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Hiiii :3

I just wanted to let you guys knowww that I just got back yesterday from my trip and I’m back at work tomorrow howeverrrr I plan to release my first Patreon exclusive audio for the month on MONDAY! The 11th :) I’m sorry it’s coming later than normal this month but I do appreciate your patience very much. I’m going to make it the Tier 3 exclusive so everyone here will get access to it and I thinkkk you’re gonna like it.

It’s a lil kinky so I’m stoked to get it out to you!

I’m also going to record and release my first “Edge with Me” audio for Tier 2+ where we will watch porn together and edge ourselves, in the next week! As well as the Tier 1 Patreon exclusive within the week (at least that’s the plan! Hehe)

So just know it’s been a quiet first week or so due to my trip BUT I’m back and I’ll be posting much more frequently once I get my first couple days of work out of the wayyyy! :)))

Thanks again :3

Cat xxx



Very excited for what you have planned for us!!


Can't wait to see what you got in store for us. But please don't rush yourself Cat, we are here to support you. 💙


Can't wait 😍