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hihihi :) 

I wanted to touch base with you guys and get your thoughts on some things. 

My biggest update right meow is that Patreon has had me pull anything and everything off my Reddit/GWA/Soundgasm that links to this profile (makes recruiting new patrons a bit difficult lol!) and I won’t be allowed to link anything from /u/mycatwithclaws account on Reddit to here at all moving forward.

Due to the nature of my content on Reddit/GWA, they don’t want any ties to it on this platform. As such, I’ve been considering switching to a different platform that will allow me both to post the kind of content you know and love from me, and allow me to advertise for it on my Reddit account. 

Basically I’m considering a few things and I need to know what you guys think in order to make an educated decision about what to do moving forward:

Do I stay on Patreon exclusively, where I couldn’t do any more overtly Mommycat stuff, they have me in a vice here guys ☹️. In this case, I’d still create content that’s as similar as possible to what I do now, but… you know… it would be a lot of subtext in the audios. I would also create a new Reddit account for my posts that aren’t mommycat related/similar, so that I could still advertise somewhere for this Patreon. (New account names… /u/mycatdeclawed maybe, /u/mycatheartbroken… hahaha I’m bein’ slightly dramatic…) 

Do I switch over completely to SubscribeStar? Which allows me to post erotic audio and fictional content with far fewer restrictions than here. So sameeee old Mommycat, same prices, same tier benefits EXCEPT I’m not allowed to post real life pictures / videos on their platform. I’d find a way to make up for that ;) 

Do I consider going solo!? Create a subreddit for myself, and then create a Google form subscription service where, if you’re interested in exclusive audios and content from me on a month by month basis, you fill out the form and send a payment through to my PayPal and I add you to a list to receive the content you paid for that month as well as private access to previously released exclusive content? (This needs more work to figure out exactly how that could be executed!) 

Your vote and your opinion means a lot to me, I refuse to just stop completely so now I have to find out the best way to proceed :) 

Just know: if and when I make any changes, I’ll be sure to communicate it with you! Nothing is set in stone yet, I’m just exploring my options for now :)

PLS VOTE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT YOU WOULD DO WITH ME (ex. If you wanna stay with meee and keep getting exclusive dirty naughty mommycat content, and you’d make the switch to subscribestar for that, vote the subscribestar option! If you prefer the security of Patreon and are okay with the subtler kinky content, vote the Patreon option, etc.!)

xxx Cat



Sorry Cat, I know this situation sucks. But I’m glad that you have some other options moving forward. We’ll support you regardless of the platform. ❤️


that means so much to me!! Thank you 🥰 I’ve been stressing a bit but then I remember that you guys are literally THE best and we’re gonna sort it out together ;) ❤️ tyyyy gilder!!!


Definitely voted for SubscribeStar, I honestly prefer it over Patreon for content like this because it allows for so much more creative freedom in its user’s content(with the caveat of IRL content), And to my knowledge they’ve also got tools patreon doesn’t have on the creator’s end, so it may allow for an easier switch. Sorry if im rambling off stuff thats already known, but I did want to give something constructive because quite frankly i dont want mommycat to go 🥲 You’ve got support on whichever you pick though, do whats best for you Cat!


Omg not rambling at all!! I appreciate this :D I haven’t used their platform before but I’ve heard a lot of good things so that is reassuring too!! I’m in the process of setting up a page (just in case - though it’s looking like we may be going that way!) and I’ll have to have a look at those tools for sure!! Thank you Moon!! ❤️


I'm not super familiar with the different platforms, but is there a reason OF wouldn't work to allow both?


OF has the same terms / guidelines as Patreon when it comes to “family role play” if you will heh, as well as non-con stuff! So you know, my specialities :p


Ah gotcha bummer


I know eh! My chance to casually slip into just making porn for you guys has disappeared.. for now ;) hahahaha


I'm not sure about the feasibility of it, but patreon let's you set discord roles. You could perhaps lock discord channels to those roles and then post the content there?

C. Chez

I put that I’d prefer subscribleStar simply because that sounds easier on my end (maybe yours too?), but I would totally try things out if you wanted to go SOLO too.