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A mosquito TF!  As a little gift for someone.  Not my usual thing and I've rarely done insects so I apologize if I messed it up.  There's a little extra that I wrote for the ending but I'm not posting it here due to TOS.

The older BMW jerked to the sound of gears grinding when Beverly mistimed the coordination between her left foot on the clutch and her right hand on the shifter.  The hint of a frown crossed her face before transitioning to determination as she pulled onto the off ramp.  A quick glance behind her showed an angry driver flashing their headlights at her sudden turn but the temporary paper license plate taped to the back window blocked most of it.  She rolled her eyes as she took the turn too fast and her tires thudded over the small bumps on the inside lane.

Interstate traffic gave way to lonely buildings in the industrial district.  Steam and smoke and other chemicals billowed out of stacks arrayed around the area.  She half-listened to the mapping program on her phone as it gave out quiet, calm directions to her workplace.  After a little over two weeks, she still didn't have the route memorized.

Another shift as her foot pivoted on the stiletto heel.  Her gray skirt whispered on the cool leather of her seat while she turned left, passing a dog boarding facility and a heavy equipment rental center after that.  

Three blocks later, she caught sight of her workplace.  The tiny, well-worn building housed Harris, Clark, Williams & Peters P.S. - none of which were her name.

"I'll just have to change that," she told herself as she turned, once more too sharp, into the parking lot.  She smirked at the car parked away from the building while easing into the spot recently reserved for her in the shadow of the tiny structure.

It was her first day back since the decision in the Price v. Rex Construction and she was still riding high from her first big win.  While small compared to what the rest of the office was used to dealing with, it was major for her and sure to be her first step on the stairs up.  She'd just have to push a few old white men aside, first.

Stepping out to the ticking of her cooling engine, she breathed shallowly with the back of her hand near her nose.  The area wasn't chosen for its charming location - something else she told herself she'd change once she moved up.  It couldn't be too much more to lease a building downtown and surely the clients they would attract in the new location would offset the increase.

"Good morning, Ms. Tills," the receptionist said robotically, barely looking up from her computer to give the greeting.  The girl, Charlie as she liked to be called, had dropped all pretenses of cordiality shortly after Beverly started working with her.

"Any meetings today?" Beverly asked.  She knew she didn't have any but she wanted to exert a little dominance over the woman for her impertinence.  Most of her day would consist of filling out her heavily padded billed time for Rex Construction and reviewing notes for her next case on the docket for Wednesday morning.

"No," Charlie said, finally looking up.  The curly ends of her short, platinum blonde hair bounced against her slim cheeks when she turned to the edge of the counter before her.  "You did receive a letter this morning, however."

"Thank you," Beverly said with a smile that she fixed in place as she grabbed the plain envelope from the sectioned tray.

Robotic as ever, bitch, Beverly thought, her smile widening to show teeth.

She walked through the short hallway, surrounded by the silence of early morning.  As usual, Mr. Peters' light was on.  He was the only partner in the office this early and she assumed he'd still be working through the apocalypse and complaining about the noise of people dying and bombs going off.

Her own office was small with a wrap around desk and slim monitor.  Filing cabinets lined the wall behind her but she ignored them as always, setting her heavy backpack down against the side of her desk before sitting in her hand-me-down rolling chair.

Beverly surveyed her desk, sighing at the mess she'd left for herself.  She bumped her mouse and her monitor woke, the reflective black surface giving way to pale blue light that shined on the black keyboard before it.  

The letter had no return address and was hand lettered to her attention at her work address.  Her eyes passed over the uncanceled stamp in the top right as she turned it over.  Nothing was written on the back and it was self-sealed.

She tapped the letter on her keyboard while staring through the drawn shades.  Finally, she slipped a long fingernail under the flap and opened it to reveal a plain, folded piece of computer paper.

Two sentences were written in simple block lettering that matched the writing on the envelope:  You lied and cheated your way through court and now my dead son will never rest.  You're nothing but a parasite feeding on those less fortunate.

Unseen to her, a faint white glow emanated from the page she held in her hands.  She shook her head at the letter and then crumbled it up before tossing it into the blue recycle bin next to the trashcan beneath her desk.

There was no signature on the letter but she knew immediately who it was - the father of the Price boy who was killed onsite while working for Rex Construction.  

Fast movement at the very corner of her eye made her jerk her head sharply.  An incredibly thin line appeared in her iris.  It grew, slicing down through the dark brown before connecting to the end that had spread into her white sclera.  It formed a thin, oval secondary lense that gave a skewed view of the floor beneath her.  A similar line appeared in her other eye and the two shapes slowly pushed outward into miniscule mud-brown circles.  She rubbed at her temple as a few more lines appeared and the bone of her eye sockets pushed against her brow.  Her eyelids bulged to contain her now-swollen eyes.

The firm was sure she'd lose so they didn't mind giving her the case.  Skimming through the material she had, she realized they were correct.  So, she'd invited opposing counsel to discuss the case.  She'd pretended to be surprised to learn he'd graduated from the same college she'd gone to, despite having done as much research on him as possible.  He knew his basics but the Pierce family was not wealthy and their lawyer's ability reflected that.

She flirted with him subtly but he was resistant.  Instead, she found a reason to keep him talking and offered to have food delivered.  Just by "chance", she had a bottle of wine in her office.  And then another when they finished that one.  And a third.

He'd fucked her on her desk, late in the evening.  Drunk and post-coital, she'd encouraged him to muse about the case and he'd gladly obliged, mentioning a significant medicated condition the deceased had.  She'd used that and a few other things he'd mentioned to cast just enough doubt for the jury.  He knew what he'd done and he'd stood silently, avoiding her sideways glance as the judge read the verdict.

The man was a shitty lawyer but, despite fumbling around and being unattractive, he was moderately skilled at sex.  And she'd enjoyed the thrill of the taboo.  And he had felt really good inside of her.

Beverly squirmed in her chair, suddenly aroused at the memory of it.  She'd swept papers away while he'd tugged at her pencil skirt, kneeling behind her to lick her pussy.

The ommatidia that formed in her bulging eyes watched the door and the window at the same time.  More lenses formed and her eyes continued to push away in their widening sockets.

In her memory, he was behind her, licking and sucking at her pussy with his thumbs spreading her open.  At her desk now, she rocked her ass in her chair and slipped a hand beneath her suit jacket, clawing at a throbbing point just below her ribcage.  It was warm and pleasant to touch but she pulled her hand away, seconds before the flesh moved.  

The thought of him behind her made her writhe.  The feel of it.  Sucking.  And sucking.  She touched her lips, licking them and picturing her suddenly kneeling before him - something that didn't happen.  In this daydream, she eagerly took his cock out to blow him.

"Fuuuuuck," Beverly groaned, sticking her finger in her mouth.  Enamel melted away from her teeth and they waved, semi-rigid as she pulled and pushed her finger, wrapping her tongue around it while imagining it was the man's dick.

Her cheeks deflated as she sucked as hard as she could, moaning at the fearsome need to have a cock in her mouth.  To suck on it until it exploded, filling her throat with warm cum.  

When Beverly pulled at her finger, her lips and teeth slanted outward with it until her finger came free with a loud, wet 'pop!'.  She immediately replaced it, driven by an incredibly powerful primal urge that began to take her over.  Her tongue swirled around two fingers now but it began to harden and grow uncomfortably thick in her mouth.

As Beverly leaned back in her chair with a few of her ommatidia watching the door, she slipped her free hand beneath her skirt, groaning at how wet she was.  Three fingers immediately and easily entered into her soaking wet pussy and she undulated in her chair as she crooked them to rub just inside her sex with her palm against her clit.

"Yesssshhh," the woman moaned as drool slid down her cheeks.  The syllables mangled in her mouth as her jaw began to slowly rotate.  At the same time, chitin formed and flowed outward from her jaw, replacing her gums as they turned and then consuming her teeth.  

At a ninety degree angle, her teeth began to protrude from her mouth, forced outward by the explosive growth of chitin and her elongating tongue.  Her face stretched forward as her tongue grew firm and dry to form her new labium sheath.  The very tip split gently into her labella as a hole appeared directly in the center..

Two questing appendages, just beneath her ribcage on the sides of her slim body, pushed against her tucked-in shirt as they emerged.  The skin around them hardened and the two-pronged tips scratched at the cotton fabric.  The loose buttons of her suit jacket pulled free but segments appeared in the growing limbs and they folded, constrained by her tight shirt.  The slick chitin clawed her body and she gripped the arms of her chair.

Sucking, she thought, brow knit as her multi-faceted eyes took in the entire room. She was finding it hard to concentrate over the enormous amount of stimulation provided while, at the same time, folds in her brain slowly grew smooth and her mind simplified.  Sucking him off.  Filling me.  Filling me up.  Sucking.  Sucking.

An intoxicating scent teased her and she swallowed a sudden mouthful of drool as she tried to place it.  She breathed deeply but the smell didn't intensify, causing her a small amount of confusion.  The chitin growing from her new jaws crept upward, pulling at the edge of her narrow nose as the skin beneath expanded outward.  Her nostrils, flattened now against her face, widened as the questing tips of her antennae emerged from the open holes.

The delicious aroma she'd caught the hint of earlier blossomed within her and she gasped, running fingers down her body. The legs growing at the sides of her body surrounded her, sliding behind the shirt to caress her back before pulling the shirt free from her skirt.  The strange new legs emerged into the open air beneath her shirt and strange muscles flexed beneath her ribcage.  She felt their movement and her button-down shirt ripped open.  Buttons pinged against her desk and monitor.  Her eyes tracked their paths as the new legs clawed up her body to caress her breasts, pulling the cups of her bra down when they slipped beneath the band.  A sharp pull with the forming muscles on her side ripped the bra free and her breasts quivered before her.

A single button clicked against the monitor and she directed her brain to focus her compound eyes on it.  For a reason she could no longer puzzle out, the movement interested her greatly.

Her contorted visage stared back at her and even her diminished intelligence recoiled from it.  Beverly's short, segmented antenna rotated before the domed shape of her eyes, hundreds of ommatidia lenses separated by hair-thin black lines.  Her horizontal mandibles opened and then clacked sharply as she tried to scream and only now did she catch sight of the proboscis projecting from the front of her face.

She kicked back from her desk to stand and the legs at the side of her angled down, ready to catch her if she fell.

Something vibrated with bone-rattling intensity behind her.  She reached back to touch beneath her shoulder blade but jerked her hand away quickly when she felt a smooth, hardened lump.  It beat furiously against her back.  Pain radiated outward from the throbbing muscles as they grew sore but chemicals flooded her body, easing the pain while the density of the muscles themselves doubled and then tripled.

In a panic, she reached for her purse to grab the small mirror she kept for adjusting her makeup. The tip of her finger stretched beyond the skin surrounding it.  She froze, heart pounding as she brought her hand up to her eyes, turning her head to focus on her fingers.  The skin surrounding the first two joints of her fingers hung loose and dead and fish white in color.  Her fingertips glistened in the light, slick and shiny.  Tapping the tips together produced a muffled clacking noise and she realized her sense of touch was greatly diminished.

No, no, no! she thought to herself, pulling and tugging at the loose skin.  It peeled away painlessly to reveal the still-drying chitin beneath, sleek and smooth.  She continued to pull and the skin sloughed away from her forearm.  Just beneath her elbow the skin separated and fell to the ground.  

The muscles along her back vibrated again and her wings unrolled, pulling against her shoulders as they flapped wetly.  Her domed eyes caught sight of them to her sides.  They appeared milky white with solid vein-like structures.  Dried flakes fell away as they worked behind her autonomously.  

Spasms wracked her feet and she fell to her ass.  Her wings angled upward as her mid-legs caught her fall, bending on their joints.  The strange legs were easily as thick as her forearms now.  She felt their connection to her body against her sides but a new wave of agony distracted her and forced her to concentrate on her lower body.

Old habits forced her to look down and her elongated proboscis nestled heavily between her breasts.  She reached for her right foot, grabbing and throwing her shoe to the side.

Claws pierced the fragile fabric of her stockings.  Like her fingers, the tips of her first four toes were a sand-colored shell-like material now tipped with sharp points.  She bent into herself, hugging her body while trying to look away but her eyes wouldn't let her. Her new toes stretched her stockings until thin white runs appeared.  Her left foot pushed the other shoe free as it too began to grow.

Stop!  Stop! she cried out in her mind as she grabbed at the material with her hands and mid-legs, tearing them free to expose her elongated legs.  Her feeble, shrunken pinky toes pressed against her feet before being absorbed.  She tried to groan but her mandibles rasped together instead as her heel cracked and vanished.

Flesh fell away to reveal the drying chitin covering her new legs and feet.  The exoskeleton reached up to her knee before merging with flesh that continued up her bare thigh just beneath her skirt.

In another view, on someone else and without context, she would've admired the legs.  They were seamless and smooth in a futuristic, artistic way which gave the hint of curvy, engineered eroticism.  Instead, she-

Her antennae, longer now with tiny hairs sprouting from each segment, waved before her.  They bent as they turned, ruffling her hair before flexing towards the door next to her.

The scent was strong now and a pattern began to form in her mind as her brain and senses were overtaken and merged with the insect consuming her.  Two large shapes, one to her left and one far to her right.  Warm and soft and full of life.

An extremely thin needle-like fascicle emerged from the hole at the tip of her proboscis.  Saliva dripped from the tiny opening as she turned her head towards the nearest of the shapes.

Charlie, she knew, somehow.  

Beverly groaned, pressing her fingers against her skirt.  She bent them and the elegant, curved claws sliced through the fabric as if it were paper.  Her mandibles clattered when her claws accidentally sliced the skin beneath but she pulled back before causing damage.  Her mid-legs pushed at her skirt while she shredded it.  They pulled and scraped and pushed, clawing at skirt and panties until she was freed.

Her wings beat the air behind her, slowly, steadily, translucent now that they'd dried.  She touched herself finally, raising her head with her mandibles wide and her proboscis quivering.  The girl's antennae stood on end, swaying towards the receptionist as she rubbed her wet pussy with the strange fingers.  They glided smoothly between her engorged lips as if she were teasing herself with a new metal vibrator.  

A loud 'clack' sounded as her jaws closed and her mandibles grated together.  She squeezed her breast with her free hand while her mid-legs encircled the other one, the split claw of the left leg flicking her nipple.  Her wings beat faster and faster as she carefully slipped the dense, rigid tip of her finger into her aching pussy.  She pushed down to keep the claw away as she fucked herself, 'breathing' in of the carbon dioxide Charlie gave off.

The rasping sound of her toes scraping against the short pile carpet and concrete beneath mixed with the rumbling, grinding noise of her mandibles when she finally came.

And it wasn't enough.  She hungered in a complex way, aching deep within her guts as a new thirst consumed her.

An ear piercing whine filled the air as her wings vibrated in a blur, lifting her effortlessly from the ground to stand on eight armored toes.  Her antennae brushed the ceiling so she lowered herself on her slim, gazelle-like legs while turning to the front office.  She stepped to the door, her claws clicking as she operated the handle and folded her wings close to her body.  They caressed her bare back when she ducked and entered the hallway.

Beverly's antennae raised, scenting the air but she could still only taste the two in her office.  

And so many more beyond.


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