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 Part 1 of 3 or 4 chapters I'm wanting to write!

"And, one, two, three!  Happy birthday to you!  Happy Birthday-"

Sadie tried to hide her smile from her family and the three friends she'd invited but she couldn't so she bowed her head while compressing her tremulous lips.  To distract herself, she tugged at the party hat she wore before tucking her black hair behind her ears.

Her soft brown eyes looked up at the eighteen candles lining the top of the round cake.  She knew it would be chocolate with cream cheese frosting, as she'd asked for.  Her mother winked at her from the other side of the table, enjoying the torment of the song for her shy daughter.

"Happy birthday to Saaaadie, happy birthday to youuuuu!"

The chorus ended and Sadie felt her cheeks burn from the attention.  She hated it.  She liked to stay in the back of the group, present and listening but out of the limelight.  Still, she couldn't deny that she was grateful Autumn, Serenity, and Alice made time during the weekday to come to her little party.

"Make a wish!" they all shouted and clapped.

I wish I could be more approachable. And confident.  And less shy, she thought to herself as she leaned in and drew in a lungful of air.

She breathed out hard, turning her head back and forth until the candles guttered out.

"Finally joining the 18 year old club," Alice said with a wide smile, soft pink lips on a pale, perfect face framed by long, platinum blonde hair.  "Now we can all go out for drinks!"

"Nooo, no, you can't," Sadie's dad said while squinting at the girl.  "That's at 21."

"Oh, no, right," Serenity said.  She grinned and her brown curls bounced.  "We'd never."

"Ever," Autumn agreed.

"Cut the cake!  Cut the cake!" Sadie's mother chanted.  Her father obliged while staring down the four girls to catch any hint of collusion and sneaking-out-at-night-to-drinkedness.

"First slice for the birthday girl!"

Sadie gratefully accepted the plate and fork but her eyes widened at the huge slice.  She'd barely eaten all day to make room for the dessert and felt slightly faint because of it.  They watched her take a small piece from the narrow end of the cake, bring it to her mouth and take a bite.  The sugar filled her and she smiled while taking another piece.from her slice.

Her father cut careful slices for everyone else while her mother handed out the plates.

"I still think we should've had a proper party tonight," Autumn said before whispering 'thank you' to Sadie's father for the plate he handed her.  She picked at the cake slowly, a bird snacking on crumbs.

"It's Wednesday," Sadie told her, not for the first time.  "We'll go out Friday night."

"With James?" Sadie's mother asked coyly.

"And others," Sadie answered quickly.  

"But James will be there?"

"This cake is amazing," Serenity said, loudly clinking her fork against her plate while scooping up a giant mess of cake and frosting.

A pang tugged at Sadie's belly, an early warning of heartburn.  She pressed the back of her hands to her lips to hide a small burp while anxiously glancing around to make sure nobody noticed.  They spoke among themselves with Sadie's mother asking the other three girls about their plans after graduation.

As always, she listened quietly while eating another piece of her cake.  The moist chocolate balanced out the frosting but she took a sip of her milk to tame the sweetness.  

Two beads of sweat formed on her brow as a chill coursed down her body.  She pressed a hand against her stomach when it gurgled and a second twinge dug a slim knife into her belly.  Her hand flew to her mouth, barely in time to cover another burp.  When she wiped her mouth, she was surprised to feel how clammy her skin was.  

The girl pressed her lips together, determined to finish her slice of birthday cake.  Her hand shook when she cut another piece to bite into but she still brought it to her mouth.  

"Sadie?" her mother asked from far away.

Cramps wracked Sadie's stomach, forcing her to hunch over.  She swallowed, licked her lips and then swallowed again.

"What?" the girl said.

"You don't look okay," her mother continued.  "What's wrong?"

"I-" Sadie said before a powerful cramp made her groan.  She pushed back from the table, turned and ran towards the bathroom.

Kicking the door closed with her foot, the girl knelt before the blessedly clean toilet.  She held her hair with one hand while the other trembled on the porcelain surface.  Sweat poured from her body as she vomited.  Pain tore at her guts while she emptied her stomach until all that remained was spit.  She rumbled her throat and spat, over and over she was sure the feeling was gone.

Soft knocking came from outside the bathroom door.

"Sadie, baby, are you okay?" her mother asked.

"Ye- yeah," Sadie told her. She shook as more cramps forced her to bend over and her party hat toppled free while sweat dripped to the floor.

"I sent the girls home," her mother said.  "They wanted to stay and help but I thought it better if they didn't.  And, anyway, it's getting a little late.  Do you need anything?  I'll bring you a glass of water."

"I'll be fi-ugh," Said groaned.  She breathed in slowly while steadying herself, mentally willing the nausea to pass.

The cramps slowly receded as she knelt before the toilet.  She leaned back to flush.  Once clean water refilled the bowl, she pushed up on weaky, wobbling arms and legs until she could move to the sink.

"Here," came a hushed voice beyond the door.  It opened on silent hinges and a hand extended with a clear glass of water.  Sadie took it carefully to place it on the sink counter.

Twinges of pain periodically played through her lower stomach, as if someone were strumming on her nerves but she felt better, despite the burning taste in her throat.  Grabbing the glass, she gargled, spat, gargled again.  Finally, she squeezed out a dab of toothpaste on her toothbrush.

Sadie paced the small bathroom while the toothbrush vibrated against her teeth.  She was generally healthy so it was a surprise that she suddenly felt ill.  Even now, the cramps lanced faintly through her belly, fading but still a warning.

The ordeal, combined with the stresses of her senior year, left her feeling exhausted and she still had her homework to finish.  With a last gargle, she grabbed the water glass and walked to her room.

She could hear her parent's light, playful banter from the kitchen along with the clinking of dishes being washed.

Sadie stepped, landing softly on the balls of her feet.  Her toes pressed against the hardwood floor and her heel followed.  Another step and her heel bounced, barely brushing the ground.  Yet another step and she walked on the balls of her feet.  Her calves stood out on her slim legs as her small, delicate feet arched, drawn upward by a new instinct.

The skin cracked in hairline fractures along the bottom of her bulbous toes.  Charcoal coloring tinted the miniscule gaps, nestled between the surrounding brown skin. The dark lines split her skin as the spread around the curve of her toes, ending just before the long phalanges.

Another step, raised up on the front of her feet.  More cracks appeared at the top of her forefeet and she slipped for a brief second before she brought weight down on the rest of her feet.  Like her toes, the lines crept along her forefeet, zigzagging and crisscrossing until they came to an abrupt stop where her arch began.  

The dark lines were drier and less grippy than her skin, causing her to slip once more.  Sadie brought her entire foot down.  The bulge of her calf muscles smoothed out as she focused on walking properly.

She pushed at her half-open bedroom door and then groaned when she spied her over-full backpack laying against her desk.  The girl swore she heard the backpack sigh when she unzipped it and it deflated when she tugged her massive pre-calculus book free.

"Alright," she said to herself, sitting and crossing her legs at the ankles.  It took a moment to find her place in the well used textbook but, when she finally found it, she opened her notebook to a blank page and grabbed a pencil from a jar at the corner of her desk.  "Let's do it."

Time passed while she worked through the problem sets and she found herself rubbing her feet against the back of her legs, switching them periodically.

When she wiggled her bare toes, flexing them against each other, the gray-black lines in her flesh dragged against skin and caught briefly against the cracks on neighboring toes.  As one, the gaps suddenly cratered into a fine spiderweb pattern that covered her toes and forefeet. 

A gentle curve delineated the bottom of her burgeoning paw print from the rest of her foot.  Her larger metacarpal pad rasped against her leg when she brushed the bottom of her foot against her shin while she continued to flex the digital pads that lined the bottom of her toes.

The flat padding now covering her feet bulged outward by a millimeter, as if the flesh were stretching against the extra flexibility afforded by the diminutive fissures.  She kicked her feet lightly beneath her desk, enjoying the sensation of the padding brushing against the floor.

Other subjects replaced math as the evening wore on.  Sadie yawned, raising her arms and stretching with her legs straight beneath the desk.

A short wiry sable hair emerged from the top of her right foot, along the knuckle of her big toe.  A second hair pushed through the top of her pinky toe and then five grew forth from her other toes with two more joining the first one on her big toe.  The hairs spread slowly with wide swaths of smooth skin in between, sliding forth one at a time until their halting progress slowed and stopped just above her ankles.

She reached down with one hand to scratch the back of her left leg while tapping her pencil against her lips.  The faint itching she felt from her feet moved within, flowing upward to center around her calves.  Her shortened nails, painted a shade called 'Boisterous Boysenberry', pressed into her leg.  A dark hair slid forth, flattened by her finger.  She toyed with it as others emerged, creeping down over the faint curve of her calf and up, just beneath the inside of her knee.  

The hairs flexed and twisted beneath her fingers and she subtly enjoyed the way their sharp little tips tickled her fingertips.  She dragged her nails up her leg and then pressed down, rubbing the hairs with her hands.  As sparse as they were, they felt silky smooth and her caresses eased the already fading itch.

Sadie stretched again and then scratched at her belly when it grumbled.  She set her chair down and stood, raising her arms high over her head while standing on her tiptoes.  Her legs felt unusually stiff despite periodically flexing them beneath her desk.

The girl crept out from her room.  Her parents trusted her enough to not give her a curfew or a specific bedtime but she always felt the need to be quiet after they went to bed.

As before, with every step, her heel bounced, hovering over the floor.  The ashen padding lining her forefeet and toes caused her to slide but not enough to make her notice or to bother her.

Dishes dried in the rack beside the sink but her eyes locked onto the cake sitting beneath the clear plastic container in the middle of the rectangular kitchen island.  She swept past, grabbing a clean plate and fork before lifting a slice of cake carefully.

It was her birthday and she'd be damned if she didn't get to enjoy her mother's home made dessert.  Hopping up to one of the tall stools surrounding the island, she hummed as she separated a piece of the chocolate cake, moaning with exaggerated pleasure when she brought the cake to her mouth.  

She carved another piece of the cake itself while leaving the frosting alone.  The frosting was her favorite - the dessert part of her dessert and she always left it last to savor it.  

Halfway through eating the chocolate cake, she felt the cramps return.  Excessive spit filled her mouth while sweat beaded along her forehead.  She gagged, swallowed and swiveled before jumping from the stool.  The thin layer of padding lining her foot caused her to slip but she grabbed the edge of the island and pushed, running back to the bathroom when nausea followed stronger cramps.

The toilet greeted her once more.  She bowed over it, trying her best to be silent while shaking with cold sweat.

Nearly ten minutes passed before Sadie found herself seated on the edge of the bathtub.  Her throat burned slightly and she wiped a line of sweat from her brow but the feeling was passing and her mouth tasted like minty toothpaste.

Was it the cake? she asked herself, rocking back and forth while sliding her feet along the cool tiles.  Can't be.  Everyone else had a piece and they're fine.  Is it just me?  I've had cake before.  What the heck.

Low, throbbing pain replaced the soreness still radiating from her legs.  It flowed into her bones and down to her feet, causing her to groan and curl her toes.  She lifted her right foot, laying it against her left knee while pressing her thumb into her arch.

She pushed her thumb hard into her arch, sliding back and forth, curving up to the front of her feet and down, dragging her dark purple nails against the soft brown skin until she reached her heel.  Moving her hand, she pushed her palm against the heel.  She sighed in pleasure as she continued the motion, rubbing her thumb deep into the tissue back and forth.

When she reached her forefoot, she frowned and looked down with her eyebrows knit together.  The skin was rougher with a faint trefoil pattern that grew up to a peak beneath her toes and down to a wide arch over her sole.  She touched the skin tentatively, feeling the way it dragged against her fingertips.  And then further up to her toes.  Tilting her head, she wiggled her toes and felt the way they scratched against the softer skin along the inside.

Still frowning, she ran her thumb up over her forefoot to press against the webbing and small bones beneath her skin.    

"That's so weird," she said in a hushed voice.  The weather had been drier recently, but...

She leaned in, touching the smooth skin beneath the padding and then up, feeling the slight bump.  The charcoal colored skin shifted against her foot as if it were a giant callus when she tugged at it.

Sadie bent towards the bathtub's faucet to unhook the pumice stone her mother sometimes used.  Her lips turned up in disgust at the idea of sharing it but no other option presented itself and so she turned on the water to rinse it off before laying it against her foot.  

An experimental swipe of the stone against her foot made her puff air out of her nose in response to the discomfort it caused.

Calluses were dead skin, weren't they? she wondered, touching the area she'd tried to grind down.  I shouldn't be able to feel it.

Yet, she could.  There was a sense of rawness, as if she'd skinned her knee or scraped her foot on the ground but muted.  The girl pressed her lips together in firm resolve before pressing the pumice stone once more to her foot.  Drawing in a deep breath, she scrubbed her foot, gritting her teeth together against the pain until she could take no more.  Red, irritated skin showed around the dark area she'd worked on.  She rinsed off the stone, hung it back up and then massaged her foot carefully.

Is that why I felt sick?  An allergy or something, maybe? she asked herself while rubbing her foot.  But that's dumb, why would eating something make just my foot swell up?

She stared at the skin for a moment before laying her foot back against the floor and turning the ankle of her other foot to find it marked in the same way.

"Alright," she said, standing. She favored her left foot while digging around the cabinet set against the wall.  Her heels lifted an inch from the ground.  The digital pads beneath her toes spread, sliding against the smooth tile as she leaned more on her forefeet.

Fine black hairs pushed out from small holes in the webbing between her toes.  They grew in tiny clumps of twos, threes and fours as she pushed bottles aside until she found the one she wanted.  

With the bottle in hand, she sat back against the edge of the tub, crossing her leg against her knee again.  The girl spurted lotion from the bottle into her hand and then spread it over the rough black callus covering her foot.  She set the bottle aside before pressing both thumbs into the padded area.

"Hmmm," she hummed, enjoying the pleasurable feel of the massage.  

Maybe I can get James to give me a foot massage, she mused to herself while spreading the lotion.  I mean, after I ask him out. And after we've dated for a while.  After I get him to notice me.  At all.

She used the excess lotion to wipe against her toes, holding them in place with her hand while rubbing them carefully.  Once finished, she switched feet to repeat the process.

A thin layer of keratin seeped from beneath the cuticles surrounding her toes.  The hardened material spread outward, scraping parts of her nail polish while covering the rest with a transparent coating.  More keratin flowed and the tips of her shortened toenails lengthened out while curving downward at the tips.  When the new layers hardened, they pulled at the edges of her nails, forcing them into the soft nail beds as they bowed up into a tiny bump centered on the middle of each toe.

Faint gray coloring showed through the clear parts of her nails where the new growths rubbed strips of her nail polish free.  The shavings fell to the file like miniature purple snowflakes, looping and swirling and colliding until they landed on the tile.

A few more hairs emerged between her toes while she concentrated on massaging the lotion into the skin.  With her eyes focused exclusively on her feet, she missed the little black bristles growing from her forearm.  They glistened in the harsh overhead lighting when they speared her skin, replacing the hairs she often shaved.  And then some.  They grew in a wide line down her forearm, lifting from her skin before laying flat.  Unlike her old hairs, these spiraled slowly to creep down to the smooth, bare skin along the inside of her arm and wrist.  And up again to the back of her hand.

Hairs lifted from her arm and hand, excited by the cool air circulating within the bathroom.  She shivered, both from the air and the sensation of the hairs prickling her body.

Slick black hairs emerged from the sand-colored webbing between her fingers, matching her toes.

"There," she said with a nod, setting her foot down.  They still felt rough but she was sure the lotion just had to set for a while and she'd keep an eye on them, adding lotion when needed.

She stood and, again, her toes spread on the smooth tile.  The tiny seed of an instinct whispered to her and her heel lifted as she changed her center of gravity to stand on her well-lotioned, less grippy padded toes and forefeet.

"Ip!" she cried out sharply, startled when her feet slid.  It was an unfamiliar noise yet it felt oddly proper to her.

Sadie settled onto her heels, despite the slight annoyance provided by the bump of her padding.  She walked awkwardly back to her bedroom, her steps covered by the sounds of her father snoring loudly, joined by the more quiet snorts of her mother's restless sleep.

Once in her bedroom, she slipped out of her clothes before tossing them into the basket by her door.  She shivered and stepped left-right-left while the hairs stood tall along her calves, hand and arms and goosebumps rose along her body.  She hugged her body, squeezing her bare breasts together while stepping carefully to her closet, rummaging through cloth bins until she decided on which pajamas to wear - a dark blue set with cartoon stars.  

The cotton snagged the hairs on her body and she huffed out while nibbling at her lip.  She felt the electric touches flare along her skin, warming her as she slipped into her top and bottom.  Her curved, slightly bent toenails caught against the pajamas until she bent her toes.

She went to her bed, rising once more on the balls of her feet until she leapt beneath the covers.  Sadie closed her eyes, eager for sleep but her brain unhelpfully reminded her of the embarrassment of dashing away from her mini birthday party.  However, from there, it branched out into thoughts of the larger party set for Friday and, from there, to James.  

Pulling the covers higher, up to her nose, she turned to her side.  And then to her back before going to her other side.  The movement pulled at her new hairs, scratching an itch she didn't know still existed.  An itch that demanded more as she wiggled in her bed.

Soft, silvery moonlight splashed through her window blinds.  She bit her lip and turned her head to stare through the shades while her hand crept down her body, as if it weren't a part of her.  The hand slipped beneath the elastic band of her pajamas and she raised her hips by reflex when her nails accidentally scratched against her mound.  

Her fingers slid over the shortened, curly pubic hairs and she twisted her head further to hide her face in her pillow when she touched her hooded clit.  

"Mmm," she moaned when she pulled the hood back gently.  She snatched her hand back, blushing fiercely when she slipped a finger into her mouth to wet it.  Still, her nostrils widened when she smelled her sex and her throat rumbled quietly.

Once more she slid the hand low to gently rub herself, wetting her clit while making little swirling motions.  She tried to think of James but found it difficult to concentrate on him and, instead, she imagined the idea of him.  Funny and outgoing, loud but kind and thoughtful - at least as much as someone could be at their age.  And sexy.  So sexy and strong.  Her hips jerked and she breathed out in a short, sharp sigh before continuing.

A long, black hair emerged from her dark labia. She'd shaved herself carefully the night before, trimming her lips perfectly while leaving a small spray of pubic hair but now a second strand emerged beneath the first.  They grew long and kinky as her labia throbbed in time to her heart.  Four more hairs joined the two and then more, sliding from her slightly swollen pussy as clear liquid formed from her lips, coursing slowly down until more hairs grew forth to trap it.  She groaned and her throat vibrated once more.

The hairs spread upward beneath her hand, mixing with her pubes to replace the ones she'd shaved before continuing, spreading into a low, curved line that reached from one hip to the other.

Sadie grabbed at the hairs, making a partial fist to pull them while her finger worked.  She flashed her teeth in a quiet growl when her finger slid down to her soaked pussy.  The girl rubbed herself to moisten her finger again and then back up to continue teasing her clit.

Her breath came in quick, forceful puffs.  She could feel how close she was- and so could the seed growing within.  It took hold, gripping her tightly.

She rolled, trapping her arm beneath her as she went to her stomach, bracing her other arm beneath her chest.

Her ass raised and she grunted, showing her teeth once more.  Flashes in her mind:  hands on her ass, a weight against her, against her back, pressure on her, above her, spreading her open.  She lifted herself higher in response until-

"Ip!" she cried out once more, grasping a fistful of the hair grown thick around her pussy while collapsing against the bed.

"Mmmm," she groaned, touching herself to feel how incredibly wet and sensitive she was before rolling to her back.  Her heart hammered in her chest and her eyes drooped.  Bars of moonlight showed her wide, lazy smile as she drifted off to sleep.


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