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Edit:  I made a change near the end of the story if you're looking at this again!  Just something I put together after chatting about a slime TF infection in the Discord server a month or two ago! 


Himari crested the small hill, bouncing her head to the frantic beat of Jet Ninjin by Go!Go! 7188 blasting from the wireless pods in her ears.  Her thumb bounced the tiny lucky cat charm attached to the strap of her backpack while she occasionally, very quietly, sang along to the lyrics.  She tapped her foot into small puddles when the band's drummer hit particularly loud highs.  Torrential rains had roared through the entire prefecture late last night, dousing their small town.  The air was heavy and cold and dark clouds lurked on the horizon.

The sight at the beach in the distance gave her pause.  An army of people dressed in hazmat suits surrounded a giant makeshift tent that billowed in the wind.  Her eyes widened further when she spied the armored vehicles of the JSDF surrounding the milling group of people like an impenetrable wall.  Camera crews stood in front of vans, well away from the cordoned area.  

Tensions were still high even months after the Tōhoku earthquake.  Her parents watched the news non-stop when they came home from work and her mother was especially fearful of the aftereffects of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant meltdown.

Surely we're safe this far away, she told herself as she watched the crews work.  Yet, she felt a thread of fear when she remembered her father's stoic face while he watched the evening news.

A gust of chill air swept past her knee high socks, ruffling her long, pleated skirt and her thick, straight hair.  She crinkled her delicate nose when the wind brought a rank scent with it, as if rotting fish were being cooked in the open air.

With a last glance towards the crew working near the beach, she walked onward, focusing on the music in order to relieve the worry growing within.  As before, she stepped in the thin puddles before her, enjoying the splat she felt beneath her shoes.

The little plastic cat attached to the chain on her backpack bounced when she hooked her fingers into the straps and closed her eyes to mumble along with the lyrics.  Himari's foot hovered over another puddle.  Unlike the others, this one was iridescent, colors shifting on the slick surface as it wobbled uselessly in the hole.  It rocked to the side and then back as if attempting the scale the taller edges until the girl's foot slapped down.

Rather than splashing around her black shoe, the goo rose and then fell inward to cover the girl's shoe and sock.  Cold seeped into her leg.

"Really, Himari?" she sighed, bending to inspect the damage.  "Wait, what?"

Her head tilted when she touched her sock.  She'd expected them to be soaked but they were completely dry.  The chill she felt down to her bones intensified for a brief moment before fading to numbness and then a vague tingling.  The sock slid easily down her leg to show skin a shade lighter than the bare skin above the sock.  She touched her thumb against it, surprised at how slick it was.

Himari pulled her sock up but it fell slightly when she let go.  Another gust hit her face, making her gasp in shock.  She was used to the weather but found herself warmer than before and the contrast surprised her.

Numbness preceded tingling along her shin and up to her knee. It slowed temporarily as if pondering the complexity of her knee before traveling once more, invading the larger mass of her thigh.  She shivered when her left leg rubbed her more sensitive right leg and her fists tightened on the backpack's strap.

Step.  Step.  Step.  Step.  The music faded in her ears while she became intensely inwardly focused on the sensation of skin rubbing against skin.  

Still, the tingling continued higher and she breathed out with a long, hot breath, sliding her arms down her body until she pressed her palm against her belly.  And then lower.

The prickling sensation hesitated between her thighs, basking in the overwhelming sensations it discovered before splitting to spread upward to her stomach and down to her left leg.

Liquid well inside of her.  She felt it as she moved, as her overly sensitive legs brushed against each other and as she tensed her virgin muscles.  A drop of translucent seafoam green pressed against her panties.  She lost herself in the strange feeling below, squeezing her muscles together over and over.  

Wind dragged against her body and she gasped, throwing her head back while thrusting her small chest outward.  The tickling had reached her breasts and her clothes whipped against her, caressing her body with a million, needle-like fingers.  Her dark nipples tightened beneath her blazer and she crossed her arms over her body as more green liquid spilled from between her pussy lips to smear her petite, white panties.

The gates of her senior high school loomed before her and she cursed internally while snatching her earbuds away to store them in a pocket in her backpack.  She smoothed her clothes, writhing in place when her body screamed for more.  

Clear green goo welled out from the tip of her erect left nipple. It soaked into her white shirt but the black blazer hid the discoloration.  A second drop formed while more liquid squeezed out from her right nipple.

The thing spreading within her body dwelled around her chest, fascinated by her heart.  Himari tugged at her uniform, partially to settle it but mostly to feel the clothing rub against her chest.  She tugged once more while pressing her thighs together.  Her cheeks burned and her mouth pressed closed, lips together in a hard line as she nodded to the monitor at the gates.

A soft chime announced she was running late but other students swarmed around her.  She let them jostle her, gasping and swallowing moans when they rubbed against her body.

The hairs on the nape of her neck lifted.  Goosebumps rose along her arms and the nerves down her spine echoed the sensation of attentiveness and pleasurable ache.  

Himari blinked, lost for a moment in the flood of students when the thing arrived in her skull.  She'd have to hurry, now.  Her first class was near the back of the school and she didn't want to get in trouble.

No, she wouldn't want that.  Sitting against the wall without support while the guidance counselor glared at her.  Watching her struggle.  Against the wall.  Legs trembling.  Begging for help.  To be held up.  Held.  Caressed.  Touched.  Kissed.  Rubbed.  Surrounding the counselor.  Filling herself with his-

"Wha- what's wrong with me?" she asked herself.  She rushed with the people lagging behind until she reached her homeroom class.  She waved to her friends, Ichika and Yui, and made her way to the seat between them.

A single drop of green goo slid down her leg.  The lighter coloring from her right leg was spreading upward and it left her skin slick in the process.  The liquid reached the edge of the approaching changes and was quickly absorbed back into her body.

Himari lay her backpack down and flopped into her chair.  Her ass jiggled from the impact and she blanched as the vibrations resonated through her body.  Three drops formed between the soft lips hidden by her panties and she wiggled in her seat as Yui talked about the latest episode of the show she was watching.

"Did you see the beach?" Touma asked behind her.  

"I- I saw it," Himari said, turning to face him.  The boy blinked at her in surprise.  "There was a big covering hiding something and the military was there."

Asahi bounced in his seat with a large smile.  The small, fox-faced boy glanced at the door to the room before speaking.  "I saw it!  I saw it before they covered it up!"

"What was it?" Touma and Himari asked at the same time.

"I thought it was a whale at first," Asahi said.  "But it was too dark.  When I got closer, I realized I could see through it and it was green.  I could see its brain floating!"

"No way," Touma said, smacking the back of Asahi's head.  "Don't be stupid."

"I did!" the boy told him.  "I thought it was dead but then it moved and some soldiers started shouting.  A policeman came over to block the way and yelled at me to go to school.  It was huge and wobbling in the wind like some weird gelatin."


The word echoed in Himari's mind and she gripped her desk.  Wobbling.  It conjured images of her skin waving in slow motion as if slapped.

"Mmm," the girl groaned quietly, biting her lip.  She'd caught her older brother watching porn before, when she'd borrowed his laptop to do work on it.  The thought brought to mind one particular video where a girl was on all fours, pounded from behind and her ass was quaking from it.  

"Are you alright, Himari?" Yui asked, touching her friend's elbow.

"Yes!" she answered sharply, suddenly aware that she was panting.  She wiped the back of her mouth and turned quickly, unaware of the smeared green string of drool on the back of her hand.

The homeroom teacher stepped into the room and the class quieted.  Himari forced herself to focus as roll was called but she found herself in a state of heightened awareness where every touch against her body distracted her.  Every motion by a classmate drew her attention and she found her eyes drawn to mouths and chests and thighs.  

Green tinted her cerebrospinal fluid at the base of her skull.  It pooled there as it considered the massive wrinkled organ, buzzing with activity.  There was connectivity here that led down her spine so it sent a piece of itself down to envelop her vertebral column.  Himari hummed while squeezing her eyes shut and bending forward over her desk.  Cold sweat dotted her body, the clear liquid nearly matching the puddle she'd stepped in earlier this morning as colors swirled around the outside in the brief moments before her body reabsorbed the drops.

Her fingers pressed into her sides.  Her ribcage bent under the pressure of her fingers and the organs within compressed slightly as the skin dimpled and her hands gouged her soft flesh.

Homeroom ended quickly with a chime and her friends said their goodbyes as they grabbed their bags.  She watched them go, staring at their swaying waists and imagining her fingers inside of them.

And my tongue, she groaned internally, picturing it.  In her mind's eye her hands pulled their ass apart and she shoved her face between them to lick between their pussy, deeper and deeper until her entire face slipped into the tight opening and she writhed-

"The bell rang, Himari," her teacher said loudly from the doorway.  

The girl squeaked and stood, grabbing her backpack to race through the classroom and into her next class.  

A small green puddle lay in the center of her seat, quivering in place.


Two classes remained before lunch and Himari had trouble focusing on the lesson.  English words and short phrases were written on the board with annotations and Kanna stood at the front of the class, reading with agonizing slowness.

Brilliant emerald invaded Himari's sclera, flooding the white until it completely replaced it, leaving her dark brown eyes swimming in a sea of green.  Her knees were spread but she could still feel her labia throbbing between her legs.  She licked her lips and squeezed her thighs with her fingers.  The skin compressed easily around the thin remnants of the bones within.

Green goo completely covered the crotch of her panties and small holes appeared as the liquid began to dissolve the material, leaving her pink pussy lips bare.  Her slick, shaved labia bulged around the tiny lips and they quivered with every movement.  

The girl's blazer shifted as her body began to absorb her bra.  Liquid dripped from her hardened nipples but more expressed from her skin when she awakened to the ability to dissolve whatever touched her body.

She couldn't stop thinking of the earlier image, of her body jiggling in response to being smacked or rammed from behind.  The very visual of her flesh flowing in a wave made her want to touch herself.  But, she needed more and her breasts began to expand as the bra disintegrated, consumed by the slime she exuded.  Raw fuel to make her grow. 

Her hand slid up her thigh when her nipples dragged against the shirt she wore beneath her blazer.  She felt the incredibly slick surface of her thighs and it made her twist her toes in response.

Himari leaned her head down to the desk when she gripped her juicy, swollen pussy lips beneath her skirt.  The bottom of her skirt was pulled back to the middle of her thighs and up to her hip but she didn't care.  Even if she didn't sit in the back corner of the classroom, she would still give in to the need to fondle herself.

Her small hand squeezed the labia and she moaned, hot breath puffing against the desk.  For a moment, she pulled her hand away and green strings connected from her pussy to her hand until they retracted, falling against her wrist and then sinking beneath her flesh.  

The light green of her veins darkened when her heart simplified, shrinking into a new organ that dispersed the goo throughout her still partially human body.  Moss colored highlights appeared at the base of her hair until the 18 years of her self-image forced the green to darken back to black.  She rocked in her seat when she felt her silky hair merge with the slime.  The keratin turned to goo and became an extension of her body, alive with sensations when they rubbed against her scalp, cheeks and neck.

She squeezed her pussy over and over, enjoying the way the plump lips felt when they pressed against her clit and the lips inside.  Finally, unable to restrain herself further, she slipped fingers inside, rubbing them back and forth against her opening.  She grew bold as she masturbated and felt her slick muscles grip a finger when it pushed deeper.  

Her sclera leaked into her iris, consuming the brown with a lighter chartreuse and her pupils narrowed.  The curves of her larger breasts pressed against her shirt while her nipples dented the blazer.

Green cum leaked from her sloppy pussy, racing down her slick legs before soaking into her socks.  The black cotton sizzled quietly as they were absorbed into her body.  Her ass quivered and her boyish waist filled out, pressing against her skirt.  It easily dented her soft, gooey flesh and she gasped when the thicker ass cheeks began to rub against her pussy.

Himari's face flattened against the desk when she came and her cry was easily muffled.  She sat there without breathing, head bowed while her body twitched.  

Finally, she pulled her hand free and sat back, opening the fingers to stare lazily at the thick green strings of goo attached between them.  She watched as they began to pull into her flesh but shoved them into her mouth to taste the strands before they vanished completely.  Her tongue wrapped around her finger, expanding and contracting in a pulsing rhythm that reminded her of her pussy.

When she finished, she looked around the classroom.  Itsuki stared at her, eyes wide behind his round glasses.  She smiled at him and looked down to see his erection beneath his hand.  She had no idea why he was hiding it. 

The girl almost went to him to ride his cock but the bell interrupted her thoughts.  The class gathered their books and paper but Himari just slid out from her desk and walked over to him.

"The storage room in the gym," she whispered, pushing air through her body, up her chest and through a complicated set of ridges before flowing through teeth and tongue.  She barely noticed the difference in the way she spoke as the slime merged with her, replacing parts of her brain with a gelatinous piece that mirrored the original functionality in almost every way.

She reached down to squeeze the hand he had over his cock and he jumped in return.

Only when she reached the hallway did she realize she'd left her bag behind.  She briefly considered returning for it but decided it didn't matter anymore.  

Himari's breasts and ass bounced as she flounced through the hallway with her legs bare.  A few students noticed but most were too rushed to pay attention.  She glanced at a girl stepping into a classroom and then withdrew her hair back into her body to match the other student's hairstyle.  The strands reshaped against her scalp until she had a spiky pixie cut that left her neck and shoulders naked.  

Another girl stood against the wall near her homeroom classroom.  She was staring at a small glob of green stuck to her fingers.  Himari could feel the faint echo of herself from the goo but it was already fading as it began to merge with the other girl.

The gym was empty when Himari stepped inside and she hummed happily, smiling at the thought of finally losing her virginity.  The idea of someone holding her, squeezing her and wrapping their body around her was intoxicating and she missed a step or two while picturing it.

"Not here yet," she sighed when she stepped into the storage room.  Dust swirled around her when she moved deeper into the room.  Once she reached the short shelves holding an array of balls, she heard a nervous cough from the entrance.

"I'm here," Himari cooed.

Itsuki made his way back, scanning the room as he did.

"I-I- Is this a trick?" he stuttered.

In response, Himari turned with her hands planted against the wall.  She reached back with one hand to pull her skirt up and over her generous ass to expose her swollen pussy.

"No," she groaned, turning back around as she lowered her chest.  She could feel the weight of her breasts and the pull of her ass cheeks.  "Hurry, please.  Please, hurry."

The goo was filling her faster than before and her body was a live wire.  Every piece of her new skin was an erogenous zone if she wanted it to be.  She could be whatever she wanted to be and the short, spiky "hair" she wore now reminded her of that.  

The boy fumbled with his trousers before dropping them and she turned back once more to moan at his uncut cock.  He stroked himself and licked his lips but still looked around, anxiously expecting classmates to jump out and scare him.  Yet, a larger part of him knew that there was no way they'd go this far to trick him.  

His hands touched her bare ass and he was amazed at how incredibly soft and slick she was.  His palm sunk into her flesh and she threw her head back with a loud moan while shoving her ass back against him.  

"Oh!" the boy gasped when her warm, wet, engorged pussy pressed against his cock.  He barely had to push it down to enter her.

Himari screamed and her green eyes widened.  Although her entire body was becoming incredibly sensitive, it paled in comparison to what she felt between her thighs.  It was something else entirely and her brain fizzed in the green goo surrounding it.  

"I don't- don't-" the boy groaned.  He shoved into her while pressing fingers into her ass.  They pierced her skin as a faint lime tint appeared in the light tan she'd gained by sunbathing over the past several weekends.  

She rocked her ass back against him, slapping his crotch hard enough to make her body jiggle in response.  The boy groaned again and she could already feel him growing larger within her.  

Something clicked in her brain.  Himari clenched the muscles around his cock and then twisted them, suddenly aware that she had far greater control over her body than she'd realized.  Itsuki screamed in response and jerked as he came inside of her.

"S-s-sorry," he gasped.

And then he looked down and shouted.

Himari's waist was translucent.  He could see the darker color of her green skin but it was clear beneath that and he could make out the faint outlines of her vaginal muscles and other unknown things beneath.

And his cum, it spooled inside of her, solid white and deep within where her womb should be.  He fell back, gasping when he landed on his ass.  Her pussy lips were the color of juniper and they leaked green liquid.  

"More," she told him, straightening and stalking towards him while rubbing herself.  He pressed back and then stood, pulling at his belt and pants while he ran from the room.

Himari sighed unhappily before she sat with legs spread to pleasure herself.


Itsuki sat shivering in class, replaying the scene over and over.  He swallowed and pushed at his crotch, terrified that he was still hard despite the horror he witnessed in the supply room.

He'd been so incredibly excited and turned on.  At nearly 19 years of age, he was still a virgin and dreamed of losing it.  And it was even to someone as cute as Himari!  

He felt feverish from the experience.  

Blue veins stood out on his eyes and drops of sweat rolled down his cheeks.

"Itsuki?  Itsuki!" the teacher, Ms. Saitō, called out.  "Are you here with us?"

"I- I- I don't feel well," he said, shivering again when the hairs stood out along his body.  They fizzed silently and sank into his skin.

"I'll give you a pass for the nurse," the teacher sighed.  "Grab your things and go get checked out."

"O-okay," he gasped, pushing at his erection to shift it down to his pant's leg.  Clear pre-cum, tinged with blue, leaked from the exposed head of his cock.  He shoved his books and pens into his bag and walked to the front of the room with his head bowed.

Only when he was in the hallway did he breathe more easily but he still rushed through the corridor until he reached the nurse's office.  She glanced up, adjusting her tight hair bun in surprise when he walked in without knocking.  Itsuki handed her the pass and then waited anxiously.

"Alright," she said, grabbing her equipment.  "Have a seat and tell me what's wrong."

She placed a cuff around his arm while looking at her watch.  She inflated the cuff when began to speak.

"I- I just feel feverish and sick," he told her, mentally cursing his cock as it throbbed against his leg.  

"Mmhmm," she said, counting the beats and then undoing the cuff.  She slid a thermometer into a clear sleeve and popped it into his mouth while grabbing her stethoscope.  "Undo your buttons, please."

The nurse's bare hands felt cool on his chest and the stethoscope was a chip of ice when she placed it on his body.  She moved it around, asking him to breathe in and out before finally taking it away.

Drops of blue clung to her fingertips.  They nearly fell to the ground but instead, at the last moment, pressed against her skin and vanished.

"Hmm, 36.1 degrees, a little low," she frowned.  "But definitely not a fever."

She stared at him as he panted and shivered when his clothes brushed against his sensitive skin.  

"Well, go lie down over there and I'll check on you after a while."

She watched him go while shaking her head slowly.  She only vaguely knew the boy.  He'd never been in before and he certainly seemed to not feel well but his vitals were fine.  A little beyond the averages but nothing alarming.  She tapped her fingertips against her mouth and inhaled the vaguely sweet scent that arose from them.  Another tap of her fingers against her lips and her tongue slipped out to lick her fingers.

Well, I'll let him rest, she decided while adjusting herself in her seat.  A tiny buzzing began at the base of her skull when the goo slipped past her sinuses.  She tapped her pen against the desk while adjusting her loose shirt, subconsciously pulling it again and again so it would brush against her nipples.  

Ms. Saitō glanced back at the prone student.  He twisted slightly but she rolled her eyes when she saw him push at the very obvious erection in his pants.  It wouldn't be the first time a male student grew excited in her care.  Their upper-secondary school was small and elite, housing a little over one hundred 18 year old students and they were all in the throes of their hormones.  

It was easy for them to be excited and she was used to it.  Used to see the bulge in their pants.  

Her mouth hung open as she continued to stare at Itsuki.  The buzzing was louder and she tugged at her shirt as her nipples hardened and pushed against her blouse.  Those thick bulges, ready to fill whatever willing hole they could find.

She spread her legs and pushed her ass back as she grew wet and a quiet moan sighed past her parted lips.  Pink goo formed within her aching pussy.  

Filling me, she groaned, reaching a hand up to fondle herself.  Soft and wet, tongues together, cock in my pussy, fingers in my ass, every hole filled until I'm screaming and cumming and squirting.

Her head hung and a single drop of pink drool dripped from her slack mouth.  

No, she gasped.  Have to- have to get it together.  What's wrong with me today?

She was in the middle of an argument with her boyfriend and they were separated at the moment, leaving her alone at night with just her cat.  She hated it but she was still mad and not ready to reconcile.  Still, there was no way-

She looked back at Itsuki again, licking her lips.  They filled outward and the skin stretched, the rose coloring brightening to pink.  She laughed and ran fingers through her hair when the buzzing suddenly faded to a light fizzing that left her feeling happy.  Red veins in her eyes turned pink and seemed to burst as she went over to the student.

"How are- oh," she said, staring at him.  

Itsuki's cock was massive.  The tip brushed his belly button.  The boy himself seemed larger and she only just now realized his shirt was missing.  And his blazer.  And tie.  Muscles bulged on his body but she couldn't stop staring at the thick cock.

"Umm," she said, reaching down to brush her nails against his dick.  Pink liquid dripped from the tips of her nipples beneath her shirt and she groaned as an overpowering lust filled her.  "Umm."

The nurse's hands fumbled at her skirt's zipper, pushing it down until the skirt dropped to the floor beneath her.  Her pink stained panties followed next.  She pulled them down but they disintegrated against her body, fading to nothingness when she absorbed them.  Ms. Saitō pulled at Itsuki's pants until they were around his thighs and then climbed onto the table, rubbing herself back and forth against the boy's cock.

"Miss- Miss Saitō," Itsuki groaned, reaching up to grab her waist.  He pulled her down and then reached further up to her blouse, tearing it apart to reveal her breasts.  She cried out from the rough handling and the way he felt as she grinded against him.  "I- I need-"

The nurse leaned down, opening her mouth and they kissed.  His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.

Blue strands appeared on his pink-coated cock as it split and a second, smaller cock branched away.  She pushed forward and then screamed loudly when the second cock pushed against her asshole.  

"Oh, yes! Yes!" Ms. Saitō screamed, reaching down to lift his still-massive cock toward her swollen, aching pussy.  She pushed and he entered her but the second penis bent against her ass.

With a thought, she relaxed new muscles and her asshole opened to him.  She drowned in the pure pleasure, bending forward again to kiss him deeply.  Her breasts slid against his slick chest as if he were covered in oil and nerves exploded along her body.  The table creaked beneath them as Ms. Saitō began to slam herself down, harder and harder.  Wet slapping filled the room as blue and pink slime splattered away from them.  The little fragments slowly made their way back to their hosts.

Itsuki pushed at his core and his cock grew larger.  The nurse froze, her mouth and eyes wide.  Air wheezed past her full, pouting lips and she shuddered, her breasts jiggling as she came from the intensity of having both her holes completely filled.  

"Cum- cum in me," she pleaded, forcing herself back down.  Pink lined her body.  Light seemed to shine through her and down to the boy's chest as her body began to grow translucent.  "Fill me, please, fill me, please!  Please cum in me!"

He could feel the expanded control he had over his body now and knew he could hold himself back indefinitely but the thought of filling the nurse's ass and pussy was incredibly arousing.  He pushed and then spasmed, pressing fingers deep into her gooey body.  Ms. Saitō leaned back, shoving her tits together as blue cum spiraled inside of her soft, magenta body.  The colors blended into a purple mixture that flowed within her and she shuddered, gasping and moaning as she collapsed against him.  She compressed her pussy around him until she heard a knock at the door.  

The nurse and Itsuki turned and then she climbed off, stepping naked through her office to open the door.

Hana stepped inside.

"Ms. Saitō, I- oh," the girl said, her voice growing quiet as she stared at the other woman.  She shrank back when the nurse's hand fondly brushed her face, leaving a pink trail behind.  "I- I- I-"

Hana swallowed when the pink faded on her cheek and a faint buzzing filled her ears.


Himari smiled at her lunch tray.  A thick appendage bulged beneath the back of her skirt.  It slipped over her wide ass and between them, into her still-swollen pussy.  The tip thrust silently between her lips and she jerked occasionally from tiny orgasms.  It was nothing compared to a real cock but she was patient.

"Has anyone seen Hana?" Rin asked beside Himari.  The severe girl glanced around the lunch room with a frown.

"No," Himari gasped when another little orgasm made her quiver in place.  She touched her hand lightly against the food on her tray to absorb it slowly through her fingers.  Her breasts swelled slightly in response.

Rin frowned more deeply and Himari side-eyed the girl.  She was always too serious about everything.  Always the rule enforcer.  Always the one pushing everyone to excel and to join as many clubs as they could.  At 18, she had her whole life plotted out and had since she was 9.  Her social life was non-existent since everything revolved around school.

Himari slipped a hand beneath her skirt, flicking it against her slit with a happy little moan and a mischievous smile. 

"I have a secret, Rin," Himari said.

"What?" the girl asked, looking at Himari in confusion.

"I said I have a secret," the girl said with a giggle.  "Close your eyes."

"Himari, I'm worried about Hana," Rin said while adjusting her glasses.

"No, really, really," Himari told her.  "Close your eyes, come on.  Trust me.  You'll love it."

"Fine," the other girl said with a sharp sigh.  She closed her eyes but held her back straight.  

Himari coated her finger in green goo and then pressed it against Rin's lips. The other girl opened her mouth in shock but then gagged and shoved her friend away.

"Himari Itō!  What the hell do you think you're doing?" she asked, wiping at the remains of the slime on her lips.  Her nostrils opened and closed and her small, pink tongue darted out for a brief moment.  Himari watched her swallow with a smile.  "What was that?"

"A secret!" Himari laughed and her smile widened impossibly when the appendage began to pump within her pussy once more.  "Oh, I had the best idea.  I'll be right back."

Himari stood while humming happily.  She passed rows of tables and slipped into the side entrance to the kitchen.  The staff bustled at the window to serve students so she hid herself, crouching until she reached the stoves.  With a glance towards the staff, she reached her hand out over the bubbling pots.  She pushed her cum up her body, along her belly and up to her arm before sending it down to her fingers where it dripped freely into the large metal containers.  She giggled as she filled them all and then compressed herself down to creep along the floor to the exit.

Rin was scratching herself and looking around the room.  Himari watched as the girl brought her fingers to her mouth to suck on them, pushing them deep and then pulling them free.  Her tongue reached out and elongated, dripping with a light yellow color that resembled honey.  The tongue wrapped around her fingers, sliding up and down their length.  The girl's other hand pressed between her thighs.  

Himari glanced at the students grabbing their trays and she beamed at them.  Back at the table, Rin's lips puckered out and she brought her other hand up to lick it clean.  She turned golden eyes to Himari and pulled her hands away to rest them on the table.  

"O-oh," Rin said, clenching her fists.  Her tongue brushed against her lips, circling them as she rocked her ass slightly.  The girl grabbed her water bottle to drink at it nervously.  Her throat expanded and she chugged the water easily in one go and then, with a moan, she pressed the bottle back and forth into her mouth.  

She panted when she pulled the bottle free.

"Can't- can't stop thinking of- of- c- c- cocks in my mouth," the girl moaned when Himari sat next to her.  "M- more than one.  Just- just as many- as many as I can take."

"Then do it," Himary said.  She looked around the room to see a few students growing distracted.  "Let go and just relax.  It's all warm and soft and- and- fizzy.  Everything's fine."

A girl who had grabbed her tray right after Himari left the kitchen huddled into herself.  Himari watched her for a while until the girl sat up straight.  Her shirt dissolved around her to leave her topless and she grabbed her own tit in her hand.  It overflowed her fingers as she brought it up to her mouth to suckle from her nipple.  Students shouted around her but even more began to moan.

"What the hell?" Kota said loudly beside Rin when he watched the girl shove her nipple into another girl's mouth.

Rin slipped to the floor beneath the table, sliding to kneel before Kota as he shouted and pushed his legs together.  

"What's wrong with, oh- oh shit!" 

Rin pulled his legs apart and he grabbed her hair when she shoved her face against his crotch.  A faint acrid scent filled the air when she dissolved the front of his slacks and part of his belt, leaving his cock bare.  The girl moaned sensuously when her tongue slid out to coil around the boy's cock.

Himari laughed and concentrated, absorbing the rest of her clothes while she surveyed the changes.  Light filtered through her emerald body and she eyed a girl crawling towards her.  Periodically the other girl would roll to her back to shove fingers between her exposed pussy lips until she gave herself an orgasm.  She'd catch her breath and then roll back to hands and knees to continue crawling.  A trail of green goo started a few feet behind her and her clothes lay in patchy fragments on her body.  

"Need," the girl panted as she drew close.  "Need to-"

Himari spread her legs and the girl moaned, picking herself up.  She shoved between Himari's legs and her tongue billowed outward.  Himari hissed and leaned back while shoving her hips forward to give the girl better access.  A boy, Tatsuki from her first period, climbed onto the table.  His cock bounced against his chest as he straddled Himari's face.  He grabbed his dick and pressed it down into Himari's mouth.  Her throat bulged around it and she grabbed the base while forcing her face to expand forward to more expertly pleasure the boy.

Rin whined and drooled as she bobbed on Kota's cock, slobbering against him until his crotch was coated with yellow goo.  He gripped her head tightly and his fingers sunk into her skull when he pulled her down hard.  She froze in place while reaching beneath her but hands grabbed her ass and lifted and she cried out, muffled with her mouth around Kota's dick, when a cock pressed into her pussy.  Her glasses slid down her slippery face when the unknown boy pounded into her and Kota slammed her head down again and again, fucking her face until she felt clenched fingers in her hair.

Pink cum erupted from Kota's swelling cock and she suppressed her gag reflex to take all off it.  She refocused her throat muscles, forcing them into ridges and whorls that matched her pussy and the boy hissed when she started bobbing once more.

"So good, Rin, so fucking soft and wet, fuck!" 

Rin lifted her ass when someone crawled beneath her.  The cock slipped free from her pussy and she whined until she felt a mouth against her clit and the dick rose higher, rubbing against her taint until it entered her again.  

The usually stoic girl rolled her eyes back when her hips began to work, rubbing back and forth against the bridge of the girl's nose beneath her.  The boy behind her leaned close with short thrusts and Rin found herself giving into all of it and relaxing, accepting it all and melting into it.

Her hips flowed outward and down over the girl's face to cover her completely.  Rin screamed loudly when the girl enthusiastically continued to lick.  Bubbles formed as the tongue lapped continuously against semi-firm muscles and flesh, close to where her cervix used to be.  The intensity was mind blowing and Rin sputtered and screamed and collapsed.  The girl beneath her sank into Rin's body.  She thrust the fingers of one hand up to join her tongue while wrapping the other around Rin's ass, spreading her wide for the boy still slamming into her.

A series of powerful orgasms erupted within Rin.  She melted further until she lay utterly flat on the ground in a large writhing puddle.  Golden bubbles formed and popped happily within her as she rolled back and forth.  Kota and the other two moved around her to continue while Rin rested in pure bliss.

Teachers arrived to check on students several minutes after the lunch bell rang.  Their horror slowly changed to looks of pure pleasure when they foolishly tried to pull students apart, infecting themselves in the process.  

Hours passed and the first parent arrived to pick up her student.  She tapped her steering wheel impatiently and then tsked, opening the door to walk into the school.  Faint noises echoed through the building but louder sounds came from the nurse's room.  She glanced at the empty front office and then opened the nurse's door.

"H- Hana?!" the girl's mother cried in shock, covering her mouth when she spied her nude daughter riding a boy's massive cock.  

"M- M- Mooooooohhhh god!" the girl cried out, her oversized tits slapping her slick chest.

"Get off of him!" the woman shouted, pulling the girl free. Her hand sunk into her daughter's translucent blue skin as green cum spurted on her face from the boy on the floor.  She hissed and wiped at the cum but it was already vanishing as it absorbed into her skin.

Her daughter easily slipped free of her mother's grasp with a light giggle, compressing her arm to nearly nothing before reforming it again and turning to grab a waiting cock.  Another boy slid beneath her, his cock slipping between Hana's slick pussy lips as Hana's mother stumbled against the wall with her hand against her forehead.  The few wrinkles at the corner of the woman's eyes began to smooth out and years vanished from her face.

"Hello?" a deep male voice called from the entrance of the school.  Hana's mother moaned and squeezed her body while stumbling back out into the hallway.  "Hey are you- hey!"

Slurping sounds filled the corridor as more cars began to arrive and the infection began in earnest


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