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Hi :3 

How are youuu? Oh good good, me? Oh y'know.. I'm just a little stoked because I did the thing and now tier 2+ members have access to my discord server!! (lmao should I start talking to myself in all of my text posts? I think so.)

ANYWAYS. Everyone is able to come in and talk in the general chat for now and then tier 1+ friends can also go in the public voice channels and will have access to the live recording channel when I am .. recording live .. lol, makes sense :p 

Someone suggested I make up some rules and wow that literally never crossed my mind (thank you Owl!! hehe) so.. so far all I've got is this: be nice okay >:c don't make me bust out the claws fo real. And like, y'know, we're all a little pervy but don't be crazy about it ;p 

I play gamessss sometimes tooo so when I'm just hanging out and playing games maybe I'll get into streaming them if anyone ever was interested in that! (Omg new rule, don't judge me for being not great at most games lmao)

That's really all I have to say about that for right meow :p It's still new to me so I'm sure as time goes on, it'll get more fleshed out. But for real, say hi sometime, chat, hang out, it's super effing cool to be able to be real people together :) 


OH PS -- I said a few days ago that I'd send a link out but I LIED. It seems I don't have to send a link because Patreon has a bot that'll invite you automatically if you link your Patreon and Discord accounts (which you do through your Patreon account!) This way the bot will manage your roles if and when you change your subscription status etc. :))) 



Is there a link for it I've missed?


Cat said she'd have a link for us "soon". That was 3 days ago, so your (and my) definitions of "soon" may be different than hers. :D