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It’s a blustery, dark, chilly Christmas Eve and a surprise snowstorm has descended, leaving 2-3 feet of wet, heavy snow and a thin sheet of ice on everything in its wake: including the power lines. With no electricity or heat, your family have all bundled up and gathered in the living room, tucked into sleeping bags and blankets, to share the warmth emanating from the fireplace.

The room is bathed in a gentle but warm, familiar glow. The tree you and your Dad cut down three days ago is nestled in the corner of the room and has been decorated in classic small and colourful red, blue, yellow and green lights that reflect back off the big bay window next to it, and it’s natural pines are sporting all sorts of shiny, multi-coloured baubles and homemade ornaments from you and your sister over the years.

The fire crackles and pops lightly while one by one everyone starts to drift off to sleep…

Everyone except for me…


Wanna know what's wild? I wrote this script, recorded and edited this audio long before my area got slammed with an intense-ass snowstorm and long before I had to ABANDON MY CAR on the side of the road and walk the 8 blocks home in whiteout conditions, -30C weather with snow up to my thighs in some areas to get here, to this point, where I could post this special xmas eve treat. Feeling VERY much like a need a spicy little cuddlefuck by the fire right about now... ;p

LOL Merry Christmas Eve to my FAVOURITE people in the whole world, I hope this lil treat finds you well :3

AND if you liked this audio, there are two other audios in this lil universe and you can listen to 'em here:

The Cottage & The Cottage Pt. 2: Playing with Fire

Have a FANTASTIC night everyone! Stay warm, be safe, I hope sincerely that you are with people you love, or pets you love, and that you are able to get and give some seriously warm, loving hugs tonight and tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️



This was amazing from start to finish.

patrik nilsson

Just phenomenal Cat. A perfect Christmas treat from our favorite mommy.