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A very, very quick TG story to commemorate the day!

Steve walked into the dark office but gasped when the lights turned on.

"Surprise!" John, Mark and Ben shouted in unison.

"Wha- what?" Steve said, looking around cautiously.

"April Fools!" the trio laughed as one.

"I don't get it," Steve said, reaching a hand down to scratch himself.

The itch started at the tip of his cock and traveled down, growing in intensity until it reached his testicles.  They detached and shrunk, pulling into his body as a hole opened between his thighs, slick and strange to him.  

He groaned when his testicles changed and rubbed against his slowly growing pussy.  They traveled upward and into his newly formed Fallopian tubes before seating themselves and changing into his ovaries.

"Of course you don't," Mark laughed.  He walked over and slapped Steve's shoulder playfull.

Skin jiggled beneath Steve's button-down shirt.  He moaned when it caused his nipples to brush against his undershirt.

"Because you're the fool, April," Mark whispered next to Steve's ear.

"Haaa," Steve groaned, grabbing his chest as the man's breath tickled him.  "I'm not April, I'm Steve."

"Oh, honey," John said, walking over to tap Steve's ass with his hand.  He squeezed it gently and Steven pushed into him.  "You are, though."

"I'm not," Steve said again, his voice rising in pitch as his lips swelled outward.  Bones shifted in his face and his cheeks lifted while his chin grew narrow.  His short black hair slid against his scalp before bouncing against his neck.  "I'm- ohhhhh gaaawwwwwd."

The man's shirt strained against his growing breasts but the buttons held.  He bent in half when sharp pains tore into his guts and his cock began to shrink.  John squeezed his ass again, rubbing and fondling it and the pain passed.  His erect nipples and puffy areola pressed hard against his shirt, clearly visible.

A giggle escaped Steve's lips as a single button popped on his shirt.  Ben appeared next to him.  The taller man slid a hand into the open gap to massage Steve's tit and Steve smiled up at him while blinking long eyelashes.

"It feels good, doesn't it, April?" John whispered again, turning the man's chin.

"It- mmph!" Steve said, opening his eyes in surprise when John kissed him.  But he moaned and kissed back, swirling his tongue against the other man's tongue until they pulled apart, breathless.

A wet spot appeared on Steve's straining trousers when a slit opened between his thighs. 

"It hurts," Steve whined with a low, sultry voice.  He tugged at his pants but Ben already had his hands on them to unbuckle his belt and undo his buttons.  "Mmmm, so much better."

Mark pressed a hand against Steve's back and Steve bent forward.  His firm body softened and his hips swelled outward while his ass bulged.

"Wha- wait," Steve said when Mark pressed his bare cock on Steve's back.

"Oh, come on," Steve sighed.  "You know you want it."

Steve bent over further and his fat ass cheeks spread.  Strings of clear cum arched between the cheeks and his soft, pink pussy while his breasts continued to grow and dangled beneath him.  He giggled and moaned, lifting his hips to the waiting cock.

"I- I want one in my mouth, too," Steve groaned, pawing at Ben's crotch.  The other man smiled and unzipped himself and Steve eagerly grabbed him while opening his mouth.

From another part of the office, the loud cries of "April Fools!" were soon followed by a shrieking orgasm that began with a masculine voice but ended in a shrill feminine cry.


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