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Hey Gucci Gang :B 

Have you missed my voice?! Because I have over 52 minutes of it BLATHERING ON to share with you if you have!!! Hahaha, clearly I had a lot to say today after a couple weeks of not being able to record or work or do much of anything! 

Last month, I did a more sexually explorative audio diary and I want to return to that format for future diaries - however! With the ICK that has permeated my home for weeks now, I've not been in the right mindset (nor have I been physically capable) for recording anything sexual so instead, we're going allll the way back to Mindful Hippie Cat! 

In this audio diary, I open up about the stress of not being able to record and how that helped me realize that I've not been taking the best care of myself lately. I talk about some personal goings on, the loss of an important person in my life (no one died!! lol I know how dramatic that sounds), the return of some unhealthy habits, bad coping mechanisms, and my strong desire to recover from all of that and get back on track. 

You're some of the people I can be the most real version of my SELF with, so of course when I'm going through a bit of a transitory period in my life, I want to share it with you. When I'm a bit blue, I often remind myself that my experience isn't all that unique. If I'm struggling with something, I know I can't be the only one so it feels good to just open up and be real with the people who I've come to care about quite a bit hehe (dats you!) so here we are! 

I talk about a fair bit of personal stuff in this one, but you KNOW ya girl ended it on a positive note, smiling and feeling joy and love for all of youuuu so if you listen, I hope you enjoy! And if you DON'T LISTEN YOU'RE GROUNDED. Hahaha just kidding, :B if you don't listen that's okay, just know that at the end I said I love you, and I appreciate you :) That's what you should take away from all of this!

Okay - that's enough :P here it is! 

With more love than you can possibly imagine, 

Cat xxx



Kitty cat. You're such a treasure!


Sorry to hear that you’re still sick, Cat. Hope you get better soon!