Never.  Always with.  You.  Always.  Home.  Here."


An old priest stood before the open doors with a frown.  He adjusted his glasses and backed up.  He'd noticed something was off when he'd approached the cathedral.  Decades of service gave him a sixth sense of knowing when something was out of place.  He could close his eyes and recall every single detail about the inside of the building and nearly all of the outside.

The old man shook his head.  He glanced up one more time and then stepped inside to see if anyone had broken in during the night.

High above, on a landing surrounded by three railings, a lifelike gargoyle knelt with her wings spread in a circle.  A second statue, just as detailed, lay curled up beneath the cover of the wings, protected beneath their shelter.

Waiting for nightfall once more.



No glowing eyes??


It's not per say but I flashed back to the 90s cartoon series gargoyles lol


That's kinda what it's based on, kinda. Blame me for missing glowing eyes. Although I think I would've left that off anyway. Too close to demons. I like the idea of normal eyes on them.


Demons really shouldn't need glowing eyes the actions are what make them demonic but that's with all things and it's just something that popped in my head after reading a good story